
Chapter 135 Flame Elf King

Chapter 135 Flame Elf King

No one cares about the remains of the poisonous snake druid. For the deity religion, the corpse without the original blood is not worth caring at all. For the church of light, the druid's remains are just a bait. Now the fish If the child takes the bait, the bait is not worth caring about.As for Yue Chuan, he was anxious about the situation at home, so he didn't have the heart to take care of the corpse of the poisonous snake druid.

A layer of golden light is wrapped on the blade of the cracking soul, which is formed by the envelope of the weapon blessing. The blade of the cracking soul is already extremely sharp, and now with the blessing of the weapon blessing, it is even more powerful. The Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha, where Yue Chuan passed, countless druids drove poisonous insects and beasts to stop him, but amidst the blood splatter, Yue Chuan disappeared, leaving behind only a road paved with bones.

Fighting all the way out, Yue Chuan didn't see many druids, and most of the ones who attacked him were birds, beasts, snakes and insects driven by druids.Originally, Yue Chuan thought that hiring some mercenary groups would be enough to rest easy, and he only needed to face those druid masters.But who would have thought that the natural god church would use this method.The natural gods teach to be close to nature, birds and beasts, and even have the ability to incarnate. The creatures in nature are their partners and can be used as cannon fodder by them.

Although there are not as many birds and animals in Starn City as in the mountains and fields, Starn City also has a lot of poultry and livestock. Every household has ant nests and mouse holes in the corners of the beds. There are not a few animals that can be driven by druids. There are even more in the mountains and fields.Moreover, the docile and harmless poultry and livestock in the past, as well as the rats and poisonous insects that hide when they see people, suddenly exploded and attacked people fiercely.What's more, those druids turned into cats and dogs and other small animals, mixed in the animal group and made a surprise attack, even the clergy of the Illuminati Church suffered a lot.

Seeing the civilians who suffered heavy casualties along the way, Yue Chuan was furious.This was originally a personal grievance between the Deity Sect and the Church of Light, but the Deity Sect extended it to civilians, which is simply insane.

"Damn Druid, if you dare to hurt Sissy, I will wipe you off the continent! Definitely!"

When Yue Chuan ran all the way back home, what he saw were the flowers, leaves and branches that grew rapidly and spread to the outside of the wall, as well as the fire that soared into the sky...

Yue Chuan knows that not all druids are compatible with animals, fish and insects, and some druids have affinity with flowers, plants and trees, refining the seeds of plants into something similar to "original blood", which can control plants and incarnate plants Ability.Flowers, plants and trees seem harmless, but they will be catalyzed by the druid's secret method, and will become all kinds of vicious and vicious things, which are more dangerous than those poisonous snakes and beasts.And those flames soaring into the sky made Yue Chuan feel a little bad in his heart.

The gate was locked, Yue Chuan didn't smash the door in order not to alarm the people inside, but tapped on the wall, and suddenly he floated up and turned into the courtyard.

Before landing, Yue Chuan saw several corpses wearing servant clothes, lying silently on the ground. Their bodies were covered with thorns, and the sharp thorns coiled around them and pierced into their bodies. In the middle, absorb their blood and life force, and secrete corrosive acidic substances, decompose these corpses, and become flower fertilizer.It didn't take long for them to die, but they looked like they had been dead for several days. Their bodies were already severely decomposed, and Yue Chuan couldn't even see their faces.


Yue Chuan cursed secretly in his heart, these servants all died because of his mistakes, the Lei Ze family is now involved in a crisis, but Yue Chuan did not evacuate them, nor did he provide them with enough protection, exposing them who are weak in combat Under the threat of druids.

However, the feeling of guilt only appeared in Yue Chuan's heart for a moment, and the next moment, Yue Chuan's figure dragged an afterimage and flew towards the backyard.There was Sissy and Shariel's residence. Although Frank was protecting him, Frank was alone, and Yue Chuan didn't know if he could resist the druid's methods.


The blazing flame exploded again, and the strong impact pushed Yue Chuan, who was galloping forward, a few steps back. In the shock wave, there were also pitch-black coke and blazing firewood mixed in, and it was not known that it was something summoned by the plant druid. Or a building destroyed in a flame explosion.


In the inner house, Navia stood side by side with a woman in grass-green sackcloth, and not far from the two of them was Frank panting with a sword. Frank's clothes had bloody scratches, which should be thorns and vines From the beating left on it, some dark green liquid flowed out from the wound from time to time. Those were blood, but they were contaminated with some kind of toxin and turned dark green.

