Wu Sheng family

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

At this time, Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan's aura weakened rapidly. They were still at the top of the prefecture level just now, but now they are only at the bottom of the prefecture level. It seems that a lot of energy was spent on arranging the seal just now.

"Senior Brother Ji, hurry up. Although you are also at the peak of the prefecture level, you should not be affected by this 'Five Elements Sealing Array'. Hurry up!" Huang Qiyan said with some difficulty, while Xue Ningshuang closed her eyes tightly. He closed his eyes and made no sound.

But at this time, the leader of the Beast God Sect suddenly laughed and said: "There is a way, it is worthy of being the heir of Kunlun. But even so, so what? What can you rabble do against us? It's fantastic!"

"Brother Yinlong, are you ready?" Ji Changyu didn't answer him, but asked Guan Moya.

Guan Moya slowly pulled out the saber from his waist, and then inserted the scabbard into the rocky ground beside him, saying: "In this way, if we don't kill them all, how can we be worthy of the little bit of life Sister Xue fought so hard for us? !"

"Kill!" Guan Moya and the others yelled, and rushed towards the masters of the 'Beast God Sect'. Seeing Guan Moya, they had already made a move, and those people in the rivers and lakes were not left behind. If you hit Xiao Jiujiu, you will only kill yourself.

The thirteen masters of the 'Beast God Sect' looked at the large group of people rushing towards them, without any panic on their faces.Although they have a large number of people, even if their own strength has dropped a lot, they are still more than enough to deal with these mobs.

"My lord, to deal with them, eight of us are enough!" One of the top prefecture-level masters, who is now a low-level prefecture-level master, said loudly to the leading master.

The leader looked at Guan Moya and Ji Changyu who were rushing forward, then shook his head and said, "Don't be careless, maybe eight of you might not be enough!"

He ignored the reluctance of his subordinates, and continued: "Leave those two to me!"

"grown ups?"

"The boy in the High Heaven Pavilion is not easy. There should be no opponent among the eight of you. Let me do it myself, and leave the rest to you!"

Seeing that my lord has already made a decision, those masters of the 'Beast God Cult' no longer persisted, someone said: "My lord, those two girls used this formation, shall we deal with them first?"

"What are you in a hurry for? They are from Kunlun, and it's best to catch them alive. Don't you have confidence in your own strength? Can't you deal with these trash fish now?"

"No~~No, this subordinate is just~~Of course this subordinate will not put these miscellaneous fish in their eyes!"

"Okay, let's kill the rest of the personalities, and keep the few people from Kunlun, maybe it's still useful, my lord!"

After finishing speaking, the masters of the 'Beast God Cult' also greeted Guan Moya and his party.

"Stop! Your opponent is the two of us!" Ji Changyu stopped the four prefecture-level peak masters.

Those four prefecture-level peak masters looked at Ji Changyu and Guan Moya with some disdain, and then laughed: "You brat who doesn't know how high the sky is!"

The adult from the 'Beast God Sect' was a little surprised by Ji Changyu and Guan Moya's performance, he walked forward slowly and said: "Haha~~ Since you are so anxious to see Lord Yan, I don't mind giving you a ride!" After saying this, he suddenly recovered and pointed to Ji Changyu and said to his four subordinates, "Keep him alive!"

"Hmph! Arrogance!" Ji Changyu pulled out his sword from his waist.

"Good sword!" The adult couldn't help admiring Ji Changyu's sword.

"Even if you still have some eyesight, this sword is called 'Zixiao'. As for its power, I will let you all see it later!" Ji Changyu said.

"What a magic weapon!" Guan Moya sighed inwardly, the moment the 'Zixiao' sword was unsheathed, Guan Moya could clearly sense that the aura of heaven and earth around Ji Changyu became much stronger.

"Go!" The adult just smiled, and then gave orders to his four subordinates.

"Brother Yinlong, do you choose three or two?" Ji Changyu asked.

Guan Moya said without hesitation: "Two people!"

Ji Changyu was taken aback, looking at Guan Moya's firm expression, he couldn't help but sighed and said, "Be careful!"

In fact, Ji Changyu thought that Guan Moya should choose three people, because if there were two people, he would have to face the leader of the other party.Although the strengths of these five people are all at the elementary level of the heaven level and are now above the peak of the earth level, he also knows that the strength of the leader is definitely higher than that of the other four.Although it cannot be said that he alone is better than a combination of four, but at least he can at least deal with the other two.

But now that Guan Moya had chosen them, his opponents would be stronger than the three of them.But now that Guan Moya has chosen, he can't say no, after all, everyone has a competitive heart.

Ji Changyu abandoned all distracting thoughts in his mind, the only thing he can do now is to deal with the three people in front of him as soon as possible, and then go to help Guan Moya.

"Huh?" Looking at Guan Moya who stopped him, the leading adult was a little surprised, "Where did you come from, he is only a prefecture-level middle-level boy, how dare he be so arrogant!"

Guan Moya waved the precious sword in his hand, and said coldly: "Then you can try it! It's best for both of you to attack at the same time, otherwise you will regret it!"

"My lord, I am enough alone, you rest first!"

The adult nodded and said, "Quick battle!"

"Boy, although you have the strength of a prefecture-level mid-level at a young age, you can be said to be a shocking genius, but in my eyes, it is still not worth mentioning. Go to hell!" Guan Moya.

Guan Moya stared closely at the opponent rushing towards him, the 'reversal of the universe' in his body was running rapidly, and the cyclone in the dantian once again connected to the mysterious 'God Devouring Point' in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Sensing that the opponent had already arrived in the sky in front of him, Guan Moya's eyes suddenly burst out with two green lights. The speed was unexpectedly fast, and the opponent had no time to dodge.

"What's the matter? My body, my internal strength?" The beast god master in the air was extremely shocked. After the green light suddenly shot out from the kid's eyes hit him, his body became stiff, and his body The internal strength is rapidly lost.

Without hesitation, Guan Moya kicked his feet on the ground after casting 'God Eater', and shot his body towards the opponent in the air with a 'swish'.

He raised the precious sword in his hand high, and shouted loudly in his heart: "Qinglong Slash!" With the sound of shouting in his heart, the precious knife in Guan Moya's hand suddenly shot out a huge blue light, and the sound of piercing the sky was like Bursts of dragon chant volleyed towards the master of the 'Beast God Cult'.

The master of the 'Beast God Sect' could feel the frightening power of Guan Moya's knife, and desperately pushed his skill to the limit, only then did he recover a little bit of action.It is too late to dodge now, and the rest have to use their own weapons to resist.

So he quickly raised his hand to the top of his head and swiped at the void. Suddenly his face changed drastically. At this moment, he remembered that his strength was no longer heaven-level, and the spiritual power of this world was also sealed by this formation. If you can't use the 'Sleeve Cosmos' at all, you won't be able to take out your own weapons at all.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and wanted to dodge, but it was obviously too late, Guan Moya's knife had already struck.

(End of this chapter)

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