The Supreme Being of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 302 The most basic trust among allies

Chapter 302 The most basic trust among allies

After a while, a small cart arrived.

"That's right, what I saw was this small cart!" The accompanying spy said excitedly.

Han Fu's spy also whispered beside Han Fu.

Cao Cao and Han Fu were overjoyed, and hurriedly asked someone to snatch them over.

Very smoothly, the trolley arrived in front of the two of them.

It seems that Xin Ping, Xiahou Dun, Guo Jia and others looked at the bulging pockets on the trolley, and their eyes were very bright.

In Qinye's experimental field, there are only so many seeds that can be harvested, and it seems that they are all here.

With these seeds, the yield per mu can reach [-] catties.

Raise more population, release more productivity, and expand more troops.

For a prince who is committed to conquering the world, this has a fatal attraction.

Han Fu hurriedly said: "Master Cao, we two divided these seeds equally."

At this time, Cao Cao was very embarrassed. He didn't expect Gongsun Zan to hand it over so happily. It seemed that he was wrong.

Although Cao Cao wanted to monopolize these seeds, he was principled in his work.He ignored Han Fu, and said to Gongsun Zan, "Don't blame General Gongsun, you will have a share of this kind."

Guo Jia nodded secretly, this is the bearing of a hero.In addition, although everyone has the seeds, whether they can maximize the benefits is a test of ability.

This is like doing business in later generations. On the same starting line, some people become the richest man, while others go bankrupt.

Therefore, Cao Cao didn't care that others had it.Of course, it's best if others don't have it, but I'm not afraid to have him.

"I don't want it anymore." Gongsun Zan said calmly.

So generous?

This made Cao Cao and Han Fu very astonished.

"Not better!" Han Fu couldn't wait to get off his horse.

Cao Cao also dismounted.

The two came to the small cart.

Xiahou Dun hastily opened a pocket so that Cao Cao and Han Fu could take a look.In fact, he also wanted to see what the super crop seeds looked like, so he poked his head around.


My hands trembled.

The big bag fell to the floor.

With a smell of mold and fermentation, a piece of moldy millet flowed out.


Rotten millet!
Cao Cao and Han Fu were drawn at that time.

No wonder Gongsun Zan was so calm and generous, so he didn't want it anymore.

It turned out that the ones that were pretending to be generous were fakes.

If it is a fake, no one can reject it.

The soldiers of Cao Jun and Jizhou Army stretched their necks and widened their eyes.

Everyone is very angry.

Even if he finds fake seeds to make up, he should find some decent ones.

Just use these moldy millet to make up the number.

It's too condescending, isn't it?

Both Cao Cao and Han Fu's eyes were red.

Han Fu growled and pointed at the opposite side angrily, "Gongsun Zan, you are too deceitful, using rotten millet as a super seed, do you think we can't see it? You use such seeds to fool yourself, you are insulting yourself! "

Gongsun Zan was even angrier, but held back his anger, and said in a deep voice, "This is the gift Qin Ye gave me. This is Qin Ye humiliating me."

As the cold wind blew past, Gongsun Zan, who was sweating all over, trembled.He told Cao Cao and Han Fu about such a shameful thing, so he should believe him now.

However, at this moment, the humiliated Cao Cao and Han Fu did not believe in Gongsun Zan at all.

And it wasn't just because of being humiliated. There were indications that the super seed was with Gongsun Zan.

Ning taught me to defeat the people of the world, Cao Cao didn't believe Gongsun Zan's nonsense at all.

Who is Qin Ye?He gave a gift, and he would never give such a gift.It must be Gongsun Zan who dropped the bag himself, and he just wanted to use this as an excuse.

And Han Fu didn't believe in Gongsun Zan from the beginning, and he never believed in it.

Cao Cao mounted his horse again, lined up his soldiers and horses, and looked at the past coldly, "Gongsun Zan, don't ask for more. If you don't hand over the seeds, you will definitely not be able to leave."

Han Fu also got on his horse in a hurry.

Gongsun Zan was furious.

Speaking of which, Gongsun Zan and them are all allies.And Gongsun Zan had indeed poured out his heart and soul, telling the truth and taking out all the gifts.

Cao Cao and Han Fu just didn't believe it.

Everyone is a party of princes, and there is no basic trust between allies. How can Gongsun Zan not be angry.

"My lord, we can't delay any longer." Guan Jing was anxious. As Gongsun Zan's counselor, he had no other matters in his mind. He was only thinking about what would happen to his wife and children under the iron hoof of Xiongnu Karasuma.

In fact, not only Guan Jing, but most of the senior officials of the Gongsun Army have their family members in Beiping.

Even the homes of many soldiers are in Beiping.

If the delay continues, the wife and children will be eaten by the Huns Karasuma.

At this time, Guan Jing's expression changed again. As a counselor, after all, he had considered some things and said, "My lord, could it be that they heard that we were in trouble in the rear, and deliberately found an excuse to block our way and took the opportunity to annex our territory?" ?”

Gongsun Zan's heart skipped a beat, it's very possible, no, it's for sure.

They didn't trust Gongsun Zan, and in fact Gongsun Zan didn't trust Han Fu and the others either.

The Xiongnu and Karasuma broke through Beiping, which was fatal to Gongsun Zan.

If he can't go back, then his inheritance will be divided up by these people.

Gongsun Zan didn't hesitate any longer, and said, "Since that's the case, if you don't give way, don't mind me being rude."

Afterwards, Gongsun Zan's troops formed an attack formation.

The soldiers of Gongsun's army were full of anger and fighting spirit.

Seeing this situation, even Guo Jia, who had always been a little puzzled, began to believe that Gongsun Zan got the seed.

When the drums sounded.

The battle begins.

An hour later.

Gongsun Zan's defeat is complete.

Originally, Gongsun Zan still had certain confidence in defeating Han Fu and Cao Cao.

But Cao Cao's army showed a fighting power beyond Gongsun Zan's imagination.

In fact, Gongsun Zan could lead the white horse righteousness to break through in advance, but in order to rescue tens of thousands of infantry on his side, the white horse cavalry fell into a "quit".

Gongsun Zan was angry, sad, and heartbroken when he saw that the situation was over.

He had thought about his own ending too much, but he never thought that he would die here in this kind of battle.

And just twenty miles away.

Liu Bei is gradually approaching the battlefield with his [-] soldiers and horses.

Liu Bei is still thinking about it.

As for Yuan Shao and other four people's alliance seeking super crops, although he was not called.He felt and should be as far ahead as possible.

He also has a desire for seeds, and hopes to obtain super crops as much as possible by actively supporting Gongsun Zan.

Liu Bei sent an order to the people to speed up their pace, so as not to be late and fail.

Guan Yu said: "Brother, with Qin Mengjie's ability, although the coalition forces have a great advantage, I'm afraid they won't be able to defeat him overnight. It's better to march slowly, arrive at the last moment, join the battlefield, and save the loss of troops."

Guan Yu cherishes having [-] soldiers and horses.

Although Liu Bei is different from the past and has a county, it is not easy to have [-] troops.

At this time, a scout horse galloped back.

"My lord, great news!"

Liu Bei's heart tightened, "Have you breached the base?"

"No, Cao Cao and Han Fu fought together with Gongsun Zan. The battlefield is twenty miles away."


Liu Bei was really taken aback by the news.

Didn't they join forces to fight Qin Ye?
Why did you fight yourself?

Are you him? Are you kidding me?
Is there any such union as you?
(End of this chapter)

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