
Chapter 802 Lei Ze Appears

Chapter 802 Lei Ze Appears
Yue Chuan thought to himself, this mysterious man reacted so quickly, his magic sword - Apophis can kill whoever he sees. Only part of the blood was lost, and it was not life-threatening.Of course, this is the reason why Demon Sword-Apophis lost his soul and was left with only an empty shell, and it also shows that the mysterious person has two tricks.

Yue Chuan smiled, because he noticed something unusual about this mysterious man. His body was no longer a mortal body, but transformed into a divine body under the influence of divine power, but this divine power was not very compatible with his body. The process is not only slow, but also has many disadvantages, and there is even the danger of backlash at any time.But all of this was suppressed, because there was a godhead between his brows.

"It seems that you have mastered the method to usurp the inheritance of the gods!"

Hearing Yue Chuan's words, the mysterious man turned pale with fright, because this was his biggest secret and the thing he was most proud of. With a mortal body, he usurped the inheritance of a god. This is definitely the first time in history. Once.It's just that this secret was revealed outright, and the mysterious person was even more annoyed after being surprised, as if he had been greatly humiliated.

"You, damn it!"

Yue Chuan didn't pay attention to that guy anymore, but turned around to support Helen, and poured a bottle of girl's foot attack potion for her. The girl's foot attack has a powerful recovery effect. With a steady stream of strength, all the previous malaise and exhaustion were swept away.


Yue Chuan nodded, he really wanted to agree, but for some reason, it felt like a thorn was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't open his mouth no matter what.

After Helen escaped from Biyana's transformation, her mind gradually cleared up, and she immediately realized what happened just now, especially those words that claimed to be revenge. She wondered if she had some kind of demonic obstacle, or imagined.

When Yue Chuan was in the Demon Continent, he plundered the blood of the blood king, and also obtained his unique pupil technique. Just looking into Helen's eyes, her thoughts jumped out of her mind.

"It's not an illusion, nor is it false. Your previous life was indeed a god, and your god name is the God of Nemesis, or the Goddess of Nemesis."


Helen's eyes widened in an instant. She felt unbelievable that a small, ordinary, and humble creature like herself was actually the reincarnation of a god.

But Helen nodded in the next second, firmly believing in this statement.She didn't believe in herself, but in Yue Chuan.Yue Chuan let her and her partners enter the game world of "Dungeon and Warriors", and brought her all kinds of incredible abilities. In her eyes, Yue Chuan is a god, a belief, and Yue Chuan's words are the truth, beyond doubt.She was still wondering how she was resurrected, but when she saw Yue Chuan, all her doubts were answered.

"What my cousin said is absolutely correct."

At this time, the mysterious man uttered an unbelievable scream. He looked at Yue Chuan in a daze, and lost his voice: "Are you——Wumeng?"

Due to the blood of the devil, Yue Chuan's appearance has undergone a great change, as if he has changed from a Westerner to an Easterner. If he is not someone who is extremely familiar with him, he would not believe that this is the same person.

Helen was also a little hesitant at first, but she had an indescribable familiarity with Yue Chuan, maybe it was a blood connection, when Yue Chuan appeared in front of her, she immediately recognized it.That stranger obviously knew Yue Chuan, or Wu Meng from before. If Helen hadn't called Cousin Yue Chuan, he wouldn't have believed that it would be Wu Meng.

Helen has too many cousins, and even Helen herself doesn't know the exact number. This is normal. After all, an ancient family like the Eugenie family has sprawled out and is related to almost all the nobles.However, many cousins ​​don't even have the qualifications to enter the Eugenie family, let alone be familiar with Helen, making her call out the word "cousin".There are only a handful of people who can achieve this step, and Yue Chuan is the only one who is unbelievably strong.

Yue Chuan also thought of the key point. It seems that this mysterious person knows the Eugenie family very well, and he also knows himself very well. Who is he...

"Bring me back!"

Seeing the mysterious man turn around and run away, Yue Chuan was even more sure that there was something wrong with him. He bent his five fingers into claws and grabbed the man's back. The man immediately screamed and flew back upside down as if tied by a rope. Yue Chuan firmly grabbed the back of the neck.

Yue Chuan stuck the magic sword - Apophis on the ground, then grabbed the man's shoulders and neck and turned him around little by little, his eyes were filled with blood, and the power of the pupil technique was running to the extreme.

Before, Yue Chuan didn't use the power of the pupil technique very much, because he was surrounded by close people, and using the pupil technique felt weird, and even the last bit of secret would be gone.But in the face of this mysterious person, Yue Chuan not only used it, but also pushed his power to the extreme. The face of that mysterious person was instantly covered in blood, and his vision and his mind were also instantly invaded and soaked in boundless blood.

"Lei Ze... so it's you!"

This is the Lei Ze who deserved to die in Ludovica's mouth, the Lei Ze who deceived Ludovica and even Umont and Sissy, the Lei Ze who died in an accident while doing business.And now he's here, he's alive and well, and he's become a god.

"You just usurped this godhead and divine power!"

Helen was stunned when she heard this, and then roared furiously. The magic power on her body surged crazily. The misty magic power became sticky and stagnant in the blink of an eye, and Chasers appeared beside her.She roared with all her might, wanting to urge Biyana to transform into a battle god, and even urge the divine power of vengeance that she had never mastered.

revenge!An unprecedented obsession burned fiercely in Helen's heart, and she wanted to avenge her partner.

It's a pity that Bijana's battle god's transformation is still cooling down, and Helen's body can't bear another transformation at all.Yue Chuan slapped Helen's shoulder with a slap, shaking off her Chaser patterns, and at the same time injected a stream of blood energy into Helen's body to help her calm down the tumbling blood and absorb her excited emotions.

Lei Ze had an innate fear of Yue Chuan, and this fear was almost rooted deep in his soul.Because he witnessed the power of Yue Chuan in his previous life, although he wanted to defeat Yue Chuan's divine power because of greed, he still failed in the end. Rising like a comet, Lei Ze mistakenly thought that Yue Chuan had awakened the ability of his previous life, and his fear of Yue Chuan deepened.

So after identifying Yue Chuan's identity just now, Lei Ze turned and ran away without saying a word, because he was afraid of Yue Chuan, even though he was already a god now.

(End of this chapter)

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