
Chapter 318 Oracle!

Chapter 318 Oracle!

In the past, when the God of Light issued revelations, it would be accompanied by spectacular miracles, and this time is also a good time for the Church of Light to spread the power of God and attract believers. Whenever the oracle day, the Church of Light likes to gather believers from all directions Come together and witness the miracle.

It’s just that in the past few hundred years, the Church of Light has never done this again, because the God of Light no longer reveals miracles every oracle day. To be precise, the God of Light has not given any revelation to the Church of Light for two or three hundred years, let alone No decree was issued, and no miracle was performed.Over time, many people have even forgotten about the oracle day.

However, Innocent did not forget that because he is the Pope, it is his duty to communicate with the God of Light on the oracle day, even if the God of Light did not give him any revelation, but he still has to pray devoutly, otherwise, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will criticize him , Said that it was because of his dishonesty, which caused the God of Light to abandon his believers.

Therefore, even if he knew that the God of Light would not issue an oracle, Innocent still had to solemnly preside over the ceremony.

Although there is no confidence and certainty, Innocent still looks forward to the miracle of the God of Light and enlightenment to himself, because if this is the case, it will prove that Innocent is the best pope in hundreds of years, otherwise Why did the God of Light issue an oracle to him alone for hundreds of years?

In fact, the popes of all ages thought this way every year on the oracle day, but as the years passed, they gradually understood something.

In the Temple of Light in the Great Cathedral of the Church of Light, Innocent, who had fasted, bathed, burned incense and prayed a month ago, was wearing a plain white linen robe, wearing a crown of thorns, holding a spar the size of a matchbox in his hand. While the members of the church watched and worshiped, they walked to the huge statue in the center of the Temple of Light.

The statue of the God of Light is majestic and tall. His stone statue is sitting. The dome of the temple can only cover the soles of his feet. His waist and torso are higher than the dome. It is impossible to see clearly.

It is said that there was a mountain here back then, and later someone with great ability carved the entire peak into a stone statue of the God of Light, and then arranged a space magic array to accommodate the statue in the space of the temple.From the outside, it is just a grand and tall church, but from the inside, it is a god statue that covers the sky and grounds the ground.Those ordinary people who had never seen the world were shocked and convinced almost without exception when they saw this statue, and became devout believers.Over time, people also rumored that this idol has incredible power and so on...

However, maintaining the operation of this magic circle requires an extremely large amount of energy, so even the Church of Light will only open this magic circle on a few special days, and usually replace it with other gods.

On the day of the oracle, it is naturally necessary to open this statue, which is said to be able to hear the heavens.

Innocent's small body is not directly proportional to the huge god statue. In front of the sky-covering god statue, it is like an inconspicuous little ant under the cloud, not even a small ant. Even if there is a god of light, it may not be can sense his presence.

But at this time, several items on Innocent's body emitted strong light, and a mysterious wave spread towards the statue, and even rose along the statue into the unknown void.

The crown of thorns on Innocent's head has turned milky white all over, and the rich milky white light is as sticky as substance, like glue and paint.This is the highly concentrated withdrawal of the power of light. The light power on the crown of thorns has become a liquid, and it has transformed into a solid.The power of this item burst out in full, absolutely terrifying!
In addition, the linen robe on Innocent's body also shone with light and dark light. Under the alternation of light and dark, mysterious runes and patterns appeared on the linen robe, and mysterious fluctuations were emitted. Into the idol, into the void.

The surrounding clergy also prayed devoutly, and the power of faith like a sea wave quickly floated from these clergy and merged into the huge statue.But at this time, after the spar held by Innocent's palm was bathed in strong light, it seemed to have life, slowly wriggled, and finally opened a pair of elytra wings, and flew up. It was a beetle, a hedron-like beetle.And this beetle, which seemed to have life, also coiled around the statue, and after a few laps, it disappeared into the clouds.

Will the scarab come back?
The God of Light would not directly issue revelations to the Pope, and even if he performed a miracle, he would not say anything to the Pope by word of mouth.This is the dignity of the gods, the gap between the gods and humans, and it is impossible for them to talk directly.The scarab is the bridge between the God of Light and the Pope, and it will convey the will of the God of Light back for the Pope to taste.

It's just that, for an unknown number of years, the scarabs have returned in vain, returning to the human world dimly, neither encountering nor bringing anything.Will history repeat itself this time?
1 minute! 2 minutes!After an unknown amount of time, many priests of the Church of Light in the temple all showed expressions of disappointment and sadness, because the God of Light abandoned them, and they could no longer obtain any guidance from the God of Light.Even Innocent felt that his spine was weak for a while, and he could no longer support his body.

But at this moment, a dull buzzing sound came out.

Like a giant bell being struck, the entire temple was shaking, like a mountain rain was about to come, and like a precursor to an earthquake.

