The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 298 Please be mentally prepared

Chapter 298 Please be mentally prepared

Gongsun Zan planned the attack strategy for tomorrow overnight.

And on this night.

Zhao Yun and Sima Yi hurried back to Bobu.

in the cottage.

Zhao Yun and Sima Yi saw that Qin Ye was not wearing any shoes and arrived wearing a coat.

It can be seen how much the lord attaches importance to this trip.

Therefore, Sima Yi didn't wait for Qin Ye to ask, and excitedly said: "My lord, Tadun has sent troops. Not only Tadun sent troops, but Yu Fuluo also sent troops to attack Beiping City together."

Qin Ye was stunned, the Huns and the Karasuma people were feuds, why did the two join forces?
Sima Yi hastily explained: "Yu Fuluo also seems to be a man of faith. After he learned about the lord, he took the initiative to join forces with Tudun."

Zhao Yun nodded repeatedly beside him.

"Great!" Qin Ye said excitedly.The Huns were able to send troops, which was unexpected to him.But it was the best result, and I couldn't find it even with a lantern.

Qin Ye held a meeting overnight.

When Xun You, Xu Shu, and the others heard the news, they couldn't hide their excitement.

Sima Yi said: "We came quickly, Gongsun Zan must have not heard the news, but he will know soon."

After finishing speaking, I went to see Xu Shu.

This strategy designed by Xu Shu has achieved remarkable results.He still has a back hand, he didn't say it at the time, should he say it now?

Except for Qin Ye, others didn't trust Xu Shu at first, but now, they admire him even more.He also felt that the lord's vision was extraordinary, and if it was placed on them, they wouldn't dare to trust Xu Shu so much.

Xun You couldn't wait for Xu Shu to say what he should do, and said directly, "You can use this opportunity to ambush and kill Gongsun Zan's army."

Everyone nodded, this might be Xu Shu's backhand.

Xu Shu stood up and said, "No, although the ambush will be successful, but Gongsun Zan will fight to the death if he returns to the aid wholeheartedly. It will definitely be difficult to keep him. Even if he loses his troops, our army will also lose. And, in this way, we will lose It is impossible for Cao Cao, Gongsun Zan, Han Fu and others to kill each other."

attacking each other!

If they could be allowed to kill each other, Qin Ye would not only be able to break up the siege, but also be able to change from being passive to being active, and spread out along the way, suppressing the princes of all walks of life in the North.

Everyone looked over in surprise. Obviously, Xu Shu's backhand was even more extraordinary.

Qin Ye also looked over.

Although Xu Shu had planned it for a long time, before he said it, he was excited with his words, "My lord, with the Xiongnu Karasuma attacking Beiping, Gongsun Zan will definitely retreat. We can release the news in advance. Just say that the super crops and jujubes have been harvested. Give it all to Gongsun Zan."

Everyone froze for a moment, then vomited blood.

Scratch hair.

How could it be designed like this.

Seeing that you are also an honest person, it is really insidious.

However, I like it.

Qin Ye jumped up against the case, "As expected of Yuan Zhi, this plan is absolutely perfect!"

At this time, everyone looked at Xu Shu in a different way, not only with trust, but also with admiration.

Xu Shu smiled slightly, and stroked his beard, "My lord still needs to personally move to Puyinxing, send Gongsun Zan off, and give him some gifts, such as aged rotten millet or something."

Everyone looked at each other, and there was a burst of energy in their hearts.

This young man, you seem to be a good-looking, gentleman, how can you harm others, so sinister?

too talented.

So came the next day.

Qin Ye appeared in Puyinxing.

At this time, Gongsun Zan had already dispatched troops, and the waves of attack had been arranged, so the only thing left was to beat the drums.

Although Qin Ye appeared here, Gongsun Zan, who had already made arrangements, didn't think he would lose. Instead, he was very confident and said proudly, "Are you here to die?"

Qin Ye was at the forefront of the pass, within a stone's throw of Gongsun Zan, and said calmly, "I'm here to see you off."

Hearing these words in Gongsun Zan's ears, he would naturally think that they were seeing him off after his death.

Gongsun Zan laughed, "Qin Ye, what you said is really ridiculous. With your strength here, you have the guts to say such a thing? You came here to see yourself off."

Qin Ye estimated the time, and after another night, Gongsun Zan got the news, probably within half a day.

So he planned to tell Gongsun Zan, and said, "I have some news for you."

"What news?" Gongsun Zan turned his head to look at the sky, twirling his beard.What news can Qin Ye bring him?It's nothing more than some swear words without dirty words, so I don't care.He only waited for Qin Ye to speak out, and objected to his humiliation.

"The Huns and Karasumas are about to attack your Beiping City."

Soft words came.

The soldiers of both sides were also quietly watching the verbal confrontation between the two princes.

When Gongsun Zan's soldiers heard these words, they were in turmoil at that time.

The Huns and Karasumas are about to break through Beiping City!
Where is Peking?
That was Gongsun Zan's lair, the headquarters.

