Chapter 52

Saying that, Yan Junli took out his mobile phone and dialed Yang Wenbin's number. After three beeps, the call was connected.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Hi, it's me, Yan Junli." Yan Junli said anxiously, "Is it convenient for you to talk now?"

"No, I don't need the package service, thank you." The other side replied incoherently, and Yan Junli immediately realized that Yang Wenbin must still be under surveillance.

"Okay, I'll try to speak quickly, you listen carefully." Yan Junli calmed down and said, "I asked Li Hong to release the news of our breakup, and then followed Shi Lize and found that the person he met was the skeleton. I guess the skeleton started I just plan to cooperate with Shi Lize, sell me and win you over. Our current investigation points out that these two people are probably trying to rob Wang Hong, a big drug lord who was imprisoned a few years ago. I don’t know if they will what you do--"

Yang Wenbin interrupted Yan Junli: "Yes, that's right, I knew about it a long time ago. I don't want any more sales calls."

Holding the phone, Yan Junli was speechless for a moment. He took a deep breath and said, "Wen Bin, be careful. If you die in their hands, I will definitely go crazy."

Yang Wenbin on the opposite side was also startled. After a few seconds of silence, he said softly, "I see." Then he hung up the phone.

"Whose phone number?" After Yang Wenbin hung up the phone, Poppy leaning against the table asked casually while grinding her nails.

"Mobile business hall." Yang Wenbin replied casually, putting the phone back in his pocket, "They are all salespeople."

"Then your tone of voice to the salesman is really gentle." Poppy teased.

"I speak the same tone to everyone." Yang Wenbin shrugged, sat back in his chair, picked up the information form on the table and flipped through it.

"You don't speak in that tone to me." Poppy's words were somewhat playful and serious.

Yang Wenbin felt uncomfortable hearing this, raised his eyes to look at her, but didn't know what to say: "Yes, yes?"

Seeing Yang Wenbin's bewildered look, Poppy burst into laughter instead: "Doctor Yang, why are you so cute? I was just joking, but you are now serious."

As he said that, Poppy moved closer to her with interest, so close that he could almost smell the perfume on her body.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

Yang Wenbin was taken aback, and hesitated for a moment: "I handed in one or two when I was in college, and I don't know if it counts."

"How did you break up later?" Poppy is now completely gossipy.

Yang Wenbin turned his head helplessly, and spread his hands: "You have seen me like this, it's normal for people to use any reason to dump me, right?"

Poppy shook her head regretfully: "Hey, it is said that men always look at faces when looking for a partner, so why not women? Letting such an excellent man like you go, those women are really blind."

Yang Wenbin touched his nose uncomfortably: "There are plenty of good men in the world, but it's not my turn."

"You can't say for sure, Doctor Yang." Poppy smiled sweetly, taking out a lipstick from her handbag, and carefully applied her lip makeup in front of the small mirror.

Yang Wenbin raised his eyes to look at Poppy, and suddenly said, "I remember you were using this lipstick when we met last time?"

Poppy was a little surprised: "The observation skills are good, so what's the matter?"

"And it's almost used to the end." Yang Wenbin reminded him friendly.

Poppy just shrugged, and then changed the subject: "I like this lipstick better. Alright, enough chatting, should we start working too? The boss will come to check the results today."

"It's lucky that he took time out of his busy schedule to visit me." Yang Wenbin mocked, "Are we going to have another guest?"

Poppy nodded and opened the notebook: "Male, 35 years old, used to be a lawyer, became addicted to drugs after losing his job, that's why his wife and children separated—"

Before Poppy finished speaking, someone knocked on the door of the laboratory roughly, accompanied by a loud roar.

"Let me in! White powder! How can there be white powder! Let me come!"

Yang Wenbin and Poppy frowned at the same time, and the latter showed an expression of "I can't help it, you can bear it more".

Yang Wenbin rolled his eyes, took out a small bag marked "H" and a piece of tin foil from a row of cabinets, and shouted outside: "Let him in."

The door of the laboratory opened in response, and a disheveled homeless man rushed in like a hungry ghost, looked around and shouted: "Where's the white powder? Where's the white powder? I can't take it anymore, quick, give it to me!"

Yang Wenbin showed a very disgusted expression. He flattened the tin foil and sprinkled it with powder. When he was about to hand it over, he was snatched by the homeless man. He took out the lighter and baked it under the tin foil like a greedy beast. He leaned forward to inhale the rising smoke.

While watching the movements of the homeless man, Yang Wenbin picked up a notebook and recorded the dosage and the gender and age of the experimenter.

