
Chapter 401 Longwei?mocking aura

Chapter 401 Longwei?mocking aura

The dragon power of the dragon clan will indeed oppress other creatures. Weak creatures will even be scared to death directly, and powerful creatures will also be terrified, but if the creature's strength is comparable to that of the dragon clan, at best it will make it feel afraid.If the strength of that creature is stronger than that of the Dragon Clan, this oppression of the Dragon Power will become a provocation.

Many abnormal states in DNF are linked to the level, and it is indicated that the higher the level of the enemy, the shorter the effect time, and even when the enemy reaches a certain level, the negative effect will be invalid.Longwei can also be regarded as a negative effect, so this rule naturally applies.As for the strength levels of the two parties, Yue Chuan was at level 50, and the bloodthirsty cat demon, don't worry, was exactly at level 51.

At first, the bloodthirsty cat demons were afraid of this strange aura, but when they found that the creature with this aura was not very powerful, and even weaker than themselves, their fear immediately turned into anger and anger. crazy.


After a brief rush, a bloodthirsty cat demon shot at Yue Chuan like a shell fired from its chamber. This speed was unbelievable. Yue Chuan didn't even see the afterimage, only a faint shadow flashed in front of his eyes. There was blood, and a dangerous aura suddenly emerged from the surface. Immediately afterwards, his skin and muscles were pierced, and the creepy sound of gnawing and swallowing came at the same time, and half of his arm disappeared as soon as his sight swept away. not see.

It was simply too fast, the speed of the bloodthirsty cat demon not only surpassed Yue Chuan's audiovisual perception, but also made it too late for Yue Chuan's guns and martial arts to produce a sense.Although guns and martial arts can predict the foresight and give an early warning before danger comes, the time it takes for the bloodthirsty cat demon to lock onto the target and reach the target is only a split second, and in a split second, guns and martial arts has just given birth to a warning sign.

One flick of a finger is sixty moments, and the time of a moment is almost negligible for a person of Yue Chuan's level, but it is in this negligible time that he has been attacked by the bloodthirsty cat monster, and the more More and more bloodthirsty cat demons followed closely, clinging to Yue Chuan's body and eating.

Yue Chuan's blood tank is almost like a flood, falling rapidly every moment, but Yue Chuan found that every time the blood volume drops, there will be an instant rise back, but the speed of this rise is not directly proportional to the speed of the fall. In the blink of an eye, Yue Chuan was slaughtered by the bloodthirsty cat demon.

Cursing secretly for bad luck, Yue Chuan directly chose to return to the city.After all, it is only the first picture of entering the door, there is no need to waste a resurrection coin, just start over.Moreover, if you do it all over again, the cat demon may not mutate again.

Yue Chuan found that although the cat monsters he met before were perverted, with the blessings of the World Tree and the dragon's blood, he could fight them, but the cat monsters who were forced to mutate again by the blood pressure of the dragon, no matter their speed or attack , All have undergone qualitative changes, so that there is no room for me to fight back.

"Damn, I thought this Longwei was awesome, but now it seems that it is a negative effect at all, directly speaking, it is a halo that makes the enemy violent and mutated."

Yue Chuan entered the Bilmark Empire testing ground several times, without exception, the bloodthirsty cat demons who felt the dragon's might, after a short period of rage and madness, all mutated again, and then sent Yue Chuan back to the town.Fortunately, there was no penalty for weakness in the ancient map, otherwise Yue Chuan would be able to drink a pot just for being weak.

When brushing the ruins of the king before, in order to fight against the murderous aura and resentment in the relics, Yue Chuan carried out hundreds of actions to send him to death, fighting with his life, and finally got used to the murderous aura and resentment in the relics.Yue Chuan has a heart that is not afraid of death, but this does not mean that he can die for no reason. Before he finds a feasible solution, all hard work can only be attributed to recklessness.

"The most important thing now is to put away Longwei, otherwise it will be a mocking halo like a map cannon."

In desperation, Yue Chuan could only go to the duel arena, opened a practice room, and found a beautiful doll like an inflatable doll to vent his excess energy.Don't get me wrong, it's just practicing some basic skills, not that.

In the early morning of the next day, dragons chanted one after another on Long Island. Countless dragons came out of their caves and roared majesticly at the newborn sun, announcing their existence and the arrival of a new day.For a moment, the entire Dragon Island was filled with the earth-shattering dragon chant.

"I'm stupid, it's obviously a dragon's body, so I have to do the work of a rooster."

The habit of staying in bed has become Yue Chuan's innate instinct, so Yue Chuan was very annoyed to be woken up by the dragon clan so much.After practicing all night in the duel arena, Yue Chuan had just realized something, but the sound of dragon chants came from the outside world. The system judged that Yue Chuan was in danger, and gave Yue Chuan a six-character mantra. It would be strange if Yue Chuan was in a good mood.

Sitting at the entrance of the cave, Yue Chuan stared blankly at the giant dragons gliding across the sky, and then left the Dragon Island and went to the ocean. From time to time, some giant dragons flew back from the outside, with huge trophies in their claws. .


A beast with a fat body and thick limbs screamed and fell from the sky. Although its body was pierced by dragon claws, its tyrannical vitality kept him alive tenaciously. It just fell from a height of several hundred meters. Xiaoqiang also died so badly that he couldn't die anymore.


This time it was a fat sea fish. For some reason, the dark blue fish scales developed towards the scales. There were two rows of jagged fangs protruding from the flat muzzle, and the fierce eyes burst out from time to time. , it's not a good thing to look at at first glance.Just being pierced through the body by the dragon's claws, coupled with the fall from a height of several hundred meters, its life was instantly shattered like fragile porcelain.

The huge impact caused the body of the giant beast to be torn apart, and the scarlet blood stains left a beautiful flower on the rock in a burst shape. Similar flowers can be said to be everywhere on Long Island, some are scarlet and eye-catching, some are scarlet and eye-catching. The dark brown is dim, and in some places dozens or even hundreds of blood flowers are connected into one piece.

However, Yue Chuan found that these dragons' prey throwing techniques are surprisingly accurate, all within half a football field, 90.00% of them are gathered in the center, and only a few sporadic ones will scatter outward. Every time a prey falls on the periphery, There will be some inappropriate calls in the sky, as if mocking.

ooh ooh...

A group of young dragons whose wings hadn't grown yet, running on two thick hind legs appeared from all directions, and then uttered cheerful cries, jumping up and down, climbing onto the cut flesh one by one, feasting on them.From time to time, some young dragons looked at Yue Chuan, as if they were sending out invitations.

Seeing this scene, Yue Chuan secretly sighed in his heart, those fellows who complain about the unpalatable food in the cafeteria all day long, you should be content, what you guys are facing now is not whether it is unpalatable or not, but whether it can be eaten or not.

[Well, do you have any recommended tickets? Let's order some.I haven't asked for a ticket for a long time, try to shout out]

(End of this chapter)

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