
Chapter 782 In order to be stronger

Chapter 782 In order to be stronger
Yue Chuan filtered the names on the game list one by one, and then used a small notebook to record the "insufficient authority". There are only a dozen or so names in this small book, most of them are people that Yue Chuan knows well, and a few of them are people that Yue Chuan doesn't know at all, so you may not be able to find them even if you want to.

For example, Gao Jian, Yue Chuan only knew that he was Xu Zu in the east of the Great Qin Kingdom, but after so long, he may not still be in that place before.Moreover, as an assassin, Gao Jian is bound to be very sensitive to his activities, if he visits rashly, no matter what the purpose is, it will arouse his uneasiness and resentment.This was also the reason why Yue Chuan hadn't looked for Gao Jian before.

If you don't go to him, you can slowly make friends with him, but if you go to him, you will be blacklisted in his heart for the rest of your life.

Yue Chuan carefully pondered the styles of Gao Jian and Mei Yao, and found that they were both assassins, Mei Ling was more inclined to hide and kill with one hit, while Gao Jian was the one who dared to fight head-on.To be honest, most of Meiying's cultivation is hidden, while Gao Jian is just the opposite, he pays more attention to confrontation.Gao Jian confronted the enemy with a sharp sword and a bright gun, letting the enemy know that he was here to kill, but under the absolute strength, the enemy still had no room to resist, and was taken as the first rank.

These are two styles, two different assassin routes.The first impression of assassins is that they are dark, but not all assassins hide their heads and show their tails. For example, those strong men who take the heads of enemy generals among thousands of troops are also a kind of assassins.It is impossible for thousands of troops to hide and hide, but it doesn't matter if everyone sets up a battle and rushes to kill.Just like Guan Yu who rides alone for thousands of miles, Zhao Yun who enters seven times and exits seven times, they all have the same style as Gao Jian.As long as they want to kill, thousands of troops and horses will not be able to stop them.

Meiying's usual weapon is a dagger, and Gao Jian's usual weapon is double swords. The styles of the two can be seen from the choice of weapons.This also made Yue Chuan understand that if there really were assassin gods, there would be two or more.God is not alone.

It is indeed very difficult to search for gods. After all, Yue Chuan has many conveniences and cannot find the reincarnation of several gods. It is even more difficult for others to hunt and kill these gods.

However, the matter of the Demon Blood God Sect must be resolved, Yue Chuan would never allow such an ambitious organization to exist.

The last time there was a method of plundering blood for cultivation among the fallen in the Continent of Gods. The fallen were rioting one after another and attacked ordinary people. Musketeers Legion.After a fierce battle, the arrogance of the Fallen was finally contained, and countless fallen Fallen were killed one after another. Occasionally, some fish that slipped through the net also hid, unable to make trouble again.

However, as the source of this commotion, the Devil Blood God Cult did not suffer any losses. They were originally a secret sect, and they only used one exercise to instigate the riots of the fallen. In order to obtain the exercise, the fallen must pass Some sort of mystical ritual that sacrifices the power of one's blood to a god.These fallen people were not cultivated by the Demon Blood God Cult. To get the power of that blood is to make a lot of money. Even if the fallen people are strangled, it has nothing to do with them.

As long as the Devil Blood Sect is still there, it can continue to recruit believers for that god and sacrifice blood. Therefore, the solution to the riots is to get rid of the Devil Blood Sect, not to eradicate the fallen.Speaking of which, those fallen people are just used as cannon fodder.And most of the fallen were besieged and suppressed, only some remnants fled to Xu Zu.

The information revealed by Ludovica is very clear. All the ancient gods and demons native to this world have fallen, and the gods worshiped by the Demon Blood God Cult must be god-level powerhouses from other worlds, that is, alien protoss like the archangels.

However, Yue Chuan looked back and thought that if he became a god further, he would not be an extraterrestrial protoss to other worlds. In this way, that demon blood god is a god-level powerhouse similar to him in other worlds.And from his name and the power bestowed on believers, it can be seen that he is a god who cultivates the power of blood.

"This buddy seems to have crossed the line, should I remind him to restrain himself?"

Yue Chuan shook his head. He is not yet a god-level powerhouse, and he is not yet qualified to talk to a god-level powerhouse. The other party may not necessarily dump him.Moreover, I don't know what world the Demon Blood God is in, so I have nothing to do with him. If the other party replies "Hit me if you have the ability", wouldn't I be looking for anger when I have nothing to do.

In this case, then kill without mercy and completely wipe the Demon Blood God Cult from this world.It would be fine if that Demon Blood Divine Awareness, after all, he was the one who crossed the line.But if he came here to make trouble unreasonably, with the protection of the power of the world, the battle of the devil-blood god guest would not be able to take advantage of it.

Strength, after all, is still strength.If you don't have enough strength, you will be useless as a god.Not only is he powerful, but he also has enough helpers.Just like the few giants in "Fengshen Bang", there are countless disciples. The giants can just practice behind closed doors. All the killing and killing are done by the disciples. That is the real life of the gods.

It's time to throw more people to the Demon Continent to sharpen.

At the same time, Yue Chuan was also pondering whether to open a cross-regional duel field like the one on Earth.Let the players of God's Continental Server, Demon's Continental Server, and Kendo Civilization Server duel together and learn from each other to improve.

The only worry is that players communicate in cross-regional duels. Different worlds have different secrets. Things that are not worth mentioning in this world are likely to be appalling secrets in another world, which can easily cause embarrassment. Necessary mess.

Then silence it, all communication is prohibited on cross-server servers, all players block character names, blur faces, the opponent system in the battle is randomly matched, and there is a confidentiality rule, and it is the strictest confidentiality rule. Communication and communication through channels and methods will be permanently banned.

Of course, not everyone can enter this cross-server duel field, the threshold set by Yue Chuan is Supreme Ten.In an ordinary duel arena, the Supreme Ten is already a symbol of the pinnacle, but in the cross-server duel arena, the Supreme Ten is just the beginning, only the qualification for entry.Those who can reach Supreme Ten will definitely cherish their account, and the confidentiality rules are only deterrent to them.

But in this way, other servers have to open up the fashion, otherwise the God's Continent server will be out of the sky, and the other servers will still have no fashion, which is inherently unfair.

After pondering for a while, Yue Chuan opened up the shopping mall system of other servers, which also followed the rules of even mainland servers, and equipment can be exchanged for the currency of the shopping mall, but the price of the goods, that can only be hehe.

[Thanks to Two-dimensional Mengwu for rewarding "Creation" with 588 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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