
Chapter 783 The Essence of Religion

Chapter 783 The Essence of Religion
Yue Chuan has already begun to investigate the Demon Blood God Sect, but this sect is really hidden. If it weren't for the outbreak of the blood plague, if it wasn't for Ludovica's meeting at the right time, this religion might still be hidden from people's sight. They have come into contact with it, and people would never have thought that there would be such a religion in the world.

When investigating the Devil's Blood God Sect, they also found all kinds of religions like radish. The materials of each religion were compiled into a book and sent to Yue Chuan's case. Yue Chuan just used these religious materials to send time.Originally, he thought that those religions were the products of intelligent people fooling fools in mountain villages, but after careful study and comparison, Yue Chuan found that it was not what he thought.

There are too many great worlds in the universe, and there are too many gods in these worlds. The gods need the power of faith. The power of faith in a world is often occupied by a powerful person such as a god king or a demon king. Then What about the other gods?They also need the power of faith. If the god king is easy to talk, he will allow these subordinates to recruit believers. It seems that although most people worship Buddha, there are also people who worship Bodhisattva and Arhat.

But what if these god kings and demon kings are hard to talk to?Sorry, other gods can only go to other worlds to forage.It is said that those cultivators like to wander in the void when they are free. In fact, they are exploring other worlds, looking for intelligent creatures, and establishing their own beliefs.Therefore, there are often so-called legends in the world that "the sage perceives the will of the true god". Although there are some people's forgery and fabrication, it cannot be denied that this kind of thing really exists.

For example, Yue Chuan once used his thoughts to communicate with Shang, and Shang brought all his people to join Yue Chuan, erected a statue for Yue Chuan, and became Yue Chuan's followers.They worship Yue Chuan every day and continuously generate the power of faith, but Yue Chuan has not yet reached the realm of God, and cannot use the godhead to absorb the power of faith.

In the same way, if Yue Chuan's thoughts go to other worlds and communicate with creatures in other worlds, just simply pointing out that creature can make him have great wisdom, great power, and make him outstanding and outstanding, and that creature will naturally He will enshrine Yue Chuan as a god and build faith for Yue Chuan to gather believers. Yue Chuan can also continue to bestow some benefits on him.

The gods of some religions are powerful, and the spokespersons they are looking for are also wisely determined. With some luck, this religion will definitely flourish.Like the Church of Light.Of course, there are also many religions, for various reasons, or the gods have fallen, or the believers have lost in the war with other religions, and have declined or even annihilated a little bit.

This is religion.Countless religions have risen and disappeared, which involves too many struggles and competitions between gods and mortals. In the final analysis, it is still a struggle of strength.

Although the gods are powerful in the realm of the gods, because of the difficulty of traveling through the void and the obstacles of the world's rules, they cannot descend to other worlds at will.Many myths and stories record that in the era when people were drinking blood, gods could still be seen fighting. However, with the development of human civilization, all gods disappeared, and the gods were no longer seen in the world.Then a series of moaning, saying that human beings are riddled with crimes, the gods hate the world, and they all leave Yunyun.

Similar tones are common.From Yue Chuan's point of view, the disappearance of gods has a close relationship with human beings.In fact, when human beings drink blood, the world is relatively low-level, and the power of world rules is not strong. Many god-level powerhouses from different worlds can freely enter and exit, and it is normal to fight here.But with the continuous development of this world's civilization, the power of the world's rules is also gradually strengthening, and those god-level powerhouses are increasingly repelled and suppressed. If they don't leave, they may even be obliterated by the world's rules.

Therefore, they even gradually retreated from the front of the stage and behind the scenes, remotely controlling their own spokespersons, occasionally sending down some oracles, imparting some exercises, and issuing some orders, and then this religion operates freely.In the beginning, it was possible to perform a miracle to show the divine power, but later, as the power of the world's rules became stronger and stronger, it was difficult to send down the oracle.

Yue Chuan's deepest memory is the time when the God of Light of the Guangming Church showed his power.Today, when other gods are unable to issue oracles, the God of Light can still show his power. There are only two possibilities. Either the God of Light is really powerful and can ignore the barriers of time and space and the obstacles of the world's rules, or he is far away from this world. very close.But no matter what, at most he just creates some light and shadow phantoms to fool people. It is impossible for him to come down with his real body. After all, he is a god, and the rules of the world will hinder him even more powerfully.

One advantage Yue Chuan has now is that he can come to other worlds at will, because he is not yet a god, and he has an anti-magic quilt, and the rules of other worlds have almost no effect on him. The rules are more restrictive, but because of the anti-magic outfit, he will be less hindered, and the magic lines on his body can swallow the blood power of creatures in other worlds, and then have the breath of other worlds.

In this way, the religion founded by Yue Chuan has an innate benefit, that is, if Yue Chuan's believers can't beat other people's believers, Yue Chuan can directly roll up his sleeves, and suddenly a god intervenes in the war between believers. Believers of other religions will immediately give up and change their families.After all, they are believers and only believe in gods.

Even if Yue Chuan doesn't take action himself, he can just send a younger brother there. Leng Shangqing and others are improving and growing rapidly, and they are invincible if they are thrown into other worlds casually. They must need their own believers and the power of faith, and there is no harm in letting them go to other worlds to show their power.

Therefore, after studying the ups and downs of countless religions, Yue Chuan understood one thing. Religion is actually the exchange of benefits for Hongguoguo. The power of gods is abundant but the power of faith is lacking, and the power of mortals is lacking but the power of faith is useless, so the two sides communicate. With or without, mutual benefit.In order to bring more believers and the power of faith to the gods, those religious leaders who were chosen by the gods tried their best to promote the greatness and omnipotence of the gods, and preached that believers could enter the Pure Land of Paradise and not go to hell after death, etc. Bewitching a large number of believers to believe in gods, so there is a religion that everyone is familiar with.

Yue Chuan didn't need to promote his greatness and omnipotence. After all, those were false. If he wanted to do it, he could be like Death and Kahn. No one had ever seen them make a move, but no one doubted their strength.

Furthermore, Yue Chuan owns the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, which can better give believers benefits and benefits. He can completely exchange the benefits of the game world for believers' power of faith. too much.

Well, now that everything is ready, it is time to send believers. We have to work hard to find a new world and open a new server.Of course, the most important thing is to quickly upgrade to the god level and unlock the power of the godhead.

(End of this chapter)

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