The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 279 We Never Harm Anyone

Chapter 279 We Never Harm Anyone

A wild place.

Because the horse of Zaozhi and others bled to death from an arrow, Qin Ye and others had to postpone their return journey and spend the night here.

Since Ma Jun brought his female relatives with him, the place where he stayed overnight was not too close to Qin Ye and the others.

In the dead of night.

"Master Ma..."

A muffled sound came from behind.

Ma Jun was an undercover agent, and when he heard this, Mao exploded.

So he pretended to go for convenience, came to a hidden place, and met the spies sent by Yuan Shao.

This spy is Yuan Shao's No. [-] spy, only a code name, no name.

After showing his ID card, he said, "My lord ordered you to continue to follow Qin Ye back to the base area. Then use the canal repair to consume Qin Ye's manpower and material resources. Do you understand? I don't need to explain any more Bar?"

Ma Jun nodded his head like a zombie.

The secret agent frowned, but he was No. [-] secret agent, the top intelligence officer under Yuan Shao.He saw that Ma Jun's heart had been shaken.Can't help laughing at the people under the lord, who know how to employ people, but don't talk about comforting them.

He used the spy training method to indoctrinate and brainwash Ma Jun.

"Qin Mengjie looks benevolent, but he is actually very hypocritical. Many things have proved this. As long as you observe carefully, you will not be difficult to find..."

Ma Jun nodded mechanically.

Is he really hypocritical?
Does not look like.

After Ma Jun came back, he looked at Qin Ye in the distance and was dubious.

The next night, Qin Ye and the others finally returned to Bobu through the Flying Fox Trail.

Ma Jun, a great sage, has finally been invited back. This is something to be happy about.

So Qin Ye invited Ma Jun to a banquet.

But Ma Jun who came to Qinye's mansion was full of shock.

Qin Ye's mansion is actually a fenced courtyard.

Several thatched cottages matched the core area of ​​the base.

This was unimaginable before Ma Jun came.

He also heard that Qin Ye had amassed the wealth of the Northland, and it can be said that he was already as rich as an enemy. He did not expect to live in this kind of place.

It can be seen that the mats are covered with broken straw mats, and the tables are made of ordinary wood with faded color.

You know, whoever has Qin Ye's status is not brocade nanmu, precious utensils.

"Deheng, please do it quickly, my place is simple, I'm afraid I'm neglecting you." Qin Ye greeted.

"No, no, no... Minggong's frugality is incomparable to others." Ma Jun said.

After a while, the food and wine came up.

Delicacies from mountains and seas, delicacies, filled the table in front of Ma Jun.Ma Jun frowned, remembering what Agent No. [-] said.Suddenly he sneered in his heart, it seemed that this young man was indeed a hypocrite.Living in such a shabby place, but eating such good food, isn't it hypocrisy?
At this time, another personal guard came up to deliver the food.

When Ma Jun saw it, he was stunned, why did the radish and pickles, and the Wowotou also come up.Looking at what these people have in their hands, the best plate is just an egg.

He couldn't help but wonder, did you soldiers send it to the wrong place? This is obviously a meal for servants.

After a while, Ma Jun was shocked.These dishes were actually placed on Qin Ye's table.

Nima!You people don't want to die, it's fine if you send it by mistake, and you dare to put it on your lord's table.When your lord got angry, your heads fell to the ground.

He has seen Qin Ye's tyranny, so he will definitely kill whoever he says.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ye was not angry, and raised his wine cup, "Mr. Ma, I offer you a toast. If you can come to the base area, the people in our base area will be blessed. Do it first and respect."

Ma Jun finally realized that the dishes were delivered correctly, they were just for Qin Ye.

He almost smoked it at that time.

My lord, do you just eat these simple meals?

how can that be!

He is so hypocritical.

Ma Jun felt that this must be Qin Ye's deliberate pretense, to show his frugality and integrity, and to win people's hearts.

Ma Jun sneered, this person was used to delicious food, and suddenly served these dishes.Did he ever think about whether he could eat these dishes when he was pretending?

Don't be like a certain emperor in the previous dynasty, who pretended to be too hungry and sprayed out, it would be embarrassing.

So Ma Jun remained calm, raised his glass and drank it, and watched how Qin Ye ate these old pickles.He, Ma Jun, knows exactly what these old pickles taste like.It's hard for me to eat it myself, let alone this master.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ye moved his chopsticks and ate deliciously.These dishes are much better than those made at home by his later generations.Especially the pure green and pollution-free, it is really that kind of fresh taste, it is hard for people to let go.

quack quack.

This pickled radish is really nothing to say.

Ma Jun was shocked, he didn't expect Qin Ye to be able to eat it, it looked delicious and sweet.Look at the gruel with rough noodles, it's just a bowl of Hulu Hulu.He couldn't help but think of Yuan Shao's three or five big banquets, as well as the laughter when eating lobster.

"Why doesn't Deheng eat it?" Seeing Ma Jun holding up his chopsticks in a daze, Qin Ye sighed, and said, "The base area is still a bit difficult, and these dishes have been collected as much as possible. It still doesn't look like Mr.'s taste, Mr. likes it." What to eat, tell me, I will let them prepare."

At this time, Dian Wei couldn't help being angry, "We managed to catch these from the mountains. They were originally intended to nourish the Lord's body, but now they are all eaten by you. You still don't want to eat them, you are so mad at me." !"

Bang, Ma Jun's chopsticks fell to the ground.


When Ma Jun returned to his home in the base area, he saw that everything in the house had been arranged by Qin Ye.

Looking at the place where he lives, it is much better than Qin Ye's, and his heart is even more complicated.

And the wife was really happy.

On the second day, Ma Jun devoted himself to work.

Begin to inspect the main rivers in the base area, namely the Hutuo River, Tang River, and Sanggan River.

The Taihang Mountains stretch for thousands of miles, with hundreds of mountains interconnected, thousands of peaks towering, and thousands of ravines deep.Many rivers in Shanxi cut through the Taihang Mountains.These three rivers are the main ones, and there are countless other small rivers originating in the high mountains.

a few days later.

After Ma Jun inspected all the geological structures, he was finally able to go home once.

He saw that a beautiful lady came to welcome him with her servants.

He was terrified, did he go to the wrong door?
Suddenly, he discovered that this noble lady was his filthy wife.

"How did you become like this!" Although Ma Jun asked like this, he was very excited.Only then did he realize that his wife was so beautiful.

Mrs. Zhao is very happy now, "This is all given to my husband by the lord." She blushed and said, "I misunderstood my husband before. It turns out that what my husband studied is really useful. I really can't believe my husband's future." of."

"This..." Ma Jun couldn't believe it when he looked at his wife who had a peach blossom face.

In the evening, Mrs. Zhao even took the initiative to find Ma Jun, which made Ma Jun even more excited than the wedding night.Seeing the former tigress become a young daughter-in-law, she couldn't help saying proudly: "Now that you know your husband's ability, it is by no means comparable to others?"

Mrs. Zhao drew circles on Ma Jun's chest.

Ma Jun suddenly said: "Ma'am, how do you harm people?"

Mrs. Zhao was taken aback, "Harming others? What do you think about this, we never harm others."

Ma Jun said: "I also just had a temporary idea, don't you know some methods?"

Mrs. Zhao immediately became angry, "How can you look down on me like this. Although our family is poor, I will never miss a stitch. But listen to other people, those people will miss a few stitches, and the clothes will be unstitched by then." , and need to pay for repairs.”

Ma Jun suddenly realized.

 Thanks to brothers such as Nalan Yu, Decisive Battle, Shuyou 418, Zhang Zhenhua 12 and others for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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