
Chapter 340 Asking for Sword Skills

Chapter 340 Asking for Sword Skills
The Church of Light withdrew its troops, and the army of the Great Qin State quickly regained its lost ground, and punished some thieves who were on the fence and fished in troubled waters. The Great Qin State returned to its previous calm, and the vigorous vitality permeated the country. The common people are still rich and powerful officials, they are all busy and fulfilled.

Yue Chuan was also busy, but what he was busy with was rewarding meritorious deeds.

All the soldiers and officials who made meritorious service in the jihad were rewarded. Of course, Paul and other officials would handle these, but what Yue Chuan needed to personally handle was the rewards in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world.

Before, Yue Chuan had released the news that those who made meritorious deeds in this jihad would be rewarded as "Guardians", and those who made great deeds would also be rewarded with resurrection coins and the like.However, the appearance of the Archangel brought a turning point to this jihad. The powerhouses of various forces who were originally posing to drive the Church of Light to extinction were frightened by the Archangel and did not dare to take a step further.Although they have captured many soldiers of the Church of Light, they are all small fish and shrimps, and there are very few senior generals, and no one can obtain the legendary "excellent meritorious service", because the top leaders of the Church of Light, including the pope and the angels The dozen or so people in the world were all judged by the Archangel.

As a result, an embarrassing situation has emerged. All those who contribute in the holy war can only get some consolation prizes that are not painful or itchy. As for rewards such as resurrection coins, dragon blood, and equipment, they can only watch with.

Perhaps, on Earth, this is a common method used by businessmen, putting out expensive first prizes, such as love crazy love pies, to lure everyone to participate in activities, but in the end, all those who participated in it just got some Consolation prizes that are worthless, as for those rewards of real value, just watch them blankly, maybe these prizes will be taken away, but do you know what is the relationship between the person who won the prize and the organizer?

Yue Chuan didn't engage in any black-box operations, after all, everyone's meritorious service lies there.But if rewards are really based on merit, then the so-called rewards are simply a joke.

After pondering for a long time, Yue Chuan finally decided that on the basis of the original rewards, each person who participated in the jihad will be given a quota, which can be distributed freely by them.

It is no secret that the quotas for entering the Arad Continent have long been established. At the beginning, Yue Chuan had sold the quotas to several people, and then Yue Chuan issued a batch of quotas to Lancelot of the Magic Guild for him to consolidate his position and attract People's hearts, establish a faction belonging to the Great Qin Kingdom in the Magic Guild.Now, Yue Chuan has issued quotas to various forces, which can be regarded as letting more and more people know about the Arad Continent and the quotas.

To be honest, quotas and resurrection coins are comparable in value. Although resurrection coins can allow people to live again, quotas can give people another life, which is comparable. , this time the compensation reward is also extremely generous.

The outside world learned that every person who participated in the jihad, no matter how big or small the credit, would be rewarded with a quota as long as they participated. Everyone was red-eyed, regretful, and hated why they didn't participate in it in the first place. Don't tell me Many, as long as you follow everyone to hunt down those crusading and fleeing jihadists, even if you just kill an ordinary soldier, you can be regarded as participating and you can get a quota.

Although there are some people who want to lie about their military exploits and get quotas, the statistics of the Great Qin State's military exploits are extremely detailed. Not only does it record how many enemies each person has killed, but it even lists in detail the positions, names, places of origin, etc. of the enemies killed. Resume, etc.These things are not even known to those who have done meritorious service.Even the root of the dead can be clearly grasped. If you want to lie in the Great Qin Kingdom, you are asking for a dead end.

No one suspects that the list of military exploits produced by the Great Qin State is a hoax, because some people have secretly investigated, and all these information are true, without exception.As long as it is an enemy registered on the table, there will be no survivors, and there will be absolutely no such thing as a lucky escape.

Therefore, no one doubted the fairness of this meritorious reward, let alone questioned anything.After all, for them, this is simply a reward for nothing. Since everyone has a share, who would feel uncomfortable?
The rewards for the jihad are issued, which is to create the internal rewards of the guild.

