
Chapter 101

Chapter 101
The crazy life of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Krahe finally came to an end, no one knew what happened to them, of course, Yue Chuan was not in the mood to explore, he just looked overjoyed at the objects that fell on the ground.

See you again.

Seeing the pink name, Yue Chuan's heart skipped a beat, and he peeled away Lie Yanbinoxiu's blood-stained corpse, and immediately saw the name of the pink outfit——Blade of the Soul!
Seeing the description of the name and attributes, Yue Chuan trembled with excitement.If the undisputed speed costume in the duel field is the Fanfengyi, then the undisputed output costume of the ghost swordsman is the crack.Without cracking, you would be ashamed to say that you are sharp in drawing pictures.

In the era when the King of Sorrow was the top lord, dozens of lines of blood bars made many warriors collapse or even despair. When you saw that the lord's blood bar was about to bottom out, it suddenly swallowed a few small bugs, and it filled up again in the blink of an eye. Okay, eat a few more bugs, well, the blood volume has doubled again, you can't fight it as much as it has.In the face of this kind of rogue lord, in addition to the extremely powerful set of seconds, he can only rely on the weapon with special effects such as Lianchuang.

When it comes to the effect of this weapon, the fire attribute attack is second, and the most eye-catching is the sentence: when attacking, there is a 2% chance to reduce the enemy's HP by 20%.

A warrior with a split wound and a warrior without a split wound are two professions. A split wound warrior enters the lord's room, changes weapons directly, and loses skills without thinking. It will always trigger the special effects of the weapon several times, and then make up a few knives. The lord collapsed.And the warrior without cracks—Sao Nian, you can play hide and seek with the lord slowly.

Although this weapon looks good, for a class with a high attack speed, if you want to trigger it, it's as easy as drinking cold water.Therefore, Yue Chuan immediately grasped the handle of the Blade of Cracking Soul, and recognized the master.

The moment he grasped the Blade of Cracking Soul, Yue Chuan only felt a burst of energy pouring into his body from the blade. That burst of energy was full of destructive power, and it penetrated directly into the heart along the arm. Thousands of sharp blades exploded in the atrium.Then Yue Chuan let out a muffled snort, and his face turned pale instantly.

"It is said that this knife is the painstaking work of a certain blacksmith. When it was made, his heart also burst!"

After comprehending the description of the Blade of Cracking Soul, Yue Chuan vaguely understood something. This knife contains a certain kind of strange power, which can directly attack the heart. This may be its characteristic. To trigger the characteristic, one must It is necessary to drive this energy into the heart.It can be inferred that the effect of attacking the hands and feet with fifty knives is different from that at the chest. That is to say, the blade of the heart-breaking heart must focus on attacking the heart in order to maximize its special effects.

And on the corpse of Ice Klahe, a pink jewelry, the holy spirit warrior pendant, fell out.This level 20 pink necklace is also considered a small best. In addition to the most basic magic defense, it also increases the magic resistance of all departments. In addition, there is a magic recovery similar to the halo effect, and it returns quickly.

Looking at this necklace, Yue Chuan was troubled for a moment. The magic defense and the resistance of various elements are very good, but the magic power recovery effect is a bit weak.This kind of equipment can only exert half the effect on him, but it can exert all the effects on Shariel.

Yue Chuan looked at the potion and coins on the ground, and thought in his heart that it's a pity that he couldn't explode the wands of these two women, otherwise it would be good to give it to Shalier as a gift.

But then Yue Chuan realized something was wrong. He looked left and right, but he didn't notice where it was. It took a long time to realize: "Why didn't the corpses of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Krahe be wiped away?"

According to common sense, after the death of the abyss lord, the corpse will slowly disappear, and he should be improved by the system, but today, the corpse is still on the ground, and his strength has not changed at all.

Yue Chuan suppressed his nausea and fiddled with the corpses of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Krahe.If it was non-human figures like Goblins and Minotaurs, Yue Chuan would not feel any psychological pressure, but Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Krahe were in human form, and they were women with beautiful looks and cool clothes. It's too heavy.

However, if the corpse is not refreshed, it means there is something tricky.Moreover, Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Krahe opened their mouths and kept saying "humble creatures" and "little creatures", as if they were so noble. This is obviously a hidden plot.

Sure enough, Yue Chuan found a small book in Lie Yan Binoxiu's magic robe. Except for some beautiful decorations, there was no text on the cover, but when Yue Chuan wanted to open the book, it showed mission items and could not be read.Depressed, Yue Chuan went to Hanbing Krahe to look for it again. There was also a small book, which was also a mission item and could not be read.

