The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 280 I Can Play With You

Chapter 280 I Can Play With You

this day.

The majestic Ma Jun came to Qinye's thatched cottage refreshed and in good spirits. Facing the crowd full of civil and military officials, he talked eloquently, "Because of the drought, the flow of water has decreased. I am afraid that a canal has been built, and drainage will be very difficult."

This is easy to understand. There are fewer mainstreams and fewer diversions.Plus infiltration, spillage and more.

Everyone's heart sank.

Then Ma Jun smiled and said: "But it's okay, we can build a reservoir, raise the water level, and increase the drainage intensity."


Even Xun You, Zhuge Liang and the others are all ignorant and don't understand.

The young Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan anxiously, feeling very anxious that he didn't understand these things.Here comes another pretender, so you can pretend to be whatever you want, as long as you can irrigate the land, you can pretend to be whatever you want.And, when the time comes, I will learn it all for you.

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi had almost emptied Zaozhi, and they felt that the next one to be emptied would be the uncle in front of them.

When the time comes to win Yulan, all you pretentious uncles stand aside for me.

Qin Ye said: "If the reservoir is to be built, the amount of work will be huge, and it may be difficult to complete. Also, how do you plan to solve the problem of water seepage?"

Ma Jun couldn't help being proud when he saw that Xun You and the others looked like bullheads and bullfights.But after hearing Qin Ye's words, he was taken aback.

The problem of water seepage shows that Qin Ye is different from Xun You and others, and they seem to have a certain understanding of water conservancy construction.

Xun You and the others were also surprised. They didn't expect the lord to know hydraulic construction.

Just like a doctor in a men's hospital met a urologist.

But in Ma Jun's view, although Qin Ye asked the key point, it seems that he doesn't understand it very well. If he understands everything, then there is no need to invite himself.So he regained his confidence, "If we want to build a large reservoir here, there is no such condition. My lord does not have the manpower and material resources. However, we can use the naturally formed ravines to build a small dammed reservoir."

"And superfine, screened clays are great water repellents and can be used to plug gaps."

Xun You and the others are still nagging.

But Qin Ye understood that what Ma Jun meant was to use the natural terrain to build a small reservoir similar to a barrier lake.Although the shape of the reservoir will be weird, it will be very convenient to block the gaps around it, saving manpower, material resources and time.

And ultra-fine clay is indeed a good waterproofing agent, and the anti-seepage core walls of later dams are all made of clay.

Although Qin Ye and the others didn't know clay, since Ma Jun was so confident, he couldn't be wrong.

Everyone immediately looked at Ma Jun with admiration.

Seeing Ma Jun's pride, Qin Ye got up and saluted, "Then please, sir, build the reservoir as soon as possible. I will definitely cooperate with you."

This is pretending to be with Daxian. When Daxian is comfortable, he will be motivated to work.

Ma Jun was even more proud, and said to Qin Ye: "The project is huge, and I'm afraid there will be an additional [-] civilian workers."

Qin Ye immediately gave An Xin a big pill, "Don't worry, sir. The construction of the canal is a century-old project. There are millions of soldiers and civilians in my base area. Men dig ditches and repair ditches, women wash and cook, and dolls deliver letters and chop firewood."

When Ma Jun heard this, his expression was quite moved.He recalled what he had seen and heard in the base area in the past few days, and he had never seen such a united place, let alone the princes who governed the world by such means.

Qin Ye was born in New China and grew up under the red flag, so he has the color of later generations.Invisibly, his cohesion is not comparable to that of people more than 1000 years ago.This was cultivated in later generations, and people in this era can't learn it even if they want to.

Naturally born leaders, that's what they are.

"Where do you plan to start, sir?" asked the young Sima Yi.

Ma Jun looked proud, and with a wave of his hand, there were three people below, holding up a huge ten-meter-long scroll side by side.

After unfolding, the entire ground is covered.

On it, Gougouhuahua is a line of channels, although there are too many.But there is no messy feeling at all, but it gives people a natural smoothness.

Qin Ye was overjoyed. Although he could see everything with his supreme eyes, he couldn't organize it in detail.

Professionals are professionals and cannot be replaced.

Ma Jun later became a lecturer, but he only explained for a long time, and everyone only had a half-knowledge.

Qin Ye officially appointed Ma Jun to take full charge of repairing the canal.All departments in the base area, and anyone, must give priority to Ma Jun's dispatch.


Ma Jun began to preside over the construction of the Taihang Canal, thinking of Yuan Shao's order to consume Qin Ye's money and food.But thinking of Qin Ye's life-saving grace, he often softens his heart. He is an honest researcher, and killing him is really harder than suicide.

Therefore, I don't know where to start, so I feel that I should practice first, and take one step at a time.

Millions of people in the base area were mobilized.

Ma Jun also worked day and night. In a short period of time, he designed three small reservoirs.He kept running around in the base area, and instructed the local area to use small rivers and streams in the mountains to build small channels and irrigate the farmland first.

This will delay the degree of land drought and buy time for the construction of the reservoir.

However, difficulties were encountered in the excavation of the small canal.

This is because some places are full of rocks and channels cannot be dug.

But this can stump everyone, but not Ma Jun.Ma Jun took out the drawings of the keel waterwheel that he had studied for more than ten years.

