Chapter 296 The Bloody Man
Zhao Yun and Sima Yi came to the grassland where the Huns and Karasumas were fighting with trembling hearts.

More and more news of the war between the two clans came.

This time, both the Huns and Karasuma used all their troops.

It seems that a decisive battle is about to be launched.

Whoever can win will be the true overlord of the Inner Grassland.

Why do we say inner grassland? This is because the overlord of the outer grassland is the Xianbei people.

Following the news of the fierce fighting between the two sides, Zhao Yun and the others felt even more heavy.

Sima Yi didn't say a word the whole way.

Zhao Yun didn't bother him either, he knew that Sima Yi was preparing to speak.

However, at this moment, it was a life-and-death battle for the Karasuma people, how could Taton support them?

Another day.

Zhao Yun and Sima Yi entered the Karasuma camp.

Surrounded by strong Karasuma warriors, staring at them.But after hearing that it was Qin Ye's emissary, their eyes changed a lot.

When the two entered the central king's tent, they saw a bald barbarian sitting on the throne surrounded by two rows of wild tribesmen.

That bald savage was stunned.

"Wahhahaha..." Taton touched his bald head, and laughed loudly, "Zhongda, Zilong, so it's the two of you. It's been a long time since we parted."

Zhao Yun and Sima Yi breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that time has not faded.

"Zi Long."


Taton hugged Zhao Yun.

Ta Dun turned back and hugged Sima Yi.

Sima Yi suddenly felt his body lighten, and his feet left the ground.When Taton put him down, he felt an urge to vomit blood.

Majesty, please don't be too enthusiastic, okay?
Ta Dun invited them to sit down, and asked impatiently, "Is my Brother Qin all right?"

Speaking of Qin Ye, almost all the wild Karasuma people in the tent showed memories of memories.The clansmen here are all the leaders of various tribes in Tadun.Most of these people have experienced the slave camp.

When they fought against the Huns, they were defeated and became slaves of the Huns.After being rescued by Qin Ye, they were able to return to the Karasuma clan.Follow Taton and reintegrate the tribe.After several years of development, coupled with the fact that the Huns are not as good as before, they have the strength to fight the Huns again.

"My lord has been very difficult during this time." Sima Yi said bitterly.

"What happened?" Twain asked with widened eyes.

"Here is a letter from my master."

Ta Dun accepted it, and said to the leaders, "I never thought that I, Ta Dun, would receive a letter. It was a letter from my elder brother Qin Ye."

The leaders of all ministries looked at this letter in awe, it was a letter from their benefactor.

In their minds, although the Han Chinese have many heroes, Qin Ye is the real number one warrior.

All ethnic groups on the grassland think so.

After reading the letter, Ta Dun flew into a rage, "Those people dare to besiege my elder brother!"

When the leaders learned the specific news, they were all furious.

"Those people are not the benefactor's opponent."

"It's a shameless collusion!"

This is what the prairie men hate the most.

Sima Yi cried, wailing loudly, "It's a pity that I'm still young, and I can't help my lord..."

Zhao Yun felt dejected about the one who was crying, and the idea of ​​turning back immediately and going to the enemy to fight for his life came to him spontaneously.

Wild men despise crying men the most, but in front of them is a child.Although Sima Yi is already fourteen or five years old, but his size is there, so in front of the wild giant, he is a baby.

They made the dolls like this.

It's just too outrageous.

From this doll, one can see the current situation of the benefactor.

"Ma De, someone dares to treat my Brother Qin like this!" Tadun's face became grim, and he shouted at Sima Yi: "Don't cry! I'll straighten out the troops and attack Beiping!"

Sima Yi was taken aback. Along the way, considering the passage of time, his heart might have changed.So he prepared a lot of rhetoric, from temptations to feelings.

Unexpectedly, it didn't work either.

I can't help but sigh, no matter how it changes, it will be a waste, and the true temperament will never change.

"Brother!" Sima Yi slammed a drop in his eye, hugged Tadaton, and burst into tears again.

Zhao Yun didn't talk much, he cupped his fists and saluted, his words were all in his feelings.

So that night, Taton slaughtered cattle and sheep, and warmly entertained Sima Yi and Zhao Yun.If you can't drink alcohol, you have to get drunk.They often laughed heartily when they said things that only they knew. Karasuma generals who had never participated in that battle all watched with admiration and yearning.

For Qin Ye, the current situation is difficult, and who can not have difficult times.

Back then, Tadun and the others made trouble and became slaves, and it was Qin Ye who rescued them.

Now, Qin Ye is in a difficult situation, he can't say, he wants to kill and contribute.

Therefore, the leaders of these ministries who have a deep relationship with Qin Ye are very supportive of Tadun's decision.

You can let go of your own affairs first and help your friends first. This is a bloody man.

Come to Japan.

On the endless prairie.

Yu Fuluo, King of the Huns, looked at the distance to the east, with his empty left arm and cuff swaying in the wind.

Behind him are [-] Hun cavalry.

And Yu Fuluo was the first one-armed king in the history of the Huns.His left arm is because of the promise made back then.But when everyone didn't believe it, he cut off an arm himself as an oath.

Although he has only one arm left, his prestige is even more prosperous among the Huns.

For the Huns, a decisive battle is coming.

For the sake of the fertile grassland and future generations, this battle must be fought.

The banner of the Xiongnu that covered the land fluttered in the fierce wind, making a brave voice.

a while.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes came from the east.Immediately afterwards, a black line emerged, which was as wide as the other side of the earth.

The warriors of the Huns clenched their swords and guns tightly.

The old enemy Karasuma has arrived.

Facing the Karasuma army, Yu Fuluo sneered again and again. Although the Karasuma people are tyrannical, their strength is much smaller.There are only more than 1 people, and Yu Fuluo has [-] cavalry, so he is still very confident in winning this battle.

Tadun rode out.

Yu Fuluo also rode out and looked at the past coldly, "Taton, you are late, but I can give you a quarter of an hour to line up."

He said again: "As long as you give up this grassland, I will never pursue you, nor will I attack your Karasuma people's range. I, Yu Fuluo, will never say anything."

Tudun sneered, "No more fighting, I'm going to withdraw my troops."


Yuvro was obviously taken aback.

do not fight?
Then what did he bring the whole clan of soldiers here for?Horse walker?
To be funny?

Yu Fuluo gradually dismissed it, and it seemed that Tadun should be the last to be afraid.So he was very annoyed and said the previous words. You must know that Yu Fuluo also respected Tadun before he said the previous words.

Therefore, even though Taton was about to withdraw his troops, Yu Fuluo also felt ashamed, and couldn't help but sarcastically said: "After all, you are an incompetent person, Taton, I thought you were a hero, but I didn't expect that you are just a coward who is greedy for life and afraid of death .You are a disgrace on the prairie."

Karasuma is furious

Taton raised his eyebrows to signal the clansmen to calm down, and then said to Fu Luo: "It seems that you are the disgrace on the grassland."

Is Yuvro a disgrace on the prairie?

The Huns could not understand this sentence at all.

May I ask the opposite Wang, you are too timid to fight, this is a shame.And how do you still have the face to say that others are a shame, who gave you the confidence to say such a thing?

As a man on the prairie, can you show some face?
Really don't want any face?

(End of this chapter)

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