Chapter 308

Qin Ye sent troops.

Thirty thousand troops left the base area.

Changshan County, Zhongshan County, Hejian County, and Julu County all watched the wind fall.

Wherever the Qin army went, they made a list to calm the people, and Qiu did not commit any crimes.It also helps the suffering people. If anyone has difficulties or grievances, they can ask Qin Jun for help.

The people all came to welcome the arrival of the Qin army.

Qinye's territory was expanded at once, taking almost two-thirds of Jizhou's land.

At this time, Liu Yu sent an envoy to ask Qin Ye to treat the people well.

The reason why he took the initiative to befriend Qin Ye was because of Qin Ye's pro-people policy and the same policy towards the grassland as himself.

He actually hated the way Gongsun Zan and Han Fu governed.

He has no ambitions himself, so he is still looking forward to Qin Ye being able to control Jizhou.

Liu Yu's sphere of influence can be said to be behind Qin Ye.Qin Ye sent Xun You as an envoy to make friends with Liu Yu.

At this time, Gongsun Zan, who suffered a severe loss of troops, was able to respond.

Gongsun Zan mobilized troops and stationed in Nanpi.

And Liu Bei also responded to Gongsun Zan and sent troops to Jieqiao.

Han Fu sent heavy troops to strengthen the defense of Zhao Guojun.

But in Qinye's land, the common people hated Gongsun Zan, Han Fu and others, and eagerly joined the army to defend their homeland.

Coupled with the friendship with Liu Yu, Qin Ye has no worries at all.

Therefore, Qin Ye's power was growing at an extremely fast rate, making it impossible for Han Fu, Gongsun Zan and others to see any possibility of counterattack.

For Gongsun Zan, Han Fu, and Liu Bei, the defensive pressure is increasing.

Han Fu and Gongsun Zan had deep conflicts, but Han Fu and Liu Bei communicated secretly, and the two sides maintained stability in the border area of ​​the territory and fought against Qin Ye together.

In Jizhou, Gongsun Zan was under the greatest pressure, which made him have to give up Qinghe County to Liu Bei, so that Liu Bei could form a large degree of restraint on Qin Ye in the Jieqiao area.

But even if the three parties formed a siege on Qin Ye, but because they were unable to attack, they could only watch Qin Ye continue to expand his strength.

They can't just sit and watch Qinye develop steadily, they are all planning how to attack Qinye, so as to further prevent Qinye's strong rise in Jizhou and further eliminate Qinye.


The Gongsun faction who lost all their families moved their base camp to Nanpi.

The Gongsun forces once contacted the Huns and wanted to redeem their family members, but they were rejected and humiliated.

They had no choice but to come to Nanpi in grief to stop Qin Ye's rise.

Although they were the first to attack Qin Ye, they caused the fall of Beiping.But he passed this hatred on to Qin Ye.


In the chamber.

Gongsun Zan was silent.

"My lord, the military strength of the Qin army in Hejian is constantly expanding. The size of the army has almost reached 2 people." Guan Jing said solemnly.

You have to know that Gongsun Zan has spent a lot of money, recruited strong men, and relied on five thousand white horses to rebuild, so he has a military force of less than 2 people.

And Qinye's strength in Hejian was about to swell.With such a force size, Gongsun Zan has gradually lost the possibility of regaining lost ground.

"How is this possible?" Gongsun Zan stared into his scarlet eyes, "How could Qin Ye have enough money and food to spend on such a huge army?"

Guan Jing said with difficulty: "I heard that the common people who participated in the Qin army claimed that they could not be paid."

In fact, Qin Ye won the support of the people with his unique way of governing.The common people come to join the army, but they can reduce the military expenditure to a minimum.

However, Gongsun Zan achieved a certain scale by recruiting strong men and forcing them to join the army.And he didn't dare to catch the strong men too much, so as not to cause riots.

And Qin Ye didn't need to arrest strong men, the common people volunteered to join the army, and they didn't need military expenses.

The contrast was so great that Gongsun Zan vomited blood.

There are also many insightful people who have gone to Qinye's place, which allows Qinye to have enough mid-level and low-level officials to govern the place.

Why is Qin Ye's situation different from that of Gongsun Zan and the others?

This has to be said about fame.

That's why there is no future if you break your trust in the world.

Although reputation cannot be seen or touched, it is the most important potential factor that can affect victory or defeat.In the later generations, Liu Bei was unlucky for decades, but he was able to soar into the sky. This is because his reputation has accumulated to a certain extent.

