The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 292 Cao Cao wants to share the pie

Chapter 292 Cao Cao wants to share the pie

Yuan Shao was very concerned about the encirclement and suppression of Qin Ye.

For so many years, except for the crusade against Dong Zhuo, this matter is the most concerned.

After Qin Ye was wiped out, Yuan Shao had both face and liking, and was able to avenge his hatred.

He had already thought about it, when the time came, he would slap Qin Ye hard in the face no matter what he said, and after the swelling, he would ask him if he was still pretending to be aggressive.

Thinking of such a scene, Yuan Shao felt an urge to burst out, couldn't sit still, and couldn't wait to send troops.

Therefore, Yuan Shao decisively sent Jushou immediately to Han Fu's place.

At the same time, a judge was sent to Gongsun Zan.

In fact, the combination of these two people is only temporary, and sooner or later, Yuan Shao will have to deal with these people.

Jushou and trial match set off immediately.

on the way.

Ju Shou came to discuss with the judge, he felt that he should not rush to find Gongsun Zan, but dealt with Han Fu first, and when the time came, he would follow Han Fu's emissary to find Gongsun Zan.

The judge thought about it carefully, and felt that Ju Shou still had a trick.

You must know that the hatred between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan is not unilateral.

And the hatred is too great.

Although there is a possibility of a joint interest, it may not be appropriate to go directly.And Han Fu can be a middleman.

So, the two went to Han Fu's place first.

Moreover, the two did not go to Han Fu first.Instead, he found Han Fu's confidant Xin Ping.

Xin Ping received Jushou and the trial match. After he learned about this, he pondered.

Eliminating Qinye and obtaining super crops will do no harm to our side.

So, he went to Han Fu for advice.

However, Han Fu never thought too much about things, and it was the same this time, so he was very hesitant at first.

However, under Xin Ping's persuasion, Han Fu still agreed to the matter.After Qin Ye was wiped out, Han Fu had both face and liking, and was able to avenge his hatred.

So ever.

Driven by Xin Ping, everyone went to find Gongsun Zan together.

Gongsun Zan has his own ideas, and with Qin Ye's high-yield crops, he must develop faster than others.

He was not sure of breaking through the base area by himself, so he agreed to the alliance.

Moreover, Gongsun Zan is confident that he will be the first to break through Puyinxing. At that time, he will not distribute Qin Ye's super crops to anyone.

Thus, Yuan Shao, Han Fu, and Gongsun Zan joined forces to encircle and suppress the Qinye base area.

Representatives of the three parties gathered in Han Fu's city of Ye.

Yuan Shao was represented by Ju Shou, Han Fu was represented by Xin Ping, and Gongsun Zan was represented by Guan Jing.

"We attack at the same time. With our strength, Qin Ye can only be besieged and defend passively. Although Qin Ye has extremely high military command ability, he is only one person, and it is absolutely impossible to appear on three lines of defense at the same time. If he One of them is the key point, then the other two parties must attack with all their strength." Ju Shou said.

Everyone felt that what he said made sense.

In fact, deep down in their hearts, they were very unwilling to face Qin Ye in the attack.

But as Ju Shou said, Qin Ye is only one person and cannot be divided into three.As long as they are coordinated, Qin Ye can be restrained to the greatest extent.

"Our actions must be fast. After all, Qin Ye has ushered in a big harvest. If he expands his army again, it will be very bad for us."

Therefore, everyone agreed on a detailed time and assigned the direction of attack.

Yuan Shao will mobilize heavy troops to attack Feihu Trail from the direction of Bingzhou Datong.

Han Fu will attack Jingxing from the direction of Zhao Guo.

Gongsun Zan attacked Puyinxing from the north of Changshan County.

With the mobilization of soldiers and horses from the three parties, everyone in the world will know about it.

Cao Cao's spies crossed the Yellow River immediately and reported the news to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao was very surprised when he got the news, and he immediately consulted with Guo Jia, Cheng Yu, Xun Yu, Liu Ye and others.

For super crops, they are highly coveted.

So Cao Cao took the initiative to send Xun Yu to contact Yuan Shao, planning to send troops to help.

"Send troops to help?" Yuan Shao looked at Xun Yu who was coming, and sneered again and again.You two uncles and nephews really have a trick, one is assisting Qin Ye, the other is assisting Cao Cao, both are treacherous.

Obviously, Cao Cao came here under the banner of friendship, and he wanted to get a share of what was there to send troops to help.

For Yuan Shao, it can be distributed to Han Fu and Gongsun Zan, but it will definitely not be distributed to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao's threat is only under Qin Ye.

Therefore, Xun Yu soon brought back news for Cao Cao, "Yuan Benchu ​​did not agree."

Cao Cao's face became gloomy, and he said to the crowd, "What should I do?"

All civil and military officials can see that the lord really wants to get super crops.In fact, in this world, who wouldn't want to have it?

Guo Jia stood up and said, "Send troops on white horses."

Xiahoudun and the others were a little dizzy. You must know that Yuan Shao is in Bingzhou, and the white horse is at the mouth of the Yellow River in the south of Liyang, Han Fuwei County. It is thousands of miles away from Yuan Shao.
Xiahou Dun and the others thought that Guo Jia was talking nonsense. Could it be that they misread the place names on the map?
Unexpectedly, Cao Cao's eyes were bright, and he jumped up at the table, saying: "That's right, send troops on white horses!"

My lord, why are you fooling around with Guo Jia?

What's the use of sending troops to the white horse? You can't even see a hair of Yuan Jun.

Xiahou Dun and the others drew over.


May 194, [-] AD.

This day was the agreed time for dispatching troops, and Han Fu had mobilized [-] troops as much as possible.

He came to the front of the army in person, ready to cheer up, and let Xin Ping take him to the expedition.

"Report..." The horses on the side came from the dust, got off the saddle and worshiped.

"What's the matter?" Han Fuju said condescendingly.

Tan Ma anxiously said: "Cao's army is gathering in Baima. The scale has exceeded 1, and there are still troops arriving continuously."

This large-scale massing of troops in front of the border of our own side must be reported as soon as possible.

Han Fu suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

In his opinion, Cao Cao is Qin Ye's second, and he can't afford to offend the master now.

Gathering at his border at this time must be planning to take advantage of the lack of troops in Yecheng to attack him.

Therefore, he could not send out soldiers and horses, but hastily sent envoys to tell Yuan Shao.

Bingzhou, Datong.

Yuan Shao has gathered [-] troops here, just waiting for the unified time to advance.

Unexpectedly, before the time came, Han Fu's envoy arrived.

"What is your master?"

In the big tent, Yuan Shao received the envoy.

"My lord is unable to send troops." The messenger said bluntly.

Yuan Shao became anxious, everyone agreed, why did your family not send troops at the critical moment?Could it be that Han Fu still wants to be divided, and doesn't look at his own strength.

"Wouldn't it be ridiculous for your master to break the promise so much?" Yuan Shao said coldly.

The messenger said: "My lord has a reason."

Yuan Shao sneered even more.


You must know that the princes of the Northland are Yuan Shao, Han Fu, Qin Ye, and Gongsun Zan, and now they are three against one.

What is the reason for Han Fu?
(End of this chapter)

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