"You are a respectable martial artist, but your martial arts can't pose any threat to us at all. I advise you to put down your weapons and surrender. Surrender to me, and I will give you vitality. Otherwise, even if you suppress it with fighting spirit, In another quarter of an hour, those seeds will germinate in your body. Think about it, countless seeds germinate in your heart, liver, spleen and stomach, take root, branch out, absorb your blood as nutrients, and then grow rapidly, piercing your eyeballs, stabbing Pierce your eardrums and grow out of your mouth and nostrils. Ah, it is so beautiful, the plants bred by the blood of the strong should be even stronger!"

While speaking, the lawn on the ground was like seaweed, swaying up and down at high speed, rising to waist depth in the blink of an eye, and then these grass stalks, like a dense rope net, rushed towards Frank and Sissy and the others behind Frank.

Frank endured the pain in his body, and the long sword released a dazzling fighting spirit, chopped the grass leaves in front of him, and even swung the long sword into a shield, preventing the rope-like green grass from rushing towards the person he wanted to protect.

But at this moment, Sally raised her magic wand, and one after another spewed ground fire across Frank's body, burning all the weeds that spread over, and then rolled up a whirlwind of flames, which spread to the surroundings with a burst of violent explosions , not only burned those weeds, but also scorched the soil, and the burnt compacted, making it impossible for plants to take root and germinate on it.

"Little girl, your cultivation level is very good, but it is not enough. Although water and fire are incompatible, your strength is not as strong as mine. You are not my opponent at all. As long as you leave, we will not harm you. Our goal is just The Lei Ze Family!"

Navia and the woman in green linen looked at Sissy hiding behind at the same time, that was the goal of their trip.Qianqian is Yue Chuan's only relative, as long as she has mastered Qianqian, she is not afraid that Yue Chuan will not submit.

Sally didn't speak, but drank a bottle of blue potion to slowly recover her magic power.Fire magic is very explosive and lethal, but it consumes very quickly. If it weren't for the magic potion that Yue Chuan gave her, she would have exhausted her magic power and lost her ability to fight.As for Navia's split and instigation, Shariel responded directly with a small fireball.

Before the little fireball reached Navia's body, it was frozen by the cold air, turned into an ice lump and fell to the ground, making a crisp pattering sound.This small fireball has no lethality, but it represents ridicule and humiliation, and it also shows Shariel's contempt for Navia.

However, no matter how angry Navia and that druid were, they didn't dare to step forward, because Frank was too powerful. If he hadn't been dragged down by Sissy and Paul, he could have fought two against one, relying on his tyrannical strength. Kill Navia and the druid.However, before Navia and that druid died, they were fully capable of taking away the unprotected Sissy and Paul.The two sides, in this stalemate, turned into a verbal attack.

Shalier is devoted to Yue Chuan, but that doesn't mean the others are too.

"My lord, don't stay here for long, I'll take you out!"

Although seriously injured, Frank is confident that he can last for a while and is fully capable of leading Paul out of the encirclement.That's what he did back then. At that time, he faced more enemies than today, stronger and more dangerous than today, but he still killed them.So, Frank believes, it can be done today as well.After all, the target of Navia and that druid is not him and Paul. As long as they evacuate, Navia and the two will never force them to stay, and they will even watch them from a distance.

Both Sissy and Shariel looked at Paul nervously.In the previous battles, Frank had always been the main force. If Paul and Paul left, with their strength, they would definitely not be able to resist Navia and that druid.However, at this moment of life and death, the two of them could not force them to stay. After all, Paul was just a housekeeper, not a dead man or something.

"Mr. Frank, thank you for your previous protection. Even if you leave, I won't blame you, and I believe my brother won't either. Nothing can be done, you go."

Sissy didn't hold back, but advised Frank to leave with Paul.Frank originally felt a little guilty in his heart, but now he felt shameless when he heard Sissy's generous words, but he told himself in his heart: Compared with the life of the old master, all of this is insignificant, his personal Honor and disgrace are nothing, as long as the old master is not dead.

But Frank didn't expect that Paul shook his head firmly, and said instead: "Frank, I know what you think. However, I've been running around for most of my life, and at this age, I don't have any intention of fighting hard. I put all my bets on you." On the Lei Ze family, leaving at this time, all previous efforts will be in vain."

"My lord, if you die, everything will be in vain!"

Paul narrowed his eyes, leaned close to Frank's ear and said in a low voice, "I have an heir. After I die, follow him and let him realize your dreams."

When Frank heard this, his heart trembled. It was not only Paul's determination to die, but also Paul's plan. He actually had an heir.

"Take the two of them and leave here. The Lei Ze family can give you strong support. You must take them out! Just like you took me out back then."

