The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 276 Yan Liangwen Chou's Lore

Chapter 276 Yan Liangwen Chou's Lore
In Yuan Shao's mansion, in the conference hall, his hearty laughter came.

The servants are also happy, how long has it been since the lord smiled?It's like never smiling.

If the master is happy, the life of the servants will be easier, and the servants will be happy too.

"Deheng, you are doing very well, that's great!"

Yuan Shao praised repeatedly.

If Qin Ye were to switch with him, he would definitely say, Ma Jun, you are a movie king, 'Varejao', playing in your true colors.

Although Ma Jun was praised, he always felt an urge to withdraw, and said, "My lord, that's fine, I won't go tomorrow."

Yuan Shao had an expression on how he could miss you, "Why not go? You are the one who needs to go most, and if you go, it will attract Qin Mengjie's attention."

He said earnestly: "You don't know, Qin Mengjie is very treacherous and difficult to catch."

How do I feel that General Qin is very sincere?And it seems, my lord, what you are doing is treacherous.Ma Jun cried.

By the second day.

Zaoyi came to Ma Jun with a carriage.

Get out of town.

On the carriage, Mrs. Zhao and her son were all happy.

"Husband, why don't you like it?"

Happy yarn!

Ma Jun finally met someone who admired him in this life, but he even wanted to cheat him, he was about to cry.

Seeing Ma Jun sad, Zaozhi sighed and admired Ma Jun very much.

After half an hour, we finally came to the meeting place, which is outside the Yuci forest entrance.

Qin Ye took Zhao Yun and a few others. They had been waiting for a long time. Seeing the carriage coming, Qin Ye hurriedly dismounted to meet him.

In the carriage, Ma Jun felt even more ashamed when he saw Qin Ye get off the horse to greet him.

After he got off the carriage, he cried, fell down in front of Qin Ye, and cried, "Ma Jun is guilty..." He almost told the truth.

Qin Ye was moved in his heart, it was really not easy to dig such a loyal corner.

At this moment, Ma Jun, who played the role in his true colors, has already reached the level of actor.

Although Qin Ye's Supreme Dharma Eye is powerful, it is not invincible. For example, people's hearts cannot be seen.Perhaps it should be unpredictable.

"Deheng get up quickly." Qin Ye helped Ma Jun up, and said to comfort him.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes.

A group of cavalry rushed out from Yuci Forest.

Leading the two fierce generals, the flags shine behind them, writing Wen Chou on the one hand and Yan Liang on the other.

In fact, Wen Chou and Yan Liang had secretly hidden in the woods as early as last night.

When he saw Qin Ye coming, he didn't know when to do it.

However, seeing that Qin Ye had dismounted and went to help Ma Jun, this must be the best time, so they led a thousand cavalry and killed them immediately.

No matter how powerful Qin Mengjie was, he would be crushed to pieces under the assault of a thousand cavalrymen.

However, Wen Chou and Yan Liang did not intend to crush Qin Ye with their iron hooves.

With their skills, they knew that a group of people surrounded them, which gave Qin Ye a chance to use force.

Therefore, bow and arrow shooting has become the preferred solution.

This is just like the later generations, killing the enemy in hand-to-hand combat is definitely not as good as mass shooting.

"Hahaha... Qin Mengjie, you didn't expect us to wait for a long time!" Wen Chou laughed loudly.

Qin Ye has always been the person Wen Chou wants to defeat the most.

"Let the arrow!" Yan Liang said calmly.

The thousand cavalry covered the sky and covered the earth, with the buzzing sound of bows being opened, and the arrows were like locusts.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou looked over proudly, no one could hide from such a dense rain of arrows.

On Qin Ye's side, everyone was shocked.

Of course, there is only one person who knows the whole story, and that person is Ma Jun.

Qin Ye never expected that he came to Taiyuan in such a secret, without causing any disturbance, and was still noticed by Yuan Shao.When did Yuan Shao's intelligence power become so powerful?

Moreover, it seems that Yuan Shao is very calm, and he didn't attack immediately, but here.At this last moment, a deadly encirclement was laid.

The arrow that covered the sky and the sun had risen to the highest point, and the sunlight was covered, like a cloud of dark clouds, covering the heads of everyone.

Qin Ye naturally knew that arrows were about to rain down.

"My lord!" Zhao Yun saw the range of those arrows and knew that Qin Ye was at the core.This was a volley shot by the enemy to kill Qin Ye. He was shocked and galloped towards him.

Qin Ye was a little panicked at first, after all, a thousand arrows were approaching, and an ordinary person would be so frightened that he would be dumbfounded.

Ma Jun was so frightened that he lost the consciousness of reaction.The same goes for Zaozhi and the others on the carriage.

Only Zhao Yundianwei and the two accompanying guards reacted and rushed towards Qin Ye, but judging from the distance, it was too late.

However, Qin Ye's Supreme Dharma Eyes flashed repeatedly, and in an instant, he entered the Supreme State.Everything around is relatively slow.And the cluster of arrows and the information about the flaws kept becoming Qin Ye's memory.

In a blink of an eye, there was already a set of evasive routes.

Qin Ye grabbed Ma Jun with both hands, and with a twist of his body, he threw Ma Jun out.

Ma Jun, who was flying in mid-air, saw that Qin Ye had been enveloped by arrows.The arrows continued one after another, as if there was a spray nozzle above Qin Ye's head.

"I'm sorry for him..." Ma Jun regretted and closed his eyes.Even when he fell to the ground with a bang, he didn't feel any pain, only heartache.

"My lord!" Zhao Yun and the others were terrified and desperate.

The dense rain of arrows fell on Qin Ye's body for two seconds.For a moment, the ground with a radius of several feet was filled with arrows.

Qin Ye's body was full of arrows and he fell to the ground.


Desperation, make up for Zhao Yundianwei's eyeballs.

The lord is dead....

They feel that the whole person has exploded, and their hearts are full of lovelessness.

Wen Chou and Yan Liang were stunned, although they wanted to kill Qin Ye wholeheartedly, but at this moment, they were also terrified.

"Qin Ye is dead, hahaha, Qin Ye is dead!"

There were shouts one after another.

The excitement of Yuan Jun's up and down, and the momentum that suddenly soared tens of millions of times, can no longer be expressed in words.

This comes from an invincible myth that fell under their arrows.

Who is Qin Ye?

He is the God of War, an invincible existence on the battlefield.The eighteen princes, the tyrant Dong Zhuo, and the god general Lu Bu were all so vulnerable in front of him.

But what now?
Didn't he fall under my arrow?
The myth fell.

Just for a moment, Yuan Jun, even the most ordinary soldier, also felt that he was the most tyrannical warrior in the world. The spirit of the dragon-slaying warrior reverberated in their passionate hearts, and he broke out of his body. .

At this moment, they are all gods with huge bodies, looking down on the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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