
Chapter 801 In the name of revenge

Chapter 801 In the name of revenge

"Wounded people - kill!"

"People with blood on their hands - kill!"

"Those who destroy everywhere - kill!"


Orders to kill were conveyed one after another, and groups of figures in military uniforms also approached the Eugenie family's manor.

Those are all soldiers of the Musketeer Legion. After such a long period of training and training, they have grown into independent masters one by one. Among them, those with extraordinary talents and outstanding potential have even grown into holy masters, whether it is individual combat or collective combat. Can exert incredible power.

Yue Chuan didn't bring many people this time, except for himself and Audrey He, there were only a hundred soldiers of the Musketeer Legion. Originally, Yue Chuan thought it was redundant to bring so many people, but seeing the situation of the Eugenie family, Yue Chuan suddenly I found that if I didn't make a move, my hundred musketeers might even hit dogs with meat buns.

Audrey He and her subordinates went to strangle the members of the Eugenie family, and Yue Chuan also rushed towards Helen's position. He really wanted to know what the power of Helen's Nemesis was, but he wanted to know more about the person who appeared opposite Helen backing.There was an incredible power in him, which even made Yue Chuan feel depressed.

"I am here for revenge, I am here for revenge, my anger will never go out, my hatred will never go away, and my fighting spirit will never fade away!"

"I can feel your anger! I can feel your hatred! I can feel your greed! Your sins will be washed away by me, and your life and death will be judged by me!"

"In the name of vengeance, let's make atonement!"

Helen entered a mysterious and special state, as if waking up another personality in her body. This personality quickly mastered the power of her Beyana battle god, and even integrated a unique fighting style into her body. During the transformation of Beyana, the God of War, she was majestic for a while, killing all directions.

People who die unjustly will always hold a mouthful of resentment and hold a trace of obsession. It is difficult for this kind of person to enter reincarnation after death, and they stay in the world for a long time, in order to avenge their hatred and revenge.

This is how the goddess of nemesis came. She accepted the obsession of those people and brought justice to them. When she completed the entrustment of these people, she gained the belief of these people.People with obsessions are particularly firm in their beliefs, even so firm that they cannot be absorbed by the power of reincarnation. The power of faith generated after their hatred is dispelled is also particularly strong. Therefore, the power of Nemesis is also very dependent among gods and demons. before.

Helen is the reincarnation of Nemesis. Helen, who has always avenged others, was attacked and plotted in this life. Her resentment was uncontrollable. She took the initiative to call out Nemesis and asked Nemesis to avenge herself, so the sleeping Nemesis's power gave birth to an induction.It was this kind of miraculous request that made Helen awaken her divine power, but her power had just awakened and was still very weak.

"It's too weak. If you were given some time, you might be able to threaten me, but now you..."

That mysterious black figure wanted to say the words "vulnerable to a single blow", but Helen's attacks were like a torrential river, more like waves of a raging sea washing sand. Although he blocked them all, but Every impact made him feel strenuous and shocked, and Helen's strength became stronger and stronger, and her aura became more and more intense. She couldn't stop like rolling snow. Although it didn't pose much threat to him, it definitely wouldn't be "Vulnerable".

The mysterious man knew that if the enemy continued to attack like this, he would be unable to hold on sooner or later, just like the last straw that broke the camel's back. Ten thousand straws.This is the reason for Helen's attack. Although each attack is as harmless as straw cotton wool, her attacks are endless, and each wave is higher than the wave. Sooner or later, there will be an attack like The last straw broke the camel's back.

It's a pity that Helen couldn't wait for the last straw. The light on her body dimmed for a while, and then there was a bang. Helen, who had been suspended in the air, was bound by gravity again, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.The gorgeous battle armor on his body and the sharp weapons in his hands were all scattered and disappeared.

Biyana's battle god's transformation is indeed powerful, but this skill does not last forever, and because Helen consumes her own power instead of relying on the ability in the small colorless crystal, her transformation time and power They all shrunk greatly, and even lost the strength to stand up after the transformation was lifted.

"Huh... scare me!"

The mysterious man let out a long sigh of relief, and immediately salivated.

The deity I inherited is a knowledgeable deity, and it should be about writing, painting and poetry. His combat power is not outstanding. If he inherited a deity with a tendency to fight, he could take down Helen with just a face-to-face. How could he be like himself? Dally.

Thinking of Helen's previous appearance, the mysterious man let out a long sigh. He didn't know which pig would kill such a juicy Chinese cabbage. Unfortunately, he had already inherited the power of a god and could not replace it.

The mysterious man bit his finger, and a drop of brilliant golden blood leaked out. Then he recited the incantation handed down by the Demon Blood God, the blood drop on his finger gradually emitted a dazzling light, and the blood drop became round and smooth, and there was even more A magic circle appears and disappears, as long as this drop of blood is hit on Helen's head, her divine power will be sealed by the power of the Demon Blood God, and then the Demon Blood God can completely take out the divine power and bestow it on other people. people.

wonderful!The Demon Blood God Sect can have another god, and it is a fighting god.

Seal it!
Helen also looked desperately at the golden drop of blood on the man's finger. The strange magic circle in the drop of blood made her feel palpitations and fear. She wanted to avoid, to shrink back, but unfortunately, the strength in her body had been squeezed out. Jing, as soon as he struggled, he fell down weakly, and it was difficult to move.


The finger didn't touch Helen's forehead, but instead touched a giant weapon that exuded blood-colored light. The golden blood drop on the mysterious man's fingertip was absorbed as soon as it touched the blade, and the blade even emitted A bloody ray cut his fingers, greedily absorbing his blood.

"Ah, what is this..."

In just the blink of an eye, about one-tenth of the mysterious man's blood was drained, and the sudden loss of blood caused him to feel a slight dizziness. .

As if stung by a scorpion, the mysterious man jumped back in horror, looking at Yue Chuan with unkind eyes...

[Thanks to Aimerlanuit for rewarding "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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