Chapter 293

"Cao Cao sent troops on white horses to threaten our rear," Han Fu's emissary said.

After Yuan Shao circled the news in his mind for a few times, he vomited blood, "Cao Mengde, a bitch, has learned how to stab a knife in the back. Why has this man turned bad?"

Tian Feng and the others acted as if they hadn't heard the words of the rabbit, and looked at each other in blank dismay. It seemed that the lord and Cao Cao had a very close personal relationship.After all, under normal circumstances, one would not scold a rabbit.

Obviously, even without a think tank to analyze, Yuan Shao can also know that Cao Cao is deliberately trying to hinder him.

The reason why Cao Cao came to hold back was because Yuan Shao didn't plan to enjoy the gluttonous feast with him.

Yuan Shao knew Cao Cao very well, and he was convinced that if Han Fu continued to send troops, Cao Cao would definitely take the opportunity to take Yecheng.

He had no choice but to tell Han Fu that Cao Cao didn't come to beat him, but came to beat Qin Ye together.

After Han Fu received the reply, he said at the time that I was confused.

But with Yuan Shao's explanation, it seems that everything is not a problem.

In this way, Cao Cao joined the queue to encircle and suppress the base area.


The center of the Taihang base.


In the thatched cottage, the whole room was filled with Qin Jun Wenwu.The laughter and laughter in the past are gone, and they all look extraordinarily heavy and depressed.

This is because there are four groups of soldiers and horses outside, claiming to be 50 troops, on their way to encircle and suppress the base area.

For a time, the world was also shaken.

Celebrities published monthly comments one after another, agreeing that Qin Ye is about to withdraw from the stage of fighting for world hegemony.

"Report~, Yuan Jun [-] entered my Flying Fox Path."

"Report~, Gongsun Zan's [-] troops are coming to Puyinxing."

"Report, Han Fu and Cao Cao's coalition forces have 8 to [-] people, and they have already arrived outside Jingxing."

Almost at the same time, the messengers from Sanxing arrived here.

It can be seen that the military operations of the four enemy forces must have been discussed and maintained a high degree of consistency.Such an advance would limit Qin Ye's power to the greatest extent.Qin Ye had to divide his troops to fight against the enemy at the same time, leaving no room for him to be tactful.

These four soldiers and horses, known as 50, encircled and suppressed the base area.

Qin Ye, who got the news, didn't speak for a long time.

Xun You and the others are very anxious.

After all, Qin Ye only had more than 3 soldiers and horses, but he had to face the encirclement and suppression of nearly 20 troops.

In fact, Qin Ye had received the news a long time ago, so he called everyone to discuss the strategy of retreating the enemy.

But at the same time, facing so many enemies at the three passes, his strength in each place will not exceed 1.

Later, Qin Ye got another piece of news.

The Black Mountain Army in Taihang Mountain is also ready to move.

Everyone's hearts really sank to the bottom.If there were still some counterattack forces before, at this moment, the Black Mountain Army needs to be considered, and some available strategies cannot be used.

It looks like this is a five-way attack.If the Black Mountain Army joins in, the size of the enemy army will reach 30, which is ten times that of the Qin Army.

With such a disparity in strength, if the Qin army took the initiative to attack, it would face encirclement and suppression.If you don't take the initiative to attack, you will be blocked at home and beaten.

Obviously, the emergence of this situation must have been intentionally arranged by the enemy.After all, if there was a time difference, Qin Ye would have the strength to fight back if he faced one of the roads alone, even if there were two roads.But facing five roads at the same time, there is no way.

"Zilong, Wenyuan, Gongming, you three must strictly guard the Sanxing Pass."

Qin Ye saw Zhao Yun, Zhang Liao, and Xu Huang off in person.

At this moment, for Qin Jun, it has reached the critical point of life and death.Any defeat in any place will lead to a complete collapse.

"My lord, there are people in the pass."

The three said bravely.

"The pass must be there, it is the life of millions of people in my base area." Qin Ye said solemnly.

"It's my duty, it's my duty!" The three bowed down.

With the enemy's soldiers approaching the city.

