Douluo: Zodiac Tower

Chapter 161 Beast God Ditian

Chapter 161 Beast God Ditian
The soul beasts retreated one after another, gradually going away.

"it is finally over!"

After the fierce battle, Chen Xin, Gu Rong and others were all out of breath.

Many soldiers were exhausted. Seeing that all the spirit beasts had disappeared, they relaxed and fell to the ground weakly, breathing in the bloody air.

After the war, many charred corpses were left on the battlefield.

After the flames were extinguished and the poisonous smoke dissipated, Ning Que took out the potion he had prepared and put it in a large vat, and asked some soldiers to cover their mouths and noses with cloth soaked in the potion to clean up the corpses.

Hundreds of thousands of soul beasts plus tens of thousands of corpses, it can be said that the corpses are piled up in mountains. If they are not dealt with, a plague is likely to occur.

Originally, the corpses of soul beasts were also a huge fortune, but because of Ning Que's efforts to kill You Ying, many corpses had toxins left on them, and the fur and bones were useless, causing a lot of waste.

No one would blame Ning Que. If there was no Ning Que's poison, the number of people who died might not be tens of thousands, and the entire Elephant Armor City might be slaughtered!
This is a big project, whether it is cremation or burial, it will take at least a few days to complete.

The unique stench of beasts and the pungent smell of beast blood still made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Some of the people who escaped from the dead were lucky to survive the catastrophe, while others hugged their dead relatives and cried.

Some people are worried that the soul beast will go and return.

Some orphans who lost their parents walked blindly on the street, the street was quiet, no one spoke, only lines of tears fell silently.

War will always bring harm, especially to the bottom-level people (beasts).

In addition to the people who died in battle and those who were not killed, many people were wounded in the battle, and there were many missing arms and legs.

Ning Que used the recovery field to save some dying people, but only a small number of them. Just keep their lives. As for the regeneration of severed limbs, don't even think about it.

There were too many wounded, even if Ning Que exhausted all his soul power, he couldn't save him. He had to meet Di Tian tomorrow, so he had to be at his best.

The two sides may not be able to turn the table, but Ning Que must ensure that he has the confidence to turn the table.

After the war is over, there are still many things that need to be dealt with.

The families of the combatants who died in battle needed compensation, the damaged city walls needed to be repaired, and the corpses and precious spirit bones left by some spirit beasts needed to be distributed, but Ning Que had no time to deal with them.

After treating some of the dying people, Ning Que took Little Phoenix to find a relatively quiet place to practice and replenish the consumed soul power.

The aftermath work can be handed over to Chen Jianjun, Chen Xin, Gu Rong and others.

As for whether Hu Yanzhen would take advantage of the opportunity to attack, Ning Que was not worried, let alone he didn't have the guts, even if he had the guts, he didn't have the strength.

If Hu Yanzhen really dared to trouble him, Ning Que didn't mind destroying the Elephant Armor School.

The Elephant Armor City has temporarily calmed down, but in other parts of the mainland, there is still a war between humans and beasts. Ning Que has no choice but to run out of manpower.

Although he is confident that he can be invincible in a one-on-one fight, but facing such a large-scale tide of soul beasts, he can only block one side.

The heavy troops of the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire are all on the border. It is a coincidence that the original Star Luo Empire and the Tian Dou Empire gathered heavy troops on the border because of constant friction between the two countries. There was no large-scale war, but small-scale conflicts But it happens all the time.

If it hadn't been for the Wuhundian to stir up the muddy water, the fight would have started long ago.

Now these millions of troops just became a barrier to stop the tide of soul beasts.

As for the Spirit Hall, the situation is also not optimistic. It is in the middle of the two great empires, and it is relatively close to the Star Dou Great Forest. The outbreak of the spirit beast tide naturally bears the brunt. Fortunately, there are a large number of soul masters in the Spirit Hall. , although there were heavy casualties, Wuhun City was defended anyway.

The two empires are at the back, and they are also happy to see the Wuhun Palace unlucky, but they all understand the truth of the dead lips and the cold teeth.

It didn't make trouble at this time, but it also didn't send troops to support it.

The Balak Kingdom is located in the south of the Heaven Dou Empire, bordering the Fasno Province, and directly bordering the Star Luo Empire in the south, its size is four thirds of the Fasno Province.

Soto City, located in the center of the most fertile Lima Plain, belongs to the Kingdom of Barak, and is also a city relatively close to the Star Dou Forest. Now it has been swallowed up by the tide of soul beasts, and there are ten rooms and nine empty spaces. I just don’t know who will build the slime in the future. Did Flender from the academy die in this catastrophe?
The world is impermanent, and the original trajectory of fate has long been disturbed by Ning Que's butterfly wings. No one can be sure how the future will develop.

Just like now.

In the afternoon, many soldiers and residents were digging pits outside the city. The spirit beasts that had already dispersed gathered again, and the scale was larger than before, and they came towards the Elephant Armor City in a mighty way.

"It's coming so soon, the plan really can't keep up with the changes."

Ning Que's perception was super strong, and he immediately noticed the coming of the spirit beast tide. Looking at the dark clouds in the distant sky, he said, "It really deserves to be the top ten beasts for being able to create such power."

"Mr. Jun, little Phoenix, you guard the Elephant Armor City, I will go meet this Beast God."

While talking, Ning Que first added the words 'Making Miracles' and 'Super Speed' to himself, and then flew up, like a shooting star, towards the dark clouds.

Ning Que soon came into contact with the ink-like black cloud, and at the same time, two completely different auras crashed into each other.