In order to stimulate the guild members' enthusiasm for leveling, Yue Chuan released a reward activity for leveling in the guild's announcement.This can be said to be the first level-up event in the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, but this time the event is only limited to the creation of the guild, and non-guild members cannot participate.But there is a saying that does not flow into outsiders' fields. Good things should be taken care of by one's own family first. As for outsiders, since they are all outsiders, it doesn't matter what they do.

The one-month deadline is about to pass. Opening the level table, Yue Chuan, who is at the top of the list, is already at level 49. Looking at the experience value, I am afraid that he will soon be level 50.Followed by Sissy and Audrey He, both of them are level 47, the progress of experience points is almost the same, obviously, the two have been competing for the second and third places.

After that, the level is opened.

For a long time, Louis XV has been the number one expert in creating guilds except for the president and vice president, and he has always occupied the fourth place in the ranking list. Although Louis XV also wanted to go further, but after being hit a few times, He also accepted the life of the fourth child of ten thousand years.And his level is only level 45.After Louis XV, there are 44 and 43 levels. The levels of these people are almost the same. Obviously, this is the level of normal people.

But all members above level 40 have received resurrection coins, fashion and quota rewards, and on the basis of level 40, every time they go up one level, one more reward will be added.When the deadline expired, Yue Chuan immediately distributed the rewards to them through the mail system according to the statistics.

Soon, a wave of cheers erupted in the founding guild, and all members were discussing enthusiastically about the quota.Some said that they should give the quota to the person they like, some said that they should give the quota to their good brothers and sisters, and some said that they should give the quota to their confidantes.

Fortunately, Yue Chuan didn't see anyone talking about selling off the quota.After all, in the creation of the guild for such a long time, the knowledge and vision of the guild members have undergone a qualitative change from before, and some petty profits can't shake their resolve. Such things as quotas are definitely things that cannot be exchanged for money. They will not be sold for money.Besides, if you are creating a guild, you will never be short of money. To put it bluntly, money doesn't mean much to guild members.

Yue Chuan jumped five levels in a row because of his godhead before, reaching 45, and then he and the little loli once brushed the abyss of the forbidden land, but then, because of the level gap, the little loli couldn't level up with Yue Chuan , Yue Chuan once again embarked on the hard road of solo brushing.

After the Heavenly Curtain Forbidden Land is the Dark City. This is the kingdom of dark elves, and there is a mysterious dark atmosphere everywhere, but this country has been attacked by an unknown plague. The formerly prosperous Dark City has become a haunted ghost overnight , Elegant and noble dark elves can no longer be seen, and wandering everywhere are zombies, ghosts, and skeleton soldiers transformed from the dead.

The Shallow Land, Spider Cave, Dark Elf Graveyard, and Lava Cave have all been conquered by Yue Chuan. After all, the lords here are not considered powerful. Yue Chuan has the destructive skill of breaking mountains and slashing the ground to challenge these lords. Not too difficult.However, in the Shadow Labyrinth, Yue Chuan encountered extremely strong resistance, which could even be said to be a barrier like a moat.


All the dungeons in the Dark City can be divided into two grades. The first grade is from the shallow land to the shadow labyrinth, and the second grade is the entrance of the Dark City guarded by the Headless Horseman and the place where Borodin died. King's remains.It is also a copy of Dark City, but the strength of the two is not at the same level.Aside from the Headless Horseman and Borodin, Sha Ying can be said to be the top boss in the Dark City area.

Speaking of Shaying, one has to talk about the Four Swordsmen. The Four Swordsmen who broke into the Cave of Sorrows and beheaded the apostle Shirok are heroes widely spread in the Arad continent. Their deeds are praised and remembered by people. Their strength is also admired and imitated by those young adventurers. Many adventurers who aspire to become Sword Soul are more or less influenced by them before embarking on this path.

The Four Sword Saints are Xilan, Buwanga, A Ganzuo, and Baan. Xilan is the oldest of the Four Sword Saints and also the strongest.Some people say that Xi Lan can overthrow the other three with one hand, but Xi Lan always laughs at this statement.

