
Chapter 364 The King's Ruins

Chapter 364 The King's Ruins
After a hundred times of life and death trials, Yue Chuan was finally able to walk safely in the king's ruins under the protection of the Ningshen spell. Under such extreme oppression, Yue Chuan's perception grows wildly like a sprout after rain. Although it is not as sharp as the outside world, it will gradually tend to be the same as time goes by.Moreover, after adapting to the oppressive environment of the king's ruins, Yue Chuan's strength will suddenly increase after he returns to the outside world. This is like practicing running with sandbags tied, and it makes sense that he will be as light as a swallow after taking off the sandbags.

Stepping through the door, one immediately sees a figure wrapped in armor. He is rooted in the ground like a mountain. Although he is not towering, he has an unshakable sense of stability.His armor is the same color as the earth, it is not just a pure color, it is also infected by the power of the earth, his body and armor all contain the power of the earth, as thick as the earth, as broad as the earth, and more like the earth stable.


A thin layer of khaki-yellow debris peeled off from his body. It was not dust, but the substantive energy formed by the high concentration of the power of the earth. When these debris fell to the ground, it immediately turned into dense soil The yellow energy mist lingered and circled around him.

Guardian of the King, Guardian, his name is Myra the Guardian.

For this elite monster, most players have a headache. When you rushed up to him and dealt crazy damage to him, inexplicably found that he was recovering blood rapidly, and in the next second, your world became black and white.The death is unclear.

After dying again and again, I finally learned about the matter of retaliation from some great gods, and even knew the meaning of the constantly changing halo on his body. It was at this time that I first understood the magic attack and physical attack. meaning of attack.

When many rookies play physics classes, they keep in mind "don't play red, play blue", but after brushing fatigue and changing to the trumpet of magic class, they immediately hand in another resurrection coin, and it took a while to get confused.And Yue Chuan had that kind of confused temperament, even though he had the strength to crush Borodin, he still knelt down at the feet of the guardian Myra time and time again.


The energy on Myra's body shook, blood-red rays of light swirled around her body, and Myra finally changed from a sculpture-like state to being able to move freely.He smiled wildly and made a provocative gesture to Yue Chuan.

If it was a hot-blooded rookie, he would probably immediately shoot up with his big move, but Yue Chuan didn't. Instead, he stared at the light on his body carefully, thinking about how he should deal with it.

Red, can only use magic attack, if it is a physical attack, you will receive ten times the shock damage.And the magic attacks that the Berserker can use are Ghost Slash, Wave Slash, and Earth Split Wave Sword.These three are basic skills, Yue Chuan didn't practice and comprehend them very much, they are all tickling existences, it doesn't hurt or itch to hit the guardian Myra, if he hits the wrong state, he will definitely be hurt to the marrow.


When dealing with the guardian knight, you must be patient. If you have no patience or are provoked by him, then you are not far from death!

The Wind Knight in the first room would attack the adventurer like a mad dog, while the guardian knight in the second room was the opposite of the Wind Knight. Be provocative.However, this does not mean that he is harmless. Under his smooth shield is a vicious heart full of spikes.

Patience, you must be patient. Although his defense is omnipotent, even unsolvable, his posture will continue to change. Don't confront him when he is tough, and take his life when he is weakest is.Red has appeared, can blue be far behind?

The guardian Myra turned around again, and the red light all over her body instantly turned blue. At this time, Yue Chuan immediately roared and entered the state of rampage. Fierce blood flames rose from his body, and countless blood energy instantly transformed into nothingness, and in the process of transformation In the middle, majestic energy spurted out, forming a brilliant golden light on Yue Chuan's body surface. For a moment, Yue Chuan's light burst out, faintly like a god.

However, even if he is a god, he must be a god who represents death and destruction, because he is so eager to fight and admires fighting so much that he spends all his time and energy in pursuing the improvement of strength, the realm breakthrough.Every runaway shows his desire for power, and after every runaway, he feels the loss of not being able to have that kind of power.

Even if you can't have the power to run away all the time, at least during the time when you run away, it will show its most powerful power.

The Slaughtering Blade swipes slowly, the sharp edge of the blade cuts out jet-black silk threads, a huge amount of blood is poured into the Slaughtering Blade, the golden-red light blazes instantly, the intense light is like a small sun. Dazzling, so that those pitch-black cracks in space were instantly erased and filled.

But in the next moment, with a thunderous bang, the space crack that had just been smoothed out reappeared, and it was even more fragmented than before.

The blade of blood qi exploded, and the long sword condensed with blood qi instantly turned into blood qi all over the sky. The energy that erupted in an instant can only be described as terrifying, and the destructive power it caused was also unbelievable. These destructive energies hit the defense On the body of the well-known guardian Myra, Myra's armor immediately shattered, and the layer of earth power solidified on the surface of the armor instantly showed signs of cracks, becoming fragmented like the long-drought earth, and the next Seconds, it exploded with a bang.