After Yue Chuan took out these two books, the bodies of Lie Yan Pinoxiu and Han Bing Krahe gradually became hazy, and finally disappeared. Yue Chuan's body is being transformed within Yue Chuan's body.

Originally, Yue Chuan's strength was at the third level of body refining, the realm of refining viscera and exchanging blood.Yue Chuan does not lack those great nourishing food and medicines, and he also has the omnipotent tonic such as life potion, and some time ago, he directly robbed the vindictiveness of the swinger from the Eugenie family, and he has already cultivated the viscera and blood to the extreme, and his whole body is full of new life , full of vital blood.As far as "vitality" is concerned, Yue Chuan has reached the limit of his physiology.

When the essence and blood are cultivated to the extreme, it will naturally transform into ethereal and invisible "Qi". In the concept of Eastern practitioners, it is internal force, true energy, and spiritual energy, while in the concept of Western practitioners, it is Dou Qi!

The last time he plundered Scandi's battle qi, Yue Chuan had already started the practice of refining and transforming qi, and scattered battle qi had already been produced in his body, but he hadn't taken that step completely, and he couldn't really possess and use the battle qi.But now that Lie Yanbinoxiu and Ice Krahe were killed, Yue Chuan was rewarded by the system again, and countless pure flame energy and ice energy swarmed and gathered in the world, enveloping Yue Chuan.

The scorching hot and cold energies are like the most yin and yang Tai Chi fish, blending and circling, regardless of each other. The originally incompatible power of water and fire is now perfectly fused together, and a wonderful change is derived.Streams of pure energy born in yin and yang appeared, condensed, grew, and dissipated in Yue Chuan's limbs and bones little by little.The abundant essence and blood power in Yue Chuan's body was rapidly consumed as if burning, and transformed into pure energy bit by bit.

Although Yue Chuan's flesh, muscles, and bones are strong and flexible, but from a subtle perspective, the seemingly solid collective tissue still has countless holes and gaps, and there are countless loose loopholes between the cells.But now, the energy derived from the refined qi just melted into the gaps between the cells like glue, bonding them together perfectly and completely filling up the holes in Yue Chuan's body.

The human body is like a water cup. Body training is nothing more than putting stones in the water cup. When you feel that the cup is full, you can also fill the cup with fine gravel to fill the gaps between the stones. When it is full, it can be injected with clean water to fill the gaps in the gravel... This is how it is in cultivation, enriching oneself again and again, breaking through the limit, and constantly looking for higher energy to improve one's strength.

Refining and transforming qi cannot be achieved overnight. If you are an ordinary person, you have to solidify your foundation, strengthen your own origin, take various tonic medicines, strengthen your blood essence, and then gradually refine the power of blood essence into Pure energy is then cultivated step by step according to various exercises to become battle qi.

And this process is often very long, because they must grasp the speed and progress of refining. If they are too hasty, the energy of refining cannot be stored, and it will hurt the body instead, and excessively squeezing the blood will also damage the foundation of the body and origin.Therefore, even those outstanding geniuses would take several years to refine and transform Qi, and even nearly ten years for those with mediocre aptitude. , but can't cross the past for a lifetime.

But this biggest obstacle to ordinary people did not cause any trouble to Yue Chuan.The rewards given by the system continuously supplemented him with the purest power of heaven and earth, so what Yue Chuan refined was the essence of heaven and earth, and it would not harm his own foundation at all.It was just a coincidence that Boli of the Furious Mercenary Corps refined the flames in the volcano, and he was able to run amok with his special fighting qi. But now Yue Chuan is refining the purest essence of heaven and earth. How many times stronger than Boli.

As Yue Chuan refined and transformed gas, time passed little by little, and Yue Chuan also showed strange phenomena little by little.

At the beginning, Yue Chuan's blood was rolling all over his body, his cheeks, arms and other places were bleeding red, so red that he was about to bleed, but as the refining process progressed, the blood red on Yue Chuan's body faded little by little. A pure light that was as crystal clear as jade and as moist as water rose from under Yue Chuan's skin. It was as soft and dim as moonlight at first, but as time passed, this light was as dazzling as the sun, making it impossible to look directly at.

When talking about a great man, he would always use the word "brilliance". At this time, Yue Chuan perfectly explained what "brilliance" is, and these rays of light are all reflected by the energy generated by his refining and transforming qi. One can imagine how powerful he will be when he cultivates Dou Qi in the future.

In the end, the energy covering Yue Chuan's body dissipated little by little, and the light in Yue Chuan's body gradually dimmed, and the improvement given by the system finally came to an end.

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(End of this chapter)

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