Wu Sheng family

Chapter 131

Chapter 131
Unexpectedly, this time was not his doomsday, but a way out for himself. As long as he could follow this passage that suddenly appeared, he could still escape from here.

Of course, while many people were excited, their faces suddenly reacted, and they looked at the two people fighting in the middle in extreme shock.

"Did these two people do all of this?" Those people couldn't believe it.

At this moment, there was a change in the field. The figure emitting blue light suddenly roared, his hands swung violently, and then his right foot kicked on the ground.Immediately, countless stone thorns emitted faint blue light and shot at the bloody figure in the air.

And the bloody figure shook its palms violently, and its body suddenly jumped into the air. Then, with a wave of its hands, those stone thorns turned into gravel and fell to the ground.

"I found it, haha~~~ I found it!" As soon as the bloody figure landed on the ground, it stared closely at the purple divine fire floating in the air.

"My lord, congratulations, my lord!" Blood Fang and the masters behind him suddenly knelt down to the man and shouted.

Shi Tianlang suppressed his excitement slightly, glanced at Xueya and his subordinates, frowned slightly and said, "Why are you the only ones here? Eh?"

Shi Tianlang just glanced at the place and found the bodies of those people, he couldn't help saying with a cold face: "You can't even deal with these wastes, you really look good on me!"

"My lord, forgive me!" Blood Fang and the others hurriedly said.

Guan Moya stared blankly at the person who suddenly appeared on the field, rubbed his eyes, and called out with some uncertainty: "Senior?"

"Oh, so you're here too!" Guan Peiao also glanced at the people on the field, and couldn't help laughing when he saw Guan Moya.

"Senior, is it really you?" Guan Moya said excitedly. Before, he just felt that the aura of the person in front of him was similar to that of his senior at that time, but his appearance was quite different, so he shouted proving One sentence.Unexpectedly, it was really a senior, and I thought he had already ruined the murderous hand of Xing'an Ershan.

"Huh, Shi Tianlang?" Guan Moya said in surprise.

"Oh, who am I supposed to be? So you are not dead yet, you really are a family, everyone is extraordinary!" While speaking, Shi Tianlang couldn't help but cast a glance at Guan Peiao and said.

"It's me, now is not the time to talk about this!" Guan Peiao said to Guan Moya, then glanced at Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan, and with a wave of his hands, two qi energies instantly submerged into their bodies.

"What did you do to them?" Wan Liuqing questioned, the man's attack just now was too fast, and he had no possibility of avoiding it.

"Brother Wan, don't worry, senior has good intentions!" Guan Moya said.

"What a reckless little girl, do you really want to die?" Guan Peiao glanced at Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan who had woken up leisurely, and said.

Seeing that Xue Ningshuang and Huang Qiyan were fine, Ji Changyu was naturally extremely happy. Apart from being happy, he was a little puzzled about the old man who had saved two people in front of him.

"Leave quickly!" Guan Peiao said.

"Senior, may I ask your surname?" Ji Changyu asked, cupping his fists.

Guan Peiao smiled at Ji Changyu and said: "Yes, like Zhuang You, he is also a rare genius, really good!"

"Zhuang You?" After Ji Changyu murmured, his expression changed, and he immediately came to his senses, "Uncle Song?"

"Alright, let's go!" Guan Peiao said.

"Haha~~" Shi Tianlang laughed loudly, "It's no wonder my subordinates killed so many people. It turns out that they were present, which is surprising. With such a little cultivation, my subordinates can be killed or injured. Seriously, it really lives up to its reputation!"

Seeing Guan Peiao standing in front of him calmly, blocking his way, Shi Tianlang smiled slightly and said: "Are you afraid that I will make a move? You don't have to think so, I can't bully the small with the big, But if you can stop me, can you stop my subordinates?"

Guan Peiao frowned and said, "Just stop you!"

"I don't have time to spend with you right now. I'll give you a choice. If you don't stop me from getting the magic fire, I can let them leave safely!" Shi Tianlang pointed at Guan Moya and his party.

"Don't be delusional!"

"Hey, don't think I'm afraid of you, I just want to avoid any accidents I don't want to see in the process of getting Shenhuo. If that's the case, then I won't hold back!" Shi Tianlang said, " Blood Fang, what are you waiting for, take the Divine Fire!"

"My lord?" Xue Ya asked with some hesitation as his heart skipped a beat.

"Bold, dawdling, don't you want to live?" Shi Tianlang shouted.

"Yes!" Xueya hurriedly replied, and also had a red jade pot in his hand.

Guan Moya paid attention to the blood tooth. He saw the blood tooth looking at the god fire in the air with some fear, and he knew in his heart that taking the god fire should be risky, otherwise the blood tooth would not have been delayed until now.There is no other way now, so I have to bite the bullet and go on.

"Your opponent is me!" Seeing Guan Peiao's body move slightly, Shi Tianlang couldn't help but said.

Guan Peiao was a little anxious, but he was helpless, but this divine fire must not fall into their hands.

"What are you waiting for!" Shi Tianlang yelled at Blood Fang.

At this time, Xue Ya had to grit his teeth, and rushed towards Shenhuo in the air with the blood-red jade pot in one hand.

Guan Moya glanced at Guan Peiao, knowing that the current senior would not be able to get away, he had known that Shi Tianlang's strength was not simple, but now it seemed that his terror was beyond his expectations.

Now you can only rely on yourself if you want to stop Xueya, and it is impossible to catch up with Xueya, so you have to~~~
Thinking of this, Guan Moya did not hesitate, an astonishing aura erupted from his body, which shocked Ji Changyu who was at the side. He really did not expect that Guan Moya still has such strength until now.

Guan Moya absorbed the spiritual energy crazily, with palm prints constantly forming in his hands, and now Guan Moya is going all out, shouting loudly: "The green dragon transforms into form!"

Immediately, Guan Moya only felt that the huge aura in his body was torn out. His face was pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He thought to himself: "My strength is still not enough! Now if I force it, I still can't bear it!"

However, this is the only way to stop the blood teeth. Fortunately, Guan Moya's skill is 'reverse the universe', so Guan Moya can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth indefinitely to make up for the lack of spiritual energy in his meridians.If he really relied on his own internal strength, Guan Moya might be sucked into it, and he would not be able to meet the requirements for performing this exercise.

The huge aura fluctuations on Guan Moya's body surprised Shi Tianlang and Guan Peiao, because they could see through Guan Moya's strength at a glance, but now the aura exuding from Guan Moya's body definitely has the might of a heavenly master, especially The huge breath he condensed.

(End of this chapter)

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