Xi Lan has two apprentices, Nuo Yu, the eldest apprentice, and Sha Ying, the younger apprentice.

Although he is a young apprentice, Sha Ying far exceeds his senior sister Nuo Yu in terms of talent and martial arts attainments. Even Xi Lan admires this young apprentice, thinking that sooner or later his talent and potential will be equal to his own, and even It is to surpass oneself.

It's just a pity that Shaying's fragile heart at that moment is in stark contrast to his formidable strength. In order to break through the bottleneck and pursue the ultimate martial arts, he went astray.He heard his master mention a sword with evil power—Xilan's demon sword. He entered the mourning cave and looked for this sword. It was really evil and hostile. Sha Ying felt that this sword was very suitable for him.

Satisfied, Sha Ying went to the Dark City to try out swords with the knight of the Dark City, Beararon (the predecessor of the Headless Horseman).

Originally, this was just a contest between warriors, winning or losing didn't matter, but some people were full of anger and resentment about it, and this person was the great magister of the Dark City, Jebeilun.

In the past, the Dark City was a powerful existence as famous as the Sky City, and it was a place where countless strong men in the Arad Continent admired. Countless strong men could only be in awe here, and never dared to provoke.Therefore, Sha Ying's move to challenge Be Yalun was regarded by Jebeilun as disrespect to the Dark City. Therefore, the magister activated the magic circle and cast a vicious curse on Sha Ying.

Sha Ying beheaded the magister who was malicious towards him, but the curse had already taken effect, and he was enveloped by endless resentment, completely losing his sanity.He forgot everything, wandered in the shadow labyrinth all day long, and beheaded all creatures who tried to break in here, including adventurers.

In the outside world, it gradually spread that Sha Ying was tempted by the dark elves, brainwashed by the magic of the dark elves, and became the guardian of the shadow labyrinth...

Thinking of this, Yue Chuan couldn't help but take a deep breath!

Sha Ying is Xi Lan's apprentice, and Xi Lan's skills are bound to be imparted to her. Xi Lan said that Sha Ying will surpass her. The implication is that Sha Ying already has the strength to approach him. Gan Zuo and his ilk are comparable, and he is a saint-level powerhouse.

Back then, when the Four Sword Saints entered the Cave of Sorrows and Roxie was buried in it, the Four Sword Saints were also severely injured and hit to varying degrees, and even Xi Lan was left with hidden wounds.Shaying, however, entered the mourning cave alone. Although there was no Xilock in the mourning cave at this time, his courage and strength also showed a lot of things. More importantly, he was carrying the "" Demon Sword" came out.

No one knows the origin of this knife, and its name has been lost in time, but because Xi Lan used it once, it has the name "Xilan's Demon Sword".However, Xi Lan was dissatisfied with the strange aura it gave off, so she buried it in the ground, but unexpectedly, his apprentice dug it out again.Rather than saying that Xi Lan was cursed by the dark elf's magic, it would be better to say that she was controlled by the backlash of the demon knife.

But in any case, there is no doubt about Sha Ying's strength.Brother Yidao's title is by no means in vain!

Back then, the Shadow Labyrinth was a perverted dungeon comparable to the Headless Horseman, because no matter how powerful you were, you couldn't open the King Map of the Shadow Labyrinth (many people just searched for the king map, and couldn't even open it by hand).In addition to the inexplicable blows from the traps and obstacles along the way, it was Sha Ying, the instant king.

One knife!It only takes one knife to kill, no matter Ghost Slash or Spirit Devouring Ghost Slash, they are 100% instant, and there is no reason for instant.In addition, regardless of the ice formation or the poison formation, it is half life if it is touched, not to mention the ruthless blow of Kaluo Mingyan.No matter how coquettish your position is, you are still no match for the unpredictability of Ghost Shadow Walk, not to mention being killed by Mingyan, as long as you are stuck by Mingyan Kaluo, the continuous blood loss alone is enough to kill your life.Even if you survived by luck, and smashed the resurrection coins with medicine and killed Sha Ying, but looking at the number of hits, hehe, it must be three digits.

