Chapter 287

Xu Shu has been studying abroad for many years, seeing the chaos in the world, he is determined to contribute.He felt that the Yuan family, the fourth generation and the third father, had worked for the world for a hundred years, so he came here especially to Yuan Shao.

But he didn't expect to be treated with such indifference.

When he thought of the young people waiting outside, he knew what happened to him, and he was not alone.

It seems that some of the negative comments about Yuan Shao are true and not groundless.

Xu Shu looked at the past coldly, did not go to get the note at all, turned and left the lobby.

Wang Sheng stroked his gray beard, "It's just an ignorant child." He didn't care about it, and continued to study the Book of Rites.

Xu Shu returned to the courtyard.

The young people in the yard looked over and looked at it. They should have known the result a long time ago.

Everyone was bound by fate, and several of them went to greet Xu Shu who came out.

"My virtuous brother, don't be discouraged. There will always be a chance when you wait."

Suddenly there was crying.

Looking over, it was the student who had been waiting the longest.

Someone excitedly said: "Brother, don't cry, Duke Yuan is the leader of the gentry clan after the fourth generation and third Duke. He must be busy with affairs, so he can't take care of arranging us for a while."

Most people look at the past and see the appearance of an idiot.

Xu Shu came here full of enthusiasm, hoping to contribute his strength, but it turned out like this, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

In fact, most people are in such a situation, waiting here for a long time.

At this time, a middle-aged man came outside.

The clothes are gorgeous and the bearing is extraordinary.

Everyone watched him enter the lobby.

After a while, a loud voice came from the lobby, "This is Xun Chen from the Xun family in Yingchuan."

The students outside were taken aback.

This Xun Chen is also a famous person, and his family background is extraordinary.The Yingchuan Xun family is a veteran gentry family, and their influence is still higher than that of the Taiyuan Wang family.

This is someone from a big family coming to join Yuan Shao, so the treatment must be different.

"Wait and go."

After a while, a familiar and indifferent voice came from the lobby.

Everyone outside was dumbfounded.

What's the situation, they are poor people, it doesn't matter and they have no background, so it's understandable not to welcome them.He is a well-known family, how can he be treated as a treat?
Xun Chen came out angrily, "Every family in Bingzhou is really short-sighted." He looked at Xu Shu and the others, "Yuan Benchu ​​also seems to be an incompetent person, so let's go elsewhere."

Everyone watched Xun Chen leave, expressing their incomprehension.

Xu Shu was thoughtful and even more disappointed.

At this time, another son came in, and three or five servants were walking on both sides with their waists bent.

Sweeping a glance at Xu Shu and the others arrogantly, he swaggered into the lobby.

"Zhao En, who lives in the Zhao family in Xiayanmen, met my uncle."

A joyful voice soon came from inside, "My nephew has grown up so much, it should be the age to serve the country. Go to the post station and wait, someone will receive you, and soon you will be arranged to go to the county on official business."

Brother Young Master walked out happily, looked down upon Xu Shu and the others, and left calmly.

Everyone understood.


Why didn't some famous people like Xun Chen get arranged? It turned out that these people in Bingzhou controlled the government affairs and acted cronyically.Only people from the Bingzhou clan will be arranged, and no other people will be arranged.

Many people cried.

People with reputation and background like Xun Chen would not arrange it. They would not wait here for a year, maybe even 100 years, and there would be no results.

It seems that these people have no chance at all.

"Let's go, go to other places!" Someone said.

"It's the same in other places. We are not celebrities, so we don't get opportunities at all."

Before, maybe they had more or less hope, but at this moment, they felt that life was hopeless.Full of enthusiasm, no one to return to, really disheartened.

Xu Shu was the first to leave here, there was indeed no need to stay.

At this time, a person came in from outside, and he didn't see who it was at all.Xu Shu found that there was something extra in his arms, and when he looked down, it was a wax-lacquered bamboo tube.

Xu Shu immediately saw that this was a device used by the government to transmit news, and it must contain important documents. He said coldly to the departing man, "This person, you gave it to the wrong person, I'm not the person who works here."

"This is General Zhengdong's proclamation, please take a look." The person who came didn't know what to do, and left immediately.

This person is actually Qin Jun's spy.

Qin Ye also started to set up an intelligence organization and sent personnel to various places in order to deliver the world's intelligence as soon as possible.

After all, some things are spread by word of mouth, which is too slow.Moreover, some confidential information is difficult for the common people to know.

Everyone heard the words left by the spy before leaving.

The call to action of General Zhengdong!
Everyone was a little excited, who is General Zhengdong?Qin Ye and Qin Mengjie, the military god of the new generation of the Han Dynasty, and the founder of the Taihang Mountain base area, must have had something important happen.

However, people were very puzzled by Qin Ye's entry into the mountains.In their view, Qin Ye should fight Gongsun Zan and Han Fu in Jizhou.

At the request of everyone, Xu Shu couldn't wait to open the call to action.For a moment, he became Avalokitesvara with thousands of heads, and many heads watched behind him.

This call to action is a call to action for Qin Ye to recruit talents.

Since Hadano's aqueduct project came to an end, the problem of drought has been resolved.

At this time, Xun You mentioned the reserve of talents.

Sooner or later, Qin Ye will walk out of the mountains, and his talent pool is very important.The talents here are mainly middle and grassroots talents.

Although this was proposed by Xun You, Xun You also felt very difficult.He had invited many people to the base area, but they all disliked the mountainous areas and refused to come.He couldn't think of a way, so he proposed it to see if everyone had a way.

Everyone has a look of embarrassment on their faces. After all, they are in the mountains, so it is difficult to attract talents.

But Qinye has a different opinion. He proposed to appeal to the world, inviting patriotic people, patriotic students, and patriotic youths from all over the world to come to the base area.

Qin Ye pointed out that we can announce our philosophy of governing the world to the world.I believe that people of insight will make their choices.

Based on his experience in later generations and some current knowledge, Qin Ye wrote a [-]-character essay eloquently.

Xun You and the others were very excited when they saw it, "This can already be used as the program for my lord to govern the world."

Thus, Qin Ye's call to action spread throughout the world.

Xu Shu and the others now see hope.

They were very surprised, thinking that the future described in the call for action could not be true.The situation in the base area described is also impossible to be that good.

This comes from the dark age that lasted half a century, making them unable to believe that there is still such a clear place in the world.

Some people said that you can take a look at what the Yuan family, the most influential leader in the world, looks like under their rule.

Other places can only be worse, not better.

Xu Shu looked at the questioning crowd, gave the call to action to one of them, laughed and left.

"Look, I'm all laughing, I'm sure the description is fake, it's just to deceive us." Someone said.

"God's will is unpredictable, and the world is like a chess game. The world is divided into black and white, and they fight for honor and disgrace. The honorable ones will be at ease, and the humiliated will be mediocre."

Xu Shu's voice came from afar.

The patriotic young people present, after a moment's shock, understood the meaning of the poem, and they all shuddered.

So who, who are you, don't use dirty words when swearing.

"Okay, then let's go to the base area to have a look. If the description doesn't match then, we must humiliate this person."

"Then who, don't go, let's go together!"

Everyone chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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