
Chapter 134

Chapter 134

"Quack quack..."

Countless strange-looking birds flew over from all directions and landed on the eaves around Caishikou, staring coldly at Caishikou, Yue Chuan and the others.Some of these birds are real birds, and some are druids in disguise.The black birds fell, instantly covering the eaves and roofs around Caishikou.Afterwards, clusters of light shone, and druids appeared on the commanding heights one after another.

A big yellow dog was covered with poisonous snakes and scorpions, and fled in panic on the street. A clergyman of the Illuminati Church felt pity and took two steps forward, raising a healing light in his hand, wanting to rescue The big yellow dog was in pain, but at this moment, a dim light surged from the big yellow dog's body, and then it turned into a human shape strangely, and stabbed the cleric's abdomen with the short knife in his hand.

The cleric of the Illuminati Church widened his eyes in disbelief. He wanted to catch the druid that the big yellow dog turned into, but the pain in his abdomen caused the power in his body to drain rapidly. Immediately afterwards, the world in front of him quickly Turning, and finally plunged into darkness.

The druid who succeeded in the sneak attack chopped off the cleric's head with a single knife, grabbed the short hair of the severed head with his muddy palm, and let out a long and arrogant howl at the position where Alexis and Yue Chuan were. The whistling was like a beginning, which aroused the response of countless snakes, insects, mice, ants, ferocious birds and beasts around, and amidst the roaring and tsunami-like sound waves, the faces of the priests of the Illuminati Church either turned pale with fear, or Turned red with anger.

Alexis lowered his eyes and silently recited a scripture. Accompanied by "Amen", he slowly raised his head, and his soft but firm voice pierced through the mountains and seas of birds and beasts, and spread to every priest. in the ears of the personnel.

"God loves the world! God's love only belongs to those who believe in Him. As for those who forsake God, let them try the wrath of light." Holding the palm of the cross, Alexis shouted loudly : "The stake has been erected, it's time for those heretics to face a bright trial!"




Inspired by Alexis, those clergymen held the cross excitedly and shouted to judge the heretics. The fanatical emotions and high morale made the druid's preemptive failure.

Under the guidance of Alexis, dozens of priests sang hymns, condensing the majestic power of light. Immediately, a white halo rose and brewed around these priests, circling around, like a nine-day waterfall It landed and enveloped the position of the Church of Light, like a sacred sanctuary, especially sacred among the waves of snakes, rats, rats and ants.

Although Yue Chuan has stayed in the Guangming Church for a long time, today is the first time he saw the Guangming Church fighting with someone. No matter how you say it, the appearance and temperament of this kind of magic in the Guangming Church can indeed be called high-end and high-end. Looking at the ferocious, vicious, cunning and vicious appearance of the druid opposite, it is clear at a glance who the believers will choose to believe in.If things go on like this, the Church of Light will naturally become the mainstream religion or even the number one religion.

Those bright powers poured out to the surroundings like a flood, the milky white bright power collided with the black swarm of insects, and immediately there were countless chirping sounds of snakes and insects that made people's chest tense, and countless snakes, insects, rats and ants screamed and were beaten by the light. The scorching heat in the power burned away, and some druids hidden in the insect swarm screamed and appeared, jumping and slapping the flames on their bodies.

When the light was dimmed, the flames were extinguished, and the surrounding streets were covered with ashes, the living snakes, insects, rats and ants just now were all completely purified, leaving no traces, not even a bit of burnt smell.

Alexis looked at the huge fiery red bird not far away, "Unexpectedly, you would dare to use such a method. You openly slaughtered unarmed ordinary people. Even if you are not afraid of God's punishment, you must be careful." Public outrage..."

The fire phoenix covered in crimson flames slowly squirmed and turned back into a human form, then snorted coldly, ignored Alexis' words, looked at Yue Chuan, and said, "What are you afraid of, anyway, the power of our natural god religion is not in the city Among them, these people are all your believers, and they all deserve to die! Alexis, are you really going to fight our Deism for an ordinary person? Are you not afraid of arousing the anger of our Deism?"

"Umont is not an ordinary person, but a devout believer of the God of Light. Moreover, Umont can hear the revelation of the God of Light. You sent people to assassinate Umont last night. This is a provocation to our Church of Light. You have successfully aroused The anger of our Church of Light!"

Huo Fenghuang's chest hurts from Alexis's words. The matter has reached such a point that it cannot be smoothed over with just a few words. .

"People of the Goddess of Nature, the hunting begins, enjoy your prey to the fullest!"

As soon as the fire phoenix said this, all the druids around immediately cheered excitedly, howling wildly like primitive people, and countless druids in the shape of humans, beasts, birds, and their pets and partners rushed towards him. The camp of the Church of Light uses their fists, weapons, and minions to fight against the clergy of the Church of Light.