Guardian Myra is indeed the hardest elite monster to kill, but as long as you find the trick, he is the easiest to deal with, at least compared to the other knights, he is the easiest.Because he does not have the ability to instantly kill adventurers like the other knights, he can only defend passively, and his only output is to rely on counter-injury. The death of the adventurer is completely self-defeating. What do you mean if you don't die, you won't die.

Picking up the invitation letter and guardian mark that fell on the ground, Yue Chuan walked into the next room without stopping.

There is also a mighty armor standing in the empty room, but unlike Myra, which is completely the same color as the earth, the guardian knight in front of him is dark blue, and the magnificent blue is like the eternal ice, full of nobility and coldness. There is a gorgeous atmosphere, and the room exudes a severe chill, as if the real cold wind cuts the person's body and face like a knife.


A bloodstain appeared on Yue Chuan's face.His body has already undergone transformation after being tempered by blood and energy, and his muscles and bones have become extremely powerful. However, in the state of berserk, his defense power was suddenly halved, and he was always on the verge of collapse. Baptized by the cold wind, bright red bloodstains appeared immediately.However, before the blood flowed out, it was frozen by the severe chill, and the bone-piercing chill eroded into the body, intending to completely kill Yue Chuan's vitality.

Not moving at all, Yue Chuan also remained motionless like a sculpture, letting the sharp cold wind rub against his hands and face, he didn't react at all.His eyes were fixed on the guardian of the king, Ice, and his senses were closely monitoring the ice knight, analyzing the changes in the ice knight's breath.

clack clack...

Layers of ice powder and ice balls of various sizes fell from the ice knight. The ice knight covered in ice and snow slowly moved. He waved the ice sword and pointed at Yue Chuan from a distance. Under his feet, a piece of solid ice condensed His sharp blade swiped quickly, moving towards Yue Chuan's position.

In Yue Chuan's perception, the ice knight was originally like a piece of solid ice, without the slightest breath, but at that moment, the ice knight exuded an astonishing aura, which included both his life fluctuations and his The murderous aura fluctuated, and at this moment, Yue Chuan leaped high, and the Slaughter Blade in his hand slammed into the ground violently, a frenzy of blood energy gushed out instantly, blasting towards the ice knight.

These guardians of the king are strange lives that have been sleeping for countless years. They don't wander around unconsciously like other monsters, wandering aimlessly.They have been sleeping all the time, and the power in the ruins has placed a protective seal on them to prevent them from being harmed while they are sleeping.Therefore, when they are not yet awakened, any attack is ineffective, and it is impossible to cause any harm to them.But once they were able to move freely, this layer of seal would disappear and could no longer protect them.

The wind knight is protected by a layer of wind power, the guardian knight is also protected by the power of the earth, and the ice knight in front of him is even more protected by solid ice.When the ice power was still there, Yue Chuan didn't make a move, but at the moment when the ice power was about to disappear, Yue Chuan made a decisive attack, and Beng Shan Ren Zhan took the shot without hesitation.

With the help of breath sensing, Yue Chuan has already captured the changes in the strength of the ice knight, and even figured out the time when the protection disappeared.

The ice knight's attack power is not the strongest among all knights, his speed is not the fastest among all knights, and his defense is not the strongest among all knights, but he is definitely the most disgusting.And the reason for his nausea is the power of ice. He will release a tracking ice that swims under the ground. This ice power will swim with the breath of the adventurer. The home is frozen, and what awaits the adventurer is the ice knight's butcher knife.

However, Yue Chuan killed the ice knight without waiting for the ice knight to track him down.The Ice Knight did not have the immovable defense of the Guardian Knight, and the power of the mountain-cracking slash was even more powerful on the blade of blood. The Ice Knight turned into a puddle of water in the magma eruption without any suspense.

There was no invitation letter dropped this time, but there was an ice crystal on the ground, which should be the mark of Ice Eston.

After beheading the Ice Knight, Yue Chuan immediately entered the room of the Flame Gulard, where the Fire Knight was sleeping.

Among the king's relics, the Fire Knight is definitely the most powerful. Even Borodin is not as strong as the Fire Knight. After all, Borodin needs three axes to kill people, while the Fire Knight only needs a big explosion.

Different from the previous Senhan, the place where Gourad of Flame sleeps is full of flame power, giving people the feeling of being in a furnace. The scorching high temperature burns everything that can be burned, even the air. The air in the room became distorted and hazy due to the high temperature.

And in the center of the room, a flaming red armor stands, that is Gullad of Flame.

Sensing the aura of the intruder, Gourad the Flame moved slowly, and clusters of flames rose from his body, and the seal of the flame power peeled off and dissipated little by little.


Yue Chuan was surprised to find that there was a black thing beside him, it was a black flame, the size of a fist, quietly floating in the air, it would follow wherever he went, quite like a tarsus Maggot means.

After sensing it for a while, Yue Chuan found that this fist-sized black flame was full of destructive energy, and the tyrannical energy even made Yue Chuan feel terrified.

"It's almost half the power of the blood blade!"

