
Chapter 761

Chapter 761

Yue Chuan didn't say he was invincible in the Devil's Continent, at least he could remain invincible without encountering a god-level powerhouse.Thinking about the first time he came to the Devil's Continent, and thinking about the previous tens of thousands of people's war, Yue Chuan couldn't help but stroked the clear magic pattern on the back of his hand.

At this time, Yue Chuan was wearing the inheritance suit, not the anti-magic suit, but the power of Yuehua did not cause any damage to Yue Chuan, and Yue Chuan was safe and sound, without the slightest chill.He understood that the power of the world in the Demon Continent had recognized him, regarded him as a creature of the Demon Continent, and would no longer target him.

It should be because of the blood!
Yue Chuan plundered the blood power of too many strong people, and even turned the only trace of demon blood in their bodies into his own. The blood in his body is already more orthodox and pure than the native creatures of the demon continent, Yuehua It is reasonable that Zhizhi no longer targets him.

This is not the effect of the blood rage, but the original magic pattern on his body. That magic pattern is the root of all these changes, and it is also the reason for his sudden increase in strength.

A world has a world of rules, and the restrictions of the rules are very strong, such as the rules of the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors". Knocked to death by goblins, mauled by cat monsters or run over by minotaurs.These things are impossible to happen in reality, but the game world can, this is the rule of the game world.Characters have been restricted and finalized by attributes, occupations and other factors, and everything can only happen within the permitted range, without any overstepping, otherwise it will be judged as "abnormal game data" by the system.Another example is the power of Yuehua, which suppresses and obliterates the existence of all non-magic continents.

Now, all this has changed on Yue Chuan, the power of Yuehua can no longer target Yue Chuan, which means that the magic pattern on Yue Chuan has certain power, which can deceive the power of the world.So the same reason, is it possible to deceive the rules in the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors"?

Shaking his head, Yue Chuan still suppressed this thought. As a glorious hand-painting party, it's better not to think about this kind of thought.

Yue Chuan is currently staying in the Demon Continent, one is to track down the demons, the other is to ensure the development of the Tiandao League, and at the same time, it is also to deal with visitors from the world of swordsmanship civilization that may appear at any time.The trial of Leng Shangqing was just incidental.As for that little Xuesha, although he put himself together, he didn't care about her because he didn't suffer any disadvantages.

Yue Chuan checked the situation of Leng Shangqing's duel.The strength of the Demon Continent is supreme, the strong are respected, competitions are popular, and you can see them everywhere. There are circles for competitions in every city. It is as popular as football and basketball on the earth. The duels were going on intermittently, and people watched and placed their bets endlessly.

Different from the killing field, the outside competitions are all competitive in nature, and the winners and losers can be distinguished. The purpose of the contestants is mostly for high prize money.Of course, there are also people who are similar to Leng Shangqing, just to sharpen themselves.

In the past few days when Leng Shangqing came to the Devil's Continent, he has become well-known in the competition circle, because he has defeated fifteen opponents since his debut, and he has not lost a single one so far. Many gamblers who beat him All made a lot of money, even if the casino repeatedly revised the odds, it still couldn't stop people's enthusiasm.This situation will inevitably affect the interests of some people. After the bribe is invalid, they have to send experts to snipe Leng Shangqing.

If it is football and basketball, it is possible to hire gunmen to threaten and intimidate the players, but here is a competition, and everyone is fighting with swords and guns. Threats and intimidation are meaningless at all. Instead of doing this, it is better to put people in the ring.

"This, our No. 16 strong man, after rounds of elimination, the No. 16 strong man is standing on today's ring. He is qualified to declare his name. He is--the abyss knight! A knight from the abyss! The Knight of the Abyss! Sooner or later, this name will spread throughout the Demon Continent, let everyone know and remember, let us cheer for the Abyss Knight!"

Abyss Knight has become the name of Leng Shangqing. After all, the Abyss Knight suit is the only one that exists, and Leng Shangqing has accepted the mantle of Abyss Knight and has become his heir. Most importantly, no one on the Devil's Continent knows about the Abyss Knight. After all, the Devil's Continent server hasn't opened the mall yet, and there isn't even a low-level outfit, let alone a sky suit.

Leng Shangqing, wearing a cloth and a mask, slowly walked out of the passageway on one side of the ring, and the crowd in the duel field immediately cheered thunderously. Whether it is Leng Shangqing's powerful strength or the wealth he brought to them, they are all worthy of their cheers .In the arena, there are only winners and losers, and there is no racial boundary. Even if Leng Shangqing is a human being, he still wins the respect of the people in the Demon Continent, even if it is only respect for strength.

Leng Shangqing doesn't have magic patterns like Yue Chuan, he can't hide the human aura on his body, and people in the Demon Continent can tell his race by seeing him face to face.Humans in the Demon Continent have no status, they have always been like slaves and livestock, but for the strong among humans, other races still have to pay due respect.They can enslave and kill human beings, but they still have to give at least recognition to strong humans. It is impossible to say that they will attack a strong human being when they see one.

This principle is like discriminating against black people in the United States, but black stars can be successful and respected.Another example is that the United States regards all Middle Easterners as terrorists, but it cannot kill a Middle Easterner on the spot.

In the beginning, everyone suppressed Leng Shangqing, and some people even suppressed Leng Shangqing with a trick. They can let a human appear on the stage, but it doesn't mean they will agree with this human.However, Leng Shangqing's performance slapped everyone in the face, and it crackled several times.In the end, even the most stubborn people from the Devil's Continent were unwilling to live with their own money, and they all turned to Leng Shangqing's side, because Leng Shangqing had already convinced them with their strength.

"This is the bloodthirsty maniac that everyone is familiar with. He has fought 20 times in our duel field. He has won all 20 games, and 12 of them killed the enemy with one move. Now, let's cheer and welcome our bloodthirsty maniac! Knife is here!"

Immediately, vigorous cheers sounded again in the duel arena. Bloodthirsty Crazy Knife also has many supporters. It also has a complete victory record. The collision between these two people is full of unknowns. Buyers can no longer blindly suppress a certain One person, and only in this way, can recover some casino losses.

(End of this chapter)

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