
Chapter 339 Goddess of Light

Chapter 339 Goddess of Light
The "Bright Bible" proclaims the end of the world and the destruction of the world. At this time, the God of Light will send down divine power to protect the believers, and bring them to the world of light to enjoy a blissful life.

Being hunted down by many masters just now, all the believers of the Guangming Church felt a sense of doom.After all, at best they only know a little bit about cultivation, and they are just starting out on the road of cultivation, but what they face are all saint-level powerhouses, and at worst they are warriors or magisters with nine-level cultivation. In terms of numbers, The Guangming Church is a hundred times better than the other side, but in terms of quality, the Guangming Church is a thousand times worse than the other side. This is simply a unilateral massacre.

In the camp of the Church of Light, the lights of various blessings and magic come and go, flying around. However, the blessing of weapons cannot bring the believers the courage to fight, the blessing of the angels cannot bring calmness and wisdom to the believers, and the guardian badge cannot enhance their defense. The only Holy Wind of Healing that has any effect is like a target that quickly attracts those strong men to hunt and kill.

And at this moment of crisis, all the high-ranking archbishops in red in the past have disappeared. They are supporting the incomparably noble Pope and fleeing for his life. How can they care about the lives of believers? It was flapping its wings and flying high, and never looked back from the beginning to the end.


Those who keep claiming to protect and redeem believers are all big liars.It wasn't until this moment that those believers realized that the people they respected so much in the past were all hypocritical liars.They don't rescue people when they are alive, let alone ascend to the kingdom of light after death.

Faith is shattered, loyalty is lost, and it is only a moment.At the time of life and death, the brilliance of human nature can be revealed the most, and the darkness of human nature can also be burst out the most. Innocent and the others are like this, and so are these believers.

Accompanied by a violent explosion, the Holy Wind of Healing propped up by a certain cleric was split by a sword. The hood was crushed to pieces, and even the thick plate armor on the chest of the priest was cut open.Under the blow of the sword energy full of destructive power, the plate armor was directly blown into iron filings, and the chest defended by the plate armor was also bloody and bloody from the sword energy, and a transparent hole probably pierced through it.

With this kind of injury, death is absolutely inevitable. Although the Church of Light has healing magic, that kind of magic can only add blood and grow muscle. But now a big hole is directly pulled out in the chest, I am afraid that the heart and lung lobes or something All of them were completely destroyed, their vitality was cut off, and they were absolutely doomed.

The reason why he hasn't fallen down yet is because he held his breath with his advanced cultivation—remorse for his own incompetence, and even more resentment for the Pope and many angels!It's just that this kind of resentment and obsession can't support him for too long, the world in front of him has gradually blurred and gradually darkened.

But at this moment, a figure shining with brilliance descended from the sky. The light on her body was like a sharp sword of light piercing through the thick sky, piercing through the layers of fog of war, and making these lost believers feel the light direction and the warmth of the sun.

"In the name of light, I will give you rebirth!"

A brilliant golden brilliance poured down from the hands of the archangel, and the cleric who was slowly kneeling on the ground was immediately enveloped by a golden beam of light. The golden beam of light quickly repaired his damaged body, and it even suppressed his wandering soul.In the beam of light, an angel-like light and shadow condensed with red and blue light slowly floated down, merging his soul and body into one, from separation of spirit and flesh to unity of spirit and flesh.


This miraculous scene happened before the eyes of tens of thousands of people. When the golden light dissipated, the priest stood up slowly. There were hideous gaps in the clothes and armor on his chest. His newborn baby-like pink and tender chest muscles were exposed, and the skin was so delicate and vibrant, in stark contrast to his slightly old face.

It's just that no one paid attention to the details at this time, because everyone was shocked by this reversal of life and death.

There is also a magic called the source of life in the Church of Light, which can achieve the effect of resurrection. However, anyone who has studied that magic knows that the resurrection done by the source of life is simply an illusion. Its effect is only to save people from fatal injuries. He breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't let the completely dead person open his eyes again.

But now, what the archangel performed was the resurrection of the dead, a real resurrection, a miracle that only existed in legends.

Seeing the Archangel appearing and taking action to revive the believers, the Guangming Church immediately cheered excitedly. The believers who had collapsed and fled gathered around one after another. With the Archangel as the center, they quickly moved closer and assembled. The originally sluggish morale was like a fire. Oily, blazing up.

The various forces chasing and killing the Church of Light hesitated, and they also slowly gathered together, but they did not dare to go one step further.

The tyrannical strength of the Archangel is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. These people have all witnessed the scene where the Archangel fought against the meteor with his own power, and they have just seen the Archangel resurrecting the dead. No matter what, it shows the unfathomable strength of the Archangel.

No, this is beyond the description of strength, this is simply a miracle!This is something that mortal strength cannot do, and it is even more impossible for mortal strength to contend with.