Looking at the fist-sized flame in front of him, Yue Chuan couldn't be more surprised. This small flame is actually comparable to the power of the blade of blood. What kind of energy is this?

In the next moment, another ball of black flames appeared beside Yue Chuan, which was exactly the same as the previous one, and even the energy in it was astonishing.Adding up the two small flames, the power contained in them has reached a blade of blood.

Under this kind of power, even the guardian knight's armor was blown to pieces and completely shattered. If this kind of energy exploded around him, Yue Chuan would be doomed, and there was no possibility of him surviving.

Wait, where did the flame come from?

Yue Chuan glanced at the Flame Gulard, and suddenly realized in his heart that this is clearly the mark made by the fire knight on the enemy. As long as the enemy is by his side, he will continue to gather the power of the flames around him to form a mark. With five marks, it will explode immediately, and the energy in the five flame marks will pour out instantly, blowing up the enemy's bones.

The only way to avoid being marked is to stay away from the fire knight. Of course, even if you stay away from him, he will chase after you, and the final result will continue to increase the mark.Attacking the fire knight will only condense the marks faster, so facing the fire knight, you can neither fight nor walk.

But Yue Chuan knew how to deal with this guy.

When dealing with the guardian knight, you need to always pay attention to his defensive posture transformation, and when dealing with the fire knight, you need to keep an eye on the flame marks on your body. Once there are four, and it will soon reach five, you must immediately use the invincible skill against the fire knight. For example, wave splitting, such as soul-thirsty hand, to make oneself enter that wonderful invincible state, so as to avoid the damage of flame explosion.

You can't be distracted even if you're fighting against a master, let alone a top master like the Fire Knight. While facing her, you should pay attention to the marks on your body. This is a bit harsh. bang.

How to use one mind and two tasks, how to maintain a calm and meticulous heart in a raging battle, this is the test brought by the fire knight to the adventurer.

Fortunately, Yue Chuan has this ability and powerful perception, which allows him to clearly grasp the status of both the enemy and the enemy at all times. When he senses the sudden change of the flames around him, like a dynamite barrel being lit, he immediately responds to the situation. The Burning Knight uses Soulthirsty Hand or Wave Ripper.

Yue Chuan had never carefully comprehended the mysteries of Soul-thirsty Hand and Wave Splitting, nor had he thought carefully about why these two skills would allow him to enter a wonderful invincible state and be immune to all damage.You know, this is an ability that many advanced skills do not have.

But now, Yue Chuan happened to have this opportunity to comprehend, he could savor carefully in the raging fire, and comprehend a little bit.Seeing the destructive flames blowing up around him and brushing across his face, the wonderful feeling of wandering between life and death made Yue Chuan's mind change rapidly.

It's just that Yue Chuan has never been able to grasp the mystery of why he entered the invincible state, and when he wanted to continue to comprehend it, the Fire Gulard had already turned into metal ashes on the ground.

"I'm stupid, I'm going to die? I haven't realized it yet."

If Gulard the Flame could hear this, he would definitely jump up and fight Yue Chuan for [-] rounds.This shit is too bullying, even though we are training you, you don't want to bully us like that.

Putting away the core of flame on the ground, Yue Chuan silently walked towards the next room.The Light Knight is waiting there, kill the Light Knight, and you can see Borodin.

King's Guardian Light, Wardroth.

The Light Knight is also capable of instant kills, but his instant kill is not as instant as the Flame Gulard, he will stun the adventurer in place, and then send the adventurer away with one sword at a time, countless adventurers are stunned like this In the middle of death, he couldn't use his instincts, and he was as fragile as a little chicken.

Gulard of Flame might give adventurers a good time, but Wardroth of Light seems to like Ling Chi more, and I don't know if this guy had some kind of psychological deformity before his death.

However, today Wardroth encountered a metamorphosis, a metamorphosis with full light resistance, even if the power of the light attribute hits him, it is a symbolic -1, or a direct miss. The light knight has survived for so many years. Countless enemies have been defeated, but such a strange situation has never been encountered, and even their great king cannot be safe and sound from his lightning and thunder.

what is this?
The light knight Wardroth roared unwillingly, released his ultimate skill, light and shadow replication, four rays of light flashed in the room, the light condensed, and instantly became four light knights exactly like Wardroth, these four light knights Like Wardroth, they summoned lightning, released strong light, wanted to stun Yue Chuan, and killed Yue Chuan, but unfortunately, they still failed to change the ending of death. Like Wardroth, they turned into a bubble-like light shattering scattered in the air.

Yue Chuan picked up the Heart of Light on the ground, and thought to himself, this is the second most precious seal in the king's relics after Borodin's seal. The light power and light meaning inside it are really pure and simple.

However, what Yue Chuan was thinking about was still the move when Vodlos summoned the four images, which seemed to be somewhat similar to his own shadow sword technique, but the image that Vodlos summoned was stronger than himself.

Shaking his head, Yue Chuan looked at the lord's room emitting a dangerous red light, shook the weapon in his hand, and walked boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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