
Chapter 760 Evil Eyes

Chapter 760 Evil Eyes
Yue Chuan looked carefully at the thin card in his hand, he couldn't see any material, Yue Chuan couldn't even roughly judge whether it was metal, leather, bone armor or what.All in all, it's a strange material.But there is no doubt that it is very hard, very flexible, and it is very warm in the hand, without any coldness, it seems to be a little warm, but Yue Chuan is more willing to believe that it is his own body temperature.

There are patterns on both sides of the card, and the patterns are exactly the same, which means that the Ace of Chaos has no front and back.Unlike in the game, the Chaos Ace in his hand does not have the words lv55, and the front and back are the patterns of the magic sword-Apophis, which are lifelike and detailed. If it weren't for the thin card in his hand, Yue Chuan would have thought that That's Apophis.

Perhaps because the card is too small, the pattern does not show the whole picture of the magic sword-Apophis. The evil eyes on the sword and the hilt occupy two-thirds of the picture. If it is not known that it is the trump card of chaos, It's hard to connect it with that ferocious magic sword.

Huh... not right!
Yue Chuan vaguely discovered something.

Ace of Chaos: Demon Sword Apophis

Demon Sword - Apophis
Yue Chuan is not an analytical emperor like Leng Shangqing, but it does not mean that Yue Chuan is illiterate. On the contrary, Yue Chuan is very good at this level of eloquence, and he has already discovered some clues from the names of the two.

Ace of Chaos: Demon Sword Apophis, the name is divided into two parts. It can be seen from the name that this is a Chaos Ace named Demon Sword Apophis.This also means that there are other Chaos trump cards besides the magic sword Apophis.In fact, there are other Chaos Aces in DNF, namely Chaos Ace: Roaming Gunner McGee, Chaos Ace: Sniper Nils, and Chaos Ace: Messer Monaghan.The magic sword Apophis is not the only one.

How did the Ace of Chaos come about, why it exists, and what is its significance... These DNFs have not given an explanation, at least there was no official explanation when Yue Chuan crossed, but this shows that the Ace of Chaos does exist, and it should be a separate system.

As for the magic sword-Apophis, the name is also divided into two parts. As the name suggests, this is a magic sword called "Apophis", just like "Knife-Tulong" and "Sword-Yitian", it is just a Simple name.

It is also Apophis, but one is Chaos Ace and the other is Demonic Sword. Both are related to Apophis, but it does not mean that Chaos Ace is related to Demonic Sword. This is a habitual misunderstanding.Since there are many trump cards of chaos, and there may be other magic swords, it cannot be arbitrarily considered that the trump card of chaos is the magic sword.

So the question is, what exactly is "Apophis"?
Yue Chuan once again focused his gaze on the trump card of chaos, and the evil eye vertical eyes on the trump card of chaos seemed to have sensed it, emitting a faint light. Yue Chuan immediately felt that his thinking was sluggish, his soul was heavy, and an unspeakable exhaustion emanated from his soul came from the depths.

not good!

It's a pity that Yue Chuan's body was petrified, and he didn't obey orders at all. Yue Chuan wanted to throw away the trump card of chaos and close his eyes, but his body remained motionless, and he was still staring at the trump card of chaos. The world in front of him was gradually covered by infinite purple light. Render, spread.

angry!anger!The angry Yue Chuan lost control in an instant, Yue Chuan himself couldn't control himself, how could this purple light restrain Yue Chuan.


Yue Chuan's mind was instantly plunged into endless anger, his eyes instantly turned blood red, and the fiery blood-colored light tore apart the purple light on the Chaos Ace, and even enveloped the Chaos Ace in its entirety.


As if returning to the normal world from the small black room, Yue Chuan felt spacious and comfortable.Taking another look at the trump card of chaos in his hand, Yue Chuan was deeply afraid.

The last time I was in the game world, I was backlashed by it once, and this time it was even more serious. The damn trump card of chaos is really evil.

What exactly is Apophis?
This question lingered in Yue Chuan's mind and could not be shaken off for a long time.Yue Chuan had a premonition that this might be the secret of the mourning cave.

Picking up the trump card of chaos again, Yue Chuan just glanced at it briefly, the evil eyes on the card were still there, but with the previous judgment, Yue Chuan no longer preconceived it as a sword.

It is what it is, an evil eye!
This is an inexplicable feeling, a pair of eyes, full of endless evil, even Yue Chuan, who is at the peak of the sanctuary and almost touches the gods, can't resist it.

Yue Chuan boldly guessed that the so-called Apophis is actually a spiritual idea, that is, the evil eye vertical eye. Maybe its body is not like this, but its ability is roughly mind control.

The magic sword-Apophis is something derived after it controls a sword. No one knows the origin of that sword, and it is destined that no one will know, because it has become the body of Apophis.

It is not so much that the skeleton Kane mastered the magic sword-Apophis, it is better to say that Apophis controls the skeleton Kane. Both the magic sword and Kane are actually puppets controlled by Apophis.Even I almost fell for it just now, if I failed to keep my heart, wouldn't I also end up like Skeleton Kane?
Thinking of this, Yue Chuan trembled with fear.

Originally, Yue Chuan was very puzzled, could it be that he was really favored by the heavens, and he played the trump card of chaos, and just happened to give it to himself.Rather than saying that he exploded the trump card of chaos, it is better to say that the trump card of chaos found himself on purpose.So, was it a coincidence that Leng Shangqing's disconnection was a coincidence, or... logically, Leng Shangqing was extremely cautious, to put it bluntly, he was cowardly and spared his life, how could he change his costume rashly.In the continent of demons, he must wear anti-magic clothes. This is what he emphatically stated to him, but he changed his clothes by accident.

Why did he have such a strange idea?
Yue Chuan didn't know it before, but after experiencing what happened just now, Yue Chuan suddenly understood a lot.

Yue Chuan didn't dare to think about it anymore. He realized that there was an invisible big hand pushing behind all this. The power of Apophis had even surpassed the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors" and could affect the real world.

The trump card of chaos may be a kind of seal, sealing most of Apophis' power, but even so, Apophis' power is still terrifying, beyond ordinary people's imagination.So, how powerful would Apophis be without being sealed?
Putting away the trump card of chaos, Yue Chuan decided in his heart that if he had no choice, he would never use the trump card of chaos again, and it would be best not to use it at all.

In fact, Yue Chuan wanted to discard it, or destroy it, but Yue Chuan was afraid that it would be exposed by other players.Instead of letting it become an unknown hidden danger, let it stay in your own hands.Hopefully this thing is the only drop.

(End of this chapter)

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