The entire base began to turmoil.

The people are very disturbed. It is rumored that the size of the enemy army is as large as the population of the base area.

Although Qin Ye proposed to fight against encirclement and suppression.

But in terms of strategy, it cannot be deployed for a while.

But just shouting the slogan of defense will be very passive in the future defense.

The enemy can attack the pass without any scruples, but in any battle, they just blindly defend, only to fail, without any hope of victory.

Qin Ye began to inspect his base area.

Seeing the calm appearance of the lord, the common people felt a lot more at ease.

"With the lord around, even if there are 50 enemies, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"With just a flip of the hand, the enemy will be wiped out in ashes."

The people in the base area have almost fanatical confidence in Qin Ye.

But in fact, Qin Ye didn't have any confidence at all, and his eyebrows were already on fire.At this moment, when he recalled the history, he felt that Cao Cao during the Battle of Guandu should be in the same mood as himself.

While Cao Cao still has a way out, Qin Ye has no way out.

Unless a miracle occurs.

But pinning your hope on a miracle is no different from sending you to death?

But he knew he couldn't panic, it would be contagious like the plague.

On this day, Qin Ye came to Feihu Xing Pass for inspection. In fact, he had already visited Jingxing and Puyinxing.

Zhang Liao came to welcome him.

Walking into the pass barracks, a heavy breath came over us.

The eyes of the soldiers looked at Qin Ye, and there was a determination to die in their expressions.The base area is their homeland, even if they die here, they will never take a step back.

Qin Ye was very relieved, but even more heartbroken.

In this moment of life and death, soldiers have performed their duties well and are willing to give their lives for future battles.But as the protagonist, there is no feasible strategy to lead them to victory.

Xun You and the others feel even more heavy-hearted. As the master's think tanks, there is nothing they can do at this most critical time.It also did not expect that the five enemies came at the same time, and they did not give the side any time to develop.

Although there is no shadow of the Black Mountain Army yet, according to intelligence, Zhang Yan must be hiding somewhere, waiting to launch a fatal blow.

Come to the edge of the pass.

Zhang Liaoyao pointed outside, "My lord, the enemy is building a high ground and arranging large-scale catapult equipment. They have already built a fortress outside the pass, completely blocking the way out for our army. It will be very difficult for the enemy to attack our pass with catapults." .”

Everyone looked at the scene of the enemy's construction in full swing.The way out has been completely blocked by enemy soldiers.Near the pass, earth mountains are being built.I believe that if a trebuchet is placed on such a mountain, the power and range of the boulder are unimaginable.

The soldiers on our side need to defend against the enemy's artillery fire, and death only takes a moment.

Apparently, Yuan Shao and the others did not attack blindly, but already had quite a plan.And if Qin Ye can't come up with some useful strategies, it will only be a matter of time before the pass is lost.

"Do you have a plan to retreat from the enemy?" Qin Ye looked at his think tank.

Xun You, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi looked at each other and shook their heads feebly.

"My lord, it is the most important thing to guard the pass." Xun You himself felt that it was too much to say.

Qin Ye also knew that the military division still hadn't thought of a good strategy to retreat from the enemy.And defending the pass is an extremely common way to fight the enemy.

And just letting the enemy block the door of the house and fight, it will be very disadvantageous.

At this moment, Qin Ye was extremely depressed.

His supreme Dharma eyes flashed repeatedly, and he saw many flaws.But these flaws are simply not something that the current forces can break through.And if they mobilize troops from other places, people like Cao Cao will definitely seize the opportunity.

Defensive battles are completely different from field battles. In field battles, if Qin Ye can't beat them, he can retreat completely.Still retreating calmly, he still has this confidence.But in a defensive battle, if you retreat, you will be completely defeated.

At this moment.

Not far away from Yuan Jun's Bingzhai, a wave of hundreds of soldiers and horses came out, and they came to a stone's throw away.

From the place where Yuan Jun's banner was unfurled, two generals, Yan Liang and Wen Chou, walked out as escorts.Followed by a handsome middle-aged man, he rode out slowly.The huge canopy, the talisman, showed that this person's identity was extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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