Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 160 The Reason

Chapter 160 The Reason

The ground shook, and the Death Spider Emperor felt as if an invisible mountain suddenly appeared on his body. His body sank suddenly, and his spider legs, which were as sharp as spears, pierced into the rock. His body was pressed down, and a huge hole was smashed out of the ground. Pit, the dust explosion set off directly knocked away some small death spiders around.

The heavy pressure formed by the vast power of thoughts was hard for the earth to bear, and a crack opened up.

"Squeak... wait, humans, we can talk!"

The Death Spider Emperor felt the threat of death, and black soul power erupted from his body to resist the heavy pressure, and he was so frightened that he uttered Yujie's voice.

This kind of terrifying coercion is too terrifying, even the Death Spider Emperor has never felt it in the body of the beast god Ditian.

Although it is called the Death Spider Emperor, it does not mean that it is not afraid of death.

Ning Que smiled and said, "We can talk."

Death Spider Emperor: "We can talk!"

What can it do? In the current situation, if you don't talk about it, the other party will definitely kill you.

Ning Que said, "Let the surrounding spirit beasts retreat first."

"This one……"

The Death Spider Emperor was a little hesitant, it didn't believe in humans, and once it did so, it would be tantamount to violating the will of the beast god.

After going back, there was no good fruit to eat.

Ning Que saw through the Death Spider Emperor's mind: "Instead of worrying about whether you will be punished if you go back, it is better to worry about whether you can go back alive."

Feeling the increased gravity on his body, the carapace on his body seemed to be a dead spider emperor who was about to be crushed, so he couldn't care less about other things.


Immediately, the Death Spider Emperor neighed for a long time, and the surrounding spirit beasts heard the sound, and after a commotion, they began to retreat.

For the so-called Beast God, the Death Spider Emperor himself didn't have much respect and loyalty, and only participated in this operation because of the strength of the Beast God and his aversion to humans.

Basically, some soul beasts in the Soul Hunting Forest of the Star Dou Great Forest are born in action.

Because it is an all-round march, the number of spirit beasts is relatively scattered, and the leaders are at least 10-year-old spirit beasts.

The Death Spider Emperor is one of them.

Another thing to say is that spider spirit beasts usually have a matriarchal society, so the most powerful spider spirit beast group is usually the female spider, and the male spider is the tool spider. Male spiders are eaten as food.

Ning Que got some information from the Death Spider Emperor.

The outbreak of the soul beast tide this time was caused by the abduction of the three-eyed golden dragon, the emperor's auspicious beast in the Star Dou Great Forest.

The three-eyed golden lion possesses the dual extreme attributes of light and fire, and became the carrier of Xingdou's destiny power after its birth.

As an ancient auspicious beast, the three-eyed golden dragon is born with a little bit of wisdom, and has its own habitat for soul beasts. The growth rate of all soul beasts is double the normal rate, and the probability of breakthrough after the 10-year soul beast reaches the bottleneck doubled.

Moreover, the three-eyed golden beast has no fate limit, no other soul beasts' 10-year bottleneck, and she can live forever if she wants.

Although the three-eyed golden beast can't reach the strength of Ditian and the others, in the Star Dou Great Forest, even the real master Silver Dragon King who is sleeping will choose to protect the emperor's auspicious beast and will not let the emperor's auspicious beast suffer any harm .

For this reason, even the Red King (three-headed red devil dog) with 20 years of cultivation was specially assigned to protect the three-eyed golden lion.

But some time ago, someone sneaked into the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest and captured the three-eyed golden beast, making the beast god Ditian and the Silver Dragon King furious.

And then launched this wave of soul beasts.

On the one hand, it is revenge against human beings.

On the one hand, it is to get back the three-eyed Jin Ni.

[Isn't this the plot in Douluo 2? 】

After listening to the words of the Death Spider Emperor, Ning Que remembered some plots about the Peerless Tang Sect in Douluo 2.

He just glanced at it at the beginning, and he didn't know much about the plot of Douluo 2, but he still knew the protagonist and some famous supporting roles.

In Douluo 2, there is a plot where Wang Qiuer, who is the incarnation of a three-eyed golden dragon, takes the initiative to sacrifice for Yuhao.

The death of the three-eyed golden beast not only stifled the improvement of Star Dou Great Forest's future strength, but also provoked Ditian, thus triggering Ditian to launch the second wave of soul beasts.

History is always strikingly similar.

The situation is similar to that of Douluo 2, but it is more than 1 years earlier.

As an absolute powerhouse, Ditian certainly couldn't bear this bad breath. In addition, humans have been hunting and killing soul beasts these years, oppressing the living space of soul beasts. If it wasn't for the healing of the Silver Dragon King, it probably would have attacked humans a long time ago. .

Now that the three-eyed golden beast has been taken away by someone, it has become the trigger for the outbreak of the soul beast tide!

"Who did it?"

Ning Que began to guess who did it.

In the plot of Douluo 2, the three-eyed Jinni has lived for more than 5000 years, and the time interval between Douluo 2 and Douluo 1 is 1 years. In conversion, the three-eyed Jinni has lived for 5000 years, which is equivalent to 3 A soul beast with ten thousand years of cultivation is comparable to a soul sage.

The most important thing is that there is still the 20-year-old fierce beast Red King guarding it.

The Red King's strength is at least comparable to a level 97 Super Douluo, plus it is located in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, it is absolutely impossible to fight for a long time, otherwise it will definitely attract Di Tian's hand.

Don't look at the plot of Douluo 1, the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Blue Bull Python were hunted down by the people of the Wuhun Temple, Ditian was indifferent, that's because the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Blue Bull Python were just one of the gatekeepers, in Di Tian's eyes Insignificant.

