
Chapter 319 Angel's Heart

Chapter 319 Angel's Heart
The oracle of the Illuminati Church has been spread through various channels. There is no way to keep this kind of thing secret. After all, believers of the Illuminati Church come from all over the world, and there are people from every country. Spies outside.However, Innocent has no intention of keeping the oracle matter a secret. On the contrary, he is trying to convey the process and results of the matter through these eyes and ears, so that the outside world can know the strength of the Church of Light.

Jihad, this is the most important thing for the Church of Light now. Whether it is Yue Chuan's increasing threat or the nomination of the God of Light, Innocent feels heavy pressure. He never thought that the God of Light has already noticed The movement, but also to understand the existence of Yue Chuan.

The main factors that hindered the jihad before were the vassal states and believers who were waiting and watching. After all, Yue Chuan had a self-proclaimed status as the Son of God, and this status did win him the support of many believers of the Bright Church. Half of the power of the Church of Light, the remaining half is not very firm.And the news that Yue Chuan sent through his identity as a "guardian" also made many forces on the mainland dare not stand firmly on the side of the Bright Church, but were caught in the middle and muddled, repeatedly delaying the pace of the jihad.

But now, all problems are gone.

Yue Chuan's status as the Holy Son has been deprived by the oracle, and he has been completely nailed to the status of "blasphemer".In the oracle, the Church of Light showed amazing strength. Whether it was the twelve hearts of angels or the golden parchment written by the God of Light, the power of the Church of Light had a qualitative leap. This incident shows that the Church of Light has the favor of the gods and has received the support of the gods. This is the most important factor to measure whether a sect is strong or not.

After the news of the oracle was delivered, the situation of the jihad immediately became unpredictable.

More than [-]% of the believers who originally supported Yue Chuan fell to the side of the Guangming Church, and their attitude towards Yue Chuan turned into hatred. In the royal city of the Great Qin Kingdom, the cry of the blasphemer can be heard from time to time. Of course, This kind of person was immediately thrown into the prison by the soldiers of the Great Qin State, but there are many people who have been poisoned by religion, even if they know the knife edge, they will continue to bump into it.

The jihadist army, which has been repeatedly delayed, changed its laziness in the past, completed all the personnel assembly and material raising in less than a day, and embarked on the journey. The state of Qin did not lie, and even publicly declared that it would plant the banner of holy war all over the state of Qin.

The God of Light didn't even make a move. It was just an oracle and a single thought that caused the continent to turmoil. If it wasn't for Yue Chuan but someone else, he might have surrendered to the Church of Light long ago, because it is impossible for mortals to fight against the gods. It is a deeply rooted concept.There were many people who wanted to become the "God of Fighting" and challenged the divine right, but they all perished completely in the wrath of the gods.

Yue Chuan is not worried about the situation abroad, even if he is worried, there is nothing he can do.Yue Chuan is not worried about the situation in the country, and there are naturally other people to deal with it.The only thing Yue Chuan is worried about is his own house, because there is a person he cares about living here.

Bai Zhanhan quietly passed another piece of information to Yue Chuan.

The last time Bai Zhanhan secretly investigated An Qi, which made Yue Chuan furious. Since then, Bai Zhanhan dared not report any of An Qi's actions. Of course, at that time, An Qi did not do anything excessive or outrageous. Qi has her own opinion, but in all fairness, An Qi is indeed a gentle and virtuous woman who can be called a model virtuous wife and mother in all aspects, otherwise, she wouldn't make Yue Chuan sink as soon as she appeared.

However, An Qi has a fatal flaw, that is her belief!

She is a fanatic, a believer who is extremely devout and crazy to the gods.In her world, faith is the only thing and everything, everything about her belongs to the gods, and the meaning of her existence is to dedicate to the gods.

The reason why she fell in love with Yue Chuan was because she saw the miraculous scene where Yue Chuan said "Let there be light". She believed that Yue Chuan was the true Son of God, the representative of the God of Light, and Yue Chuan immediately became her life. Faith in the heart, reliance in the soul.However, when the news of the oracle came out from the Great Holy Hall, especially after Yue Chuan was identified as a blasphemer, An Qi's heart immediately set off a storm.

Like the collapse of faith, An Qi's heart suffered an unprecedented catastrophe. She couldn't forgive herself, and worshiped a blasphemer as a god for so long, and even got along with this blasphemer day and night, and even almost married him. He bore children.

An Qi also tried to convince herself, because she did see the scene of boundless light, which is the power that only belongs to the gods.But when an angel heart was placed on Angel's table, Angel was silent.

I have to admire Innocent's courage and courage. He even gave one of the twelve angel hearts to An Qi. He mobilized all his strength and sent this angel heart to An Qi.He believed that An Qi would not reject this angelic heart.

The pure power of light, the pure radiance of divinity, as well as the faint shadows of angels and the voice of heavenly hymns, all of these show that the heart of the angel in front of him is bestowed by the God of Light, because it is absolutely impossible for the world to forge this kind of thing.

"Use the heart of an angel to verify your piety, and prove your loyalty to the God of Light..."

A voice kept echoing, constantly driving An Qi to reach out her hands to hold the crystal clear angel heart in the crystal box.

On the other side, Yue Chuan folded the information bit by bit. He folded it very carefully and carefully, but Bai Zhanhan beside him could feel the roiling anger in Yue Chuan's heart.

"The Church of Light is indeed a big problem. These people don't have any laws and regulations in their eyes. They can do any crazy thing in the name of God at any time."

