Chapter 307

With Gongsun Zan, Han Fu, Cao Cao's melee ended.

As the alliance to encircle and suppress the Qinye base area disintegrated.

Suddenly, the situation in Jizhou changed suddenly, and the balance of military power underwent a shocking reversal.

The Qin army with cats in the mountains has become the most powerful armed force in Jizhou.

More than the rest of Jizhou combined.

People of insight in the world are in turmoil.

Counselors and great sages have published their own Yuedan articles one after another. Although Qin Ye gave up the super crops, he got back a good chance to become the overlord of the Northland.

If you look at it this way, it doesn't seem to be a disadvantage.

Jia Xu, who was far away in Wancheng, told Zhang Ji, "As Qin Ye becomes the overlord of the Northland, after taking down Gongsun Zan, the seeds will still return to him."

Zhang Ji expressed shock.

This young man is horrible.

Flickering, he is about to become the overlord of the Northland.

And Zhang Xiu said, "Please don't ignore the existence of Yuan Shao. Although Han Fu, Gongsun and others are at their end, Qin Ye can only truly become the overlord of the Northland if he defeats Yuan Shao."

In short, all kinds of positive news spread around the world, saying that Qin Ye must have risen this time, and that Jizhou must be in his hands.

Before Cao Cao returned to the base camp in Gunzhou, he received such and such news.

He said he was vomiting blood.

Guo Jia cried, saying that after Qin Ye arrived in Jizhou, he had cut all the troops in Jizhou to pieces, and now 3 of them were gone.And his own 3 soldiers and horses became more than [-] armed forces.


May I ask this Qin Jun coach, are you still human if you are so against the sky?
After Cao Cao returned to Gunzhou.

Xun Yu came to see him anxiously, and said that from now on, he must never cross the Yellow River, and he must open up the situation in the Central Plains as soon as possible, so as to prepare for dealing with Qin Ye and Yuan Shao in the North.

Cao Cao publicly stated that he made a mistake in his strategic decision-making, and he should not have gone to the north to wade into the muddy waters related to Qinye.As a result, more than 1 armed forces were lost, plus countless money and food.

Cheng Yu gave comfort, claiming that this is considered as paying tuition fees, and we just don't have to do it later.

Therefore, Cao Cao said that the focus of future development will be in Yuzhou.

Cao Cao wanted to capture Yuzhou as soon as possible to prevent Yuan Shu from expanding in Yuzhou.


On the other hand, all the family members were taken away by Gongsun Zan.

Anger cannot be vented.

He immediately wrote a call to action.

He wants to restore his reputation and let Cao Cao and others lose their trust in the world.

Countless horses left the city, and the call to action spread throughout the world.

Gongsun Zan angrily denounced Cao Cao and Han Fu's shamelessness in his proclamation. He didn't have super crops at all, and they all framed him.

Let the world know the despicable deeds of Cao Cao and Han Fu.

After Cao Cao saw the call to action, he was furious.

Isn't this clearly framing him?

He paid so much 'tuition fees', the seed was taken by Gongsun Zan, and he is still saying that.Really, 'is tolerable and unbearable'.

He also issued an appeal, angrily accusing Gongsun Zan of being shameless. After getting the seeds, he did not say that they would share them equally according to the covenant, but that he had acted alone.Now, how dare you frame others so brazenly?
Can you show some face as a human being?
After Han Fu learned of Gongsun Zan's appeal, he vomited blood, saying that Gongsun Zan really didn't want any face.

He also issued a call to action, telling the world that Gongsun Zan was the most untrustworthy person in the world for his betrayal of the alliance.

Yuan Shao was relatively neutral, but he also implied that it was Gongsun Zan who was shameless first.

All of a sudden, all kinds of proclamations rolled in and out of the world, and the world was dizzying.

Celebrities published Yuedan comments one after another, some supported Gongsun Zan, and some supported Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

At this time, in the base area of ​​Taihang Mountain, there were laughter and laughter, which formed a sharp contrast with the outside world.

