Chapter 303 What Happened

Liu Bei's army stopped advancing.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei surrounded Liu Bei.

And Liu Bei looked very difficult to make a choice.

a while.

"General Gongsun treated me well, I have to save him."

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had already guessed that Liu Bei would make such a decision.

No matter how dangerous the situation is, the eldest brother will go to save Gongsun Zan.

Although Guan Yu cherishes the hard-won soldiers and horses very much, but where the righteousness lies, he is obliged to do so.


Gongsun Zan's army has been completely suppressed by Cao Cao and Han Fu's troops.

Gongsun Zan's infantry unit is rapidly decreasing.

The whole world is filled with bloody smell, attracting countless flying owls and beasts to watch secretly, waiting for the meal time to come.

Gongsun Zan was already extremely passive.

But he didn't retreat.

The reason is that he can't retreat, and there is nothing to retreat.If he retreated to the mountains, his territory would be eroded by Cao Cao and Han Fu.He was also deprived of supplies and starved to death.

In fact, Cao Cao and Han Fu came here for super crops.

But Gongsun Zan didn't think so. His army and horses were destroyed here, and the territory of Jizhou and Youzhou would definitely change hands.

Who will it go to?

It must be in the hands of Cao Cao and Han Fu.

"Gongsun Zan, hand over the seed and let you live!"

Cao Cao holds a big spear in his hand.

Gongsun Zan was also holding a large lance in his hand. He never expected that Cao Cao would still try to hide it at this point.To do such an extremely shameless thing, you have to slander yourself to make excuses.

He has decided to make a last-ditch effort.

The hole card is his white horse Yi Cong.

The horn of charge sounded.

Bai Mayi charged Han Fu's army from the beginning.

Han Fu was very anxious, how could he not know the fighting power of Baima Yicong.Why charge against him, why not Cao Cao?
So Han Fu hurried to ask Cao Cao for assistance.

But Cao Cao did not directly assist, but detoured behind.

And Gongsun Zan planned to break through Han Fu's army in one go.

He is now only thinking about breaking through the siege and returning to Peiping.

But the reality is cruel.

Just like Cao Cao's judgment.

The current combat power of the army commanded by Gongsun Zan was no longer enough to break through Han Fu's formation.

Instead, in the middle of the Jizhou army's formation, they lost their breakthrough power.

For an army that breaks through the encirclement, losing its breakthrough power and stagnating movement is a devastating result.

This is equivalent to taking the initiative to fall into a heavy siege.

"Haha, Gongsun Zan, you have today too!" Han Fu was elated.Now Gongsun Zan is surrounded, with Gongsun Zan's death.Not only was he able to seize the seeds, but he was also able to encroach on Gongsun Zan's territory.

Gongsun Zan glared at him, his eyes turned red.However, Han Fu, who was behind the layers of soldiers and horses, had nothing to do.

"Could it be that I'm going to die here?" Gongsun Zan was disheartened for a moment.

Beside him, Gongsun Yue and others were crying.

Not long ago, they were so powerful that no one dared to look at them.Gongsun's army is faintly already an army of the overlord level.

How in the blink of an eye, it will perish.

What happened in the middle?
What went wrong?
Gongsun Yue and the others tugged at his hair, unable to understand.


Han Fujun's rear was in chaos.

"What's going on?" Han Fu asked angrily.

Seeing that it is about to succeed, at this time it is most necessary to join in the strength of the rear, why is it messed up?

"Report..., the big thing is not good, a red-faced general, with a bunch of soldiers..."

The crazy voice covered up the messenger's voice.

I saw that the rear of Han Fu's army had fallen apart, and a red-faced general, dragging a bloody sword, came here.

"Long Yun!"

Gongsun Zan was overjoyed, and in an instant, his cold heart was revived.

And Han Fu was terrified, "Guan... Guan Yu, Liu Bei?"

He really didn't expect that Liu Bei's army would suddenly appear here.


Han Fu saw that not far away, one of his subordinates was split in half by Qinglong Yanyue from the top of his head.

Han Fu's face changed drastically, and he pulled his horse away, "Protect me, protect me!"

the next moment.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and the three brothers in Taoyuan are killing wildly and killing wildly.

Gongsun Zan took advantage of the situation and rushed forward.

So, after ten minutes.

Cao Cao watched Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei join forces and went away.

He didn't go after them, so the Jizhou army had fallen apart at this moment. If he just chased them by himself, he might not be able to defeat the coalition forces of Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei.

"Han Fu, you idiot!"

Cao Cao vomited dirty words, he couldn't help it.Because of the situation at the time, if Han Fu could resist for a longer period of time, Cao Cao would be sure to eliminate Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan is dead, and Liu Bei is nothing.

But now, although Gongsun Zan's infantry had been wiped out, 5000 of the most elite Baima Yicong still broke out.

This allowed Gongsun Zan to retain considerable combat effectiveness.

"Meng De!" Han Fu came riding his horse in embarrassment.

Cao Cao said to Guo Jia with a gloomy face, "Go and clean up the battlefield immediately."

Guo Jia immediately understood the meaning inside. He wanted to see if he could find the seeds.

Cao Cao still had a glimmer of hope.

But until dark, after cleaning three or four times, no trace of any seeds was found.

Cao Cao swirled old blood in his mouth.

Suddenly, I felt that if I made a mistake in my decision-making, I shouldn't come here to get involved.

Looking at the current situation, nothing has been gained, but more than 1 soldiers and horses have been lost.

This is more than 1 elite forces, and the situation is too serious.

Cao Cao felt that he should have made a mistake in his decision-making, so he shed tears secretly.

He really didn't expect the final result to be like this.

What happened in the middle?
Guo Jia sighed, "My lord, Qin Ye's scheme is vicious. Even if we knew it was a scheme, we would have to clash with Gongsun Zan."

Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

"Meng De, what should we do now? Attack Jingxing? Qin Ye is cunning, there must be some seeds left." Han Fu reminded.

When Cao Cao heard the words, he almost shuddered.

You know, Gongsun Zan has already retreated now.Combined, Cao Cao and Han Fu lost more than 3 troops.

In other words, the forces besieging Qin Ye at this moment have dropped by almost [-].

In this situation, if they continue to attack Qinye, Cao Cao can guarantee that, together with Yuan Shao, all of them will die in the mountains, and they will not see a hair of the seed.

Moreover, Cao Cao's territory is far away in Gunzhou, and he believes that if people near Gunzhou know that he has been defeated, they will definitely be ready to move.

At this moment, it was impossible to besiege Qin Ye.

Cao Cao couldn't stay here for long, so he withdrew.

When Han Fu saw that Cao Cao was gone, he had no choice but to retreat.

Han Fu suddenly realized that if he didn't get what he didn't say, his strength would be weakened again.

So on the way, he gradually became haggard in thinking.

What went wrong in the middle, why is it not the same as expected?

Han Fu, whose hair was disheveled by thinking, suddenly became angry, and he decided not to think anymore.He wanted to do something to strengthen his strength, "We will attack Julu and regain the counties that Gongsun Zan took."

After finishing speaking, Han Fu blushed with excitement.

The generals peeked at each other. At this time, the Jizhou Army no longer has a famous general.

All the generals went to see Xin Ping, and they were ready to move, thinking that this is a good idea for the lord.After all, Gongsun Zan had already returned to Beiping with his remnant soldiers, and there was no power in Jizhou to resist the Jizhou army.

Han Fu looked over at Xin Ping, "What do you think?"

Seeing his counselor staring at him in shock, Han Fu stroked his beard and smiled, feeling that his strategy was really brilliant.

However, Xin Ping cried.

(End of this chapter)

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