
Chapter 102 Red Eyes

Chapter 102 Red Eyes
After returning to the town, Yue Chuan felt that everything around him had changed.Mountains are still mountains, water is still water, but in my own eyes, I have a different feeling.The improvement in strength also naturally changed Yue Chuan's view of the world, as if he was originally looking at the sky from a well, but now he finally came to the ground.And as he practiced step by step, sooner or later, Yue Chuan would feel the loneliness of "too high to be cold".

But at this moment, Yue Chuan didn't have time to be sentimental at all. After all, there were two books about quest items in his bag, and he didn't know which NPC could receive the relevant quests.No way, go ask Celia.

However, on the way back to Celia Hotel, when Yue Chuan passed the Gizad Martial Arts Hall, a voice came to his ears: "Young man, come in!"

Yue Chuan looked around, but there was no one there.There are not many NPCs in the town, and there are only a handful of players and they are not online all day long. There is only Yue Chuan on the whole street.

"It's Guissard's voice. Is he calling me? Well, could this be voice transmission?"

With these doubts, Yue Chuan stepped into the martial arts hall, just in time to see Guissard leaning on the pillar in front of the hall to bask in the sun. This old man is obviously blind, and he even covered his eyes with a towel, as if he was afraid of sunburning his eyes.

However, no matter how much he slandered in his heart, Yue Chuan still said respectfully: "Master, did you call me?"

Guissard is the mentor of all ghost swordsmen, and even the pinnacle of ghost swordsmen, so Yue Chuan couldn't help but respect him.

"Well, your body has been tempered flawlessly, and you have even derived pure qi. Now you have the foundation for cultivating fighting qi, and your level has reached level 20, which meets the requirements for job transfer. I don't know if you can do it well. Are you ready for a job change?"

Change jobs?

Yue Chuan suddenly realized that he had been stagnant in leveling up, and he hadn't had time to change jobs.However, according to Guissard, it seems that the job can only be changed at level 20, and I don't seem to have missed anything.

To change jobs, as the name suggests, is to advance from one profession to another.Generally speaking, the occupations after the promotion are more powerful occupations, and the occupations before and after the promotion have related characteristics.The professions that ghost swordsmen can change are: Sword Soul, Berserker, Asura, and Devil May Cry.

When Yue Chuan was on the earth, he was a wire player who relied on playing gold coins in the game in exchange for living expenses. He chose to change his job to be a berserker.

Guissard's upper body leaning on the pillar slowly straightened up, the towel on his forehead fell faintly, revealing his eyes and cheeks full of burn marks, ugly and ferocious, he can take ghost movies without makeup.However, under this ugly appearance, there is a dignified aura. There seems to be an indescribable power in his shriveled eye sockets, which makes Yue Chuan's eyes cast on him, as if he is "looking at" Guizad .

"Young man, have you made up your mind? You know, once you choose your future path, you can't turn back! Either—go to the end, or—die by the side of the road!"

For some reason, under Guissard's "stare", Yue Chuan couldn't help being shaken in his heart. He couldn't help but examine whether his decision was correct.

Why choose the profession of Berserker?If it is simply moving bricks, now that I am already rich, there is no need to spend gold at all. Can I consider changing a career and living a different life?
But the moment the thought came up, Yue Chuan decisively shook his head and denied it.After careful introspection, Yue Chuan finally discovered that the reason why he played the profession of Berserker was not simply because he was quick to move bricks, but because he liked it, because he couldn't help choosing him when he saw it, and it was because of In my depressed life, the berserkers have always been with me. I don't know when, the berserkers have become an indispensable part of my life.Even if he was smeared as a red dog or a red dog, Yue Chuan still chose the Berserker without complaint or regret.

Because I like it, so I stick to it!Because I insist, so I like it!


"It can be seen that your decision is the result of careful consideration." Guissard nodded appreciatively, "To become a berserker, you must not only have a strong body, but also a strong heart, which is especially important , otherwise, your heart can easily get lost in the killing."

While speaking, Guissard had a tragic aura. Just now, Guissard, who was as kind as the neighbor's grandfather, suddenly turned into a monster who slaughtered tens of thousands of people, exuding a murderous aura all the time. And the bloody aura, if the real evil aura twisted into hideous grimaces, wandering up and down behind Guissad, winking at Yue Chuan from time to time, baring his teeth and claws.

