
Chapter 924 Freud's Way

Chapter 924 Freud's Way

Three days later, the fighting spirit members started combat missions to fight against the god called Hercules. Yue Chuan found that that Hercules seemed to have been recognized by the World Tree, because when the fighting spirit members were fighting Hercules, The power of the world in this world is getting stronger and stronger, and the suppression of the power of the fighting spirit is becoming more and more serious. Although they will not die because of the anti-magic equipment, their attributes have been greatly affected. Weakened, it was not the opponent of Hercules in the first place, but now it has become a soft-legged shrimp.

Yue Chuan knew that it was Hercules who communicated with the World Tree and made the World Tree strengthen the power of the world. Although this enhancement would not last long and would cause serious consumption to the World Tree, this method could extremely effectively weaken the power of the World Tree. Invaders from another world, or even directly kill the invaders from another world.

"This is a good way. If you encounter a large-scale invasion, you can do the same. Even if you can't kill the enemy, you will greatly weaken the enemy's combat effectiveness."

The energy for the growth of the world tree is drawn from the world and the void. This process is very slow and inefficient, so it cannot maintain the power of the world for a long time. However, Yue Chuan has magic juice and girl's feet to irrigate, so there is no need to worry about his world tree The problem of consumption can even maintain high-intensity world power for a long time without any scruples.

"The power of the world is too strong. Even with an ancient weapon, it is still weakened by a quarter, and the strength of the enemy has increased in the power of the world. If one goes up and down, we are at an absolute disadvantage."

Si Jue reported to Yue Chuan the difficulties encountered by the members of the fighting spirit.Among ancient equipment, weapons have the most anti-magic value, but for the sake of displaying their strength, many people will not choose ancient weapons, but use other parts to ensure sufficient anti-magic value, but Hercules has enhanced the power of the world, even if They will still be weakened if they switch to ancient weapons.

Yue Chuan nodded. The power of the world is so strong that it can only show that the World Tree of this world has grown up and recognized Hercules.However, this also shows that Hercules has never dealt with the outside world, and he does not know what kind of danger he will bring to himself by exposing the World Tree so carelessly. His behavior well explains what it means to not die. die.

If this continues, Hercules will encounter iron plates sooner or later and be targeted by other worlds. In this case, it is better to swallow this world tree by himself, so that his own world tree can grow faster.

But Yue Chuan didn't make a move, because he would also be rejected by the power of the world, and the stronger the strength, the greater the rejection, not to mention the fact that Hercules enhanced the power of the world in this world.Moreover, Yue Chuan has the imprint of the World Tree on his body, once he penetrates into the world below, it will inevitably cause a strong counterattack from the World Tree, so in this battle, Yue Chuan is destined to be able to only sweep from the side.This is also what makes Yue Chuan depressed, and this may be the only flaw recognized by World Tree.

This feeling of powerlessness also made Yue Chuan understand how difficult the struggle between World Trees is. Perhaps this is the real war between gods. His superiority overwhelmed him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Several celestial scientists shook their heads helplessly at this predicament. The celestial clansmen have only entered the sky, but have not yet stepped out of the sky. Their technology is still at the stage of aircraft, rockets and satellites, and spaceships, space battleships, etc. are still in the fantasy stage , it is impossible to give Yue Chuan any help in this matter.However, this strange power of the world made them very interested, so they listed this thing as a research project.

"Take the power of the world as a kind of tempering, like running with a sandbag tied. You will encounter this kind of situation frequently in the future, so get used to it in advance."

Floyd squeezed his chin and said, "Master, although we can't go down, it's okay to throw some things down from outside the world..."

Seeing Floyd's sinister smile, everyone couldn't help but jump in their hearts.

"Throw something?"

Yue Chuan couldn't help thinking of the time when he killed the Demon Blood God. The Demon Blood God sealed the zombies with rocks and soil, and threw them into God's Continent in the form of meteorites, although some of them would burn during the friction with the atmosphere. Exhausted, but as long as one or two land successfully, it will cause great chaos to the Continent of God.

"Throwing things is fine, but pay attention to the friction of the atmosphere, it will..."

Yue Chuan slapped his forehead suddenly, but he forgot that Floyd is the God of Vulcan, and the things he created are all condensed by the energy of flames. These things will not burn and burn in friction like steel and stone, but will absorb friction The heat was stored, and instead of weakening the power of the robot after it fell to the ground, it even strengthened a lot.

The ancestor Zixiao in the world of kendo civilization once stabbed him with a sword from outside the world, scaring Ned Hogg into running away.But that sword also had a huge consumption on Patriarch Zi Xiao,
"It seems that you, wise master, already know what I'm going to do."

Floyd smiled sinisterly, and then walked out of the sky city, with a move, a raging fire was ignited in front of him, and the flame power was poured in continuously, and one after another RX78-chaser robots appeared slowly in the raging fire middle.These robots are not made of steel, every part is condensed by flame power, and the energy and detonation parts are also condensed by flame power, everything is flame energy.

Go on!

In the past, I used to throw fireballs, fire pillars, fire walls, etc., but now throwing small robots, it feels really sour!
More than 100 RX78-chaser robots fell like a flock of birds to the world where Hercules is.One after another, scarlet flames pierced the sky, and all the creatures in the world below looked at the sky curiously and in fear, at the dense meteor swarm.Some active minds are already thinking about the location where the meteor will fall, and want to try their luck in the past.

The RX78-chaser robots are lifeless and will not be wiped out by the power of the world, so they all landed smoothly, some of them exploded when they landed, but there are still many RX78-chaser robots intact, and then these little things gopher mice The same scurry, then self-destruct.


The soaring smoke, dust and flames could be seen clearly even hundreds of miles away, and the ensuing huge shock shocked all the creatures in that world. They knelt down and prayed to Hercules one by one, begging Hercules not to descend to God. Anger punishes himself.But at this time, Hercules' heart twitched endlessly. This was not the wrath of God descended by him at all, but other gods.

Floyd laughed wildly, and waved a river of flames flowing, and one after another RX-78 pursuers with condensed flame energy appeared.

"Unfortunately, my sharpshooter has just changed jobs and only mastered the skills of small robots. It would be great if I learned storm robots, airdrop support, and interceptor factories. Tsk tsk..."

Floyd's unscrupulous bombings were neither painful nor itchy. They basically landed in the mountains and fields, and did not hit a few cities and villages at all.But this kind of constant bang explosion made Hercules believers all pray in fear, making Hercules extremely irritable.

Hercules knew that the enemy was forcing him to submit, forcing him to withdraw the power of the world to fight them.

(End of this chapter)

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