The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 299 Qin Ye Comes to Give Gifts

Chapter 299 Qin Ye Comes to Give Gifts
"it is good!"

Gongsun Zan first looked at Qin Ye coldly, his intention was very clear, since Qin Ye was still obsessed, he came to deceive him when he was exposed.Since he wanted to be slapped in the face, then he, Gongsun Zan, would not be polite.

"What's the matter, tell me quickly." Gongsun Zan looked at Xizuo and said.

Xi Zuo hesitated for a moment, and said: "It seems that the lord already knows the news, so I won't say it."

Xi Zuo was also afraid that Gongsun Zan would kill him in a hurry, so it was better not to say anything.

Gongsun Zan was angry, "I know what?"

Xi Zuo pointed in the direction of Qin Ye, "He said everything just now."

"What did he just say?" Gongsun Zan shouted.

Suddenly Gongsun Zan's face changed drastically, and he directly pushed the Jinshan down the jade pillar and pulled it away.

Guan Jing was horrified, and ran over and said, "The Huns and Karasumas jointly attacked Beiping?"

"It has already been breached..." Esaku said in fear.

All broken!

Guan Jing also drew it directly.

Originally thought that Qin Ye was committing military fraud, and waited to expose it thoroughly, and then slapped him in the face severely.

Unexpectedly, with a click, this is not a military fraud, but what they are telling the truth.But they are dogs biting Lu Dongbin, and they don't know good people.

Invisibly, on everyone's faces, the sound of slapping resounded throughout the world.

Generals of the Gongsun army, such as Gongsun Yue and Yan Gang, were all slapped away.On the one hand, it was because the face was beaten too hard, and on the other hand, it was because the news was too terrifying.Maybe it was because the news was too scary, and it was also one of the reasons why they didn't want to believe that Qin Ye was telling the truth.

The solid battle formation of Gongsun's army has become a loose quadrilateral, and it is constantly turbulent into a polygon.It's like pouring cold water into the boiling oil and frying the pan.

My lord on the opposite side, please don't be so sincere.

We can't accept it.

Gongsun Jun cried from top to bottom.

The Huns and Karasuma united together, with [-] cavalry, they broke through the city of Beiping.

You know, Gongsun Zan's hometown is Beiping City, where all the high-level family members are.And the direct line troops in the army are all from Beiping.

This matter is too serious for the entire Gongsun army, and it is already the top disaster.

Therefore, the degree of turmoil in Gongsun's army is unimaginable.

They all forgot the existence of Qin Jun for a while, and all their attention was on this news.

"How is this possible! Isn't the Huns and the Karasumas fighting in the grassland?"

Gongsun Zan was roaring.

It was also because he knew that the Huns were at war with the Karasuma people that Gongsun Zan sent all his troops to attack Qinye.

But now, not only did the two families stop fighting, they even joined forces to beat him.

The Huns and Karasuma united?

These two families have been fighting for more than 100 years. They would rather believe that sows can climb trees than this.

Nima, are you two playing around?

We can't play like this, something will happen.

Gongsun Zan had already scratched his hair like a chicken coop, he couldn't understand it.

"Gongsun Zan, trust me now."

Qin Ye's calm voice came.

But Gongsun Zan no longer had the calmness and composure he had before.

He felt that heaven must have made a joke on him.Let his imminent success come to naught.

Gongsun Zan said coldly, "Qin Mengjie, don't be complacent. I've dealt with the Xiongnu and Karasuma, and I'll come to you later to settle the matter."

"Pass my order, the whole army retreats!"

Gongsun Zan immediately issued an order. From this point of view, he is a resolute and decisive prince.

Affordable, put it down.

Gongsun Zan didn't want to say anything more to Qin Ye, so he lost face and turned around to leave.

"Gongsun Zan, don't leave yet."

Qin Ye's voice came.

Gongsun Zan turned his voice around and glared at him, "Qin Ye, I will come and leave as soon as I say, and if you try to stop me, you will only regret it."

From this sentence, he thought that Qin Ye wanted to take the opportunity to cover up and kill his army.

But he was prepared, so he didn't care about Qin Ye's cover-up at all.

Qin Ye said: "How can you be like this, so you can't think of something good? I didn't say that I would stop you."

Looking at Qin Ye with a displeased expression, Gongsun Zan almost twitched.

"What exactly do you want?" Gongsun Zan saw that Qin Ye was very gracious, so he also wanted to be gracious.

Qin Ye smiled and said: "It's not easy for you to come here once, I have some gifts here, you can take them."

There are tens of thousands of people in Gongsun's army, and their eyes are all staring out.

May I ask the brother next to you, the lord on the opposite side, what nonsense did he just say?

Gongsun Jun looked at each other up and down.

They came to attack Qin Ye, and now they are retreating, Qin Ye didn't say he took the opportunity to chase and kill them, and even gave gifts?

Tens of thousands of people have scratched that hair into a bird's nest, which is simply unacceptable.

Gongsun Zan smoked.

And give him a gift, Qin Mengjie, are you kidding me?
Zhuge Liang and the others were silent, but they were actually very sweet in their hearts.

Look, Gongsun Zan was so frightened that his face twitched.

The soldiers of the Qin army thumped in their hearts.Could it be that the lord is afraid of Gongsun Zan, and wants to curry favor with gifts after he leaves?

Immediately, the morale of the Qin army was low, and they all cried.


My lord, you cannot do this.

In the eyes of tens of thousands of people, Qin Ye waved his hand.

In the pass, a small cart was pushed out, with several large bags on it.

The soldiers passed by their comrades with smiles.

What they got in exchange was endless white eyes.

The lord is so cowardly, you can still be happy after giving a gift.

I'm really ashamed to be with you.

We have already remembered who you soldiers are, and we will never be friends with you in the future.

A few soldiers pushed the trolley over with Zhehui, walked up to Gongsun Zan, and put the trolley down.One of them said: "General, this is my lord's wish, you must accept it."

Could it be that Qin Ye was afraid of himself and wanted to please himself!

Gongsun Zan looked at Qin Jun's shameful expression and thought.Then he looked over proudly, "Qin Mengjie, do you think you can bribe me with just a few bags of gold and silver? You are so ignorant."

He sneered again and again, "Qin Ye, your actions are too childish. In view of your childishness, I can teach you a lesson."

"Nowadays the world is in chaos, the overlord is king, and it's too late to fight to the death, and you still give gifts? Unless you come to surrender to me, or even if you give me all your belongings, I will not forgive you."

"As a prince, you don't even know this, it's really sad."

When Gongsun Zan said this, he stood with his hands behind his back and raised his head 45 degrees upward.

Qin Jun cried.

And Gongsun Jun looked at it with disdainful eyes.

Looking at the calm Qin Ye, Gongsun Zan gradually frowned. Could it be that this person is so shameless that he doesn't feel ashamed to do such a humiliating thing?
Gongsun Zan decided that since Qin Ye stretched out his face, he would beat him harder.Since he knows no shame, hit him until he knows.

"Come here, open these pockets and let you also see what gift this mighty General Zhengdong gave me." Gongsun Zan said proudly.

"It must be a very expensive and expensive gift."

"Gold bricks, silver ingots, precious stones...."

The soldiers of Gongsun Army were all talking about it.

But it is useless for him to give no matter how expensive a gift is, he can only humiliate himself.

Yan Gang and Shan Jing walked over, although a major incident happened behind, but at this moment, being able to slap the prince in the face is the best analgesic.

It seemed that the lord wanted to use these gifts to humiliate him even more.

Gongsun Jun's eyes were all focused on those pockets, waiting for the arrival of the analgesic.

(End of this chapter)

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