Wu Sheng family

Chapter 123 Five Lines of Spirit Sealing Formation

Chapter 123 Five Elements Spirit Sealing Formation

"Yo, it's unbelievable. As expected, it's from Kunlun. The shot is really extraordinary!" said the leader of the opponent.

"You can only be envious. If I'm right, your strength is not your own strength at all, but forced to reach the current level through some kind of secret method. In other words, your strength will not be able to go further for the rest of your life. , no matter how good the elixir is, it will not work for you." Ji Changyu said lightly.

Hearing Ji Changyu's words, Duan Rufeng and Wan Liuqing suddenly thought of something and looked at Guan Moya.

Guan Moya was a little moved by the two people's concern, but he also said a little funny: "Don't worry, I'm making progress all the time, don't you see it? Don't worry, I'm not them, relying on secret methods to improve my skills!"

"That's good, that's good!" Duan Rufeng and Wan Liuqing sighed.

"Haha~~ so what?" said the leader.

"Don't think about making progress!" Ji Changyu said.

"It's not up to a junior like you to dictate the choice of the old man! Even if we can't go any further for the rest of our lives, so what? At least we can surpass most people. If we rely on ourselves, we will be hopeless in this life. What's wrong with that?" That humane.

Ji Changyu frowned slightly. After all, the other party's words were not bad. I don't think any genius can achieve their current state.For most people, their realm may be really satisfying.

At least, the eyes of the old man surnamed Hu and the people in the martial arts present showed envious expressions. Ji Changyu can believe that as long as someone says they can help them, and their skills can no longer improve in the future, these people will also be willing. .It seems that my idea may be wrong.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, Brother Ji, get ready! A martial artist who gives up spying on the pinnacle of martial arts is not worthy of respect at all!" Guan Moya said, "Sister, the rest is all up to you!"

Of course, everyone understood what Guan Moya meant. Whether or not there was a chance of survival in this battle depended entirely on Xue Ningshuang. After all, if the strength of the opponent did not drop, no matter how hard he tried, it would be futile.

"Junior Sister, I can't do it alone, so you can help me!" Xue Ningshuang said to Huang Qiyan.

"Senior sister, don't worry!" Huang Qiyan said solemnly.

"Then let's get started!"

After finishing speaking, Xue Ningshuang reached out and took out five hairpins that looked like jade from between her buns, and then handed two of them to Huang Qiyan.

After Huang Qiyan took it, she put it in the palm of her hand, and then held the hairpin tightly with her palm like Xue Ningshuang.

"Binding Spirit Seal, undo it!" Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan shouted in unison after the terrifying aura condensed on the fists holding the hairpin.

Immediately afterwards, the aura gathered on their fists suddenly poured into their fists. When the two of them spread their palms again, the ordinary-looking hairpins were now crystal clear, and each of them had a color lingering around them, which looked abnormal mystery.

"Wood Spirit, the Emperor of the East!" Xue Ningshuang yelled, and following the yell, a cyan jade hairpin in her hand turned into a beam of light and shot out with a 'swish', and finally half-sinked into the east stone wall.

"Jin Ling, the Emperor of the West!" Huang Qiyan was also like Xue Ningshuang, and a white jade hairpin in her hand was smashed into the stone wall to the west.

"Huoling, the emperor of the south!" Xue Ningshuang shot a red light into a wall to the south.

"Shui Ling, the Emperor of the North!" A black light was shot into the north wall by Huang Qiyan.

Now Xue Ningshuang still has the last jade hairpin in her hand, which glows yellow.At this time, Xue Ningshuang didn't immediately pull out the jade hairpin, but then glanced at Huang Qiyan beside her.Seeing Huang Qiyan nod her head, she slowly raised her hand.

"Earth Spirit, the emperor of the center!" The last jade hairpin shot out from Xue Ningshuang's hand towards the top of her head, and finally shot into the stone wall above her head.

The moment the last jade hairpin left Xue Ningshuang, she quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, and Huang Qiyan had been prepared to sit behind Xue Ningshuang, her palms resting on Xue Ningshuang's back.

"Haha~~ Formation? Interesting!" A voice came from among the people at the entrance of the cave.

Xue Ningshuang didn't have time to pay attention to these things now. After sitting cross-legged, she kept changing the palm prints in her hands, and murmured incessantly: "The Empress Dowager, the Blessed Mother, the Five Emperors of Heaven and Earth, form the five-element seal, five-element sealing spirit array!"

With the completion of the formation, a five-color streamer rose along the cave wall, and finally surrounded the cave.Until this stream of light sealed the place, the expressions of the dozen or so masters of the 'Beast God Cult' at the entrance of the cave began to change.

"How is it possible?" The strongest reactions were those of the five heaven-level junior masters, and the faces of the eight local-level peak players were also full of surprise.

Except for them, the other people present didn't feel any difference, but this streamer was shocking.In addition, his opponent seemed to be in trouble. Looking at it, what Xue Ningshuang said just now should not have lied to himself.

In fact, Guan Moya's complexion also changed after being a member of the Beast God Sect, because just as the 'Five Elements Sealing Spirit Formation' was completed, Guan Moya suddenly felt that the aura around him seemed to be bound.

The spiritual energy that could be absorbed easily, now seems to be out of control.But fortunately, I used all my strength to cast 'Reversal of the Universe', and I can still use this aura, but it's not as satisfying as it used to be.

"Haha~~ How about it? The power of a heaven-level master is to borrow the power of heaven and earth. Now we have sealed the power of heaven and earth. In this way, your strength is just a little stronger than the peak of the earth-level. And the original earth-level At the pinnacle, you can also use some power of heaven and earth, although it is negligible, but if you lack such a little, your strength is very different. Your strength is the lower level of the earth level. This is the difference between the lower level of the earth level and the peak of the earth level. And the lower ranks of the prefecture level have never comprehended the power of heaven and earth at all, so the seal is invalid below the lower ranks of the prefecture level!" Ji Changyu said.

"I don't believe it anymore, two girls can use such a sealing technique?"

"If you don't believe me, I advise you not to waste your efforts. If you want to break the seal, unless your strength reaches the lower level of the sky, of course I mean the people inside. If you are outside, it is of course much easier. , haha~~" Ji Changyu laughed.

After listening to Ji Changyu's words, Guan Moya thought it was true.But Guan Moya was a little frightened. This sealing method could even seal a heavenly master, and he couldn't use the power of heaven and earth.And relying on this 'Reversal of the Universe', I was able to absorb the aura of heaven and earth. Did I really fully comprehend this 'Reversal of the Universe'?
(End of this chapter)

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