The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 278 Movie Emperor Level Pig Teammate

Chapter 278 Movie Emperor Level Pig Teammate

Looking at the impending arrow rain, Ma Jun suddenly realized that he was going to be killed together.

Suddenly, he understood more.All along, it was Qin Ye who was saving him.If Qin Ye abandoned him and left alone, then Qin Ye may have evacuated safely by now, and he has become a corpse full of arrows.

What else are you talking about?
What about completing tasks!
In fact, Ma Jun was not willing to complete such a sinister task at all, but the words "loyal to the Lord" encouraged him.He was so desperate to complete the task assigned by the lord, yet Yan Liangwen Chou treated him like this.

He was desperate.

"Pig! Pig teammates!"

As the crisis approached, Qin Ye uttered foul language for later generations.With the strength of his supreme Dharma Eye, it would be a piece of cake for future generations to get five kills.But if you are surrounded by such pig teammates, then wait for someone to fight back.

Fortunately, there were not four pig teammates, but only one, and it was still moving.

Qin Ye is really going to die of anger, you said that you, a pig teammate, don't even look at you when you walk, and you are stepping up for your own people?
You sure didn't come out of the Warriors.

But he also knew that Ma Jun was a scientist with no power to restrain himself.Scientists are gods in the laboratory, but on the battlefield, it must be a drag.I kept pulling him, and it was understandable that he panicked and blocked it with his unsteady feet.

For the sake of Ma Jun being a scientist, Qin Ye still couldn't give up on him.

And everyone underestimated him, Qin Ye.

The golden light emitted by the Supreme Dharma Eye circulated in his meridians, and the surging power allowed him to dodge far beyond ordinary people even when he was lying on the ground.

With a super gymnastics move, he hovered on the ground with his hands on the ground, and while kicking Ma Jun into the air, he also shot out himself.

On the way, he caught Ma Jun who was flying in the air, and speeded up again.

In the distance, Yuan Jun was shocked.

Such a dense rain of arrows, to shoot a fallen person, now it seems that the person will escape!

Suddenly came bursts of sneer.

Yan Liang sneered: "Qin Yeguo is not an ordinary person, but he is destined to be unable to escape the arrow rain this time."

Wen Chou nodded and said: "No matter how powerful he is, he is still human. This is already his limit. The arrow rain still has a radius of one foot, and he can't hide it no matter what."

The two looked at each other, unable to hide their arrogance.

Killing Qin Ye not only completed the task, but also gained fame.

They looked into the distance again, waiting for the moment when Qin Ye fell down.

He saw that Qin Ye suddenly raised Ma Jun's body and waved it a few times in the air, and the arrow that fell from the sky was pushed aside.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Ye disappeared into the woods.

Look at that last light step, obviously unhurt.


Yan Liang and Wen Chou each twisted their beards, looked at each other in disbelief, and petrified each other.


Run away again!

Impossible, this is definitely his hallucination, it will not frighten us!

This is certainly not an illusion.

And the thousand cavalry came with the feat of winning the first battle in the world, and they were ready to brag when they returned.Just wait for 1000 people to kill one, and then go back and pretend to be aggressive.

But now, let people run away.

How are you going to pretend this time?I'm afraid that when I go back, others will regard me as a fool.

A thousand horsemen cried.

My lord, please don't do this.Even if you run away with a limp, we can accept it.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou vomited blood, staining each other's robes.

The soldiers couldn't accept it, and they couldn't accept it even more.

How do you explain when you go back like this?

Will we still be able to meet people in the future?
on the other hand.

In the woods.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" Ma Jun looked at the arrow stuck in his body with a pale face, and muttered, he really didn't want to die, and he hadn't had time to put into practice what he had learned all his life.

What a pig teammate, but fortunately, in the laboratory, it should not be so pig.Qin Ye comforted: "Don't worry about Deheng, these are all skin trauma."

Under Ma Jun's horrified gaze, he saw Qin Ye pull out the arrows on his body one by one and throw them out.Although I still felt pain, it turned out that the arrow was only stuck in the clothes, and the part where the skin was cut was only a skin trauma.

Thanks to Qin Ye's tyrannical golden finger, he was able to be safe and sound.

Ma Jun cried.

Seeing him crying sadly, Qin Ye felt very sorry. If he hadn't invited him out of the mountain, he wouldn't have cried like this, so he immediately comforted him.


After half an hour.

Yuan Shao was walking up and down in his lobby, looking as if he was in a daze.

A group of civil and military personnel also looked anxiously waiting.


Amid the shouts, Yan Liang and Wen Chou ran in together.

Yuan Shao's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't wait any longer, so he suppressed his trembling voice with great difficulty, and asked, "How is it, is Qin Mengjie dead?"

"My lord, a thousand of our cavalry rushed out suddenly, opened their bows and released arrows, and the arrows rained down..." Yan Liang said in a deep voice.

Everyone's mood was immediately mobilized, and they stared at Yan Liang with wide eyes.

"Let him run away." Wen Chou knelt down after saying that.

Yuan Shao was not in a daze when he heard the words, he vomited blood at that time.

Nima, he took off his pants and brought him this news?

Tian Feng and the others all smoked, glaring at Yan Liang, since this is the result, why are you talking so much?
Yan Liang sighed and knelt down too.He actually wanted to express that they had tried their best.

At that time, Yuan Shao was furious and vomited blood continuously at several places in the case. You must know that he always thought that what he was waiting for was good news.After all, a thousand cavalry rushed out suddenly and surrounded the man. Just like what Yan Liang said, who can escape when arrows rain down like rain?

None of this can keep people, so what's the use of you guys?

Yuan Shao was about to die of anger, and roared: "Drag it on, chop it up, chop it all up!"

Tian Feng and the others were terrified. This is Yan Liang and Wen Chou. If they are all cut off, who will lead the troops to fight in the future?

It seemed that the lord was really angry.

"Lord, calm down." Tian Feng was the first to kneel.

Followed by others all knelt down.

Seeing this situation, the guards felt that it was better to look at the situation before deciding whether to act.

Yuan Shao was a hero of the last generation, although a mouthful of old blood was swirling in his mouth again, but he swallowed it back abruptly, "Say, what happened at that time?"

In fact, everyone was very puzzled. Everything was arranged, and there were undercover agents, but the task was not completed.So how can we complete the task?
When Yan Liangwenchou finished describing the situation at that time.

Everyone was stunned.

Is he still human?
Could this be the legendary invincibility?
"Qin Mengjie's bravery has come so far, but we did not expect it. It seems that this matter is not the fault of the two generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou." Ju Shou said.

Yuan Shao suddenly lost his mind. After all, he couldn't kill Yan Liang and Wen Chou to vent his anger. He could only digest it slowly by himself.It seems that after a year or so, it will be difficult to keep this tone.

"I'm in a mess, you all go, go, I want to be alone."

Wen Wu took a peek at each other, and felt that it was really better for the lord to be alone for a while.

At this time, Tian Feng came out and said: "Although Qin Mengjie could not be retained, his subordinates have a plan to exhaust his money and food. At that time, it was easy for the lord to raise troops to encircle and suppress his base area. To catch this person, but Report today's great hatred."

When Yuan Shao heard these words, he somewhat became more energetic, while the others also looked at Tian Feng.

Everyone is gone, what's the harm?
Still running out of people's money and food?
How to consume?
Adviser, are you talking in your sleep?
(End of this chapter)

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