
Chapter 837 Indirect Collision with the Demon Blood God

Chapter 837 Indirect Collision with the Demon Blood God
Everyone watched in horror at the sudden dazzling light in the sky, and the violent concussion force hit like a tsunami. Even people who were dozens of miles away couldn't stand still and fell tottering.Those who were closer to the battle center all fell into gourds.Fortunately, although the power of the concussion is strong, it does not have much lethality, otherwise many people would have died in this blow.

Countless human beings got up from the ground, stretched their necks and stood on tiptoes to look at the source of the light. Their intuition told them that this huge movement must be related to the strong man who killed the Beamon zombie before, but the power to kill the Beamon zombie has already disappeared. The world is astounding, this kind of power is so much stronger now, is this really the power that human beings can have?
But then a huge question emerged in everyone's mind - who is he?

"Hey, I think the senior's outfit just now looks familiar."

"You think so too? I thought I was the only one who thought so. I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Isn't there a sky suit in the shopping mall in that world? It seems to be similar to what senior is wearing."

"That's right, although the sky suit given in the mall is like fog, but you can still see three parts of it, especially the wings, which are exactly the same as the clothes on the senior just now."

"You will find out when you enter that world later. Now, the most important thing is to drive out all these disgusting monsters!"

The powerful human beings fought back in full swing, but Yue Chuan stood in a deep pit with his eyes closed and comprehended.

Although it was only a statue that was destroyed just now, to some extent, the statue is a clone of the Demon Blood God, possessing a part of his power. Yue Chuan didn't know how much this "part of power" accounted for, but with the statue of the Demon Blood God, In the process of confrontation, there was a feeling of being crushed. In front of his own wind rule and speed mystery, the Demon Blood God was simply a piece of fish on a chopping board, without any ability to resist.

The Terra Stone Great Sword is entwined with the real power of wind, which is the power generated by the frequent triggering of the attributes of the Terra Stone Great Sword just now. The power of wind is rapidly dissipating, but Yue Chuan absorbed most of it during the dissipation process. These pure The power of the wind can make him understand the rules of the wind more clearly, and comprehend the profound meaning of speed. The power of the Terra Stone Great Sword is a perfect match with them.

Yue Chuan's mind reflected all the details of the confrontation with the Demon Blood God Statue, especially the flat slash he used that contained thousands of slashes. With the frequent use of this move, Yue Chuan became more and more proficient at controlling it. This should be regarded as a "movement" or even a "skill".

"One slash contains thousands of slashes, and the power of thousands of slashes is accumulated and burst out. Let's call it one slash and thousand blows!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as Yue Chuan raised his head, the four wings of the Supreme Phantom flapped suddenly. Yue Chuan's figure rose from the ground and rushed to the clouds. The sky city that had turned into dust immediately shot out a ray of light, and Yue Chuan's figure disappeared immediately.

Some people noticed this scene, but more people thought their eyes were dazzled, shook their heads, and immediately threw themselves into the battle to clean up the zombies.There is no way, Yue Chuan's speed is too fast, his body melts into the wind, and he walks against the wind, not to mention the help of the Supreme Phantom Sky Set, the extreme speed is vividly interpreted by Yue Chuan.

In the city of the sky, Yue Chuan put his palm on the crystal ball in the control center, the power of the server unfolded in his mind, and the positions of countless players appeared. Yue Chuan immediately locked on a player who was fighting zombies, and randomly used him as a reference object space shifting.

In the next moment, the sky city that turned into the size of dust appeared above another city tens of thousands of miles away. Yue Chuan still plunged down, cleaned up the threatening special zombies in an instant, and found the Demon Blood God idol.

The statue of the Demon Blood God looked at Yue Chuan in disbelief. One minute ago, Yue Chuan was fighting with him tens of thousands of miles away, but one minute later he appeared tens of thousands of miles away.There is only one possibility, and that is that he has objects with the ability to travel through space, and the distance and obstacles in space do not exist at all for him.

This human being has actually mastered props that can travel through space!
Thinking of this, the Demon Blood God felt like vomiting blood, because he didn't even have such props.The Devil Blood God traveled through countless worlds to reach the outskirts of the God's Continent still relied on the teleportation array.

Gods generally spread their spiritual ideas. When living beings feel their spiritual ideas and become their own believers, they begin to establish beliefs and worship, and have contact with the gods. In this case, even a blood-drinking Primitives also get wisdom and strength from gods.

The gods did not intend to teach the believers civilization, but only the believers who have opened their wisdom can do more things for him, such as building statues, spreading beliefs, and even erecting summoning arrays.

After hearing the news of the appearance of the gods, the Demon Blood God instructed Rudolph to create a summoning array to summon his refined zombie puppets to the continent of gods.This zombie puppet carried props to set up a teleportation array, and then this zombie puppet flew into the sky, to the outside of the God's Continent, and set up a teleportation array there, so that the Demon Blood God could teleport all the way from his own world to the periphery of the God's Continent .

Thinking of his hard work all the way, and thinking of the baby with the ability to travel through space in Yue Chuan's hands, the Demon Blood God couldn't help but feel jealous. The identity of a god did not bring him any sense of superiority this time, but It annoyed him even more.Something that a human being can have, but a god himself cannot get it.

It's a pity that Yue Chuan didn't know the envy, jealousy and hatred of the Demon Blood God, he just swung his sword slowly, arousing the power of wind in his body and the power of wind outside.

A thousand blows!
The great sword of Terra Stone slashed heavily on the shield outside the statue of the Demon Blood God. After a short stalemate, the shield outside the statue of the Demon Blood God cracked and shattered, and a blazing bloody light burst out from the Great Sword of Terra Stone, like a boundless sea of ​​blood , The statue of the Demon Blood God submerged and disappeared in an instant.

Yue Chuan's understanding of One Thousand Strikes became more and more profound, and the power of this move became more and more powerful. Just one sword cut through the shield outside the statue of the Demon Blood God. You must know that just a few minutes ago, Yue Chuan still needed repeated accumulation of sword after sword to finally destroy the statue of the Demon Blood God.

"It's such a powerful force, and the power of this move can continue to increase. Since there is one slash, there must be another slash, or even more. The growth power of this move is simply endless. No wonder the Supreme Phantom dares to Calling himself 'Supreme'."

Another city's crisis was lifted, Yue Chuan did not stay, and rushed into the sky with his head raised, and then the city of sky shuttled through space and came to the next city.

Although he was running around on various battlefields, Yue Chuan's mind had already flown out of the Continent of Gods, and was fixed on the Demon Blood God on the periphery of the world.

When Dragon Slaying can no longer show his bravery, the only thing he can do is kill God!

[Thank you for my sadness, you don't understand ~ reward "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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