Angel's Heart was sent in by the clergy from the Daqin King's capital. For these clerics from their own faction, their defenses were extremely lax. It was only when Bai Zhanhan kept staring at An Qi that he realized that something was wrong, but because With An Qi's identity, he didn't dare to take any action, so he could only tell Yue Chuan about it.

Unfortunately, it's too late!Angie has already seen the angel heart.

Yue Chuan closed his eyes and let out a long breath, "Let her make her own choice..."

Although he talked about making a choice, Yue Chuan already knew the outcome of the matter.He knew his feelings for An Qi, and he also knew An Qi's feelings for him.To be precise, I fell in love with An Qi at first sight with an element of gratitude, while An Qi loves me with faith.If there is no involvement of external factors, they can indeed develop true love after the accumulation of time, but it is a pity that they don't have time.

A piercing beam of light came out from An Qi's residence. The scene was magnificent and spectacular, and almost instantly attracted the eyes and attention of everyone in the Great Qin Kingdom.

"It's the direction of the palace!"

The tyrannical energy storm struck in all directions with the beam of light as the center, and many people had to back away because their skins ached and their eyes were sore.

"Such a powerful energy fluctuation is bigger than the movement of the fire phoenix last time. What is it this time?"

Although countless strong men were curious, the incident of forcibly breaking into the palace last time taught many of them a harsh lesson. Those who directly participated in it are still locked up in the prisons of the Great Qin Kingdom. Although the guards are lax, But those saint-level powerhouses stayed obediently, and did not dare to have the idea of ​​​​breaking out of prison.And those strong men who were just watching the fun from the sidelines were severely taught by their masters, who would dare to watch the fun now.

Therefore, a strange scene appeared in the Great Qin Kingdom, and the direction of the palace changed dramatically. However, the strong men in the palace not only dared not observe what happened, but closed the doors and windows as if avoiding suspicion.

The sergeants guarding the palace looked at the beam of light in horror, all at a loss, but soon, an order came from the palace, and everyone stayed at their posts and was not allowed to move around in private.No matter how dazzling the beam of light is, everyone turned a blind eye to it.

No, there is one more person watching.Yue Chuan looked at Guangzhu with sadness in his eyes...

When the news of the oracle day came out, Yue Chuan naturally had a full understanding of the Angel Heart and the function of this item. Once he used the Angel Heart, no matter whether he succeeded or failed, he would never be the same as before.

In the beam of light, An Qi transformed rapidly. Her belief was extremely firm, and she was more persistent than ordinary fanatics. The light energy and divine radiance transformed her body and soul. The pain was unimaginable. Many believers were in this situation. The pass failed, and was wiped out in the powerful energy.

But An Qi held on, and through the strong light, it could be seen that there was no pain or discomfort on her face at all.Plain and quiet, neither happy nor sad, neither the nostalgia of losing the human body, nor the joy of becoming an angel, as if all of this has nothing to do with her.

"It turned out to be the reincarnation of an archangel who was lost in the human world for thousands of years due to his fall... Return to your place..."

In the beam of light, a voice containing supreme majesty came out. If Innocent was here, he would be able to tell that the voice was the God of Light who gave him an oracle, and the content of the oracle was still stored in the scarab.

Yue Chuan raised his head and looked towards the end of the beam of light. The hole-like aperture had a more radiant light than the sun, but in that light, Yue Chuan vaguely saw a face and felt a pair of eyes like sharp swords.

Looking at each other across thousands of miles and endless space, Yue Chuan still felt a heavy pressure. It was a pressure from the spiritual level. A heavy coercion directly acted on Yue Chuan's soul, oppressing his soul. Shattered and shattered, countless crystalline soul fragments spilled out of the body, shining colorful colors around Yue Chuan's body.

A blood arrow spewed out from Yue Chuan's mouth. Although he looked at each other tenaciously, he was defeated by the majesty of the God of Light after all, and suffered heavy trauma in an instant.

Yue Chuan still raised his head and looked at where the God of Light was. He wanted to see the lineup of the God of Light and remember his appearance.But his eyes were so dim that he couldn't even recognize the colors of the outside world, and when he found the light hole in the sky, what awaited him was still sinking pain!

"Is this the power of God? Is this the will of God? Why is God so powerful? And as a mortal, I don't even have the qualifications to look up to you! Damn..."

Endless rage burned in Yue Chuan's heart. In the blazing rage, Yue Chuan's shattered soul condensed back as if inspired. The invisible and substanceless soul absorbed the anger and blood energy in the process of condensing, and unexpectedly condensed into A blood-red crystal.

It's as red as blood!Blazing like fire!
"Huh...a humble mortal, unexpectedly..."

But at this time, the beam of light seemed to lose its support of power, and disappeared instantly, and it was unknown what the God of Light said.

[Thanks to Amatsuki for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much.In addition, regarding the bullying of the protagonist mentioned by book friend 65617875, I can only say that it was not my intention to abuse the protagonist, and I will never write a book for the abuse of the protagonist.After all, I'm not mentally distorted, why should I go to the protagonist to torture me to death, not to mention that everyone doesn't like to watch this kind of plot, and I don't like it either.Angie's departure in today's chapter is by no means an abuser, it is a process of plot change.An Qi is not the heroine, never has been, she is just a person who appears when she should appear and leaves when she should leave to affect the plot.This is not a bully. 】

(End of this chapter)

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