Chapter 283 I am a spy
Although everyone was in the heavy rain, it was not difficult at all.The rain washed on the body, but there is a comfortable feeling.I am afraid that only this icy heavy rain can soothe the previously anxious mood.

Ma Jun stood up and regained some composure at this moment, "Master Sima, if you can tell me who saw the flaw, I can thank you in person."

Sima Yi looked over and said, "My lord saw the flaw, and sent me to fill it up for you."

It was the lord who saw it!
It was the lord who saw it! ! !
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, couldn't help but look happy, it turned out that the lord saw it, it was really great.

Ma Jun recalled that during the daytime, Qin Ye still praised himself, and asked doubtfully, "Since the lord saw it, why didn't he say it before?"

Yes, why don't you say it?

Everyone is also puzzled.

Sima Yi said coldly: "My lord didn't say anything to save your face."

Ma Jun's heart skipped a beat. It seemed that Sima Yi's explanation had greatly shaken him.

"My lord, why did you do this?" Ma Jun asked in shock.

Yes, why did my lord do this?
Everyone stretched their necks.

Sima Yi uttered Qin Ye's words, praising Ma Jun as a rare talent who still needs to be guided and taught to help him become a master in the end.

The civilian husband who followed Ma Jun here looked at each other with admiration in his eyes.

Naturally, this was not addressed to Ma Jun.

Sima Yi said to the peasants again, "My lord is wholeheartedly for the people and wants to let the people in the base area live a good life. Therefore, even if this Mr. Ma is proud, he can tolerate it." He said to Ma Jun again: "I am not afraid of offending you. , Many people say that you are proud, but the lord even speaks for you."

The folks worshiped even more.

It turned out to be so!
Ma Jun is about to understand more than others, which is a great psychological blow to him.He did not deny that Sima Yi said that he was proud, but he was not actually in the Qin Ye camp, so it was inevitable that he would be proud here.Unexpectedly, Qin Ye let him speak for him.

Sima Yi looked over and asked you to pretend, if the lord hadn't helped you, you would be a sinner now, do you know that?
How could Ma Jun fail to see the meaning in his eyes,
He knelt in the rain at that time, leaving tears of shame.

You must know that the project he was proud of almost made a big mistake through the ages, but it was Qin Ye who saved him with his own efforts.He was also afraid that it would hurt his face if he said it, so he did it secretly.If he hadn't come here, I'm afraid he wouldn't know about it in his life, and he would still be proud of it.

Seeing Ma Jun crying, Sima Yi softened his tone, "After today's heavy rain, Mr.'s reservoir can stand between heaven and earth. It is the first real reservoir in history, and it will be recorded in history. This reservoir is really for the people, just like that Zheng Guoqu is also fundamentally different, and has been famous for thousands of years."

In fact, Sima Yi didn't need to say these words at all, he did it on purpose.He just wanted to wake up Ma Jun, if it weren't for the lord, you Ma Jun would be infamous for thousands of years, are you still proud?
Ma Jun cried, "If it wasn't for the lord, I, Ma Jun, would have made a big mistake. The lord covered it up for me, and gave me this merit and glory. I am willing to remain unknown."

Such a wise master....

Ma Jun roared in the heavy rain, which was extremely dissatisfied with his behavior, "I, Ma Jun, am ashamed of my lord. My lord has allowed me to live a happy life, my career is successful, my family is happy, and my son has a future. I cover up, I'm arrogant, and I'm still with me."

Ma Jun wiped the rain and sweat off his face. He had already made a new decision, "I'm really not human. I have one thing that I must tell the lord. Peaceful."

Acknowledging mistakes can improve a lot. Sima Yi had already changed his view of Ma Jun, but Sima Yi couldn't understand the last sentence.The lord has covered up such a big matter for you, so what else can you do for the lord to kill you?
The uncle who built the reservoir, are you confused?
"Master Sima, please tie me up and go to see the lord." Ma Jun said.


Sima Yi was dumbfounded.

So, Sima Yi didn't care about that much anymore, he just tied it up, just to vent his breath, so he found a rope, and Ma Jun was tied up with a chirp.

Since the Tanghe Reservoir is located at Baibu's place, Sima Yi brought Ma Jun to Qinye's thatched cottage half an hour later.

And this time.

In Qin Ye's thatched cottage, Tai Shici, Hua Xiong, Gao Shun, Xun You, Zhuge Liang and others were all here.And Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, and Xu Huang are the generals guarding the pass, and they are usually at Sanxing Pass.

Zhuge Liang and the others didn't know why they were summoned late at night.

Qin Ye said: "After this heavy rain, if there is nothing wrong with the reservoir, it will be safe and peaceful."

Everyone will know what it means.

At this time, Sima Yi and Ma Jun arrived.

Ma Jun was wearing a coir raincoat and knelt down right then.

Sima Yi followed behind and saluted.

Xun You greeted and said: "Master Ma, after such a heavy rain, the reservoir is as solid as gold. Mr. Ma Jun's merits have benefited the people."

Ma Jun was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately burst into tears. It seemed that Qin Ye was really covering up for him.Such a lord, how can he miss it.Even if people in the world call him a traitor, he must truly submit to the lord.

Now that he recalled the words of Agent No. [-], it was clearly to confuse him.

Sima Yi stretched out his hand and helped Ma Jun remove the coir raincoat.

Only then did everyone realize that Ma Jun was kidnapped by Wuhuada, and their hearts skipped a beat.

Ma Jun cried: "My lord, I have something very important to tell my lord."


Xun You was the first to draw it.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. It seemed that they were kidnapped to plead guilty. Could it be that something happened to the reservoir!

Qin Ye was also terrified. Could it be that the loophole was too big to be repaired, something happened.

His face changed greatly.

Sima Yi observed his words and expressions, and hurriedly said, "My lord, don't worry, the reservoir has been repaired, and it's as solid as gold."

Only then did Qin Ye heave a sigh of relief, and looked at Ma Jun. It seemed that Ma Jun should have come to repent after knowing the loophole. "Deheng, no one is perfect, even a sage dare not say that he does not make mistakes. As long as he is more careful and serious in the future. Come here, let Deheng loose the rope."

After hearing that the repair was completed, everyone finally understood.

However, Ma Jun refused to let anyone untie him, "My lord, what I'm talking about is not this matter, but something else."

Anything else?
what's up?

It must have something to do with the reservoir. After all, Ma Jun didn't do anything other than the reservoir, so it can't be said that anything will happen.

Qin Ye's complexion finally changed, could it be that he also misread it?There are also times when the Supreme Dharma Eye makes mistakes?
"Quickly, what's the matter?" Qin Ye asked anxiously.

Ma Jun cried and shouted: "Lord, I'm sorry, I'm a spy."


Everyone was shocked.

On the contrary, Qin Ye breathed a sigh of relief, "It turns out that Deheng found out the spy. It's not a big deal. If you say who the spy is, I'll send someone to arrest him right away."

Nima, my lord, you heard me wrong.

He said he was a spy, not that he had discovered a spy.

Ma Jun is a spy!
How much has he messed up?How much did you sell?Everyone quickly thought of many terrible things, and they passed away.

(End of this chapter)

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