But now, Yue Chuan is facing the same problem, he can't open Wang Tu in seconds.

For this difficult guy, Yue Chuan could only shake his head helplessly.It's no problem to kill Sha Ying with your own output, but the problem is that you can't guarantee the number of hits. If you fight with Sha Ying close to you, you will inevitably be beaten, and once you suffer too much, you will not be eligible to enter the king map.

You must improve your skills, otherwise, you will not be able to pass the level of Sha Ying.

Speaking of swordsmanship and dueling skills, Yue Chuan immediately thought of a person, Gu Yaer!

At the beginning, there were four saint-level powerhouses supported by the four major families to the Great Qin Kingdom. After a few months, Maninstein, Taishan, and Claria were all accepted by Yue Chuan and became the powerhouses of the Great Qin Kingdom's direct line. Only Gu Yaer still maintained his freedom and did not formally pledge his allegiance to Yue Chuan.

The Gallic family from which Guyal was born has always served as court swordsmen of the Habs Empire, and the chief swordsman has always been a member of the Gallic family. Moreover, whether it is a court swordsmanship performance or a swordsmanship duel in other countries, the Gallic family has always been The record is outstanding, and the skills are overwhelming, so that other countries wisely gave up fighting swords when dealing with the Habs Empire, because this is simply asking for humiliation.

Before the Habs Empire was destroyed, Guyar was the chief court swordsman, the tripod jade was the portrayal of his life, the arrogant prince, lord, and public official were his style of doing things, and even the emperor of the Habs Empire had to treat him three times with courtesy. points, respectful praise.

It is inconceivable that such a person can bow down in the Great Qin Kingdom. If it weren't for the attraction of the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", Gu Yaer would never have stayed in the Great Qin Kingdom for one more minute.Even with the attraction of the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" and the temptation of fashion, Gu Yaer still couldn't abandon the pride in his heart and surrender to Yue Chuan.

All three of Maninstein have pledged their allegiance to Yue Chuan, but Gu Yaer has not.Maybe Gu Yaer had this kind of thought and plan, but even the emperor of the Habs Empire would treat him with three points of courtesy, give him the honor of walking in the palace and wearing a sword in front of the palace, and asking him to surrender to Yue Chuan is really true. Can't get over this hurdle in my heart.

It's just that Yue Chuan didn't urge him, just take one step at a time.As long as Gu Yaer can concentrate on doing things for the Great Qin, he doesn't care about such superficial things.Yue Chuan believed that sooner or later, Gu Yaer would not be able to bear his temper and give in to him.Unexpectedly, Gu Yaer did not pledge allegiance to him, but he first went to Gu Yaer for advice on skills.

But after thinking about it, it is not shameful to ask Gu Yaer for sword skills, after all, what Gu Yaer did before was the job of a court swordsman.What the court swordsman does is to train swordsmen for the court. Whether it is the swordsmanship of juggling or the swordsmanship of killing people and drinking blood, he teaches them. When swordsmen from other countries come to challenge him, he will also accept the challenge and defend the reputation of the empire.

As the chief court swordsman, Guyar has another task, which is to train the royal children to learn martial arts and swordsmanship. Many royal children of the Habs Empire have a mentorship with him, and some children of important imperial officials asked him for sword skills. Don't hesitate to enlighten me, it can be said that more than half of the upper class of the Habs Empire has a relationship with him as a mentor, and it is precisely because of this that his family can prosper in the Habs Empire and exist for a long time like an evergreen tree.

Therefore, Gu Yaer was not surprised or surprised at Yue Chuan's request for advice, on the contrary, he got used to it. After all, this is his job.

Although there is some psychological resistance to loyalty and submission, this does not mean that Gu Yaer has any resistance to Yue Chuan. On the contrary, Gu Yaer still has a flattering mentality towards Yue Chuan. Whenever he strokes the scabbard at his waist, this mentality There will be a fierce struggle with his pride.

(End of this chapter)

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