The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 294 Please Don't Pretend

Chapter 294 Please Don't Pretend

Under the canopy, the person in the rich clothes and nobles is Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao learned that Qin Ye was observing his fortress in front of the pass, so he couldn't help but want to meet him.

So he put on a full guard of honor, washed and tidied up, and came.

At that time, the descendants of the four generations and three masters were so prominent, but on the other side, it was bitter cold.

"Qin Mengjie."

"Yuan Benchu."

Yuan Shao looked over, sighed suddenly, and said, "If we had met in Luoyang ten years earlier, we would have become friends."

"I'm really willing to make friends with heroes like you." Qin Ye said calmly.He didn't tell a lie, as a time traveler, he was very willing to make friends with such heroes as Cao Yuan and Liu.Fighting for hegemony belongs to fighting for hegemony, and being able to become friends outside of this is a very pleasant thing.

Yuan Shao was dumbfounded, he was just talking, he didn't expect Qin Ye to answer him like this.Looking at the past, I found that it should not be fake.At this moment, Yuan Shao sighed sincerely, "It's a pity, Meng De will be very happy to meet you."

After he finished speaking, his expression changed too much, and he said proudly: "Meng Jie, you have also seen it. Now you have no way out, I can give you a way. As long as you come to me, you will never regret it of."

He said again: "Meng De and the others will never give you any way out, even if they tell you, they are lying to you."

Xun You and the others turned angry. Yuan Shao looked very kind, but in fact he was superior. It was an insult to ask Qin Ye to surrender.

Qin Ye nodded.

Everyone's face changed greatly.

My lord, why are you nodding, do you really want to surrender!
Everyone felt hairy all over in an instant, their calves twisted.

Xun You was the first to draw it.

Seeing Qin Ye nodding, Yuan Shao was terrified, he was just talking, but in fact he wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but Qin Ye really nodded.

In an instant, Yuan Shao was in turmoil, several bombs exploded in his heart, and he managed to calm down.He felt that at this time, he couldn't pretend to be aggressive, and he should be a corporal.With Qin Ye's joining, he believed that it was only a matter of time before he would pacify the world.

Yuan Shao dismounted.

Qin Ye said indifferently: "It seems that you are indeed better than Cao Mengde and the others. At least, there is still a trace of true kindness in your heart. But it is impossible for you to force me to surrender. In this world , I, Qin Ye, have only one thing to do, and that is to fight for the people around me."

Yuan Shao's eyes widened immediately, the eyeballs popped out, and what kind of shit was clearly written on the sphere.You know, he has already dismounted, and he was going to meet Qin Ye with Corporal Li Xian.

This is awkward.

What the hell, it turns out that I made a mistake, and he didn't mean to surrender.

You know Yuan Shao is ready for the banquet, get him this!

Yuan Shao vomited blood.

What a little bit of kindness, my kindness, is beyond your imagination!

Yuan Shao was furious.

"I will fight for my homeland and the people until my last breath." Qin Ye stood with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance of the sky. "Whoever lives and dies with me is my brother!"

"Whoever lives and dies with me is my brother!" The shouts of the soldiers resounded through the sky.

Qin Ye looked at the past coldly, and said indifferently: "May I ask this noble descendant of the fourth generation and third family, why did you fight here when you came here?"

Uh-huh! ! !

Yuan Shao snorted a few times, his face straightened, and he said generously, "I came here for the sake of the Han Dynasty, for the community, and for the people of Liming in the world."

The voice quickly dissipated in the huge world.

Everyone looked over.

Everyone knew why Yuan Shao came here.Even the most ordinary member of Yuan Jun knew that he came here for the food of other people's families.To put it bluntly, they are here to rob.

As for what she said for the sake of the Han Dynasty and why Sheji, everyone is very clear, these are all routines.

Who wouldn't say something nice?
May I ask this lord, can you get any results?

"Yuan Benchu, if you are really serving the country and the people, then do something real for the people." Qin Ye turned and left.

Yuan Shao really wanted to go back, but in the base area, it was Qin Ye who rescued millions of people.And Qin Ye rescued countless people in Bingzhou, Sili, and Jizhou.

Looking at the demoralized soldiers, Yuan Shao had the urge to move over.

"I will definitely do many things for the people." Yuan Shao said to the civil and military men.

What kind of expression do you guys have? I'm speaking the truth!However, it is not yet possible to do so.

"The lord is for the country and the people. In the future, the subordinates will follow the lord and do more things." Guo Tu came out and said.

Yuan Shao heaved a sigh of relief, "Turn up your preparations, five days later at the appointed time, launch an attack with Cao Mengde and others."

He looked at the pass. At that time, the base was broken, to see what the man had to say.


Qin Ye returned to Bobu.

On the way, everyone was depressed and in no mood to speak.

This comes from the lack of any retreat strategy.Fighting head-on is extremely detrimental to our side.

You know, now that the princes of the North are coming together to attack, they have no worries.Unless Qin Ye can think of a plan to break through this form, otherwise, these princes will continue to attack until Qin Ye's base is broken.

It must be able to resist for a while, but how many times can it be resisted?
Just when everyone's worries were getting deeper, suddenly, someone sang, "The five roads are invading, and danger is coming. Overturn the clouds, flatten the five roads, and sway a group of thieves."

Everyone looked over in surprise, and saw a tall and straight figure not far away.

Zhuge Liang saw the man standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky.Shaking the feather fan hastily, I feel very uncomfortable.

Here comes a pretender.

Zhuge Liang cried, why is he so young, given another five years, he promises not to let anyone come to the lord to pretend to be aggressive, he alone is enough.

The big brother in the distance can see that you are here to pretend, but is it okay for you to pretend to be real like this?
Do you know that there are 30 troops from the Five Route Army.We only have 3 people, and we have to divide our troops to guard three passes.If you go out, you will be besieged. If you don't go out, you will be blocked and beaten.

May I ask this pretentious elder brother, why do you say that you can turn your hand over the cloud, and you can make a group of thieves by leveling the five roads.

We must know that we are afraid to go out now, how can we hang around a group of thieves?
"Where did the madman come from? Speak wild words!" Sima Yi was very dissatisfied.

Everyone was very dissatisfied, thinking that they had encountered a fanatic.

But Qin Ye felt that this was probably a great sage.After all, Daxian likes to pretend.And if he has no ability, who dares to come here to stop him, and don't want to live?

Whether or not he has the ability, Qin Ye, a time traveler, can tell when he hears his name, he still has this confidence.So Qin Ye got off his horse, stopped the crowd, and said, "I don't know the name of this gentleman?"

"I'm Xu Shu." The young man turned around and saluted.Then he felt that Qin Ye was as benevolent as the rumors said, seeing that the people around him were very angry, but he was so polite.

Xun You and the others looked at each other.Xu Shu, they have never heard of it.

But Qin Ye has heard of it, and he is definitely a great sage.It's not bad for future generations to play with Zhuge Liang, they are veterans.But that's all Nanyang's business. Even if it follows the historical development of later generations, it will be ten years later.

(End of this chapter)

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