Inserting the long sword into the soil, Frank knelt heavily in front of Paul, with two lines of tears on his cheeks.Afterwards, he proudly stood up and said to Shalier and Sissy, "Go!"

It's like on a plane crash, when the parachute is not enough, and Paul is the hero who abandons the parachute and leaves the life to others.Although his heroic behavior was mixed with utilitarian elements, he wanted Yue Chuan to owe him favors in order to help his heirs.But I have to say that Paul did this skillfully. It was also death, but he used his own death in exchange for a generous return. Death was valuable and meaningful.

Frank also understood his plan, so he followed his orders and was determined to lead Sissy and Shariel to break out.Frank may have the ability to lead people to break through, but it is impossible to bring out too many people. If encountering Navia and Druid's interception and killing one person, Frank will give up Sally and guarantee Sissy take it out.This is Paul's secret intention, but this kind of intention cannot be made public, and Frank needs to understand it with his heart.After all, one is an unmarried female companion and the other is a close relative's younger sister, which is more important is clear at a glance.

Originally, Navia and Druid made up their minds to procrastinate until Frank's vindictiveness could not suppress the germination of the seeds. At that time, Frank, who was the most threatening, would be disintegrated. Shariel and the others would be weak lambs. capture.But who would have thought that at such a juncture, Frank would suddenly lead someone to break through.

"That person is very difficult, and our strength may not be able to keep him."

"With his strength, it may be possible to take away one person, but if you want to take away three, it's a dream!"

Navia and Druid looked at each other and immediately understood each other's mind.

"Attack Wumont's sister with all my strength, and she must be kept. Anyone who dares to stop her will be killed. No matter what, this hostage must be kept!"

The ice wind and thorns were unleashed instantly, covering a large space.However, the moment before Navia and the Druid started to move, Shariel suddenly moved. She slowly opened her arms, and the staff in her hand floated into the air without the support of any power, and the flames of light burning all around In the middle, instead of being illuminated, the dark red staff appeared even darker, leaving a dark trace in the air.

Shariel recited the incantation rapidly, speaking words so fast and indistinctly that no one could clearly hear what she was chanting, but, along with her incantation, strange changes occurred in the surroundings.

Time seemed to have stopped, and space seemed to freeze. The icy wind and the thorny thorns were bound by invisible constraints, and they all stopped.

The bright red light seemed to permeate from another plane, invading everything around it, the earth began to tremble, as if a volcano was about to erupt, all the surrounding flowers, plants and trees fell rustlingly, and what fell was all pitch black The coke, the coke burned up before it fell to the ground, and turned into white ash all over the place. Everything in the world was completely incinerated in the flames.

At this moment, the flame became the master of the heaven and the earth, and the only existence in the world.Everything is corroded, covered, engulfed in flames!

"Come on, Flame Elf King!"

The magic wand that Shariel dragged out of nowhere seemed to cut a space crack, a flame hurricane protruded from the position of the magic wand, and with a slight blow, the space crack was torn even bigger. Through the narrow space crack, everyone I saw the scene behind the crack—endless flames, endless lava, a world of flames, the rolling lava is the river, the rock exuding hot heat is the mountain peak, the dark smoke covers the sky and everything, but it cannot Shade the humanoid flame creature.He is so stalwart, so powerful, so shocking.

Navia and Druid's minds went blank after feeling the powerful aura that made the world collapse.What kind of magic is this, what kind of power is this? The female magician is obviously very weak, but why can she communicate with such a great existence and borrow such powerful power.This is impossible!
Shariel knelt on the ground and said reverently: "The great flame elf king, I am the creature who made a contract with you. I beg to borrow your power to destroy my enemies. I am willing to pay any price."

Hearing this kind of words, Navia and Druid were all desperate, and they gave up resistance, because in the face of such a great existence, any resistance is futile.This is the gap between man and God, and it is insurmountable!
However, the existence behind the space crack did not agree to Sally's request, but looked at Sally with scorching eyes, and an angry roar came from behind the space crack: "The eternal red lotus fire, you You actually lost your virginity and your virginity. Are you fooling the noble and powerful Flame Elf King?"

Shariel trembled, she didn't expect the Flame Elf King to be so sensitive, perhaps, summoning him to appear by herself was a bit like setting fire to her body and setting herself on fire.

Commitment to Yue Chuan was an act of Shalier's desperation.However, it also meant that when Shariel was forcibly occupied by Yue Chuan, she wanted to use the Flame Elf King to take revenge on Yue Chuan.After all, Shariel signed a contract with the Flame Elf King, and if Yue Chuan possessed her, it was tantamount to seizing love with the Flame Elf King, and he would naturally be wrathed by the Flame Elf King.But after getting in touch with Yue Chuan, Shariel felt that Yue Chuan was not so hateful, but her heart was slowly tied to Yue Chuan, and she was willing to pay and sacrifice for Yue Chuan.