Many young clergymen panicked, and the originally silent temple exploded instantly.But at this time, the aged clergy members all showed unbelievable ecstasy expressions, and then they began to reprimand the chaotic colleagues around them. In the blink of an eye, everyone calmed down, and each of them stared at the statue with fanatical eyes. .

The temple returned to the audible silence, but the vibrations of the statue became more and more intense and became more and more obvious. Finally, the intermittent buzzing sound merged into a line. At the same time, bright golden rays of light erupted from the statue. , like viscous golden water flowing from the inside of the statue, rendering the whole statue as dazzling as gold in the blink of an eye.


"The God of Light has manifested..."

"It's exactly the same as what's recorded in the classics, woo woo woo, I didn't expect to see this kind of scene in my lifetime."

The believers in the hall knelt down unanimously. At this time, no matter how dull people knew what happened, the nails buried in the Temple of Light in those countries also forgot their own work at this time, and other pious people believers look the same.

As if the statue was alive, he slowly raised his body, his palms were lowered and spread out, and a golden beetle flew towards the Pope like a shooting star. At this time, Innocent was kneeling on the ground with his forehead Flattened on the ground, he spread his hands upwards in a begging gesture, and the scarab landed on his hands.

Innocent and the God of Light started a mysterious contact. No one knew what they were talking about. They only needed to know that the God of Light had performed a miracle, that the God of Light had come to the world, and that the God of Light had not abandoned his believers. That was enough. .

After an unknown amount of time, the dazzling golden light on the statue slowly faded away, as if it had never existed before, and the temple returned to its usual scene.The only difference was that the scarab in Innocent's hand had turned into a brilliant golden color. It was magnificent and sacred, and exuded an inviolable majesty.

"The God of Light sent down an oracle!"

Hearing Innocent's words, everyone stood up in unison, with dignified and solemn expressions, because at this moment, Innocent was given the real responsibility of the Pope, and he represented the will of the God of Light , to convey the decree of the God of Light.Just like those eunuchs who deliver edicts in Qing palace dramas, even if he is a dog, you still have to know who the master behind him is.

"The oracle of light, Umont is not the son of the saint, he committed the crime of blasphemy, he is the enemy of my light, and all believers can be punished!"

For a long time, whether Yue Chuan is the Son of God or not, and whether he represents the God of Light, has been debated fiercely in the Temple of Light, and voices of various suspicions continue to flow. Innocent.But now, when Innocent designated Yue Chuan as a blasphemer in the form of an oracle, all the arguments would subside.No matter who Yue Chuan was or what he did in the past, he is now the enemy of light.

"The jihad is imminent, and we will do our best to conquer false gods and heresies, destroy dissidents, and spread the light... The God of Light bestows twelve angelic hearts, and within three days, twelve believers will be selected to accept the inheritance of the angels."

Like a heavy bomb thrown into the water, a single word stirs up waves.As soon as Innocent finished speaking, the discussions in the temple almost exploded.

"Angel Heart?"


Everyone was amazed.

The Church of Light has the miraculous holy water of light, its effect is similar to that of dragon's blood, it can improve the user's physical fitness, and even improve the user's cultivation.Bright Holy Water is almost the treasure of the Bright Church.But compared with the heart of an angel, it is simply a world of difference.

The heart of an angel can completely change the blood of a human being, transforming a human being into an angelic body. It has a very high affinity for the power of light, and can easily learn and master various light combat skills.In addition, the most heaven-defying use of the Angel Heart is to enable an ordinary person to instantly have the power comparable to that of a saint-level powerhouse.

That's right, this thing is simply an experience capsule, an upgrade volume, no matter how low your starting point is, you can directly upgrade to the holy level.Because in the rumors, the lowest strength of angels is the holy level.Transformed into the body of an angel, naturally has the power of the holy level.

However, it is not so easy to transform into the body of an angel. There are also requirements for the physique of believers, and the most important thing is that fanatics with firm beliefs and no distracting thoughts can use it. Otherwise, it will only be used during the transformation process. Purified by the power of light.

It is an opportunity for a carp to leap over the dragon's gate, but there are also unspeakable risks in it.However, even if there is only a [-]% success rate, there are still countless people who are willing to come forward and try themselves.

Twelve heart-shaped spars with rich golden light floated in front of Innocent's body, pulsating slowly with the frequency of breathing, emitting a misty golden light.The pure and powerful sacred power permeated the temple, which definitely belonged to the gods, and this also showed the favor of the God of Light, and Innocent's reputation reached its peak in an instant.

But then someone thought that in history, the God of Light had also given precedents for giving angel hearts on the oracle day, but each time there was at most one heart, and these were basically given to those popes who had worked hard all their lives. Prepared, there are very few outflows of angelic hearts. In the history of the Guangming Church, there is no record of ordinary believers using angelic hearts, because no one except the Pope has this honor.

