
Chapter 923 World War

Chapter 923 World War
At the moment when the bud-shaped mark was imprinted on Yue Chuan's godhead, countless information flooded into Yue Chuan's mind. The information was unimaginably huge and complicated, but the information did not make Yue Chuan dizzy, or even feel uncomfortable. .

This feeling is very strange to Yue Chuan, but there is a different kind of familiarity, just like... just like when he became a game administrator and managed the entire "Dungeon and Warriors" game world.It's just that this time it is the God's Continent World.

No, to be precise, it should be the world of God's Continent, Demon's Continent, and the world where Freud is.

The Continent of God and the Continent of Demons were originally derived from this world tree, and it just swallowed the core seed of another world, that is to say, it represents three worlds, and as a person recognized by it, Yue Chuan also Has the ability to control these three worlds.

Yue Chuan's eyes are closed, but his thinking extends infinitely. Every plant and tree in the three worlds is clearly presented in Yue Chuan's heart. secret.

Wind, rain, thunder, lightning, mountain torrents and tsunami... All the changes in these three worlds are clearly presented in Yue Chuan's mind. All invisible things have a clear context in front of Yue Chuan's eyes. Changes, cutting off these veins can end their existence.

With Yue Chuan's thought, thousands of zhang waves arose on the ocean of God's Continent, and thousands of thunderbolts appeared in the sky of Demon's Continent.

"Isn't it amazing?"

Hearing Qianqian's words, Yue Chuan nodded, and then opened his eyes.

Obtaining the approval of the world tree is too similar to becoming a game administrator, just like jumping from an ordinary player to a GM.

The budding world tree is still growing, its roots are deeply rooted in the world of God's Continent, and there are two branches that penetrate into the endless void, but Yue Chuan perceives that these two branches are respectively connected to the world of Demon's Continent and another world.

Yue Chuan clearly noticed that these three worlds were connected and connected by the World Tree, just like the hidden connection between the power of faith and the godhead, all three worlds are changing, such as the power of the world .

Originally, the world powers of the three worlds were different, but when the world tree sprouted, the world powers of the three worlds changed at the same time, gradually became consistent, and finally became exactly the same.In other words, the creatures in these three worlds can shuttle back and forth, even without the protection of anti-magic equipment, they will not be attacked and obliterated by the power of the world.

Yue Chuan turned to Qian Qian and asked, "Is it because I continue to collect the cores of other worlds so that the World Tree can continue to grow stronger?"

Sissy nodded, "When our gods and demons were born, the World Tree had nine branches and three root systems. Each branch and each root system corresponded to a world. There are twelve worlds in total. These worlds are self-derived. There are also mergers of other worlds. After the world tree is pushed down, these twelve worlds merge into one, which is the predecessor of the continent of gods and the continent of demons. If you help the world tree grow, it will sooner or later be multifarious, fruitful."

Can worlds be merged, or can they be divided?
This is indeed unimaginable, but it is true. When the World Tree grows to a certain extent, and the number of worlds on the World Tree reaches a certain number, the World Tree and the world will undergo qualitative changes, and countless worlds will merge into one. For Zhongqian World.

When Yue Chuan crossed, the DNF on Earth was already promoting the "Great Shift·Great Destruction" expansion pack, but with the approval of World Tree, Yue Chuan realized that the so-called Great Shift and Great Destruction were not disasters, but a new life. Because that represented the promotion of the Arad world to a more advanced world.

"Brother, according to my observations and inferences, the world of kendo civilization should also have a world tree, and their world tree is more robust, and has even reached the edge of world promotion. Their accumulated heritage is deep enough, and the only thing missing is an opportunity."

A cold light flashed in Yue Chuan's eyes, "You mean to devour other worlds?"

"That's right. Every world must have a world tree, and the world tree will give birth to the world again. It's just a difference in time. Not every world tree is revealed in the light, it may be hidden in the void, or it may be hidden. In a certain living being. World trees are in a competitive relationship with each other, just like two trees in the same forest will compete for sunlight and rain, there will inevitably be a war between the world of kendo civilization and us."

There are national wars in the secular world. A war of this level is no longer the gain or loss of a city or a place, but the collapse of a country and the demise of a race.What is more cruel than the national war is the world war. Just like the general and handsome on the chess board, only one of the two sides can survive.

"Once we fail, our world will not be destroyed, and our race will not perish, but all of these will be integrated into the other party's world and become part of their world. But there is one exception, that is, those of us on the World Tree The gods who were born, I didn't understand until now that the world tree is where our roots are, if the world tree completely disappears, we will gradually perish like a rootless tree and water without a source."

"This day will not come!"

Sissy shook her head, "Yes, and soon. I've seen it!"

Already seen it?Yue Chuan's heart sank.

"The feud between the world of kendo civilization and us has already ended, but now it is just a festive, our personal grievances with the ancestor of the Zixiao Sword Sect. But if the other party finds out about the existence of the World Tree, it will immediately rise to the level of the world tree. War, so brother, in any case, don't use the world tree in front of outsiders, especially when facing the world of kendo civilization."

"How many years do we have?"

"The algorithm of the Kendo civilized world is half a Jiazi, and our algorithm is 30 years."

30 years?enough!For other worlds, 30 years is just a moment, an insignificant moment, but for me, for the "Dungeon and Warriors" game world, it is an extremely long time, a long process full of infinite changes, during this time Here, I can completely create a new world, a different future.

Sissi looked at Yue Chuan and said in a low voice: "Brother, am I being selfish in doing this? In fact, the world of kendo civilization is stronger than ours, and its background is also more abundant. If they are promoted, they can face Apophis in the future. Playing more roles, but for the survival of the gods and demons, I..."

Yue Chuan pressed Sissi's shoulder, "No, we have no obligation to sacrifice ourselves to help others. To me, you are the most important, Sissy, you are the first person I see when I open my eyes, you are My everything. We will cut the thorns and ride the wind and waves for you, even if there is a day when the car capsizes, I will definitely fall in front of you and die under you."

(End of this chapter)

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