The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 300 Cao Cao and Han Fu's Divine Reaction

Chapter 300 Cao Cao and Han Fu's Divine Reaction

Following Yan Gang and the two of them opening their pockets.

Qin Jun didn't dare to look up and down.

The moment the gift is opened is the moment when the face is swollen.

How could the lord act like this? Is it really like what Gongsun Zan said, the lord is actually naive.

You are all fighting for the world, unless you surrender to others, or give no matter how good you are, they will never forgive you.

The Qin army wanted to cry but had no tears.

Yan Gang and Shan Jing opened their pockets with a smile, and were stunned.

Subconsciously, they let go of their hands.

Crash, grains began to flow out of the pocket.

A musty smell came out.

It turned out that this gift was millet.

Or moldy corn.

The soldiers on both sides stared wide-eyed.


It turned out to be this kind of gift?
What a gift!
Qin Jun couldn't understand from top to bottom.

But Gongsun Jun couldn't accept it. They all looked at it with wide eyes. They thought it must be gold and silver treasures, but they didn't expect it to be just old rotten millet!
Gongsun Zan wanted to use Qin Ye's gift to hit Qin Ye in the face to humiliate him even more.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be this gift.

He looked at Qin Ye in horror.

your sister's.

This is the gift you gave me?

Is there such a gift?Will you give gifts?
Although we all know that courtesy is less important than affection, but don't forget that there is no friendship at all between the two parties, and it is all supported by interests.

Just give these?

Gongsun Jun was dumbfounded, he thought it was gold, silver and jewelry.The lord definitely wouldn't want it either, so he 'slammed' them all in the face.

Just like people who don't accept gifts in future generations, I want to humiliate you bribers.

Unexpectedly, Kacha, it was this kind of gift.

Therefore, the identities of Gongsun Jun and his subordinates have changed, and they are no longer clean and honest officials.It's corrupt officials, after all, they want gold, silver and jewelry, but they are humiliated instead.

Only then did Qin Jun understand from top to bottom.

"So it's not that the lord is afraid of Gongsun Zan."

"It's not that the lord is naive."

"It's Gongsun Zan who is childish."

"Hey, the lord on the other side, are you too naive? Do you really think my lord is giving you a gift?"

"Didn't you come to grab food? I'll give you a few bags of moldy and inedible rotten grain. It's easier than sending a beggar."

Qin Jun laughed up and down, venting his emotions.

Gongsun Jun collectively had convulsions, and they began to become ashamed, and they all lowered their heads, looking for a crack in the ground that they could crawl into.

My lord, you are too childish.Do you really think that someone will give you a gift?

People give you gifts for Mao.

You are still thinking about gold and silver treasures, so stupid.

The soldiers of Gongsun's army all cried.

I thought that humiliating Qin Ye would be an analgesic after something happened at home, but unexpectedly, a scalpel ushered in.Thorn made another cut, and sprinkled a handful of salt on it, which was a pain.

Gongsun Zan vomited blood, his face was hot, as if he had been beaten by something.

How dare he treat me like this?

How can...!
In Gongsun Zan's confused consciousness, he planned to slap Qin Ye hard in the face, but unexpectedly, he was swollen with breath instead.

"Take it, take it, let's go." Qin Ye waved his hand.

Qin Jun laughed even more, and said one after another: "Take it and take it."

Those who beg for this kind of gift have to think about whether there is a virus. As a noble prince, Gongsun Zan can ask for this?He burst into anger immediately, feeling that he was truly humiliated this time.

Speaking of which, as a vassal in the north, how had he ever suffered such humiliation?
How could he, Gongsun Zan, accept such a gift?

The whole world will laugh at him.

However, Gongsun Zan thought about it, because of his behavior before, wouldn't it be even more shameful if he didn't accept him now?

Gongsun Zan smoked, it was too shameless, even if he was forced to accept it, he couldn't accept it, and he couldn't accept it.

However, Gongsun Zan is a decisive protagonist after all.

