
Chapter 363 Wind Vortex Su

Chapter 363 Wind Vortex Su
If he hadn't comprehended the martial arts of guns and artillery, and hadn't acquired the perception of murderous aura and danger, Yue Chuan would only think that Wang's ruins were a place similar to an ancient battlefield full of murderous aura and resentment.However, through the perception of guns and martial arts, Yue Chuan found that there was a murderous aura everywhere in Wang's ruins, as if there was a soul watching him in every corner, hating him, wishing to kill him.


who is it?

Yue Chuan has seen countless powerful enemies, whether they are living or undead, or unreal souls, he can clearly capture the existence of the opponent, but now, Yue Chuan's perception has failed.He found nothing!
However, if the real murderous aura permeates every corner of the room, as if every speck of dust is an enemy, the dense murderous aura permeates and interweaves, so thick that it is hard to breathe, the tragic murderous aura is like sea water, suffocating.

At this time, a silver-blue charm emitted a faint light, driving away the thick murderous and resentment like severe frost and cold mist from Yue Chuan's side, and a thin layer of protective power lingered and spun around Yue Chuan's body.This should be the effect of the Ningshen Charm. The murderous and resentful aura in the king's ruins is too heavy. No wonder before coming here, Krent repeatedly told him to carry the Ningshen Charm very close to his body and not to lose it.

But immediately afterwards, Yue Chuan felt that while the Concentration Talisman protected his mind from the murderous aura and resentment of the outside world, it also shielded his perception so that he could not feel the dangerous aura from the outside world. There is no use for it.

At this time, the air in front of him twisted and fluctuated, and a figure wearing light green armor appeared strangely. His figure was so light and agile, even the heavy armor would not make him look clumsy and veneer. On the contrary, he It's like a creature that lives in the wind and never lands.

Like a breeze blowing his face, his sword light had already hit Yue Chuan.A light green transparent lightsaber, no, not a lightsaber, but a long sword purely condensed by the power of wind.

In the past three days, Yue Chuan has been comprehending the proficiency of weapons. Although he comprehends the proficiency of Taidao, he has a better understanding of other weapons by analogy, so he can distinguish the material and composition of this weapon. I can feel the power of this weapon even more.

Like the wind of annihilation, no matter how hard the rock is, it will be shattered into sand under the power of this wind, as if the process of weathering has been accelerated by a thousand times. In the face of this wind mixed with the power of time, There is no concept of "defense" at all!

It is the first Guardian Knight of the King's Ruins, Wind Vortex Su.He wears the title of "Guardian of the King Wind". This title is not only his honor, but also a symbol of his strength. He comes in the wind and goes in the wind. soul.He is always hidden in the wind, and when he emerges from the wind, it has already signaled the coming of death.


There was a heavy impact sound, and the Annihilation Wind slammed heavily on Yue Chuan's face door. Yue Chuan, who had no time to react, took the blow with his own face. The guardian of the Goddess of War suit was like an eggshell in front of this Annihilation Wind. It was fragile and broke instantly, and the metal face shield couldn't resist the strong impact force, and was eaten by Yue Chuan's head.


Yue Chuan lay down straight, if there was a referee next to him, he would definitely start counting.However, even if someone was counting by the side, Yue Chuan would not be able to hear it, because his ears and mind were full of buzzing sounds. The sword of the wind knight had already made him near death, and the most important thing was that the sword hit The fatal injury of the head made him lose his ability to react.

Wind Vortex Su's figure reappeared, showing no mercy to Yue Chuan who had no ability to resist, and ended Yue Chuan's life easily.

The world in front of Yue Chuan instantly fell into black and white, and his whole body also changed into a third perspective. He saw his body lying on the ground, and even saw the wind knight flaunting his might.

Use resurrection coins!
The king's ruins belong to the ancient map. Although resurrection coins can be used here, there is a limit on the number of times, up to three.And this is also the reason why the ancient map is difficult.Common maps allow mistakes and mistakes, but every mistake and mistake in the ancient map requires life to make up for it. The limit of three resurrection coins is like the sword of Damocles hanging above the head, making people always vigilant.

