
Chapter 400 Blessing Status

Chapter 400 Blessing Status

The bloodthirsty cat demon is the weakest monster in the test field of the Bilmark Empire, and it is also the first small fish encountered. Many players basically skip these little monsters when making pictures, and some people even I also use the phrase "If you can't even beat these little monsters, go back to the city."Yes, these little monsters are indeed weak, but this is for those players who are level 60, 70 or even 85, not level 50.

In Gran's Forest, the cat demon represents agility, the goblin represents endurance, and the minotaur represents strength.After being mutated in the Bilmark Empire Proving Ground, their innate instincts have been improved tenfold and a hundredfold, and some monsters have been transformed by the proving ground to become even stronger.

Take these bloodthirsty cat demons as an example. They usually do not move quickly, but once they smell the smell of blood, their speed will increase sharply like crazy. Their sharp claws can easily tear steel, and they can easily touch The adventurer will tear off a large piece of flesh, and the toxin on the claws will prevent the wound from healing, and even further dissolve the flesh and expand the wound.And the more intense bloody smell will make the bloodthirsty cat demon crazier and stronger.Another point is that the bloodthirsty cat demon will insert its sharp claws deeply into the body of the adventurer, and then use their teeth to eat the flesh and blood of the adventurer desperately. Pounce on it, and other bloodthirsty cat demons will join them like an arhat, enjoying the feast of blood crazily.

The burnt-smelling air in the Birmark Imperial Laboratory was very turbid, like a thick haze that lingered forever.The turbid air seemed to be able to cover up everything, but it couldn't cover up the bright scarlet eyes of the bloodthirsty cat demon and the bloodthirsty desire in those eyes.

Sometimes, Yue Chuan couldn't help but wonder what kind of stimulation these bloodthirsty cat monsters had received to become what they are now, and the bloodthirsty berserkers don't look like they do now.However, this thought was instantly extinguished by Yue Chuan. Right now, he had to concentrate on the battle, and any distraction would bring disastrous consequences to him.

But at this time, a faint light emerged from Yue Chuan's body, and Yue Chuan immediately noticed that his body was different from before. Looking at the status bar, there were actually two more signs.

After an ordinary adventurer enters a dungeon, there will be no status marks. It can only be displayed when some equipment or skills are triggered (beside the blood tank in the lower left corner). After Yue Chuan received the baptism of light, he has more characters in the game A state of baptism of light, and later Yue Chuan understood the true meaning of light, and this state was further upgraded.Coupled with the blessing of the goddess of war in the heavy armor inheritance set, Yue Chuan Jintu will have two buff states.But now, Yue Chuan has two more states.

The golden state shows: those who eat the golden apple will be blessed by the world tree.

The bloody state shows: those who bathe in the blood of the dragon will gain the power of the dragon clan.

Yue Chuan has been thinking about how dragon blood can improve him, but he has forgotten one thing. If dragon blood is also a natural treasure, then golden apples are definitely beyond dragon blood. Weeds are no different.After Yue Chuan ate the golden apple, there was no obvious change, but this did not mean that the golden apple had no effect.It is not as fierce and surging as the dragon blood, but slowly but firmly rises in a way that moistens things and makes no sound.

Wait, Yue Chuan suddenly noticed a word - World Tree.

Why is the golden apple tree called the golden apple tree?Just because its fruit resembles an apple and is golden?It is simply insulting to name a higher life after a lower plant.However, instead of haggling with the elves, the Golden Apple Tree accepted the name calmly.This shows that not only the elves do not know that it is the World Tree, but even it itself does not know its origin.

The name of the World Tree, Yue Chuan, is no stranger, and Yue Chuan is familiar with the power and wonder of the World Tree. When he thinks that he is lucky enough to eat a fruit of the World Tree, Yue Chuan is just like Zhu Bajie who just stole the ginseng fruit. It is so beautiful.

Looking at the specific effects of World Tree's blessing, it is written that the upper limit of HP and mana, and the recovery speed have been improved.As for how much it was improved, it was not mentioned.This blessing will gradually increase over time.

Look at the blessing of dragon's blood again, which shows: strength, intelligence, physical strength, and spirit have been improved, attack speed and movement speed have been improved, attribute enhancement, and attribute resistance have been improved.Possess dragon power against beast type enemies.

Seeing these two effects, Yue Chuan felt that the various buffs of paladins would also be eclipsed here. These two buffs are simply too heaven-defying.

Although the blessing of the World Tree is only one sentence, it is a growth-type blessing. The longer the battle, the more obvious the effect.And this also reflects from the side that in reality, I also have similar blessings, and they increase over time.

In sharp contrast to the simplicity of the World Tree blessing is the dragon blood blessing.Except for the golden dragon, Yue Chuan was bathed in the blood of all dragons. Some of these dragons are good at physical attacks, some are good at using magic, and some are specialized in the first line. After bathing in their blood, Yue Chuan also After obtaining their power, many powers are fused together, and it becomes what it is now.

However, the improvement of these attributes is secondary. What caught Yue Chuan's eyes the most was the existence of "Longwei".Yue Chuan has experienced the oppression of Longwei, so he naturally knows the role of Longwei. Thousands of dragons gather together, even Luo Tesi can only avoid its edge.Almost all the monsters in the Bilmark Empire Test Ground were transformed from wild beasts, that is to say, Longwei took effect on them all.

meow woo woo...

The bloodthirsty cat demons became agitated, the bloodthirsty light overflowed from their pupils, infiltrating their eye sockets, there was no difference between the whites of the eyes and the pupils in the scarlet blood light, and the circle around the head and neck that resembled a lion's mane The long hairs are also standing upright, making people mistakenly think that they have grown a lot in size.

The breath of living things, the smell of fresh blood and raw meat, all of these deeply stimulated the bloodthirsty cat demons, making them restless and crazy.However, they also felt a strange breath, which frightened them and felt oppressed even more.For a moment, they lingered around Yue Chuan tangled up, their instinctive desire and instinctive fear made them not know whether to step up or retreat.

Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan couldn't help feeling secretly refreshed, Longwei really took effect!
But in the next moment, those bloodthirsty cat demons all uttered a cry similar to that of a tiger, and the blood in their pupils turned black and red, deep and evil, and at this time, the system prompted: Danger, bloodthirsty The cat demon has mutated again!Dangerous, the bloodthirsty cat demon has mutated again...

The dumbfounded Yue Chuan summed up thousands of words into one sentence: I'm stupid!

[Thank you for engaging in wealth and decline for rewarding "Creation" with 588 book coins! 】

[Thank you for engaging in wealth and decline for rewarding "Creation" with 588 book coins! 】

The chapter at noon was set to be released automatically at 12 o'clock, but the system was lazy, and I only discovered it in the afternoon, so that the chapter at noon was a little later.Feel sorry

(End of this chapter)

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