Therefore, even if dozens of saint-level powerhouses gathered around, no one dared to take half a step forward in the face of the archangel.The figure that flapped its wings slowly in the sky became the existence of their high mountains. The place where this figure was located was the natural moat, a place that their bodies could not cross and their hearts could not reach.


The archangel coldly glanced at those strong men of various forces, but didn't say a word, as if treating these people like air, he turned around and reprimanded Innocent.

Innocent is the Pope of the Church of Light, the bearer of the will of the God of Light in the world, and all people in the Church of Light must obey his orders and maintain his honor. He is simply an existence like an emperor, even an angel , You must also remain humble and respectful in front of him, and call him the Pope, or Your Majesty.

However, the archangel called him by his first name, and it was so natural that all the believers around him didn't think there was any impoliteness or inappropriateness, as if it should be so.Even Innocent, who heard the voice, couldn't help but shiver all over, and shrank his neck subconsciously.

"Innocent, as the pope, you failed to protect the believers and maintain the sect. You are greedy for life and afraid of death, abandoning the believers, you are arrogant and arrogant, and you call yourself the pope, you..."

The archangel endlessly reprimanded Innocent's guilt, from near to far, and told all the things that Innocent had done. , Distorting the facts, deceiving things.

Every accusation was like a knife piercing Innocent's heart, and Innocent's complexion became worse and worse, as pale as gold paper.The words of the archangel were like a sword slashing at his lifeline, causing him to sever his vitality.

Innocent knew that he was doomed. From the moment the archangel appeared, he knew that he was defeated, a crushing defeat, and there was no room for turning around.As worried before, although the God of Light is powerful, he is not in the world after all, and cannot protect him. If the archangel wants to take him down, the God of Light will be beyond his reach.

The archangel didn't move herself because she didn't wait for a good opportunity.There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence between her and herself, but the Archangel still cares about the foundation of the Illuminati Church in the world. What she needs is a complete Illuminati Church. What she wants to get rid of is only herself, not the sect.

"You have finally waited for this opportunity, Archangel, you have won! Or, from today onwards, I should call you the Goddess of Light."

Innocent smirked.

The archangel did seize this fleeting opportunity. Because of the defeat and his own escape, many believers collapsed in their faith and lost their loyalty. It is foreseeable that as long as these believers survive today, they will basically abandon their faith in light. , because they have already seen the essence of the God of Light, it is impossible for the God of Light to redeem them as stated in the Bible of Light.

However, at this moment, the archangel appeared as a savior, revived the believers, and deterred the enemies.Everything she does is exactly the same as the God of Light described in the Bible of Light.And these believers will transfer their faith to the archangel without knowing it.The archangel completely held the hearts of the people in his hands, and then took advantage of the situation to liquidate himself and completely control the entire Church of Light, which is only natural.

The archangel smiled coldly, drew out his long sword, pointed at Innocent from a distance, and said word by word: "Welcome to the judgment of the light!"

Fierce holy flames floated out of Innocent's body, and countless faint white flames drilled out of his seven orifices and overflowed from his pores. In the blink of an eye, Innocent became a living person, and within a few breaths he It turned into a blazing holy flame, and then turned into ashes, drifting with the wind.

There is no room for fighting back at all, and even the possibility of resistance does not exist.To be precise, it was not the Archangel who killed Innocent at all, but Innocent's own energy loss of control, leading to self-destruction. Of course, the loss of control of energy in his body is not unrelated to the Archangel.

The Archangel's control, understanding and comprehension of the power of light are more than ten grades higher than Innocent's, and the skill of using it is even better than Innocent's flattery. She has controlled the energy in Innocent's body in an instant, It broke the balance among them.It's like throwing a match in an oil barrel, and then there's a loud bang.

Innocent's death was very painful, he couldn't kill without nodding his head, but before he died, he had to endure the torture of madness and the pain of Sangong, but everything about him was controlled by the archangel, and he didn't even have the ability to scream , Just like that.

But to outsiders, it seemed that Innocent had really been "judged" by the light, and his crime was extremely heinous, so he attracted the burning of the holy flame and was refined alive.In this way, people's awe of the archangel has increased.

The angels and cardinals around Innocent were horrified when they saw Innocent's miserable and strange death. They all fell to their knees and begged the archangel.

"Lord Goddess of Light, we are willing to submit to your glory, obey your will, and dedicate our loyalty and faith to you. Please forgive us for our mistakes."

However, the archangel shook his head coldly, "It's not your faults, but your sins. Only the Holy Flame can eliminate your sins!"

Hearing this, they knew that something was wrong, and immediately put oil on the soles of their feet and wanted to escape, but the Archangel gave them a chance, just a look, detonated the light power in their bodies, and the blazing holy flame immediately engulfed them.

The body was incinerated, and exquisite angel hearts appeared one after another. With a move from the archangel, these angel hearts immediately fell into her palm.