Therefore, Guan Jing said, "Qin Ye has become a powerful force in the north. If you want to defeat Qin Ye, you must first attack his reputation."

Gongsun Zan thought it was right, but how to damage Qin Ye's reputation?

Guan Jing only brought up this matter because he had a strategy, "I will report to the imperial court to determine that Qin and Ye are a rebellious party."

Therefore, Gongsun Zan went to the court to accuse Han Fu of being a state shepherd, and sat and watched Qin Ye's rebellion.And in order to win Liu Bei to fight against Qin Ye, he recommended him as Jizhou Shepherd, and gave Qinghe County to Liu Bei completely.

After Liu Bei received Gongsun Zan's summons, he was very happy, and felt that years of hard work were not in vain, and he finally got his chance.

Therefore, Liu Bei has Pingyuan County and Qinghe County.And Gongsun Zan is in Jizhou, owning Bohai County and Leling County.Han Fu owned Zhao Guojun, Guangping County, and Wei County.

All other places are Qin Ye's territory.



This place that used to be the power center of the great man has now declined.

From the center of politics, culture, and economy, it has become Goubuli.

Although the imperial court has a lot of official systems here, it has become an empty shell of power.No one in the local area listened to the court.

Fortunately, the Luoyang area has a large population, which allows the court to maintain financial operations. If not, I am afraid that it would have been disbanded long ago due to hunger.

this day.

Situ Wangyun presided over the meeting.

All civil and military officials attended the court meeting with red faces.

"Sun Jian recovered the Jiangdong area."

"That's very good. Immediately send an envoy to ennoble Sun Jian as Marquis of Wu Cheng, and ask him to bring troops to the capital to rescue His Majesty in Chang'an."

"Yuan Shu recovered the Huainan area?"

"This is great. Immediately appoint him as General Zhengbei and lead troops into Beijing to rescue His Majesty."

"Has the envoy from Uncle Liu Jingzhou returned?"

"came back."

"What did the emperor say?"

"Uncle Huang said that there are many thieves in the area who need to be crusaded, so they cannot come to the capital to preside over the overall situation."

"It's so contemptuous of the imperial court, disregarding His Majesty's safety, ignoring the imperial court's order, and sending someone to condemn immediately."

The civil and military officials worked intensely and orderly.

Then, for a long time, all the officials in the hall were silent.

Then, someone cried.

Immediately afterwards, many officials cried.

Wang Yun sighed, and said: "Let's stop here for today's court meeting, everyone, work hard after you go back."

All the officials cried. What kind of work is there? All the work now can be done by a prefect. They just go home and rest.

"Report~, there is an emissary from Gongsun Zan asking to see you."

All the officials wiped away their tears and their eyes widened.You must know that since Qin Ye and others left and entered the city, no envoys have been sent to the court from any place.They all sent envoys from the imperial court, and then there was no news at all.

All the officials straightened their backs unanimously and lined up. In a short while, the solemn atmosphere of the court was restored.

Wang Yun said, "Tell Gongsun Zan's envoy to see you."

The envoy came in, and it was Gongsun Zan's subordinate Shan Jing.

It was the first time for Shan Jing to come to the imperial court, and seeing the majestic appearance, he was really shocked in his heart.But when he saw the empty dragon chair, this deterrent force disappeared immediately.

What do you think you guys are pretending to be?You are all gone, the emperor, and you are still so dignified?
If it weren't for the imperial court's reputation, Shan Jing would not have appeared here at all.

"Prefect Gongsun sent you to the court, what's the matter?" Wang Yun said lightly.

Baiguan has not dealt with Shangzuo for too long.

After being looked at, Shan immediately explained why he came.He described Han Fu's incompetence, Qin Ye's rebellion, and said Liu Bei was a capable person, and Gongsun Zan recommended him as the new Jizhou Mu.

"Cut it off and wait." Wang Yun waved his hand.

With a single resignation.

The imperial court became lively, and the neatly arranged hundreds of officials immediately seemed to be herding sheep.Get together in groups of three or five to discuss this matter.

Wang Yundao: "If you have any opinions, you can talk about them."

The officials have been bored for a long time and want to talk too much.

Ma Rixun was the first to speak, condemning loudly, "Qin Mengjie is ruthless and unjust, unfaithful and unfilial. He abandoned the court and was in crisis. It was not his ministers who did it. He really messed up the party."

(End of this chapter)

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