Chapter 277 Stepping Foot
Dian Wei became impatient, and rode his horse towards a thousand enemy riders.

Zhao Yun grabbed him back, but fortunately Dian Wei was riding a horse, if he was on the ground, he might not be able to catch him.

The horse ran away, but Dian Wei stayed behind.

"My lord is not dead!" Zhao Yun roared, venting.

Dian Wei, who was about to yell at him, was dumbfounded.

Qin Ye stood up, even though his body was full of arrows, he stood up.

He was afraid for a while, if it wasn't for the Supreme Dharma Eye, he would really have died.He has moved as much as possible, but he can't dodge all the arrows approaching him.Therefore, he had no choice but to take the next best thing, and took the initiative to take twenty or thirty arrows.

However, although these arrows hit.But most of them were inserted into the gaps in the inner armor. Although some arrows hit the body, they were still traumatic to the skin.

Therefore, although Qin Ye became a hedgehog and was stained with blood, he did not suffer any serious injuries.

All of a sudden, Yuan Jun's indomitable warriors collapsed.The body shrank crazily thousands of times, becoming a little bit smaller.

The momentum also plummeted, more tyrannical than a roller coaster.

The eyeballs of Yan Liang and Wen Chou popped out of their sockets.

What? ? ?
This nima is not dead!

Didn't this shoot him?
Even if he is invincible, he can't be so invincible, right?
Still not human?
Is it God?

A thousand cavalrymen grabbed their hair fiercely, and Yan Liang and Wen Chou were about to be whipped away. After scratching their hair, they scratched their faces, so they barely managed to escape in severe pain.

Many cavalrymen couldn't accept this reality and fell off their horses.

Ma Jun was shocked, what the hell!None of this is dead!
My lord, what is your background?
If they knew that Qin Ye was a cross-traveler and had a golden finger gift package, they would probably be even crazier.

"My lord!" Dian Wei was overjoyed and ran over.

At this time, the carriage carrying Zaozhi and Ma Jun's wife and children started. It turned out that the horse pulling the carriage had been shot by several arrows, and the horse was frightened.

In fact, if the rain of arrows hadn't been concentrated on Qin Ye, there would be no survivors within a radius of several tens of feet.

"Control the carriage, let's meet up in the mountains!" After Qin Ye finished speaking, he rushed a few steps, came to Ma Jun, grabbed him and left.

Ma Jun, as a researcher with no power to restrain a chicken, has experienced such a baptism of war there, and now, he is still in a state of unclear consciousness.

Subconsciously followed Qin Ye.

At this moment, Qin Ye whistled, and the red rabbit horse not far away rushed to the woods ahead.

And Qin Ye's footsteps also entered the forest.

"My lord is fine!" Zhao Yun heaved a sigh of relief, called Dian Wei, and turned to chase the carriage that had run away.

In fact, at this time, Yan Liangwen Chou had already brought the cavalry to kill, and it was too late for Zhao Yun and Qin Ye to meet up.

After Yan Liang and Wen Chou reacted, they were astonished and furious at the same time.

Even shooting like that didn't kill Qin Ye.

If it is spread, how will they lead their troops and face the lord in the future?

Therefore, at this moment Yan Liang and Wen Chou only have Qin Ye in their eyes.


"Keep shooting me!"

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were roaring.

A thousand Yuan Jun cavalry was also furious, what a joke, but they have 1000 people, and they couldn't shoot a single person to death.They opened their bows and released arrows one after another.

But at this moment, Qin Ye is already in a moving state, and it is impossible for a large-scale arrow to come at the same time, so the supreme magic eye flashes, but it is more calm to dodge.

Sure enough, he is the king of the national uniform, with precise positioning, and it is easy to be chased by a group of shooters.

Under the protection of Qin Ye, Ma Jun was also spared.

Qin Ye's position is simply at the level of a king's textbook.

If someone from the future sees it suddenly, they will definitely say, you shooters are all actor-level, have you arranged the shooting path in advance?

