The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 297 Confident Gongsun Zan

Chapter 297 Confident Gongsun Zan
A coward who is afraid of death speaks of himself as a disgrace.

It's okay if ordinary people say it, but the dignified King Karasuma said it.

Yuvro almost smoked it.

After he taunted him, he expected Tadun's various reactions, but he didn't expect to say that he was the most shameless.

The king of the Karasuma people, what are you pretending to be?
You are a coward who dare not fight, and you dare to say that others are ashamed.

Yu Fuluo signaled the tribe to be quiet.

"Why am I a disgrace to the grassland? Tell me." Yu Fuluo held back his anger for a while. After thinking about it, he had nothing to say about him.So in my heart, I was eager to know why I said that.

And if you can't tell, then I'm sorry, your shameful reputation will spread throughout the grassland.

"You don't have any clues in your heart?" Tadun said coldly.

Yu Fuluo was furious at that time, and forced to count, what forced to count?What the hell is he talking about?

Yu Fuluo grabbed the crown hat and threw it on the ground, "Taton, you must explain the matter to me today, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for your people to leave here safely."

Twenty thousand Xiongnu cavalry roared, and more than 1 Karasuma cavalry also whistled.

Tadun coldly swept away [-] Huns soldiers, "I am a man in the grassland, and I will repay the kindness of others. Your benefactor of the Huns is in trouble now. You Huns don't say to send troops to help. I will help, you Still mocking me here."

"How do you say that?" Yu Fuluo frowned.

Tudun scolded angrily: "If Qin Mengjie hadn't spared the [-] cavalry of the Xiongnu, if they hadn't let you go, would you be able to fight me here?" He pointed behind Yu Fuluo, "More than half of these people, They are all alive because of Qin Mengjie."

His tone became fierce, "Now, Qin Mengjie is besieged by five groups of people in Jizhou. I was far away from Liaoxi, and I didn't get any news for a while. Are you at Yanmen Pass all day, running around in Daijun , can you tell me something?"


The howling of the Huns suddenly fell silent.

Most of the soldiers, with shocked eyes, flashed memories.

Yu Fuluo vomited blood directly, and he didn't even think that Taton was withdrawing his troops to support Qin Ye.

This left him speechless.

More than ten thousand Hun soldiers looked over.

It turned out that the king opposite was not greedy for life or afraid of death, nor was he a coward.

In order to save his benefactors and friends, he is willing to let go of important things.

What is bloody.

This is bloody.

What is love and righteousness.

This is emphasizing affection and righteousness.

From this point of view, the withdrawal of troops this time is not only the shame of the coward, but the glory of the brave.

Under the sharp eyes of the Karasuma people, too many Huns lowered their heads.

Tadun said coldly: "I'm going to help my elder brother. You can fight as much as you want, but I will definitely not fight with you today. I will leave now, and it is impossible for you to stay with me. "

Among the Huns, many people disdained it, thinking that Taton was talking big.Although the Karasuma cavalry is unparalleled in the grassland, don't underestimate us Huns.

Tighten the horse.

At this moment, in Yu Fuluo's mind, there is a fierce ideological struggle.Although it was only for a moment, it was undoubtedly very long for him personally.

Yu Fuluo admired Taton very much, but he did not expect that he was willing to give up the most important thing for righteousness.

Yu Fuluo was still unable to make a decision, but when he saw that Taton was about to leave, he finally made a decision and shouted, "Don't leave, let's fight Gongsun Zan together. I have long since disliked Gongsun Zan."

Many Huns were stunned, not to mention beating Karasuma, but also beating Gongsun Zan together with Karasuma.They are simply unreasonable about the king's decision.

My Majesty, do you know what you are talking about?

Why do you say that, we can't understand it!

Many young fighters of the Huns were drawn away.

"Brother, what did our king say? It seems that you have no opinion at all?" Many young warriors were asking the senior warriors.

The veteran warrior looked at the past coldly, and said earnestly: "It seems that you have not experienced what happened in Bingzhou."

It is clearly written in those eyes that you are just a new recruit, and there are some things you don't understand.

The young warriors vomited blood.

Although they have not experienced what happened in Bingzhou, the first legend they heard after becoming warriors was the story of that man.

Gradually understand.

And why did Yu Fuluo dislike Gongsun Zan? Because Liu Yu was implementing a policy of harmony and unity, and Gongsun Zan was just one word, killing the whole family, killing the whole family.Generations of killing are hatred.

Therefore, the Huns had long disliked Gongsun Zan, and Yu Fuluo and Tuton competed for this grassland because it was relatively close to Beiping, so they could easily attack Gongsun Zan's territory.

"To fight Gongsun Zan together?"

Tudun laughed loudly, "How many years, the first time the two of us have such a unified opinion, just based on this, and this is to help the eldest brother Qin Ye. I will make an exception and join forces with you once, and go to Gongsun Zan to give him a vote big."

Ever since, the Huns and Karasuma joined forces and went south together.

The Xiongnu soldiers and Karasuma soldiers were still a little confused, looking at their comrades from other tribes around them.

Nima, how many years has it been.I'm afraid my ancestors would cheat when they knew that I fought side by side with the Huns (Karasuma).

This is something that has never happened for thousands of years.

Am I dreaming?Some recruits couldn't help but secretly slap themselves twice, it really hurt.

But this time it happened because of only one person, the soldiers of the Huns and the soldiers of Karasuma knew it very well.


Taihang Mountain Base, outside Puyin Xing Pass.

Gongsun Zan mobilized [-] troops here to form a siege attack.

Gongsun Zan is very confident about this battle.After learning that the Huns and Karasuma had already fought in the grassland, they became more confident.

He already has a plan to attack Puyinxing, which is to attack and attack again.This plan looks simple, but it is actually targeted.Because Gongsun Zan knew that Qin Ye didn't have any troops to fight, so he just had to keep attacking.

This is like a basketball game. The side that can't attack has the highest defensive efficiency in the league, and sooner or later it will be sieved.

Before Puyin Xing.

On a tall dirt hill, in front of the trebuchet.

Gongsun Zan pointed at the pass and said proudly, "Qin Ye's troops are not strong enough to resist our coalition forces. Now that the layout has been completed, we will be able to attack Qin Ye's base within a few days."

"What your lord said is very true. Although the pass of the Qin army is dangerous, after we have these catapult positions, we can easily attack." Guan Jing said from the side.

"Qin Mengjie has been quiet for days, and it seems that he is nothing more than that." Gongsun Zan smiled slightly, "We will launch an attack in the future."

"Master, the agreement is to attack together in three days." Guan Jing reminded.

Gongsun Zan sneered, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

He was already confident enough to defeat Qin Ye, so how could he negotiate any agreement with Yuan Shao and others.

At the same time, Yuan Shao, Cao Cao, Han Fu and others were all waiting for the day of the general offensive. In their eyes, Qin Ye's base was already within reach.

 Thank you Little Pudding Brothers for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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