At the same time, a druid in the form of a crow flew onto the stake, poked the corpse of the poisonous snake druid with his sharp beak, then flew back to the fire phoenix and changed back into a human form, and then said: "Elder , It’s not good, the original blood of the poisonous snake is gone!”

Huo Fenghuang was taken aback!
The druid's original blood was either exhausted, or lost its vitality because the host had been dead for a long time, otherwise, unless it was taken away, it was impossible to disappear.

However, for this battle, Fire Phoenix not only mobilized the druid leaders belonging to the natural deity religion, but also mobilized the believers developed by each druid leader. For druids, the original blood of the poisonous snake cannot be obtained by other druids.

"The original blood cannot be obtained by other people. The person on the stake should not be a poisonous snake." Huo Fenghuang decisively judged. At the same time, he felt a sense of relief. The poisonous snake didn't die, it should have escaped, but for some reason he didn't contact him, but he was blinded by the false news from the Illuminati Church, and recklessly attacked.

"It doesn't matter, sooner or later we will have to fight them, and this time they will hurt and scare them!"

Thinking of this, the fire phoenix suddenly jumped into the air, and with a brilliant flame, the slender body of the fire phoenix was displayed above the battlefield, and its loud cry and beautiful figure all became the focus of many people's eyes.

The moment the fire phoenix shot, the giant bear druid and the black panther druid also took the shape of a beast, and took the lead to charge into the camp of the Church of Light. The other druids and birds and beasts followed their figures and steps, stab Into the camp of the Guangming Church, the battle of positions began.

Although the druids were ferocious, the priests brought by Alexis were also very elite.Those warriors of the Illuminati Church stimulated their fighting spirit and formed milky white armor on their bodies. Although these armors are not physical, they are very powerful in defense and have a very strong resistance to evil creatures and toxins. Many snakes, insects, rats and ants Before they got close to them, they were burned, purified, and turned into ashes all over the ground by the blazing light power emitted by the light armor.

The magicians of the Church of Light are not vegetarian either. While raising their hands, they cast various blessings on the warriors in the front row, and at the same time cast holy flames, holy light and other bright magic to clean up the surrounding enemies efficiently and quickly. The low-strength druids, before they approached the formation of the Church of Light, milky white flames suddenly appeared on their bodies, and then they rolled all over the ground in pain. Some escaped the battlefield by chance, and some became The charred corpse in human form lay motionless on the ground.

The Black Panther Druid saw the heavy casualties among the believers he had developed, and immediately roared, his vigorous body bounced on the street and the wall several times, and fell into the center of the Church of Light. The division suffered heavy casualties immediately.Those warriors of the Church of Light wanted to turn around and deal with the Black Panther Druid, but at this time, the Giant Bear Druid also killed him, and the huge bear paw was covered with a halo of earthy yellow. When the bear paw hit the ground, it immediately stabbed The rock gun pierced the ground and hit the person, and the light armor immediately exploded into light shards, each tendon and bone were broken, and they were killed on the spot.The two druid leaders were tyrannical and killed all directions, causing chaos in the formation of the Church of Light.

Alexis' brows trembled, and his eyes were like fire, but he couldn't be distracted, because the fire phoenix was hovering above him, and the blazing flames dyed the sky like clouds, and the red clouds above surged, as if the world-killing fire was about to fall.

"Umont, let those people join the battle! Today, these heretics must be wiped out!"

After Alexis finished speaking, his body slowly rose up, and he came to mid-air like taking an elevator, facing the Fire Phoenix from afar.At this time, Yue Chuan shook his hand, and a magic light bomb used to signal appeared. When the fuze was pulled, a green light bomb rose into the air, and then exploded.

The security team, the garrison, and the mercenary groups hired by Yue Chuan blocked them from all directions. Those mercenary groups had strong men, and it would not be a disadvantage to fight with the druids. The security team and the garrison The army is fully armed, with shield soldiers holding huge shields in the front row, armored sword soldiers in the back, and bowmen with huge lethality in the back, all using military crossbows with strong penetrating power. I don't know how many times stronger than the hunting bow in the hands of druids.

Seeing the enemies gathered from all directions, the fire phoenix in the air not only showed no fear, but laughed out loud. "Umont, right? Do you think you are the only one who can use tricks? I have already sent someone to your house. I heard that you have a sister who depends on each other and a beautiful confidante. Now, they all It's time to fall into our hands. How about it, should you think about it and take refuge in our Deism? Otherwise, those two little beauties will become the beast's dessert!"

Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart.Unexpectedly, these druids also learned how to beat the enemy and turn the tiger away from the mountain.Although Frank is in charge of the family, who knows how many people have been sent by the natural deity sect.Can Frank stand it?
Yue Chuan ignored Huo Fenghuang's instigation and dissension, and drew out the blade of splitting mind to kill a bloody path among the birds and beasts. While running home, he ordered Doug and others: "Kill, kill all these damned Germans Rui!"

(End of this chapter)

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