Perhaps, this is the greatest training of the ancient map for people, any mistake will bring the danger of life.

A brilliant golden light pierced through the void and enveloped Yue Chuan's body. Yue Chuan, bathed in the light, instantly reincarnated from death, resurrected and stood up.After the resurrection, Yue Chuan ignored the wind knight hiding in the dark, but took out the Ningshen charm close to him, and threw it out viciously.

The Ningshen Charm did protect him, but at the same time, he also ruined himself. The Ningshen Charm was like a canopy in a greenhouse, and it also made him vulnerable when it was sheltered from the wind, frost and severe cold.But now, I must abandon it.

Without the protection of the Ningshen Talisman, murderous aura and resentment poured down like a sea, enveloping Yue Chuan tightly.

If the actual murderous aura is like thousands of thin needles, stabbing Yue Chuan's skin, eyes, mouth and nose fiercely, the pervasive and tragic thoughts in it torture Yue Chuan's mind, destroy Yue Chuan's mind, and make Yue Chuan's heart full of illusions. Ghostly.

Before, Yue Chuan was unable to feel the murderous aura of the wind knight due to the cover of the Ningshen spell, but now, it was the heavy murderous aura and resentment that made Yue Chuan no longer feel the superfluous things, as if he had never heard of the wind knight holding the butcher knife .

When the world in front of him was once again filled with the shadow of death, Yue Chuan decisively returned to the town and did not continue to use the resurrection coins.

Because Yue Chuan knew that even if he used the resurrection coin again, he would still end up being killed by the wind knight. In this case, facing the elusive wind knight, he had no room to fight back, not even a chance to react.

Inexplicably, Yue Chuan remembered the situation when he was fighting the Headless Horseman, and he kept disappearing and reappearing, which made it difficult for the Headless Horseman to tell the real from the fake, and he collapsed from being played by himself.But now, the roles have been reversed, becoming the wind knight flickering, playing with himself to death.

However, the difference between the Wind Knight and myself is that I can walk in the void and completely disappear in the space, while the Wind Knight uses the power of the wind to reach the extreme speed, so that it disappears from sight, that is to say, the Wind Knight still exists , but he concealed the detection of perception, thus creating the illusion of invisibility.

The Wind Knight's invisibility method is very clumsy, at least for Yue Chuan, under the powerful perception, there is no way to hide the Wind Knight's figure.

However, Yue Chuan could only helplessly shake his head when he thought of the strong murderous intent and deep ocean-like resentment of the king's ruins.In that environment, unless there is the protection of the peace of mind spell, it will be immediately eroded and poisoned by the environment, even if the wind knight does not take action, he will be killed by the harsh environment.However, if he had been hiding under the protection of the Ningshen spell, he would have no way of facing the sneak attack of the wind knight.Moreover, this is just a normal-level dungeon, not king-level or abyss-level, not to mention that this is just a wind knight, not several other knights, or even King Borodin.

Be sure to get used to that breath!

Yue Chuan secretly made up his mind, moreover, that kind of environment is conducive to training a kind of instinct, that is to distinguish a certain breath among thousands of different breaths.For example, if an elite monster is attacking among thousands of small soldiers, how to distinguish which murderous aura belongs to this elite monster, and then avoid it? However, the piece of armor does not stick to the body.

If he could adapt to the aura in the king's ruins, and perceive the existence of the wind knight from that strong aura, the wind knight would no longer be able to pose a threat to himself.But, how to get used to that breath?
Since it is adaptation, it is natural to stay in it for a long time. Yue Chuan thought about it, and it seems that there is no better way, the only thing is to increase the time of staying in it.

Yue Chuan took out the soul crystals from the warehouse, exchanged them for a hundred tranquilizing charms from Krent, and entered the king's ruins without saying a word.