The keel waterwheel is the most advanced equipment in this era, with a water bucket belt, which can be spliced ​​and turned to deform.Therefore, in some places where ditches cannot be dug, keel waterwheels can be used to cross these places and become a transfer station for the next channel.

With the keel waterwheel, it saves manpower to carry water.

Therefore, before the reservoir is completed and the main channel is dug through.These small water flows can basically guarantee the water supply of the base area.

And, on the main channel in the future, the effect of this water wheel will be even greater.

"The keel waterwheel, this is the power of machinery, which reflects the power of machinery, but the world often doesn't understand it, and is unwilling to understand it."

Looking at the surprised Qin Ye and others, Ma Jun said proudly.

This is the legendary keel waterwheel.

After Zhuge Liang and the others saw it, they were amazed by the waterwheel.If it weren't for Ma Jun, they wouldn't be able to get this kind of equipment.

Qin Ye was overjoyed, and immediately ordered Pu's blacksmith workshop to build a waterwheel with all its strength.Allocate to each village as soon as possible, and each village cannot be idle before the arrival of the water truck, and can dig channels in advance.After the waterwheel arrives, the water can be driven into the channel to irrigate the fields.

Therefore, the manpower saved can be invested in the construction of the reservoir.

When the reservoir is built, more manpower and material resources can be saved in farming, so that they can be used in other places to form productivity.


A month later, the reservoir was completed.

Being able to cultivate so quickly comes from three points.The first is a small reservoir, so the construction period must be much shorter than those huge reservoirs.

Secondly, it is a reservoir like a barrier lake, which mainly uses the topography.

In the end, the millions of soldiers and civilians in the base area worked hard, and their efforts will definitely be rewarded.

this day.

Qin Ye led the civil and military personnel to inspect the completed reservoir.

After inspecting two of them in succession, Supreme Master Qin Ye flashed his eyes, and there were no major flaws, so he was very satisfied.

Came to the last Tanghe Reservoir.

The sparkling water reflects the shocking colors of Xun You and others.

Xun You and the others followed the inspection and were shocked.In their view, building a reservoir on a mountain is simply a miracle, a miracle.

They don't understand these things.

Even if Ma Jun explained how to cultivate, Xun You and the others would not understand.

Sure enough, a scientist.

Ma Jun looked proudly, this is his lifelong ideal, said: "This reservoir is still too small. My ideal is to build huge reservoirs on the Yellow River and Yangtze River to irrigate the world's fertile fields."

Xun You and the others looked at each other, although they took it as their duty to govern the world, but at this moment in front of Ma Jun, they had to submit.

The young Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi looked at each other, this pretense was really amazing.

Although Qin Ye didn't understand, he had supreme insight.He has checked the first two reservoirs, and there are no major flaws.But this last reservoir also needs to be seen.

His supreme Dharma eyes flashed, and he immediately saw three flaws.Suddenly, my heart sank. These three flaws are simply fatal flaws. As long as the capacity of the reservoir is slightly larger, it will be in danger of collapse.

Moreover, Qin Ye found that Xun You and the others had unnatural expressions in front of Ma Jun.

If you think about it, you will know the reason. Xun You and the others are all great sages who govern the world, but now they have to obey such an unknown person as Ma Jun.

And it seems that Ma Jun has also shown his scientific and technological strength, suppressing Xun You and the others invisibly.

To put it simply, Ma Jun was acting invisible, but Xun You and the others were quite upset.What's more uncomfortable is that I have to endure it.

In fact, Ma Jun also intends to show his tricks in front of Qin Ye, that is, pretending to be aggressive.

But Qin Ye didn't care, he didn't care.He is a traveler, and he knows that pretending to be aggressive is a unique skill of a capable person.Whether it is intentional or unintentional, a capable person will always exude confidence and arrogance wherever he goes, and that is pretending.

In fact, great sages all pretend, such as Zhuge Liang of later generations, he is also quite capable of pretending.

As the protagonist, if he wants to win the world, he needs to understand the characteristics of the great sages, and cooperate with the great sages to pretend to be coercive at critical times.

Only a good lord who can cooperate with his subordinates to pretend to be a good lord can succeed.

Since Liu Bei can act aggressively with others, Qin Ye can also act aggressively with others.

Therefore, even though he had already seen the three big flaws, he remained calm and said instead: "Sir, I have great ambitions to save all the people in the world. I'm not as good as that."

"This Tanghe reservoir was the first to be built, and it is the first reservoir in the world. The name of the Lord must be recorded in the annals of history." Ma Jun looked satisfied, and looked at Qin Ye with his beard.

Everyone became more and more angry at Ma Jun's pretentiousness, and even Zhao Yun, who was always kind, was dissatisfied.

We are all colleagues, is it worth acting like this?

In addition, it's fine for him to pretend in front of us, what kind of pretend is he with the lord?Without the lord, you are still eating pickles at Yuan Shao's place.

That's why everyone is in a state of disapproval, and it's still recorded in the annals of history. You are the one who is recorded in the annals of history, right?
However, everyone does not know that Ma Jun is actually an undercover agent.Therefore, the mentality is different, and I especially want to take a wave.

Qin Ye didn't know that Ma Jun was an undercover agent, but he didn't care about Ma Jun's arrogance. With Ma Jun's ability, Qin Ye was willing to accompany him to pretend to be aggressive.In fact, as long as he is doing good things for the common people, Qin Ye can play with him.

(End of this chapter)

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