And the homeless man seemed to get excited after smoking those powders: "This, this is great! I've never smoked anything like this! Ahh! Wow!"

"Okay, you also smoked the fan given to you, sit down now, I want to measure your blood pressure." Yang Wenbin said impatiently.

But instead of obeying Yang Wenbin's order, this homeless man stepped forward and pushed Yang Wenbin away, screaming wildly, "You fucking cripple! Give me white powder! I want more, where are they all?"

How could Yang Wenbin withstand such a forceful push, his center of gravity became unstable, and all his equipment and equipment fell to the ground.The homeless man noticed the small bag on the table with keen eyes, and pounced on it like a hungry wolf, poured a lot on the tin foil, and eagerly nodded and smoked.

Poppy at the side was also taken aback by this sight, and immediately rushed out of the laboratory to call for security.But Yang Wenbin was dizzy from the fall, and while struggling to get up from the ground, he shouted to the homeless man, "Put it down! You can't stand such a large dose!"

But the homeless man had no intention of obeying at all, he just kept inhaling the smoke, and had already lost his mind.Before Poppy could call the security guard in, the homeless man had already rolled his eyes, his pupils constricted, his body twitched, and he couldn't breathe.

"He...he overdose?" Poppy, who came back with the security guard, was startled when she saw this scene.

"Yes!" Yang Wenbin ignored the pain in his body, immediately stood up and rushed over to help the homeless man sit up, and shouted at Poppy, "Is there any naloxone here? Get it here quickly! Then go to the laboratory All the doors and windows are open, it's better to bring a fan to fan him!"

"Okay!" Poppy responded quickly, she immediately asked all the security guards to open the windows to ventilate, and then ran to the next door to find medicine.Yang Wenbin laid the homeless man flat and pressed hard on his chest.

"Naloxone is here!" Not long after, Poppy trotted over with a syringe in her high heels.Yang Wenbin took the needle, held down the twitching man, and steadily pushed the liquid into the vein.

Seeing that the homeless man stopped convulsing and his breathing became steady, Yang Wenbin and Poppy breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought you were going to die." Yang Wenbin wiped the sweat from his forehead, tilted his head and glanced at Poppy, "And you actually know how to prepare naloxone solution?"

"..." Poppy just opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the sudden opening of the elevator door.Yang Wenbin looked up and found that the person who came out of the elevator was a skeleton.

"What's the matter? It's so lively, what happened?"

To be able to come here so quickly, I'm afraid either a camera was installed or a bug was installed.

Yang Wenbin watched the skeleton walk over unhurriedly, and said in a calm voice: "It's nothing, a homeless man who came to test the drug overdosed, and we just rescued him."

The skeleton nodded: "It's such a big commotion, be more careful next time."

Poppy quickly replied: "Yes, it won't be like this next time."

"Doctor Yang, how is the research going?" Skull turned his head to Yang Wenbin.

"Currently, we have collected the physical data of 25 people who took drugs, eight of whom took heroin, seven of methamphetamine, and eight of cocaine..."

The skeleton waved his hand: "Stop, stop, don't tell me these data, it sounds like a big head. Just tell me how long it will take to get the results."

Yang Wenbin thought for a while and said, "It will probably take another five days."

The skeleton frowned: "Can't it be faster?"

"The research must be that the more samples in the experiment, the more detailed the data. If you want to shorten the time, the result will definitely not be accurate enough." Yang Wenbin said, looking up at the skeleton, "Do you have any reason to shorten the time?"

The skeleton waved his hands a little irritably, and said, "Yes, I have something to make an appointment with, and I have to go before No. 14... Anyway, I need this research in three days, thank you for hurrying up to work." .”

Yang Wenbin cleared his throat: "But if it's not necessary, I suggest not—"

"It is necessary, very necessary." The skeleton directly interrupted Yang Wenbin's words, and said bluntly.

Yang Wenbin was blocked from saying a word, so he nodded and agreed: "Okay, but I will not be fully responsible for the quality of the research results when the time comes."

The skeleton stepped forward and patted Yang Wenbin on the shoulder: "Okay, then I will work hard for you these few days. I still have something to do, so I will go back first."

As soon as the skeleton left, it also took away a lot of bodyguards in black.The surroundings of the laboratory suddenly became deserted.

"What is it that makes your boss so anxious to get results?" Yang Wenbin turned to Poppy.

"I want to tell you." Poppy shrugged innocently, "But the boss also said it, so I absolutely can't say it."

Yang Wenbin shook his head, and didn't ask any more questions. He picked up the materials on the table and tidied them up, but his mind was spinning rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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