Hearing Paul and Frank's discussion, Salier knew that she was also the one who was abandoned.But Paul can even give up on himself, how can Salier force Frank to take her to break out together.Among the few people present, the only one who could be taken out by Frank was Sissy.

It is really a happy thing to have a brother who loves her so much - Shariel thought with jealousy.

Rather than being an outcast in someone else's chess game, it's better to be in charge of your own destiny. Even if you die, you must die worthwhile, at least—let him remember himself, let him remember that there was once a woman who had no regrets for him paid.

Therefore, Shariel activated the contract and summoned the Flame Elf King.She was lucky enough to hope that the Flame Elf King would not realize that he was not perfect, so he would be able to kill those two enemies.

If it was an ordinary man, he would naturally not be able to tell the difference, but how could an existence of the level of the Flame Elf King be so easily fooled? Not to mention that Shariel's plan was in vain, and it also affected the people around her.Under the wrath of the Flame Elf King, I don't know how many can escape.

"Your body is already unclean, your soul is filthy, I will seal you in the fire of the earth's core, let you endure the torment of countless years, use the fire of the earth's center to cleanse your body and soul, and let you live forever After being bathed in fire and nirvana, she became pure again. The eternal red lotus karma, after getting your pure body, this king will definitely be able to break through the limit and become the master of the elemental world. Hahahaha..."

Accompanied by a series of wild laughter, the big flaming hand grabbed out from behind the crack in the space. Shariel's delicate body had no strength to resist at all, she was tightly held by the big hand, and then brought into another world.

Navia, Druid, Frank, Paul and others watched all this helplessly, but they couldn't stop them at all. They couldn't even think of stopping them. Their only thought at this time was "Don't see me, look at me!" Can't see me", the only exception is Sissy, although she can't see it, she can hear and feel it.She seemed to know that Sariel was leaving, and she cried out sadly, but she couldn't stop it at all.

Fortunately, the Flame Elf King didn't intend to offend other people, or he didn't care about the life and death of several reptiles at all, and even Sariel was not valued by him. All he needed was the immortal red lotus Karmic fire.

However, when the space rift leading to the flame world was closed, the flame whirlwind produced by the energy instability erupted violently, like a heavy bomb detonated on the spot, and even the space was distorted.Feeling the force, Frank's complexion changed drastically, he didn't even care about his saber, grabbed Sissy and Paul one by one, and quickly jumped behind a collapsed wall.

Navia and Druid also felt the power of the explosion.Navia snarled, and the frozen mausoleum reappeared. The eternal blue ice formed a six-prism-like ice coffin, sealing Navia in ice.In this situation, Navia had no better choice at all, she could only use the strongest defense method, and hoped that she could escape.

Seeing that Navia only cared about protecting herself but neglecting herself, the druid could not help cursing inwardly. However, facing the explosive impact of the flame whirlwind, it was too late for her to dodge at this time, so she could only summon the force of nature.I saw a strong emerald green light emerging from her body, and the eye-catching greenness rose and lingered around her like emeralds, and then I saw her whole body become a plant, the hard and thick husk was burning rapidly in the flames. Ashing and peeling off, and then continuing to grow under the catalysis of the force of nature, as long as the growth speed is faster than the pineapple speed, it can escape this catastrophe.

What Yue Chuan, who had just rushed home, encountered was the shock wave of this flame whirlwind.Yue Chuan originally thought it was the magic used by Sally, but feeling the power of it, Yue Chuan immediately understood that with Sally's strength, it was impossible to activate such a powerful force.So, whose power is this?
Yue Chuan, who was anxious in his heart, didn't care to stay at all, and rushed in quickly.The goal is a piece of white land and ruins, no one can be seen, nothing...

"Sissy! Sally! Where are you..."

The shock wave flattened the buildings and obstacles it passed, and the Lei Ze family had no shelter, but Yue Chuan looked around and couldn't find Sissy and Shariel at all.But immediately after, Yue Chuan saw a piece of solid blue ice and a huge nut surrounded by emerald green light...


The mind-cracking blade spits out blazing flames.

 Thank you [流〃year voted 1 vote]

  Thanks【Yuhou cast 2 vote】

  Thanks【Currently Wuchen voted 2 vote】

  Thanks 【Xiaoyue voted 1】

  Thank you [Mo Yan was sad and voted 2]

  In addition, I sincerely thank Wu Chen for the five rewards, and thank you brother Wu Chen for your long-term support.

(End of this chapter)

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