The moment he entered the king's ruins, Yue Chuan lost the Ningshen talisman and lost the protection of the Ningshen talisman. Yue Chuan immediately felt the feeling of mercury empowerment, and heavy and penetrating objects flowed down his pores and Eyes, ears, mouth and nose invaded into his body.

Yue Chuan desperately pumped up his blood energy to resist the energy and aura that invaded his body. The blood energy in the godhead felt the invasion of external energy, and immediately gushed out golden red blood energy crazily.The energy of the blood energy is extremely pure, but the breath of the outside world seems to be endless, one is superior in quality, and the other is superior in quantity, and the two breaths are in a stalemate like this.

In the next instant, this stalemate was broken, because a pale green figure appeared in front of Yue Chuan, stabbing Yue Chuan with a sword without any warning.Yue Chuan, who was trying his best to fight against the erosion of the outside world, had no energy left to fight back, or even to react, so he was hit by the wind knight.

Fortunately, Yue Chuan had always been on guard against the Wind Knight, and when he saw him appear, he avoided the vital part of his face, only to be stabbed on the shoulder by him. Although most of his health was emptied in an instant, he was not instantly killed on the spot.

The pain greatly stimulated Yue Chuan's body, and the dying of his life even stimulated Yue Chuan's fighting spirit. A fierce fighting desire and fighting flames rose and burned in Yue Chuan's body. The murderous aura and resentment that entered his body burned away, and expanded outwards, forcing a large space around Yue Chuan's body.

Yue Chuan's perception has recovered again, but it is only limited to a one-meter range around his body, which is pitifully small. Moreover, even this one-meter range is constantly compressed, and the murderous and resentful aura around him is as deep as the sea. The angry waves rushed up the mountain, constantly squeezing Yue Chuan's blood flames, Yue Chuan lasted for less than ten breaths, and he couldn't continue anymore, endless murderous aura and resentment instantly eroded his body.At this time, the wind knight hiding in the dark also delivered a fatal blow, sending Yue Chuan back.

Fortunately, there will be no weakness penalty for failure of the ancient map challenge. Therefore, Yue Chuan chose to challenge again just after returning to the town. Anyway, he had exchanged enough tickets and didn't care about this waste at all.Customs clearance is secondary, being able to adapt to that environment and improving one's perception of crisis is the most important thing.

This time, Yue Chuan persisted for a while longer, reaching the time of twenty breaths. Moreover, he escaped two sneak attacks by the Wind Knight. Although he was still sent back by the Wind Knight, he had indeed improved compared to before.

In this way, challenge after challenge, failure after failure, when Yue Chuan's exchange of [-] tickets was completely exhausted, Yue Chuan finally adapted to that environment and was able to breathe freely without the spell of peace of mind ,walk.Moreover, after hundreds of failures, Yue Chuan has vaguely captured the figure of the wind knight. Although he is as slippery as a loach in this environment, Yue Chuan clearly senses his existence, and wants to continue without warning. It is no longer possible to sneak attack on Yue Chuan.

Stepping into this gloomy and dark land again, Yue Chuan clenched his palm tightly, and the Ning Shen spell exploded into a cloud of silver-blue light in his hand, fluttering in the wind, disappearing, and the murderous aura and resentment around him eroded towards Yue Chuan, but all of them were counted. Blocked by the blood flame, he couldn't go half a step beyond the thunder pool.

There was a strange fluctuation in the air, and a pale green figure appeared in front of Yue Chuan. However, Yue Chuan had already caught his slightest fluctuation, and followed his murderous aura to lock on his figure. However, Yue Chuan still pretended to be Without knowing it, he tricked the wind knight into appearing.

Sure enough, the wind knight shot very confidently, still going straight to the point, stabbing at Yue Chuan's face with the long sword in his hand. At that time, Yue Chuan raised the Slaughter Blade and made an exquisite block. The Wind Knight's attack was blocked by Yue Chuan. The Slaughter Blade in his hand swung upwards and attacked the Wind Knight.