Since he dared to give it, Gongsun Zan dared to take it. Others would only say that he has a heart.

Perhaps, this is what Sima Yi thought when he wore women's clothes.

After having these thoughts, Gongsun Zan calmed down.

"Qin Mengjie, I will remember your gift, and I will come back. At that time, I will also prepare a big gift for you."

Gongsun Zan said coldly.

These words ignited the revenge of Gongsun Jun.

Qin Ye calmly said: "I hope you can come back."

Including Gongsun Zan, the entire Gongsun army vomited blood.

Because they suddenly remembered that their hometown had been breached by the Huns and Karasuma.

Beiping is Gongsun Zan's old den, where his wife and children live.

He couldn't bear this, and after crying and ordering people to accept Qin Ye's gift, the whole army retreated immediately.

Looking at the retreating Gongsun Zan, Qin Ye saw that the army was well organized and the rear was stable. He couldn't help admiring that Gongsun Zan would lead the army, and said, "Let's release the news."

Because the matter of sending millet was too shameful for Gongsun Jun, no one in Gongsun Jun dared to mention the matter of moldy millet.

In this case, in the eyes of outsiders, Qin Ye gave Gongsun Zan several sacks of food.

A message began to spread.

Outside Jingxing Pass.

Cao Jun and Jizhou Army are in a joint camp.

in the big tent.

Cao Cao and Han Fu sat side by side on the tent.

They got the news.

Han Fu's expression changed at the time, and he lost his voice and said, "What! Under pressure, Qin Ye gave the seeds and dates of super crops to Gongsun Zan?"

As the super seed was given to Gongsun Zan, the researchers also gave it.

Then, Cao Cao and the others had nothing to gain from Qinye's side, and the targets of sending troops were all transferred to Gongsun Zan's side.

Although Cao Cao looked calm, his heart was already boiling.He thought it was a conspiracy, and Qin Ye shifted the situation in order to keep his base.

That is to say, the jade in the crime of embracing the jade was transferred to other people.

Then Qin Ye has no 'crime', whether Cao Cao is willing or not, he must shift the focus of his work.

"Meng De, what shall we do now?" Han Fu said.He knew very well that if he continued to attack Qin Ye now, it would have no other meaning other than wasting money, food and soldiers.

"Who knows if this news is true?" Cao Cao became suspicious.

If this news is true, it is a conspiracy, and the crisis in Qin Ye's base area will be lifted.

But what if the news is false?

After all, super seeds are worth protecting with their lives.

Did Qin Ye send it out so easily?

Just when everyone was in doubt.

Another message came, "Master, Gongsun Zan has withdrawn his troops!"

Cao Cao and Han Fu stood up suddenly at almost the same time.

Han Fu said anxiously: "Meng De, the news that Gongsun Zan has withdrawn his troops must be true." He complained again: "I told you and Benchu ​​a long time ago that Gongsun Zan is cruel, insidious and cunning, and cannot be trusted. Yes. Yuan Benchu's hometown was taken by him, and he hasn't changed it."

Gongsun Zan's sudden withdrawal of troops.

Sit down everyone's thoughts.

Guo Jia came out and said, "My lord, Gongsun Zan suddenly withdrew his troops without saying hello. He must have swallowed the super seeds all by himself." His tone gradually became tougher, "Now he must not be allowed to withdraw safely, we must intercept him in Changshan County , Cut off his connection with the territory, surround him until we get the share we deserve."

Therefore, Cao Cao first made a decision, and Han Fu echoed.

Their army abandoned Jingxing and went straight to Changshan County.

In order to stop the retreating Gongsun Zan immediately.

On the Jingxing pass.

"General, why did the enemy retreat?" The generals were puzzled.

"I don't know either." Zhang Liao's heart was surging, and he really wanted to say it.But in order to keep it secret, I can only bear it and not say it.But it doesn't matter, he believes, and he will be able to tell everyone soon.

The lord really knows people with eyes, and the new military adviser named Xu Shu is really capable.

Zhang Liao is full of hope for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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