For a moment, the light flickered in the sky, and powerful auras collided constantly, but the strange thing was that no matter how they collided, none of the auras affected the army of soul beasts below and the Elephant Armored City behind them. .

"Di Tian, ​​have you brought the words of the Death Spider Emperor?"

Ning Que's voice resounded throughout the world.

"You are the God Gu Wen Huang!"

An icy voice came out from the dark clouds, and it also resounded through the heavens and the earth.

I saw the dark clouds that were as black as ink suddenly stirred violently, and a huge black dragon was looming in the dark clouds, so that it seemed like a dragon could see its head but not its tail.

"That's right, it's Emperor Wen."

Ning Que remained calm in the face of danger, and said in a clear voice: "Ditian, I already know about the three-eyed golden beast, and I promise you to try to find its whereabouts. Now lead the soul beast to retreat, and we will live in peace."

In the dark clouds, Ditian's golden vertical pupils stared at Ning Que, and the dragon's mouth full of fangs opened and closed: "It's good that everyone is safe and sound. For hundreds of thousands of years, you humans have been killing my people. Mutilating their bodies just to enhance their own strength, is this what you mean by living in peace?"

"Hey, Emperor Wen has always treated people with sincerity. There are often conflicts between soul masters and soul beasts. The reason is that soul masters need to obtain soul rings to advance. What I want to tell you now is that I can resolve this contradiction. "

Ditian sneered: "Stop lying to me, you greedy humans don't have a single good thing."

"You can't say that. It's not a good habit to generalize. Humans may be greedy, but they also have advantages, such as wisdom." Ning Que pointed to his head.

Di Tian said angrily: "Are you calling me stupid?"

"Not stupid, but not smart. What you hear is what you see, what you see is what you see. Emperor Wen treats people with sincerity, and he also treats animals with sincerity!"

While Ning Que was speaking, with a thought, two souls, the Sky Star Unicorn and the Dark Demon Tiger, appeared.

Di Tian couldn't see Ning Que's Wuhun because Ning Que hid the Zodiac Tower of Wuhun.

"This is?"

Seeing the Sky Star Unicorn and the Dark Devil Tiger, Di Tian was taken aback for a moment, because the Sky Star Unicorn and the Dark Devil Tiger in front of him were spirit bodies.

Ning Que often said: "Spirit is a substitute for soul ring that is superior to soul ring, less damage to soul beasts, and can maximize the improvement of soul master's ability. As long as the soul of the soul beast is extracted from the body in a special way and combined Soul masters sign an equal contract to make them break through into a soul ring when they reach the bottleneck of level ten, and it can also allow the souls of soul beasts to retain their sanity. It can be said to be another form of existence of soul beasts. As long as it is promoted, humans and souls beasts can coexist relatively peacefully.”

Hearing this, Ditian sneered and said, "Peaceful coexistence, but no matter how I see it, humans enslave soul beasts, and souls can't be promoted in a short time."

Ning Que did not deny it, and said frankly: "There is no absolute fairness in the world. This method is already the best solution at present. With the development of science and technology in the future, we may be able to create artificial soul rings to completely solve the problem from the root. , but it always takes time.”

"Hmph, even if you're right, how are you going to explain to that three-eyed golden beast, and how to ensure its safety?"

If it wasn't necessary, Di Tian didn't want to launch a wave of soul beasts, because he was also not sure that he could wipe out humans.

More importantly, he knew the existence of the God Realm, he was originally a dragon, and the Lord Silver Dragon King was seriously injured, if he attracted the attention of the gods of the God Realm, it would definitely not be what Di Tian would like to see.

Ning Que smiled and said: "It wasn't Emperor Wen who gave you an explanation. I just couldn't bear the hardships of the two clans, so I provided assistance. As for the guarantee, it is really impossible to make people take things seriously. After all, the future is too far away, and I can do it." Yes, just do your best."

Of course he understands the importance of the three-eyed golden beast to the Star Dou Great Forest, even the five fierce beasts that sit in the fierce place of the Star Dou Great Forest, in terms of practical significance, they are probably far less important than the Emperor Auspicious Beast.

It is precisely because of the existence of the three-eyed golden beast that the spirit beasts of the Star Dou Great Forest can develop at a high speed. Although human soul masters continue to hunt and kill, the overall number and strength of the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest have not weakened at all, and even continue to grow. enhanced.

It can be said that the three-eyed golden beast is equivalent to the amplifier of the entire Star Dou Forest, and it is related to the fate of all the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

Ning Que would not make promises lightly, especially for such unsure things.

What is certain at present is that the three-eyed Jin Yi is not dead yet, as long as he is still alive, there will be a turning point.

Ning Que was not afraid of Di Tian, ​​but if a big war started, it would be harmful to both soul beasts and humans.

Ning Que didn't want to do thankless things.

"You are very honest!"

The huge black dragon circling vertically and horizontally in the dark clouds stopped, and two groups of golden lights suddenly shone, staring at Ning Que. He could feel the terrifying power contained in the clouds in this seemingly fragile body.

This is definitely a formidable enemy, otherwise Di Tian would not have talked to him.

While speaking, the body of the beast god Ditian appeared from the dark clouds. The golden-eyed black dragon king who had cultivated for more than 70 years was extremely huge. Among the soul beasts Ning Que had seen, he was second only to the Titan Snow Demon King.

But in terms of power, the Titan Snow Demon King is completely incomparable with Di Tian.

The black dragon is the giant dragon with the purest blood besides the golden dragon and the silver dragon.

With a long life of more than 70 years, it has seen almost all the changes in the mainland. Once the powerful breath is released, even Chen Jianjun, who is sitting in the elephant armor city, can't help but feel his scalp tighten.

(End of this chapter)

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