
Chapter 838 The Desire of the Demon Blood God

Chapter 838 The Desire of the Demon Blood God
As the statues of the Demon Blood God were destroyed one after another, the power of the Demon Blood God Sect in the Continent of Gods was also completely eradicated. The Demon Blood God could no longer exert its divine power on the Continent of Gods, and his believers became street rats. Everyone yelled and beat them, and almost all the strong human beings spontaneously joined the hunt. Anyone and things related to zombies became their targets, so many soul harvesters had to summon zombies. Carefully.

Yue Chuan relied on the power of Sky City to support various battlefields, which also brought the battle to an early conclusion. Although there are still a large number of residual zombies in various places, but without brains to command, these zombies are not a threat at all. With reinforcements from all directions Arrived, the zombie group is also perishing rapidly.

Paul and Frank have returned to Great Qin to preside over daily affairs. In the city of the sky, Yue Chuan reached out and stroked the crystal ball in the control center. The power of the server has helped him lock Rudolph's position, and Yue Chuan even saw it through Rudolph's perspective. Clear the scene around him.

A desolate world without any vitality is a desert of life, where even the most tenacious weeds cannot survive.The ground is full of grayish-white sand and floating soil, and the deep pits hit by meteorites are densely distributed one after another. There are no mountains and rivers, let alone rivers. The whole world feels like a white land after a fire.This is a world of ashes.

Rudolph and several other believers of the Demon Blood God gathered together to draw warmth from a bonfire. There was a pot on the bonfire, and food was cooked in the pot, which was their dinner.There is also a magic circle around the believers, and the magic circle forms a bloody shield, protecting them airtightly.There are no enemies here, but there are more terrifying existences than enemies here. Without this shield, they will die immediately.

Because this world has no temperature, no water, and no air, the sky and the ground here are full of things that can pose a fatal threat to human beings. Even dust and light can instantly take away the fragile lives of human beings.This is a desert of life, and even a restricted area of ​​life. It is impossible for human beings to survive here. The reason why Rudolph and the others can survive until now is all because of the divine power of the Demon Blood God.

"Being human is really troublesome. You will get sick when you are cold or hot, and you will be hungry and tired from time to time. Although this world is big, there is no place where we can walk freely. There is a smell of feces and urine when we eat."

There is no way, people eat grains, they will naturally excrete, and the shelter space that the Demon Blood God can provide them is too small, so they can only make do with it.

"Sanctuary powerhouses are reborn and their life essence has changed, so they can survive in this environment, but it is only survival, and it is impossible to be free. Only the peak of the sanctuary or the gods can survive in this environment without worry. Next. But look at those zombies, how carefree they are, even the newly transformed zombies can move outside without relying on divine protection."

A few people looked out involuntarily, and there was a dense army of zombies, some in human form, some in bird form, and big men like Titans and Behemoths, as well as some strange little men.They are all zombies. The Demon Blood God collects the corpses of powerful creatures from the worlds he rules, and then refines them into zombies, and uses various methods of cultivating corpses to enhance the power of these zombies, making them constantly stronger.

Zombies are not living things. Although the environment here is a restricted area for life, there is no threat to zombies at all, so those believers who are confined in the protection of divine power will be envious.

"But if you become a zombie, you have to drink blood and eat meat, and you have to fight with your reason all the time, tsk tsk, do you really think you can maintain yourself?"

The believer who said that the zombies were good before was speechless.They are believers of the Demon Blood God, and they are all the leaders of various cities. How could they not know the disadvantages of zombies.

But the most important thing is: Zombies are not living creatures, they cannot produce the power of faith, and they are useless at all.

Zombies can only be tools for fighting, they have no value other than fighting, and what the Devil Blood God needs are not thugs, but believers who can give him the power of faith.That's why he brought Rudolph and other believers out, and even used divine power to provide them with a living environment. Otherwise, the Demon Blood God wouldn't bother to care about the lives of these believers.

Originally, the Devil Blood God came to the Continent of Gods just to gain the godheads of a few fallen gods and absorb the power of faith without a master inside. Now all the statues of the gods have been destroyed, and the believers have also been strangled. This plan has completely failed. .According to the logic, the Demon Blood God should go back home, but Yue Chuan's space-traversing props aroused the Demon Blood God's greed.

The Demon Blood God longed for this item.The power of faith can be obtained at any time, even if you don't plunder the fallen gods, you can also cultivate believers to produce continuously.But the props for traveling through space are too precious, and I have not been able to have them for tens of thousands of years since I became a god.

Although I can shuttle through the teleportation array, the drawbacks and limitations of the teleportation array are too many. You must have a teleportation point to teleport. If you don't have one, sorry, please fly over by yourself.

As long as you fly once, you can leave a teleportation array at the target location, and you can teleport directly when you want to go back later.But setting up the teleportation array also requires capital, especially the space spar, which is very expensive, and there are not many demon blood gods.In addition, the teleportation array needs to be maintained frequently, and it is necessary to prevent sudden accidents. In case someone passing by dismantles the space spar and destroys the teleportation array, or the teleportation array fails due to earthquakes and torrents, let alone how much It's hot.

That's why the Demon Blood God covets Yue Chuan's prop that can freely travel through space. With this prop, he can freely enter and exit various worlds, and his control over various worlds will also increase unprecedentedly. He can even explore many new worlds. Recruit more believers and gain more beliefs.Moreover, this kind of prop is also a means of life-saving, if you encounter any danger, you can just run away.

"Must get it!"

The Demon Blood God muttered to himself.This thing is related to one's future improvement and achievement, and it is of vital significance to oneself. This kind of treasure must be held in one's own hands.

This time, the Demon Blood God spared no expense, and summoned all his zombie puppets. He wanted to attack the God's Continent by force, weaken the power of the world in the God's Continent, and finally descended.

It's just that the Demon Blood God never dreamed that before he had time to act, Yue Chuan would take the initiative to find him.

[Thank you for my sadness, you don't understand ~ reward "Creation" with 100 book coins!Thank you very much]

(End of this chapter)

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