It has to be said that for those who practice the power of light, especially those who practice the Guangming Church, the Archangel uses absolute life and death to seize power. She doesn't need to take action at all, just a trigger, and the opponent can be completely wiped out.Rather than saying that those people are cultivating strength, it is better to say that they have cultivated a time bomb in their bodies, and the controller of the bomb is still in the hands of the archangel.

More than a dozen saint-level powerhouses killed as soon as they said they would, without any hesitation. Seeing this scene, everyone shuddered. The almost cold method of the archangel really made them feel intimidated.Just think about it, the saint-level powerhouses are slaughtered like chickens and dogs, so what are those other small fish and shrimps?And the most frightening thing is that from the beginning to the end, no archangel was seen to make a move, as if those people had really been "judged by the light".

After dealing with Innocent and others, the archangel turned around slowly, looked at the strong men gathered in the distance, and said coldly: "You guys, don't get out!"

The cold voice pierced into the head, and the jittery chill rushed from the soles of the feet to the sky. The death of more than a dozen saint-level powerhouses made the archangel linger with a strong murderous aura. Don't dare to look at the archangel.Hearing the voice of the archangel at this time, one by one, they fled away with their little masters and princesses as if they were being pardoned.

They swear that if they meet an archangel again in the future, they will go as far as they can.Uh, by the way, what was said about the goddess of light just now, it seems that it is not bad to pay homage to this goddess.

After solving internal and external troubles, the archangel descended slowly.

The surrounding believers immediately retreated to leave a spacious space for the Archangel. When the Archangel was about to touch the ground, all the believers knelt down in unison and kowtowed to the Archangel.

I don’t know who called the Goddess of Light, and the shouts of the Goddess of Light immediately sounded around. At first, they were one after another, chaotic, but shouting and shouting, all the voices merged into one, and the rolling sound was like a stormy sea, raging in the open field superior.

The name of the goddess goes directly to Qingming and Jiuyou.

The experience of escaping from the dead made these believers all mentally excited and disturbed. Under the exaggeration of this fanatical atmosphere, no one could remain clear and rational. Everyone blindly followed, followed, staring at the red eyes, He shouted "Goddess of Light" at the top of his throat.

In the sky, a ray of dawn breaks through the blockade of night, and stubbornly arches out from the horizon. Its figure is so immature, but the gloomy sky can't obliterate its existence, and it can't resist its energy. smash.

Just like the newborn sun, the goddess of light jumped out of the horizon little by little, entering the eyes of believers, and even entering the vision of all forces on the mainland.

Today, or tomorrow, or some day in the future, no matter whether it is a well-informed or uninformed organization or individual, they will understand that a living god has appeared on the mainland—the Goddess of Light!
The appearance of the Goddess of Light was like a lighthouse, causing the soldiers who had previously dispersed and fled to gather in twos and threes, and even some generals who had evacuated before saving their strength also brought their subordinates to join in, and the believers gathered under the Goddess of Light grew like a snowball with.

This is a living god, a god who has performed miracles, and a fool would not take this opportunity to express his allegiance and piety.Compared with the unreliable god of the God of Light, the Goddess of Light in front of me is the true God who can save believers and redeem believers.Usually they were so devout when they chanted scriptures and prayed to the gods, but now they saw the true god of the gods, their mood can only be described as fanaticism.

Half of the Jihad Legion was washed away by a flood in Rotes. However, those who died were basically small fish and shrimps. The real elites and backbones did not suffer much damage. Moreover, after experiencing several life and death hardships, these beliefs Collapsed believers need a firm belief even more, and the Goddess of Light who appeared at the right time naturally replaced the previous God of Light.

If the Archangel still "stolen" the belief of the God of Light in the world before, then now, the Archangel has completely "replaced" the belief of the God of Light in the world.Right now, there are only a small group of believers, but this small group of believers are the most elite and core members of the Church of Light. When they return to their respective posts and countries, they will exude amazing influence and make the entire Bright Church Churches are all overhauled.

Knowing what happened to the Jihad Legion, Yue Chuan fell into a long silence.Originally, he thought that if the saint-level powerhouses of various forces chased them out, at least they would be able to defeat the Holy War Legion, let alone wipe them out, or at least make them crippled.

But who would have thought that the Archangel just appeared to stop all of this, and took advantage of the trend to clear away internal and external troubles, and established a firm and even fanatical belief in the hearts of believers.

"It seems that the rise of the Goddess of Light is unstoppable!" After a pause, Yue Chuan said again: "However, you are not a goddess after all, even if you have half a foot in the God's Domain, if you don't pass my level, you are not a goddess." A real god!"

The goddess of light returned with the remaining jihad army, and the crisis of the jihad was resolved, but Yue Chuan was not at all relaxed.

Although Innocent is treacherous and shameless, he is still in the category of human beings. Although I don't know his thoughts and plans, at least there are traces to follow.But as an archangel, who knows what she is thinking, God knows what she wants to do.

What is a woman's heart, a sea needle, and a goddess' heart?

Goddess, it's hard to deal with!

(End of this chapter)

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