But this time, the God of Light actually bestowed twelve angelic hearts at once, and these angelic hearts were all used to train believers.Is there something in it?
As a result, many people thought of Jihad and Yue Chuan.Even the God of Light has proved that Yue Chuan is not the Holy Son, so what is the backing behind Yue Chuan?If he hadn't been favored by the God of Light, how did he master those divine arts that even the Church of Light had lost?

The doubts are getting bigger and bigger, and many people don't even dare to think about it, because the more they think about it, the more shocking they feel.Things at this level are no longer something they can participate in.

With a wave of his hand, Innocent put away the twelve angel hearts.

He was very satisfied with the awe-inspiring gazes of those people in the temple looking at him. From then on, there would no longer be any dissenting voices and discordant people in the Church of Light.Shouldn't that old guy...

The fierce discussion in the temple subsided instantly, because Innocent raised his palm high, and in his palm was a sheepskin scroll overflowing with rich golden light.

"This is a parchment book written by the great God of Light, which records all kinds of light magic that have been lost in my teaching!"

After a brief silence in the Temple of Light, it erupted instantly. Compared with the twelve angel hearts just now, this sheepskin scroll written by the God of Light undoubtedly moved everyone more.

Because the Angel Heart is a one-time consumable, although there are twelve, how many clergymen are there in the Church of Light?No matter how it is distributed, it will not be one per person, let alone distributed to them, and even if it is distributed to them, some of them may not dare to use it.Not everyone has a devout heart without distracting thoughts.

But this sheepskin scroll is different. This handwriting of the God of Light will inevitably be copied into countless copies and distributed to every clergyman. Spells, these are all divine arts that were once brilliant in the history of the Illuminati Church, and they are the supreme skills that have disappeared in the dust of history.

Holding the sheepskin scroll aloft, Innocent felt as if his palms were about to be scorched and roasted. It wasn't the sheepskin scroll, but the scorching gaze from all directions was too intense. If it wasn't in the temple, if he didn't have the Pope's With his identity, he really doubted whether these guys would rush over and crush him to death, and then go to snatch the scroll.

Fortunately, they didn't!
However, when ninety-nine percent of the people were overwhelmed by excitement and fanaticism, some people remained calm, and they couldn't help but think.The God of Light has not issued any oracle for hundreds of years, and if we go forward for thousands of years, although the God of Light occasionally sends down an oracle, it is always one or two prophecies with inexplicable meanings, and basically nothing is given. over something.

But this time, the God of Light was uncharacteristically, giving an oracle and a reward.When did the God of Light care so much about the foundation of the world?When did the God of Light consider this for the believers?
There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief!

This sentence appeared inexplicably in their minds, and they didn't know why they had this idea, and they all looked at the towering god statue trembling all over their bodies.Fortunately, the divine light on the statue has disappeared like an ebb tide, and the statue has returned to a stone sculpture and clay sculpture.

I should not be discovered by the God of Light for my blasphemous thoughts...

However, this kind of thinking spreads and grows wildly in their hearts like wild grass that can't be burned out by the blowing wind. They can't help but doubt the God of Light's intentions and the real purpose of the God of Light.

In fact, even Innocent couldn't help doubting the God of Light's intentions, because he hadn't had time to express any thoughts and ideas to the God of Light through the scarab, and the God of Light had already issued several oracles and rewards to the God of Light. Come down, like that, it seems that the God of Light has been brewing for a long time and is ready.

Is it because the God of Light is omniscient and omnipotent?But why didn't the God of Light notice the predicament of the Church of Light in the past few thousand years, so why didn't he give support?

There must be some reason!

And at this time, Yue Chuan's face inexplicably appeared in Innocent's mind.

The God of Light actually knew about the existence of this blasphemer. It seemed that he was indeed very well-known, and he even attracted the attention of the God of Light!
Indeed, the three oracles of the God of Light did not mention anyone, but only identified Yue Chuan as a blasphemer.In the past, even if the God of Light wanted to express something, he would use some obscure prophecies and hints to convey it, never naming names like he does now.

It's a bit weird!

But then, Innocent's frowned brows relaxed. It has nothing to do with him what the God of Light thinks or does, as long as what he does can bring him benefits.Looking at the current situation, I am still very useful to him. Since I am useful, it means that there are more benefits waiting for me.

Putting the parchment away, Innocent sighed in his heart. The only benefit he could get was this manuscript. Although the heart of an angel is good, it is poisonous to him. Moreover, with his own strength, I can't use that thing anymore.

At this moment, another figure suddenly appeared in Innocent's mind, and he sneered and said, "I can give her the heart of an angel!"

[It's 5 o'clock in 12 minutes, and I just finished writing, alas, today's speed hits my face again]

(End of this chapter)

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