Chapter 53

Yang Wenbin was noncommittal, just said: "Will you stop me?"

Poppy shrugged: "You are my enemy, why should I stop you from dying?"

Yang Wenbin couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence: "Maybe I really want to see you again."

After saying this, Yang Wenbin raised his foot, ready to leave.

"Wait." Poppy suddenly called out to stop the doctor, who turned his head in doubt.

Poppy took out her hand that had been stuck in her coat pocket, and threw something at Yang Wenbin from the air. Yang Wenbin caught it quickly, and when she looked down, it turned out to be a mobile phone.The simple button looks like a disposable mobile phone bought at a street stall.

"Don't forget that your cell phone has been monitored." Poppy said.

Holding the mobile phone in his hand, Yang Wenbin had mixed feelings in his heart, so he just said, "Thank you."

"Captain, Shi Lize didn't come to work today."

Yan Junli nodded: "Is the contact technology department located?"

Wang Jian nodded: "It's at No. 32, Huahong Street."

"Sure enough, he went to the side of the skeleton." Yan Junli immediately picked up the coat on the hanger and walked out of the office, "Notify the others that the black cat operation has begun!"

Yan Junli sat in the driver's seat, started the car first and drove to the location, and then ordered several other men to drive around from other directions.

At this moment, Yan Junli's cell phone rang. He took out the cell phone with one hand and turned on the speakerphone.


"The skeleton went to Zhongshan Road with the research materials, and I'm following him now."

"Are you okay?" Yan Junli asked loudly.

"I put a tracker on him, and I shouldn't lose it in a while." Then I heard what should be said to the taxi driver, "Turn right ahead. What about you? How is your side?"

"We're fine. I've already turned on the location of Shi Lize's phone." Yan Junli said as he turned and drove past the busiest neighborhood, "He went to Huahong Road."

"But aren't they going to meet?" Yang Wenbin asked strangely.

"Huahong Road and Zhongshan Road are intersections."

"No, that's not right. The skull I said was going north of Zhongshan Road, which should be in the direction that diverges from Huahong Road."

"What did you say?" Yan Junli frowned, "Are they going to split up?"

"I don't know, but it's right to keep up anyway."

Yang Wenbin and Yan Junli followed each other, and it didn't take long before the distance between the two became farther and farther.

"No, it's not right." Yang Wenbin shouted suddenly, "The skeleton stopped, and stopped at a very strange place. Master, stop!"

The taxi driver immediately braked, and before the car stopped, Yang Wenbin opened the door and ran out.

"Yang Wenbin! Wenbin!" Suddenly there was no voice on the phone, and Yan Junli yelled several times. After about ten seconds, there was a rustling sound from the other end of the phone. It seemed that Yang Wenbin had called the phone again The phone is picked up.

"Yan Junli, I have very bad news to tell you." Yang Wenbin panted, "The tracker I put on the skeleton's clothes was found in the fur of a stray dog."

"What did you say?" Yan Junli slammed on the brakes and stopped the car, and Li Hong, who was sitting in the passenger seat, almost hit the glass with his face.

"Captain Yan, what's wrong—"

Before Li Hong finished speaking, Yan Junli's walkie-talkie rang again. Yan Junli quickly picked it up, and there was a subordinate who was out of breath.

"Captain Yan, no, no, Shi Lize's cell phone is in an old lady's bag!"

"Fuck!" Yan Junli slapped the steering wheel hard, opened the door and got out of the car, and shouted into the phone, "Notify the bureau, call all the police! Two people come out!"

"Captain Yan, what should we do now?" Li Hong also got his head out of the car and asked.

"They separated Yang Wenbin and me on purpose." Yan Junli took a deep breath, "Now hurry up and meet Yang Wenbin!"

Yang Wenbin didn't wait too long, and soon the familiar black Volkswagen appeared in his sight. Yang Wenbin quickly opened the door and got in.

"how is it now?"

"I mobilized all the police forces I could from the bureau, and I must arrest them before they do anything." Yan Junli's face was ugly.

"Skeleton has known for a long time that I am still on your side." Yang Wenbin said regretfully, "He deliberately released the news of No. 14 prison robbery to me, just to let me inform you! Damn it, I It should have occurred to me that the skeleton is not that stupid, he used me to help him do research, and helped him complete this plan of robbing the prison!"

"Don't blame yourself too much, it's also my fault for being too careless." Yan Junli was halfway through speaking, and the walkie-talkie rang again.