Qinye saw the envoy returning from Karasuma, and was very relieved that Taton and the others did not embarrass the people.

From this it can be seen that Yu Fuluo and Taton were not the ones who killed brutally, but also for the clansmen.In this way, it is possible to unite.

Afterwards, the proclamations of Gongsun Zan and others were also circulated in the base area.

Gongsun Zan emphasized in the proclamation that those gifts were Qin Ye's means of humiliating him, not seeds, and that everything was the imagination of Cao Cao and the others, a frame-up.

Qin Ye felt that at this time, he should make a statement.

You can't frame Gongsun Zan like this, after all, the seeds are not in his hands.

Therefore, Qin Ye also issued his own call for action.

In the call-to-action, Qin Ye strongly reprimanded Yuan Shao and the others for not doing their job properly, not to mention making great efforts to govern and take care of the people under their rule, but instead they only know how to rob like bandits and frame people everywhere.

And solemnly declare that the super seeds are still here, and you all framed Gongsun Zan.

The call to action spread quickly all over the world.


"My lord, Qin Ye's proclamation has arrived."

"Qin Ye also made a statement? What did he say?" Cao Cao said coldly in the hall.He is very annoyed by the current situation in the world. In the past, local celebrities only issued articles and comments, but now individuals have to issue comments.Yesterday, a local rich man in the countryside dared to post a comment on Yuedan, with more than a dozen mistakes in more than 100 words, and he vomited blood.

After Xun Yu read out the proclamation, Cao Cao was taken aback for a moment, and then he vomited blood.


It turned out to be fooled.

After Yuan Shao and the others learned the news.

Yuan Shao said that Qin Ye is the most insidious and cunning person in the world.

Han Fu said that he had epilepsy and had had it several times.

Cao Cao said that he got up early today and vomited several mouthfuls of blood after thinking about the call to action.

Gongsun Zan said that he had passed out and was sleeping at the moment.

But there was nothing they could do about it. After all, they couldn't point out that Qin Ye had spread the rumors back then.

Every month's review blogger was shocked, special code..., I didn't expect it to be like this.

Immediately afterwards, Gongsun Zan issued another appeal, scolding Cao Cao and others for treachery and shamelessness.Now that the facts are in front of him, he has no seeds at all.

Cao Cao and others also issued a statement again, saying that everything is Qin Ye's tricks, and we are all his tricks.

Afterwards, Qin Ye also issued a call to arms again, expressing his condolences.

Cao Cao and the others suffered a combo attack immediately, and they vomited blood.

In various calls to action, the world is in constant turmoil.

People of insight have published commentator articles again.


The co-author didn't even take out the seeds, but took a few bags of fakes, and you guys labeled it like this?

Just like you, is it worth entrusting the future to people with lofty ideals?
Moreover, in various articles, there is no negative news about Qin Ye.

After all, it was an unjust act for Yuan Shao and others to besiege Qin Ye's base without any reason.

And Qin Ye's base area is full of rescued refugees.Therefore, in various articles, Qin Ye's benevolence is highly praised.

On the contrary, it further reflects the injustice of Cao Cao and others.

Therefore, the reputation of Cao Cao and others suffered a certain degree of blow.

More people of insight, seeing the sunshine under Qin Ye's rule and seeing the future of the world, went to the base area one after another.

At this time, Qin Ye took advantage of the victory of the anti-encirclement and suppression campaign.

Qin Jun is ready to go, and started the first expansion.

The Qin army moved out of the base area.

When the news came out, the world shook.

The eyes of all parties gathered here.

Can Han Fu, Gongsun Zan, and Liu Bei resist Qin Ye's attack in Jizhou?

Can Qinye rule Jizhou?
Some people say that Qinye can get Jizhou.

Some people say that Qin Ye can only get a few counties at most. After all, he needs to face three opponents in Jizhou.And Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei are veterans. If the two join forces, although they are lacking in military strength, they can defend the city.It was also difficult for Qin Ye to make too much progress in the tough battle.

In the midst of heated discussions among all parties, people all over the world will wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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