The wind knight came and went like the wind, and his figure was extremely ghostly. Under normal circumstances, he could completely avoid Yue Chuan's attack.But just now, in order to attack Yue Chuan, he made a swift and violent impact. At this time, the force of the impact has not exhausted, and there is no time to change his body. Facing Yue Chuan's sharp upward challenge, he can only watch helplessly and put his hopes on his own strength. Armor can block the opponent's blade.

It's a pity that Yue Chuan's upswing is already extremely proficient, so proficient that it can split the space, a pitch-black crack in the space passed by the wind knight, and his solid armor immediately became like paper, and it was torn apart with a screech. sound, shattered in half.


A challenge book with an item called Wind Flow.

This flow of wind is exactly the token of the wind knight, and it is also a necessary item for making "Guardian of the King·Wind". Moreover, aside from the role of these tasks, the shape of the flow of wind is very beautiful, and it is full of the power of wind. The texture and light flow in it all contain the profound meaning of wind, which has unimaginable benefits for the cultivation and comprehension of the power of wind.

After killing the Wind Knight, the door leading to the next room opened immediately. However, Yue Chuan did not enter it immediately, but slowly squatted down, carefully feeling the murderous and resentment everywhere in the room.

After killing the monster in the room, you can choose to enter the next room, or you can choose to stay in the current room. Anyway, the current room is extremely safe, and there will never be any wind knights coming out to attack. Instead, you can feel these environments with peace of mind.

The blazing blood flames slowly subsided, and the murderous aura and resentment from the outside world immediately pressed in, causing an unbearable load on Yue Chuan.

Yue Chuan did not resist, and continued to restrain his blood energy. The golden-red light had shrunk into his body, and the murderous and resentful aura from the outside world immediately stained Yue Chuan's skin, and all the contaminated places immediately showed a bluish-white color, and there was even a layer of crystal-clear hoarfrost. emerge on the body surface.

His body was trembling constantly, but Yue Chuan didn't back down, he still contracted his blood energy, and even absorbed all the blood energy in his body into the godhead, and there was no power left in his body.

The murderous aura comes from nowhere, let alone where it is going, but the concentration of these murderous auras is beyond imagination, as if they are real, as if they are sharp needles and sharp arrows, they are full of destructive power to the human body.

I don't know where the resentment came from, and I don't know what kind of creature is emitting it. In short, these resentments are very strong. Even if the Headless Horseman has restrained so many grievances, it is not as strong as the intensity of the resentment in front of him. Yue Chuan couldn't help it. Thinking of how many souls died and how they died, it was possible for them to radiate such condensed resentment.

The king's ruins are indeed full of various mysteries, but Yue Chuan has no leisurely intentions to explore the secrets. He doesn't care about the origin of these murderous and resentful auras. He only cares about how to resist these auras and breathe freely in these auras. .

Yue Chuan couldn't help taking a deep breath, letting the strong murderous and resentment enter his lungs, and then Yue Chuan coughed violently. During the cough, dark red blood sprayed from the corners of his mouth and nasal cavity.The breath that entered the lung lobes had seriously damaged his lungs.

Secretly running the power of life and death, repairing his injured lungs and skin surface.When Yue Chuan was in the body of the evil god Horaxiu, his body was corroded to the point where only his bones could be repaired. The breath in front of him was really not worth mentioning.

Therefore, Yue Chuan simply let go of all his defenses, exposed himself to these auras nakedly, allowed them to destroy his body, and then used his power of life and death to repair it little by little.In the constant death and rebirth, Yue Chuan became more and more familiar with this kind of breath, and the damage caused to him by this kind of breath became less and less.

Without the Wind Knight to make trouble, Yue Chuan got used to this atmosphere completely within a short time.Even if there is no peace of mind spell, even if you don't use blood to defend yourself, those breaths still can't cause any harm to yourself.

"The next time you come in, you can directly kill the wind knight! Be sure to give him back the hundred times!"


Thank you for my comment on Yuhuamo, it is my honor to be recognized by you, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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