What about his live broadcast?

Only if it is arranged in advance, I am afraid that such a precise position will be possible.

But only Yuan Jun knew clearly that it was not arranged in advance at all.

After three salvos in a row but failed to leave Qin Ye behind, Yuan Jun went crazy from top to bottom.

Is he still human?
How did he escape?

You guys are just joking, aren't you?Some soldiers couldn't help but scolded their companions.

Are you the one who made the joke.The companions also scolded back.

It can be seen that Yuan Jun couldn't believe it.

You are all actors, Wen Chou and Yan Liang already feel their faces are swollen when you are so open.

A famous general from Hebei, with a thousand cavalry, and only one opponent, how many rounds of cavalry and shooting.The number of arrows stuck in each square meter of the ground has exceeded [-], and it is impossible to shoot people to death.

Are you from a circus?
Are you sure you are not joking?

The two fierce generals over there, are you directors?

Is that the assistant director?

Although no one beat Yan Liang and Wen Chou, they were already swollen into steamed buns.

Every shot is a new round of face slaps.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou vomited blood from the beating.

My lord, please stop walking, just stop, even for a fraction of a second, and let us shoot you to death.

You don't have blood left, why are you running! ! !
Yan Liang and Wen Chou are going crazy.

In fact, the two of them were more shocked, the Invincible God of War was indeed not a fiction.Those almost crazy records can only be achieved by such a tyrannical person.

God, just look, let's shoot him, shall we?
And Qin Ye is very close to the woods at this moment.

He was somewhat relieved.

He looked back coldly, but he didn't expect Yuan Shao to notice his existence.It seems that these heroes all have means.

But at this moment, Ma Jun was still in a state of shock, and let him temporarily forget that it was Qin Ye who rescued him all along, so that he was able to survive the arrow rain.If Qin Ye hadn't pulled him, he would have been shot into a hornet's nest, which was much worse than being shot into a hedgehog.

Therefore, in Ma Jun's consciousness at the moment.Yan Liang and Wen Chou have been shooting at Qin Ye angrily, the arrows are like locusts, probably tens of thousands of arrows have been shot.

This number is terrifying, but what is even more terrifying is that the young man in front of him actually escaped.

Dodged once, dodged twice, maybe it was luck, but they all escaped.

Do you want to be so powerful, and let people live?
Therefore, when Qin Ye turned his head and looked coldly at the cavalry in the distance, Ma Jun made a decision.

He looked at Qin Ye's whole body and felt that he was definitely no match for this young man.I'm afraid this young man can crush him to death with just one finger.

So, what should we do to help Yan Liang and General Wen Chou kill him without anyone noticing?
A thought suddenly popped up.

Ma Jun thought of a way, that is to step on the feet.

As a stepping stone, Ma Jun didn't know that his method was a good one at the actor's level.But it doesn't hinder him, he can think of this way.

So, after a moment, Ma Jun stretched out his foot.

Pig ~ pig teammate!
When Qin Ye fell to the ground, there was only one thought in his mind.

Chance, absolute chance.

The faces of Yan Liang and Wen Chou were flushed at that moment, and they shouted at almost the same time, "Shoot the arrow, shoot, shoot him to death!"

Yuan Jun's soldiers were trembling with excitement, and they opened their bows and fired arrows one after another.

The arrows covering the sky and the sun enveloped Qin Ye.

Yuan Jun couldn't help shouting from top to bottom.

Now that he has fallen, let's see how he moves and hides.
Looking at the flying bow and arrow, Ma Jun breathed a sigh of relief, and finally completed the mission of the lord.He looked at the young man who fell to the ground, he must be dead now, right?
 The bell is ringing, a new year and a new atmosphere.Lao Yi is here to wish everyone a new year. I wish you all the best in the new year, family reunion, good luck and prosperity.

  Visiting relatives and friends in the first and second grades of junior high school, there is only one more, Khan.

(End of this chapter)

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