But the three-eyed golden beast is related to the lifeblood of the Star Dou Great Forest, and it will definitely attract Ditian to desperately.

To be able to defeat the Scarlet King in a short time and snatch away the existence of the three-eyed golden dragon, at least a peak Douluo of level 98, or even a limit Douluo of level 99.

Then the problem is coming.

In the whole world, soul masters above level 98, or people with any kind of strength, are no more than five fingers.

Except for the dead Golden Crocodile Douluo, there were only a few suspects, Bo Saixi, the Slaughter King, Qian Daoliu, and Ning Que himself.

The Ice Empress, Snow Empress, and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King also have such abilities, but the possibility of them committing crimes is not high.

Ning Que dared to swear on his younger brother Ning Fengzhi, he definitely never did it.

Bo Saixi wants to protect Sea God Island, which is not in line with her style, so it can basically be ruled out.

The remaining candidates are Qian Daoliu and the King of Slaughter.

Ning Que felt that the Slaughter King was more likely.

Because Qian Daoliu seems to have no reason to do so.

It couldn't be for Chihiro Ji to obtain the soul ring of the three-eyed golden dragon, right?

This possibility is not impossible. The 5000-year cultivation base of the three-eyed golden lion is comparable to that of a 10-year soul beast.

Although it is only 5000 years old now, it is equivalent to more than 3 years. Using the three-eyed golden lion as a soul ring has many other benefits.

According to the latest information obtained by Ning Que, Qian Xunji has reached level 70, and just needs a soul ring.

Generally, the seven rings of a soul master have reached more than 3 years.

But if it's just for a soul ring, is it worth taking such a big risk?

It's fine for other people not to know, Qian Daoliu, as the pope of Wuhun Temple, one of the top powerhouses on the continent, it is impossible not to know the existence of the beast god Ditian.

Human beings have an innate death (adventure) gene, and they are very curious. If it is said that no one has ever explored the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest among the powerful people of the Wuhun Temple, Ning Que would not believe it.

Humans are greedy and selfish creatures, and they usually don't look back until they hit the wall.

Especially for a huge force like Wuhundian, knowing that there are 10-year-old spirit beasts in the core of the Star Dou Great Forest, there will definitely be strong men to hunt and kill them.

In this way, it is inevitable to collide with Ditian and other ferocious beasts.

Considering the long history of Wuhundian and the inferiority of human beings, this kind of thing has definitely happened.

And Ning Que was very sure that it was definitely the people from Wuhundian who lost the battle back then, and the losses were heavy, so they should reach some kind of non-aggression agreement with Ditian later.

This kind of thing is not difficult to guess, if Wuhundian had won at the beginning, Ditian and other spirit beasts would definitely rush to the street, and they would not be able to survive now.

Humans are more selfish and domineering than most soul beasts and creatures. As long as they have the ability, they will never let creatures that threaten their own race group exist.

And when the Wuhun Temple was defeated, it would definitely leave a message, warning future generations not to provoke the beast gods in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest.

Unless Qian Daoliu got dementia and was so stupid, he wouldn't offend Ditian just because of a soul ring.

The Slaughter King was different. Although his body still belonged to Tang Chen, he had been parasitized by the blood-red nine-headed Bat King and was now half human and half beast.

The blood-red nine-headed bat king has always wanted to completely occupy Tang Chen's body, and the three-eyed golden beast is equivalent to an acceleration training device for soul beasts, so Ning Que thinks that the possibility of the king of killing is more likely.

Of course, it doesn't rule out those hermit masters making a move.

But that's less likely.

Cultivation requires not only talent, hard work, and luck, but also huge resources. It is already the limit for a commoner soul master to cultivate to the title Douluo, and the possibility of becoming a limit Douluo is extremely slim, let alone a peak Douluo.

In fact, Ning Que still has several guesses in his mind, such as time traveler, reincarnation, etc. This possibility is even lower, but it cannot be completely ruled out.

After all, he himself is a time traveler, if he can time travel, why can't others?

No matter what the situation is, the tide of soul beasts needs to be resolved.

Ning Que didn't kill the Death Spider Emperor, but said, "I will tell Di Tian to stop the tide of soul beasts, don't do unnecessary killings, and I will help find the three-eyed golden lion."

The Death Spider Emperor asked: "What if I can't find it?"

The Three-Eyed Golden Rabbit was taken away by someone, and it is very likely that there is a lot of danger. Even if it is found, if the Three-Eyed Golden Rabbit is already dead, it will not help.

Ning Que said coldly, "It's best to pray that I can find it."

If it is really impossible to solve this trouble peacefully, then Ning Que can only choose to kill Di Tian and the others to avoid future troubles.

There was no way, as he was born as a human being, Ning Que naturally had to stand in the position of a human being.

No matter what reason the soul beast has, whether it is a victim or not, it is impossible for Ning Que to sit back and watch the wave of soul beasts impact human civilization.

Nothing good or bad, just different positions.

The death spider heard Ning Que's implication, and remembered the strong sense of oppression just now, and his heart shuddered.

"I will tell the Beast God, but I cannot guarantee that the Beast God will listen."

"You don't need to worry about this, pass on the message, and I will visit the door in person tomorrow."

Of course Ning Que knew that it was impossible to change Ditian's mind with just one sentence.

He doesn't mind subduing beasts with virtue, and when necessary, physical influence is not a bad idea.

The Death Spider Emperor didn't say much, and fled quickly when Ning Que let go of the restraint.

As for the sneak attack, killing Ning Que with poison, it's not that the Death Spider Emperor never thought about it, but it was completely unsure.

Since Ning Que had no intention of killing it, why would the Death Spider Emperor risk his life?

(End of this chapter)

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