The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 286 Aspiring Student

Chapter 286 Aspiring Student
Agent No. [-] gritted his teeth.

After all, he has been trained to report to the lord no matter what happens.

"My lord, Ma Jun has rebelled." No. [-] spy said.

Tian Feng and the others were taken aback.

Yuan Shao was also taken aback, and looked at the spy very dissatisfied.It seems that the cultural lessons of the secret agent will be strengthened.

May I ask this spy, how do you describe the facts?You are using the wrong word.

Ma Jun went to Qinye's place as an undercover agent. Whatever he did there, even if it was beneficial to Qinye, could not be described as rebellion.

After all, an undercover agent needs to do something to gain the trust of the enemy.

"What happened later?" Yuan Shao asked.

Tian Feng and the others also regained their composure and composure, and also felt something from Yuan Shao's words.

Apparently, the spy used the wrong word.

The secret agent was confused, and the lord asked me what happened next?

Does this need to be asked?
Need to ask?
My lord, are you a fool?
But the No. [-] agent was immediately in awe, and it seemed that the lord was really calm and calm.Hearing the news of Ma Jun's rebellion, there was no emotion at all.

As expected of my lord.

Agent No. [-] was deeply in awe, and was very ashamed of his mentality.It seems that after going back, the training of mental endurance will be strengthened.Look at the lord, who has never experienced any training, and has such a bearing and demeanor.

Could this be the legendary born king?
Agent No. [-] was even more in awe, and he became much calmer, saying: "Later, I fell into Ma Jun's tricks. At that time, I didn't know that he had rebelled. I got caught in the internet cafe."

Agent No. [-] said it very calmly. Originally, he was very ashamed of this matter.But he was attracted by Yuan Shao's bearing, so he didn't care about these anymore.


Yuan Shao finally understood, and he vomited blood.

Tian Feng and the others also smoked.


May I ask this secret agent, you have been caught, so embarrassing, how can you still describe it so calmly, as if the person who was arrested belonged to someone else.

Do you want to show some face?

Do you really want no face at all?
The spy was dumbfounded again.

Is this awkward?
Why did the lord suddenly lose his composure and calmness?
Why are your eyes red, are you going crazy?
Yuan Shao pointed at the spy, opened and closed his mouth, but he didn't make any sound.It's not just that the eyes are red, the face is purple, and it's because of not being able to breathe.

You must know that he praised Ma Jun in public just now, and said that there is no one more loyal than Ma Jun, and he should be reused.

Click, betrayed.

Nima, am I joking?

Became the biggest laughing stock.

Therefore, although no one said anything, Yuan Shao's face was already swollen virtually.

"You..., I...!" Yuan Shao stood up abruptly, pointing at the spy.He suddenly found that he had nothing against the spy.The secret agent said at the beginning that Ma Jun had rebelled, and he was the one who dragged it in other directions.

Yuan Shao drew it again.

Tian Feng and the others all passed.

Only then did I know that it wasn't the secret agent who used the wrong word.It was because I trusted Ma Jun too much, that's why I misunderstood the lack of quality.

It turned out to be a traitor, it was terrible.What method did Qin Ye use to make such a loyal subordinate rebel?

The servant girl touched her chest and followed her back again, and then rescued Yuan Shao.

Supporting Yuan Shao with a mouthful of anger, he said angrily, "It must be an extremely despicable method!"

"Yes, it must be a despicable method!" Everyone echoed like this.

Moreover, in their view, this is the only possibility that can explain why Ma Jun rebelled.How else can I explain it? That's the only way I can explain it.

Agent No. [-] found that the protagonist was not calm and calm, but became moody. He really couldn't stand this kind of twist.He became more careful and took out Ma Jun's letter, "My lord, here is a letter from Ma Jun. He let me back just to let me deliver the letter."

The secret agent also explained why he was able to come back.

"Read!" Yuan Shao waved angrily.

The secret agent didn't dare to delay, and indicated that the seal had never been opened, so he opened it and read it out.

The general meaning of the letter, to put it simply, is that Yuan Shao has no virtue, deceives people's hearts, and doesn't care about the life and death of the people.And Qin Ye is sincere for the people.Ma Jun finally saw through Yuan Shao's true colors, and felt deeply ashamed of being loyal to a thief before.

But it's better now, and finally turned to light.

After Yuan Shao heard the angry rebuke to him, he made a few strange noises, and then directly pulled over.

Tian Feng and the others yanked their hair.

Originally thought that Ma Jun was beaten into a trick and was forced.Now it seems that people are completely voluntary.

This letter has beaten Yuan Shao to pieces.

Nima, it's too cruel, and he didn't give any retreat.

However, how can they not know that they really don't value Ma Jun.

Ma Jun stepped on his feet, and he did his best.

I thought that Qin Ye could be plotted against, but I didn't expect to be beaten, lost his wife and lost his army, and his face was swollen from the beating.

Yuan Shao cried.I feel that everything written in history books is deceitful, and all loyalty is fiction.


at the same time.

A student who has been traveling for many years came to an office in Taiyuan City.

This is the place under Yuan Shao's command to receive talented people.

When the student came to the office, he saw many aspiring young people of similar ages standing in the yard, as if they were waiting for something.

Looks like a queue?

So, the student greeted them politely and stood at the end.

"My dear brother, you don't need to wait here, you can go in and report directly. We all wait here after we have completed the report." Someone said.

"We have been waiting for several days. It is said that the longest one has been waiting for almost a year." Someone grumbled.

No wonder complaining, waiting for a year with no results, who doesn't complain?

The student entered the room.

I saw an old man in the hall, dressed in very gorgeous clothes, and the utensils used were even more exquisite.

According to the young people outside, this old man has a lot of history. He is a big man in the Wang family in Taiyuan, and his name is Wang Sheng.

The Wang family is the largest wealthy family in Bingzhou. There are North Zhonglang General Wang Rou and Anton General Wang Ze.

The old man looked at the student who came in, and found that he didn't know him, so his expression became indifferent, "Who is the name, and where is the place of origin?"

"Student Xu Shu, the characters are straight."

The old man felt that the names and letters were very good, "Is it from the Xu family in Wu County?"

Xu Shu was taken aback, "No, the student belongs to the Xu family of Changshe."

"Changsha has the Xu family?" the old man said dumbly.

Xu Shu was suddenly angry.

The old man knows countless people, how can he not see Xu Shu's dissatisfaction, and he is just a poor family.It's ridiculous to think that after learning some calligraphy, you will be able to make a fortune.So he wrote a few hastily, threw out a note, and said coldly, "Just wait."

(End of this chapter)

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