Yue Chuan felt as if his mind was being overwhelmed by Mount Tai, and the overwhelming murderous aura instantly covered his mind. Everything he saw with his five senses and six senses was endless killing, blood, and death!The shrill screams and crazy roars came and went one after another, impacting Yue Chuan's mind and will like waves.

At the beginning, Yue Chuan couldn't help but collapse in the endless killing, or drift with the flow.But in the next moment, he understood that this was Guissard testing himself. If he could not pass this test, he might fail to change jobs.

Berserkers are destined to be born for killing, and are destined to exist for destruction.Death and bloodshed are the eternal themes of a berserker, but as a berserker, one must preserve the last sliver of sanity in the endless rage and madness, if the last shred of sanity is also drowned out, it will be completely reduced to a walking dead, and this, It also signifies a test.

If it was someone else, seeing this scene of mountains of corpses, sea of ​​blood and bones, would be frightened to death even if they were not scared to death. It was absolutely impossible to maintain rationality and calmness.But Yue Chuan is different. After all, he has played Berserker for so many years, and he is already familiar with the bloody scene. Therefore, when facing the test, he is not frightened or afraid, but enjoys it very much. A wave of blood submerged him, and he had a happy smile on his face, without any fear.

Yue Chuan's enjoyment and comfort are a normal state of mind, not that kind of morbid hobby, and Guissard can clearly feel this.So he put away his aura, and even stopped the influence of mental power on Yue Chuan, Yue Chuan immediately escaped from the illusion of death and destruction.

"Your will is very firm, your mind is very strong, you don't need to be tempered to become a qualified berserker, congratulations!"

An ugly smile appeared on Guissard's face. The reason for his embarrassment was that he was too ugly. Of course, Yue Chuan dared not say such words.

Hearing this, Yue Chuan knew that he had passed the assessment, but according to Guissard, if he failed the assessment, he had to go through training, presumably to kill zombies.Wait, don't, I'm going to kill zombies, I'm going to explode equipment...

However, before Yue Chuan opened his mouth, Guissard stretched out his skinny palm and placed it on Yue Chuan's forehead. A scarlet and strange light shone on Guissard's hand, rendering Yue Chuan's forehead and cheeks blood red .

"This is a seed of power, and it is also a trace of the original blood. Constantly realize its true meaning, and transform all the power in your body into the same nature as him. All I can do is to be a guide. The rest of the road , you still need to go by yourself!"

After Guissard finished speaking, he slowly hunched his body, changed from the peerless master who showed his sharpness back to the unattractive grandfather next door, and continued to lean on the pillar to bask in the sun.And Yue Chuan, who was in front of Guissard, tightly closed his eyes, constantly comprehending the newly emerging power in his body.

scarlet!Like blood, but also like fire!Full of vitality, full of vitality, but also full of aggressive and destructive desires, like a single spark, always wanting to become a prairie fire, devouring all foreign objects it comes into contact with, whether it is human or other creatures.

The seeds of strength constantly absorbed the energy obtained from the refinement and transformation of qi in Yue Chuan's body, and enriched and strengthened himself. The size of the seeds also increased and climbed at a speed visible to the naked eye.At first there was only one drop, but it didn't take long for the energy in Yue Chuan's body to be absorbed and assimilated, turning into a vast ocean. Endless blood-colored waves rippling through Yue Chuan's limbs and bones, overflowing his body surface irresistibly, like silk The flames enveloped Yue Chuan's body.

Blood battle qi, or blood qi, is the source of a berserker's strength and the symbol of a berserker - because at the moment Yue Chuan opened his eyes, two three-inch long bloody lights shot out from his pupils.The blood light disappeared in a flash, but the blood in Yue Chuan's pupils did not fade away, and became stronger and stronger.

Red eye!

How did I forget this point, the blood-red eyes of a berserker is a sign that cannot be concealed, if this feature is brought to the real world, won't they be arrested as heretics?I'm dizzy...

 I wanted to make the job transfer more vivid, so I went to find a ghost swordsman, but after playing for a while, I lost motivation. The job transfer process was written a bit simpler, don't mind.Also, I know that the job change is not level 20, but it is just to meet the needs of the plot.

  In addition, sincerely thank [Yuhou voted 1 vote]

(End of this chapter)

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