The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 284 Secret Agent No. 2

Chapter 284 Secret Agent No. [-]
"My lord, I am a spy. The others are not spies. Yuan Shao sent me to harm the lord." Ma Jun cried.


You are a spy!

Qin Ye smoked at that time.Damn, he turned out to be a spy!

It was the first time in Qin Ye's life that he was able to do so. You must know that he has the supreme vision, and he was able to do so, which shows the shocking power of this matter.

Everyone vomited blood, he is a spy!

Even Xun You, who has always been known for his calmness, vomited blood again and again.This thing is really incredible, too unexpected.

You know, Ma Jun is a great sage who Qin Ye has worked so hard to dig out.

Kacha, turned into a spy.

Who the hell? Even the subordinates couldn't stand this kind of divine twist.

Except for those who didn't hear clearly, Dian Wei was the only one who didn't smoke.

What the hell...

This bastard turned out to be a spy!
"Catch me!"

Dian Wei rushed forward with his personal guards, and suddenly realized that there was no need to arrest Ma Jun, in fact, Ma Jun had been tied all along.

Qin Ye looked at Ma Jun, trembling all over.The actor, he is an actor.

Unexpectedly, there was still a spy hidden in his confidant, who was still at the level of a movie king, and he vomited blood at that time.

But when he changed his mind, Qin Ye was stunned again.May I ask this actor, you are already at the actor level, why did you sell yourself?

Can this actor please give a reasonable explanation?Sorry I really don't understand.

"You should finish harming me in a very chic way, and before you leave, you can pretend to be aggressive and leave calmly."

Qin Ye was also anxious, so he just said so.

Ma Jun's face was flushed with embarrassment at that time, if there was a seam in the ground, he promised to plunge into it immediately.

Everyone vomited blood, it turned out that this great sage is actually a spy!
But when everyone thought about it, no, is there a spy like you?What else did you say to harm the lord?

Excuse me, this spy, now that this is the case, why do you still call the lord the lord?

Does he use words like this, is there any other inside story?
As for Qin Ye's group of civil and military personnel, they were not ordinary people, and soon realized that there was something wrong with them.

"I didn't expect you to be a spy." Qin Ye sighed.Speaking of it, his pair of supreme Dharma eyes can see through everything in the world, but they just can't see through people's hearts.

He came from a 'materialist' background, and the actor in front of him seemed to be a master of 'idealism'.

Ma Jun didn't wait for Qin Ye to ask him again, and said to himself: "I didn't expect that after I Ma Jun did many things, the lord still treats me so kindly." After Ma Jun confessed Qin Ye's kindness to him, he felt full of regret Crying, "I'm really not human, from now on, the lord is my lord."

"I will never be fooled by Yuan Shao's people again!" Ma Jun's eyes were red, and he looked very angry.

Everyone was shocked again.

Qin Ye felt much more comfortable in his heart, it doesn't matter if he is a spy, as long as he sincerely repents, he is still a good comrade.

Zhuge Liang suddenly shook his feather fan and said in surprise: "This Mr. Ma, according to what you said. Then, when Yuan Shao's army suddenly came out to kill the lord when we were in Bingzhou, you were the one who tipped off the news?"

Everyone pricked up their ears, and felt that Zhuge Liang was still careful.

Ma Jun kowtowed and cried, "Actually, I was the one who padded the lord's foot when he fell. The lord fell, and he still wanted to save me. Thinking about it now, I was really obsessed with ghosts at that time, and I was really not human."

Everyone smoked.

Nima, you can cheat on your own father, but please don't cheat on the lord like this.

Qin Ye felt better just now, and now his hair exploded again, and he also cried. This person is worthy of being the film king.

Looking back now, I thought he was a pig teammate at the time, but now it seems that he is an actor, and he is still at the level of a movie king.

What is Kaihei most afraid of? He is most afraid of meeting actors.

But fortunately, the actor turned his back on the dark at the crucial penta-kill moment.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Ma Jun played the role in his true colors, and he has the level of an actor.It seems that you still have to follow your heart in doing things, and if you do things too complicated, you will be farther and farther away from success.

"Okay, get up."

With Qin Ye's words, he made a final conclusion on this matter.

After everyone tactfully, they felt much better and could accept this ending.

It can also be seen that it was Qin Ye's respectful corporal who treated Ma Jun sincerely and finally moved Ma Jun.

They remembered that before, they were all dissatisfied with Ma Jun. If they were like that, Ma Jun, the film king, would definitely kill them.

Therefore, they all looked at Qin Ye with admiration.

Sima Yi said from the side: "Mr. Ma Jun, you can't really have stumbled, for example, there is an extra workload, which is a waste of the Lord's money, food and human resources."

Ma Jun was stunned for a moment, and said in shame: "I haven't had time yet, I really don't know where to start."

Everyone laughed, it was actually a kind smile. It seemed that this film king was really not a bad person, and he didn't know how to do bad things.

Xun You commented: "Contemporary Zheng Guo also."

So, in the middle of the night, Qin Ye also ordered a banquet, and everyone watched the rain and gathered together.

By the second day.

As soon as Ma Jun got up and left the house, he saw a man in black in the yard, standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky.

"Who are you?"

"I am the lord's secret agent." The man in black is Yuan Shao's No. [-] secret agent.

Ma Jun was startled, "Are you Agent No. [-]?"

The man in black visibly shook his face, "I will definitely become Agent No. [-] in the future."

Ma Jun heard that Yuan Shao's No. [-] agent was very good, and he was relieved to hear that it was not No. [-] agent.

But he is at a loss now, after all, he is just a scientist with no power to restrain the chicken, "This..., isn't it..., what's the matter, Mr. Spy?"

Agent No. [-] said: "My lord asked me to ask you, how is the water conservancy project in Qinye going?"

Such a question is naturally not asking for good things, but asking whether Ma Jun has started to harm Qin Ye.

Both sides know it well.

Ma Jun's heart skipped a beat, he knew very well that these spies killed people without batting an eyelid, and if they didn't answer well, he would be young when he died, and his wife and children would be old if they died.

"Husband, who is outside?"

Mrs. Zhao in the room asked.

"It's a colleague, my lord sent me to ask about something. Don't come out yet." Ma Jun said hastily.

The spy was satisfied with Ma Jun's reaction.

Ma Jun's heart moved, and he said: "My lord, beware that the wall has ears, I'll go and have a look." He pointed to the door.

The secret agent looked proud. In fact, he had already checked it, and he had no eyes and ears, but he still nodded.

Ma Jun opened the street door, stretched out his head to look left and right, then turned around and said, "No one."

The secret agent was very optimistic about Ma Jun's carefulness, and nodded again.

Ma Jun suddenly pointed to the empty outside, "Hey, someone is here, or an acquaintance. My lord, wait a moment, this person is calling me, I want to go over and say a few words, and send him away."

It was inevitable that someone would come over suddenly, and the spy nodded again.Then I felt that Ma Jun's on-the-spot reaction had the potential to be a spy.

So, Ma Jun greeted the outside with a smile, went out, and closed the street door behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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