The hometown of many elite soldiers in Gongsun's army is in Beiping.

So after getting this news, can you not be shocked?
"Looks like you also know that I'm going to break into your city... what!"

Gongsun Zan's eyes popped out halfway through his speech.

The Huns and Karasuma broke through his Beiping City!
There is nothing more terrifying than this.

Gongsun Zan was petrified at the time. In fact, whenever he heard Xiongnu and Karasuma, he would get a headache.After killing so many people in Xiongnu Karasuma, it is still the biggest threat to his rear.

The momentum of the entire Gongsun army was disintegrated by these words, which shows the weight of the news.

How to do?
Hurry up and retreat to the rescue!

The entire Gongsun Army has this idea.

Gongsun Zan's complexion kept changing, and he seemed to be in complete turmoil.

However, at this time, Guan Jing came out very calmly and calmly.

The generals were angry.

May I ask the military adviser, your hometown has been copied by the enemy, how can you still be so calm and calm?

You know, your family is also in the city, so you are not worried at all about your daughter-in-law being molested or your son being beheaded?

Are you a spy?
Guan Jing said indifferently under questioning and shocked eyes: "My lord, Qin Ye is defrauding. This is a military deceit. It is just to disintegrate the fighting spirit of our army. You must not be fooled by him."

His voice was so loud that all the soldiers around him heard it.


Military fraud is well understood.

But how do you know?
"Qin Ye made a mistake and revealed his flaws." Guan Jing said calmly under the unbelieving and questioning eyes of everyone.

Gongsun Zan hurriedly said, "What did you say wrong?"

Guan Jing was very excited, and pointed to the past, "He said Karasuma and the Huns. My lord, since the existence of these two clans, the two clans have never been in harmony. Hundreds of years of fighting and killing, feuds, how can it be possible to join forces? Let's attack together?"

"If you say one alone, it may be credible."

After hearing Guan Jing's analysis, Gongsun Jun gradually calmed down.Instead, he was ashamed that he had been fooled, and his momentum rose again.

Gongsun Zan appreciated Youjia's expression, affirmed Guan Jing's statement, and thanked the counselor for his help at the critical moment.He regained his composure, and said to Qin Ye: "Qin Mengjie, it seems that you are really an honest person, and you can't even tell lies. I really admire you."

It can be heard that this is the irony.

Qin Ye calmly said: "If you don't believe me, you can wait for half a day."

Gongsun Zan said coldly, "Your way of procrastinating is really ridiculous. So what if I wait half a day? Could it be that you can conjure up troops out of thin air to attack my Beiping City?"

That's why Gongsun Zan didn't wait half a day longer. He wanted to be the first to break through the pass and snatch the super crops from the experimental field.He knew that Yuan Shao and the others would get news soon and launch an attack.

Therefore, he will not delay any longer.

"Get beat!" Gongsun Zan gave the order, and the soldiers of Gongsun's army raised their spirits.

"Don't stop me, I'm in a hurry!"

On the chariot, the drummer had already held his breath, and the muscles in his arms had already swelled up, waiting for the drum word to come out and start beating.

Did not expect to be interrupted.

Gongsun Zan was furious, knowing the importance of going all out, how could he be interrupted like this.Perhaps the entire first wave of offensive will be disintegrated in this way, which will even affect the subsequent offensive.

Everyone looked at it, and it was a meticulous operation. The guards heard that it was urgent, so they couldn't stop it.

So when Xi Zuo came to Gongsun Zan, he immediately knelt down.

Gongsun Zan was so angry that he was about to pass away. What kind of thing could be more important than going all out?No matter how urgent it is, I have to wait a while to report at this time.

You have been working as a secret worker for so many years, how can you not know about this?

His hand was already on the hilt of the sword.

At this time, Qin Ye's faint words came, "This must be the news that Karasuma and the Huns attacked you in Beiping."

Seeing Gongsun Zan's hand touched the hilt of the sword, Xi Zuo was terrified, and was about to call out the news, but was stunned.

Xi Zuo is also a thoughtful person, how could Qin Ye know this news here.

Nima, how did he know?
He is a fairy?

And Gongsun Zan vomited blood. It seemed that Qin Ye was trying to suppress his morale by any means.And morale is too important for soldiers, it can directly determine victory or defeat.

Gongsun Zan said coldly to Qin Ye, "I have never seen such a brazen person like you. I will ask this person right away, so that your deception will be exposed to the world."

He didn't intend to punish the sudden appearance of Xi Zuo. At this moment, he only needs to let Xi Zuo tell the news he brought, break Qin Ye's deception, and the morale of the party can be restored.

"Then you can ask, but please be mentally prepared." Qin Ye said lightly.

Looking at the calm Qin Ye, Gongsun Zan hit his chest with anger.

Gongsun Jun was furious from top to bottom, and asked the lord to be mentally prepared. When we launch an attack, he should be mentally prepared.

Let me ask.

People have exposed the deception, but they are still so strong, this is stupid, you know?The whole world will laugh at him.

(End of this chapter)

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