"Captain Yan! It's not good! The prison, something happened in the prison. It was said that there was a commotion among the prisoners, and all the prisoners ran out of their cells!"

"Where's Wang Hong! Where's Wang Hong?" Yan Junli roared.

"I don't know, it's a mess over there, and the prison guards don't know who's who..."

Yan Junli thumped the seat hard, and when he was about to say something, a white car quickly passed by his eyes. Although the figure sitting in the back seat flashed by, he was indeed dressed like a prisoner. clothes.

"We're really lucky..." Li Hong murmured.

Yan Junli immediately shouted into the intercom: "We found Wang Hong! A white car with the license plate number XXXX, all police cars pay attention, the white car with the license plate number XXXX!"

It didn't take long for the white car to be blocked by police cars coming from all directions and had to stop.

"Police! Put down your weapons and get out of the car with your hands up!" Yan Junli got out of the car, raised his pistol and shouted loudly at the white car.

After a while, the door of the white car opened, and all the policemen nervously pointed their pistols at the door.A strange man got off the driver's seat trembling and raising his hands, with an expression on his face that looked like he was about to cry.

"I, I surrender, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Everyone, including Yan Junli, showed unexpected expressions.

Then the man in the prison uniform who was sitting in the back seat of the car also walked down tremblingly, but it was obviously not the big drug lord Wang Hong.

"You are not Wang Hong! Who are you!"

"I, my name is Zhang San, I did not make a mistake, please forgive me..."

"Then why are you wearing a prisoner's clothes when you have nothing to do!" Yan Junli sternly shouted.

Zhang San trembled all over, and said: "I... there are two people who stuffed me with this clothes, gave me a lot of money, and told me that they only need to wear them for a walk around the city..."

"Where are the two people who gave you clothes!"

"No, I don't know... It's been a long time since I met those two people, but, maybe it's already long ago..."

Yan Junli put the gun back into the holster, and punched the hood of the car heavily, making a loud noise.

"This time we were completely fooled by those two people."

"Yes, captain, even if you don't tell us, we know about it." Li Hong was dejected, his whole body was as wilted as an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

"When we first heard about the prison turmoil, Wang Hong hadn't escaped from the prison at all, but after we heard the news, we would preconceive that Wang Hong had already been rescued." Yang Wenbin analyzed, "And when he was actually rescued, it was when Yan Junli dispatched all police forces to surround that fake Wang Hong. Because there were no police forces near the prison at that time, it was the best time to act."

Yan Junli sighed: "In the first round, we lost completely. It's really like losing my wife and losing my army."

Yang Wenbin lowered his head, seemingly unwilling and remorseful: "I'm sorry, this time, in the final analysis, I was too impulsive and thought things too simply."

"Okay, okay, I told you not to blame yourself. None of us can get rid of this responsibility. I'm not letting you do whatever you want." Yan Junli waved his hand, "It's already like this, and no one can do anything about it. You can do it now All I have to do is think about what to do next.”

"What can we do next." Li Hong said listlessly, "Skull and Shi Lize robbed someone, so why would they show up again? I think we have wasted our only chance."

"That's not necessarily true." Yang Wenbin said suddenly, "The purpose of robbing Wang Hong was to obtain the formula of certain high-purity drugs. A sample with a purity of more than 95% could not be refined. So they just hid and did not escape."

"You mean they are still in City C?" Yan Junli asked.

"It's very likely." Yang Wenbin said with certainty.

"But even if they are still in City C, how can we find them?"

"Even if the cunning rabbit has three caves, there will always be one of its old lairs." Yang Wenbin said, "In addition to the laboratory under the Huahong Building, they must have a more hidden drug-making place. But I think, for now As far as the current situation is concerned, it is more cost-effective for us to sit on the sidelines and wait for a rabbit."

"How to guard?"

"No matter how cunning a rabbit is, it will always come out of its hole to find food." Yang Wenbin analyzed, "They want to avoid the police, it's okay, let them hide. But they certainly won't hide from their customers. Bar?"

"You mean..." Yan Junli immediately understood what Yang Wenbin meant.

Yang Wenbin nodded: "Although we don't know where the skeleton and Shi Lize are hiding, we know who their buyers are."

Yan Junli snapped his fingers and sighed: "Yang Wenbin, Yang Wenbin, I really haven't missed it, you can always give me different surprises."

Only Li Hong was still at a loss, looking at the two people inexplicably: "No, can you two explain it to me?"

This time Yang Wenbin and Yan Junli made a silent gesture at the same time, and mysteriously "hushed".

(End of this chapter)

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